969 resultados para Edema.


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Aim. Reoperative thyroid surgery is an uncommon operation associated with a higher complication rate; we reviewed our series of patients on whom reoperative thyroid surgery was performed.Method. 106 patients had a thyroid reoperation for recurrent multinodular goiter (93 patients), recurrent thyrotoxicosis (3) or suspected malignancy (10); bilateral completion thyroidectomy was performed in 68 cases, lobectomy in 36, removal of a mediastinal recurrence and of a pyramidal remnant in 1 patient respectively. Results. Temporary hypoparathyroidism occurred in 41 patients (38.67%), definitive in 7 (6.6%), transient recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy in 5 (4.71%), permanent nerve palsy in 1 (0.94%); in 3 cases (2.83%) surgical revision of haemostasis was necessary for postoperative haemorrhage. After monolateral surgery we had 13 cases of transient hypoparathyroidism (34.21%), 2 of definitive (5.26%) and 1 transient recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy (2.63%); after bilateral surgery we had 29 cases of transient hypoparathyroidism (42.64%), 5 of definitive (7.35%), 4 of transient recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy (5.88%), 1 of definitive (1.47%) and 3 of postoperative bleeding (4.41%). Conclusions. Reoperative thyroid surgery is a technical challenge with a high incidence of complications. Scarring, edema and friability of the tissues together with distortion of the landmarks make reoperative surgery azardous. A higher risk of complications is described when previous surgery has been performed on both sides. Total thyroidectomy should be considered the procedure of choice for benign multinodular goiter eliminating the potential of a reoperation. Whenever necessary, reoperative hyroidectomy may be performed safely with little morbidity in experienced hands.


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Introdução: A extrusão apical detritos (EAD) consequência indesejável da instrumentação canalar pode ser associada a dor/edema, podendo atrasar a cicatrização periapical. O nosso trabalho teve como objectivo avaliar e quantificar a EAD em canais instrumentados por sistemas de instrumentação rotatória contínua e reciprocante. Materiais e Métodos: 80 dentes monocanalares sem tratamento endodôntico prévio foram aleatoriamente divididos em 4 grupos (n=20): One Shape® Protaper® NEXT, Hyflex® EDM e WaveOne® Gold. Um tubo de Eppendorf (TdE) foi pesado antecipadamente numa balança analítica de precisão e com um dente inserido foi montado num dispositivo modificado, similar ao método descrito por Myers & Montgomery. Os canais foram instrumentados e irrigados com água destilada. Os dentes instrumentados foram removidos dos TdE e estes preenchidos com água destilada até perfazer 1,5ml, incubados a 70ºC durante cinco dias sendo pesados novamente, calculando a diferença entre o peso inicial e final determinando o peso dos detritos. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente utilizando o IBM SPSS Statistics 22, considerando α=0,05. Efetuaram-se testes Kruskal-Wallis e post-hoc com ajustamento do ρ-value pelo método Dunn-Bonferroni. Resultados: Houve EAD em todas as técnicas de instrumentação. A análise estatística mostrou haver diferenças significativas na EAD entre as técnicas utilizadas (α=0,002). Entre as técnicas WaveOne® Gold e One Shape® (α=0,003), WaveOne® Gold e Protaper® NEXT (α=0,023) e WaveOne® Gold e Hyflex® EDM (α=0,028). Conclusões: A técnica One Shape® apresentou menor EAD e a técnica WaveOne® Gold com movimento reciprocante constitui maior fator de risco tendo apresentado maior EAD. Os resultados deste estudo indicam que os profissionais devem estar cientes para a EAD que pode ocorrer com cada instrumento, o que poderá servir de base para a selecção de um instrumento particular. Implicações clínicas: A escolha do sistema de instrumentação canalar influencia a extrusão de detritos. Fontes de financiamento: Agradecimentos as empresas; Micro-Mega, França, COLTÉNE e Dentsply Maillefer, Suíça.


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The Whipple’ Disease (W.D.) is a very rare disease with an incidence of 1 per 1.000.000 inhabitants; it is a systemic infection that may mimic a wide spectrum of clinical disorders, which may have a fatal outcome and affects mainly male 40-50 years old. The infective agent is an actinomycete, Tropheryma Whipplei (T.W.) that was isolated 100 years after first description by Wipple, and identified in macrophages of mucosa of the small intestine by biopsy which is characterized by periodic acid-Schiff-positive, products of the inner membrane of his polysaccharide bacterial cell wall. The multisystemic clinical manifestations evolve rapidly towards an organic decay characterized by weight loss, malabsorption, diarrhea, polyathralgia, opthalmoplegia, neuro-psychiatric disorders and sometimes associated to endocarditis. Early antibiotic treatment with trimethoprim and sulfometathaxazole reduces the fatal evolution of the disease. The authors present a rare experience about a female subject in which the clinical gastrointestinal signs were preceded by neuro-psychiatric disorders, and evolved into obstruction and intestinal perforation which required an emergency surgery with temporary ileostomy, recanalized only after adequate medical treatment with a full dose of antibiotic and resolution of clinical disease for the high risks of fistulae for the edema and lymphadenopathy of mucosa. The diagnosis was histologically examined by intestinal biopsy performed during surgery, which showed PAS-positive histiocytes, while PRC polymerase RNA was negative, which confirms the high sensibility of PAS positive and low specificity of RNA polymerase for T.W.


