940 resultados para Efetividade do PETI
Pós-graduação em Ciência Florestal - FCA
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
OBJETIVOS: Este estudo visa a analisar os efeitos, a longo prazo, de cinco diferentes tratamentos sobre o controle metabólico de ratos diabéticos aloxânicos. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados 7 grupos experimentais, com 50 ratos cada um, sendo: GN o grupo controle normal; GD o grupo controle diabético, sem tratamento; GI, GA e GIA os grupos tratados, respectivamente, com insulina, acarbose e associação insulina + acarbose; GTIL o grupo tratado com transplante de ilhotas de Langerhans; e o GTPD o grupo tratado com transplante pancreatoduodenal heterotópico. Parâmetros clínicos (peso, ingestão hídrica, ingestão alimentar e diurese) e laboratoriais (glicemia, glicose urinária e insulina plasmática) foram avaliados em todos os animais, no início do experimento, e após 1, 3, 6, 9 e 12 meses de seguimento. RESULTADOS: À exceção do GN, mortalidade foi observada em todos os grupos experimentais no seguimento de 12 meses (GD= 50%; GI= 20%; GA= 26%; GIA= 18%; GTIL= 4%; GTPD= 20%). em GD, GI, GA e GIA os óbitos ocorreram por distúrbios metabólicos ou hidroeletrolíticos e/ou pneumonia, diarréia e caquexia; em GTIL e GTPD todos os óbitos ocorreram por falhas técnicas no pós-operatório até 72h. Animais dos grupos GI, GA e GIA tiveram melhora significativa (p < 0,05) de todos os parâmetros clínicos e laboratoriais observados em ratos diabéticos, sem diferença de efetividade entre os tratamentos. Porém, os resultados observados nestes grupos, biologicamente não foram comparáveis aos observados em GTIL e GTPD, onde observou-se correção completa, aos níveis normais, de todas as variáveis analisadas (p<0,01). CONCLUSÕES: Os tratamentos convencionais com insulina, acarbose e insulina + acarbose melhoraram o estado diabético grave dos ratos tratados, contudo, a eficácia dos tratamentos foi significativamente inferior à oferecida pelo GTIL e GTPD.
The contamination of the umbilical region of newly hatched ostriches is one of the major problems in the bird production. This work aimed to evaluate the umbilical healing of ostriches (Struthio camelus) through the use of chlorhexidine as antiseptic associated to the total or partial umbilical cord cut off. It was used 168 newly hatched ostriches of which the umbilical cords were either sectioned totally or 0.5 cm above their insertion. The umbilical region antisepsis consisted of topical administration of an aqueous or alcoholic solution of chlorhexidine, 0.5, 1.0 or 2.0% during three days. A group of non-treated animals was added also. The umbilical healing was evaluated in the ostriches at 14 and 28 days of age. Results showed that all the chlorhexidine solutions reduced the risk of omphalitis, being the alcoholic solution 2% the most efficient. Umbilical healing was faster in animals in which the umbilical cord was totally cut off. It can be concluded that the use of chlorhexidine as antiseptic for newly hatched ostriches is safe and favors the umbilical healing. Moreover, for a better effectiveness it is necessary to remove the umbilical cord in its insertion
Dental avulsion is the most severe type of traumatic tooth injuries because it causes damageto several structures and results in the complete displacement of the tooth from its socketin the alveolar bone. The ideal situation is to replant an exarticulated tooth immediatelyafter avulsion because the extraoral time is a determinant factor for treatment successand for a good prognosis. However, it is not always possible. The success of replantationdepends on a number of factors that may contribute to accelerate or minimize theoccurrence of root resorption or ankylosis, among which is the type and characteristicsof the medium used for temporary storage during the time elapsed between avulsionand replantation. Maintaining the tooth in an adequate wet medium that can preserve,as longer as possible, the vitality of the periodontal ligament cells that remain on rootsurface is the key to success of replantation. Recent research has led to the developmentof storage media that produce conditions that closely resemble the original socketenvironment, with adequate osmolality (cell pressure), pH, nutritional metabolites andglucose, and thus create the best possible conditions for storage. Although these storagemedia can now be purchased in the form of retail products, the most common scenariois that such a product will not be readily available at the moment of the accident Thispaper reviews the literature on the different storage media that have been investigatedfor avulsed teeth based on full-length papers retrieved from PubMed/Medline, Lilacs, BBOand SciELO electronic databases using the key words storage medium , transportationmedium , avulsion , tooth avulsion , replantation , tooth replantation , milk and propolis .After application of inclusion and exclusion criteria, 39 papers were selected and criticallyreviewed with respect to the characteristics, efficacy and ease of access of the storagemedium. The review of the lite