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O cancro da mama é o tumor com maior taxa de mortalidade em mulheres, com implicações a nível biopsicossocial. O processo de adaptação da mulher no domicílio implica alterações ao nível da funcionalidade, e ao nível emocional e social. O Enfermeiro de Reabilitação desempenha um papel marcante na promoção do autocuidado e da autonomia da mulher, tendo em vista a qualidade de vida. A metodologia do presente estudo assenta numa abordagem qualitativa fenomenológica, tendo recorrido ao método por redes para selecionar as nove participantes. A escolha da temática teve por base a questão de investigação: ?Quais as vivências da mulher mastectomizada no domicílio??, e os objetivos específicos: Descrever as vivências da mulher mastectomizada no domicílio; Descrever a importância atribuída pela mulher mastectomizada aos cuidados de Enfermagem de Reabilitação. Para obtenção dos resultados deste estudo de investigação recorreu-se a um guião de entrevista. Os principais resultados compreendem que as mulheres no domicílio experienciam vivências relativas ao surgimento de complicações físicas como a dor, a diminuição da amplitude articular, o linfedema e alterações da postura corporal, e percecionam dificuldades nomeadamente na execução das tarefas domésticas. No que confere ao processo de reabilitação, referem uma melhoria nos movimentos articulares e na redução do edema, e atribuem na sua maioria uma função significativa ao Enfermeiro de Reabilitação na recuperação da funcionalidade, e no processo de aceitação da imagem corporal do qual emergem sentimentos de tristeza e revolta. Relativamente à experiencia com os cuidados de saúde, as mulheres referem-se satisfeitas com os profissionais de saúde, especialmente as que realizaram sessões de reabilitação. Os ensinos relatados pelas mulheres referem-se sobretudo a exercícios de mobilização articular, a técnicas de drenagem como a automassagem, e à prevenção de complicações como evitar exposição solar, evitar a carga de objetos pesados, evitar atividades que possam provocar feridas no membro homolateral. Os sentimentos percecionados ao longo do processo decorrente da mastectomia são a tristeza, o desânimo, o medo, a esperança, a revolta e a alteração nas relações interpessoais.


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Objetivo: Traduzir, adaptar e avaliar as propriedades psicométricas da Infiltration Scale para a cultura portuguesa. Métodos: Estudo metodológico de adaptação transcultural com avaliação das propriedades psicométricas da Infiltration Scale em uma coorte com 110 adultos submetidos à terapia intravenosa. Resultados: Na tradução e adaptação cultural, as adequações linguísticas foram discutidas pelos investigadores e um painel de especialistas, havendo concordância em 85,71% dos critérios clínicos, exceto "Possible numbness". A escala captou infiltração em 48 pacientes (prevalência de 60%). O edema foi o principal sinal evidenciado na inserção e áreas adjacentes ao cateter venoso. A consistência interna, determinada pelo alfa de Cronbach, foi de 0,85. Conclusão: A escala adaptada para a cultura portuguesa apresentou equivalência linguística em relação à original, mostrou-se válida e fidedigna, com boa consistência interna para avaliar a infiltração. A avaliação sistemática da infiltração com recurso a escala poderá subsidiar a tomada de decisão e implementação de medidas preventivas.


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias de la Visión).-- Universidad de La Salle. Maestría en Ciencias de la Visión, 2014