The obstructive sleep apnea syndrome affects millions of people around the world. The mandibular repositioning devices have been indicated in cases of mild/moderate syndrome; however in edentulous patients its use is deficient since there is no retention. Therefore the objective of this study was to conduct a review on the use of this treatment method combined to osseointegrated implants. A search on the theme: Dental implant and sleep apnea syndromewas performed in the Medline/PubMed, ISI, Cochrane, Dentistry Oral Science, Clinical Trials, Controlled Trials, and Bireme-BvS, databases, and 22 articles were found. After anevaluation 2 studies were selected and the review was complemented with an analysis of randomized controlled trials in the previous seven bases using the key-words: Sleep apnea syndrome, Oral appliance and Randomized controlled trial. The search returned 37 articles, and after they were submitted to inclusion criteria 17 studies were selected. There are a small number of studies presenting the use of dental implants as a mean to assist the stabilization of the mandibular repositioning appliances; those that are available are case reports that focusing on the effectiveness of the technique. Studies examining the effect these appliances in dentate patients indicate improvement in the levels of apnea and snoring. The use of mandibular repositioning appliances in dentate patients is an effective technique in treatment of patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome mild/moderate. Randomized controlled trialsare required in order to enable an analysis of the use of mandibular repositioning devices with the aid of dental implants .
The aim of this study was to review the current scientific literature to discuss the biomechanical behavior and characteristics inherent to both cast post and core and the prefabricated posts used in the practice of restoring endodontically treated teeth. To identify studies of this review, it was performed a detailed and advanced search strategy to the databases PubMed and Medline. It was used as descriptors: endodontically treated teeth, post, core, fiber post and metal post. Inclusion criteria were: clinical trials, randomized controlled trials, in vitro studies, literature reviews and systematic reviews with or without meta-analysis of the last 10 years that addressed the theme. Exclusion criteria were: articles without abstracts, animal studies, articles whose language was not English and articles from journals that do not belong to the Dentistry field. Of a total of 35 articles, after an analysis according to inclusion and exclusion criteria, 23 articles were selected. Most of the current scientific literature indicates that the prefabricated fiber reinforced and ceramic posts should be appointed for endodontically treated teeth that have a minimum height of 2mm ferrule. As for the cast metal cores, along with pre-fabricated metal represent a good prosthetic option, when weakened teeth have to be restored for any reason. Despite the large number of studies, there is still a lack of longterm prospective studies that evaluate the effectiveness of these posts in the treatment of endodontically treated teeth.
This study aimed to evaluate the clinical effectiveness of two bleaching agents without changing the whitening gel during the clinic session 1X45minutos. 10 patients were selected according to the criteria of inclusion and exclusion and upper arch of the patients were divided into two quadrants (n: 10), G1: gel clareador Clàriant Office (hidrogênio35 Angellus) peroxide% (PH) in superior right side (LD) and the gel WhitenessHp Blue (FGM) PH 35% on the superior left side (LE. 2 clinical sessions were accomplished, 45 minutes each, with an interval of one week between sessions. At first the bleaching treatment patients received prophylaxis, molding to guide measurement of color with condensation silicon and the color evaluation through the apparel spectrophotometer VITA Easyshade (Vita Zhanfabrik, Alemanhã). 14 days after the end of the bleaching treatment was performed the measurement final color of the teeth. The patients reported sensitivity in scale 0-4. The result showed that through T Test comparing quadrants presented no statistical differences (p>0,05) in relation to coloration and dental sensibility. It can be concluded that the materials evaluated are effective for bleaching vital teeth with low tooth sensibility.
Introduction: Post-marketing surveillance of drugs aims to detect problems related to safety, effectiveness and quality. The identification of adverse drug events (ADE) is made, mainly, by health professionals´ spontaneous reporting. This method allows risk communication in pharmacovigilance and contributes for market regulation. Objective: To estimate the prevalence of adverse drug reaction (ADR) and the suspicions of therapeutic failure (TF) reported by health professionals; to verify the active principle and type of drugs related to ADE, seriousness, causality, production mechanism and clinical manifestation of the events identified. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was performed in a teaching and public hospital which integrates the Sentinel Hospital Network, in 2008. ADR seriousness was classified according to intensity (mild, moderate, serious and lethal); drugs associated with ADE were categorized according to type (brand name drugs and non-brand name drugs); causality was imputed with Naranjo algorithm and the mechanism of occurrence was analyzed according to Rawlins e Thompson definitions (A or B). Results: There were 103 ADE reports in the period, of which 39 comprised TF and 64 ADR. Nurses reported the most ADE (53.4%). The majority of ADR were classified as type A (82.8%), mild (81.3%), possible (57.8%), according to causality assessment, and related to brand name drugs (20/35). Human immunoglobulin, docetaxel and paclitaxel were the drugs frequently associated with ADR. TF arising from no-brand name drugs (26/29), regarding, mainly, midazolam and ganciclovir. Conclusion: The results of the ADE report contribute for proposition of trigger tools for intensive monitoring of drug safety, as well as for the supplier qualification and for the improvement of quality products.
The ageing process can change the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics parameters. Therefore, some medications are considered potentially inappropriate (PIM) for the elderly people, since they can increase the likelihood of occurrence of adverse drug events. The objectives are to estimate the frequency of use of PIM in the elderly people, with potentially hazardous drug interactions (PHDI) and to evaluate the impact of pharmaceutical intervention (PI) for the prescription of safer therapeutic alternatives. A cross-sectional study was performed in a Health Family Strategy (region of Araraquara, SP), between January and February/2012. The medical records of patients aged ≥60 years, that use at least one drug, were consulted for identification of PIM, according to the Beers criteria. The MPI identified were classified considering the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System (ATC) and the essentiality of the drug (safety, effectiveness, quality and cost parameters) The inclusion criteria were met by 358 elderly, being that 93 of them (26%) had taken at least one PIM. Of the 114 different drugs prescribed for elderly, ten were classified as PIM, of which four of them act on the central nervous system, four on cardiovascular system and two on the digestive tract. Seven MPI are essential medicines, belonging to national list of essential drugs (RENAME-2010). Fourteen drug interactions were identified, of which two are PHDI (fluoxetine/amitriptyline and digoxin/hydrochlorothiazide).After the PI, there was no change in medical prescriptions of patients with PIM use or with DI. Medical prescriptions of elderly attended in the Health Family Strategy show pharmacotherapeutic safety problems, of which may be responsible for health hazardous for this age group. Although the intervention carried out by letter had been ineffective for the adherence of doctors in prescribing safe alternatives, wide dissemination of the lists that contain PIM and PHDI is need, as well as the inclusion of safer equivalents in RENAME, in order to contribute for rational use of drugs.
The study aimed to identify pharmacoeconomic studies in pharmacovigilance and to observe the economic outcomes in post-marketing surveillance. Therefore, a bibliographic survey was performed in databases Lilacs, PubMed/ Bireme. The search strategy was done by using scientific health descriptors [ "adverse drug reaction reporting systems " OR " medication errors " OR "product surveillance, postmarketing" OR " sentinel surveillance" ] AND [ " cost-benefit analysis" OR "cost efficiency analysis " OR " costs and cost analysis " OR " hospital costs " OR " cost-effectiveness " OR " cost-effectiveness evaluation " OR " drug costs " ]. Manuscripts published in the last 10 years were selected. We chose 13 articles, of which 12 corresponded to cost-benefit analysis and only one to cost-effectiveness assessment. In only one study there was no economy, all the other ones generated savings, ranging from 13.7 to 30% in spending valued service. Surveillance actions were: continuing education; active search through tracking devices and / or implementation of round; teamwork and multidisciplinary deployment; computerized security services management, enabling traceability of information and alerts. The results of the proposed actions have led to the prevention of adverse drug reactions, to decline of risks to the patient, to the reduction of inappropriate prescriptions, as well as the length of hospital stay spending valued service. Surveillance actions were: continuing education; active search through tracking devices and / or implementation of round; teamwork and multidisciplinary deployment; computerized security services management, enabling traceability of information and alerts. The results of the proposed actions have led to the prevention of adverse drug reactions, to decline of risks to the patient, to the reduction of inappropriate prescriptions, as well as the length of hospital stay
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOA
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)