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Introdução A maculopatia cupuliforme é uma identidade clínica recentemente descrita, caracterizada por uma convexidade da área macular, associada a diferenças regionais da espessura da esclerótica em míopes. Material e Métodos Mulher de 64 anos que recorreu ao serviço de urgência por queixa de baixa acuidade visual em ambos os olhos com agravamento nos últimos meses. Referia antecedentes oftalmológicos de miopia (-5,25 dioptrias) e DMI exsudativa, tendo realizado 20 injecções de anti-angiogénico, sem melhora. Apresentava acuidade visual de 2/10 no OD e 1/10 no OE, sem alterações de relevo no segmento anterior. Á fundoscopia destacavam-se alterações pigmentares na região macular, sem drusa ou hemorragia em ambos os olhos. Realizou OCT que evidenciou a presença de líquido subretinianano subfoveolar, sem tracção vítreo-macular mas associado a convexidade das camadas da retina. A angiografia fluoresceinica não revelou pontos de extravasamento de contraste sugestivos de membrana neovascular activa nem coriorretinopatia serosa central. Resultados Com base nos achados do OCT macular e após exclusão de outras hipóteses estabeleceu-se o diagnóstico de maculopatia cupuliforme. Após 3 meses houve remissão espontânea do edema subretiniano no OD. Conclusão Para o diagnóstico da maculopatia cupuliforme, o OCT spectral-domain é essencial, sendo característico observar-se uma convexidade da área macular, em pelo menos um eixo (scan vertical ou horizontal) e daí a importância da realização sistemática dos 2 scans. Uma complicação associada à maculopatia cupuliforme é o descolamento seroso da retina, para o qual não existe, até ao momento, um tratamento eficaz, apesar de relatos de remissão espontânea. Este caso ilustra a importância do conhecimento desta patologia e do seu diagnóstico diferencial.


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Cyclophosphamide (CYP) is an antineoplastic agent used for the treatment of many neoplastic and inflammatory diseases. Hemorrhagic cystitis is a frequent side effect of CYP. Several studies show that simvastatin has important pleiotropic (anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory) effects. The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of simvastatin on bladder, ureter and kidney injury caused by CYP. Methods: Adult male Wistar rats were randomly divided into three groups. The CYP/SIM group received simvastatin microemulsion by gavage during 7 days (10 mg/kg body wt) before the administration of CYP and the CYP/SAL group rats received saline 0.9%. The control rats were not treated. After that, all rats were treated with a single dose of CYP 200 mg/kg body wt intraperitoneally. The rats were killed 24 h after CYP administration. Plasma cytokines (TNF-a, IL-1b, IL-6) were measured by ELISA. Macro and light microscopic study was performed in the bladder, kidney and ureter. Results: In the bladders of CYP/SIMV treated rats edema of lamina propria with epithelial and sub-epithelial hemorrhage were lower than in CYP/SAL treated rats. The scores for macroscopic and microscopic evaluation of bladder and ureter were significantly lower in CYP/SIMV rats than in CYP/SAL rats. The kidney was not affected. The expression of TNF-a, IL-1b and IL-6 was significatly lower in CF/SINV rats (164.8±22, 44.8±8 and 52.4±13) than in CF/SAL rats (378.5±66, 122.9±26 e 123.6±18), respectively. Conclusion: The results of the current study suggest that simvastatin pretreatment attenuated CYP-induced urotelium inflammation and decreased the activities of cytokines


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A síndrome Takotsubo (STT) é uma forma adquirida e transitória de disfunção sistólica, cuja apresentação clínica e eletrocardiográfica mimetiza um enfarte agudo do miocárdio. A STT é também conhecida como miocardiopatia de stress, síndrome do «coração partido», balonamento apical, insuficiência cardíaca aguda reversível, miocárdio «atordoado» (forma neurogénica) ou miocardiopatia aguda das catecolaminas. Os autores descrevem uma apresentação rara de STT após procedimento anestésico. Adolescente de 14 anos, sexo feminino, com antecedentes pessoais de enxaqueca hemiplé- gica e quisto pineal, submetida a ressonância magnética (RM) cranioencefálica de controlo. Durante a indução anestésica com propofol verificou-se bradicardia, revertida com atropina, seguida de taquidisritmia ventricular, revertida com lidocaína e murro pré-cordial. Nas primeiras horas de internamento evoluiu para edema pulmonar associado a insuficiência respiratória global por disfunção ventricular esquerda aguda. O ecocardiograma transtorácico mostrou dilatação do ventrículo esquerdo com hipocinesia global e fração de ejeção reduzida (< 30%). O eletrocardiograma revelou taquicardia sinusal persistente e alterações inespecíficas do segmento ST. Os biomarcadores cardíacos encontravam-se elevados (troponina 2,42 ng/ml, proBNP 8248 pg/ml). Foi medicada com diuréticos, IECA, digitálico e dopamina, com melhoria clínica, bioquímica e ecocardiográfica ao quarto dia. Os ecocardiogramas subsequentes mostraram normalização da função ventricular. A doente teve alta medicada com carvedilol, que suspendeu após normalização da função cardíaca e RM cardíaca não ter revelado alterações. Estão descritos poucos casos de STT em idade pediátrica. Alguns são desencadeados por patologia aguda do sistema nervoso central, mas nem todos cumprem os critérios de diagnóstico clássicos. Neste caso, o procedimento anestésico poderá ter desencadeado a STT.


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Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) is one of the most frequent neoplastic diseases in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The authors report the case of a 40-year-old male with ascites, peripheral edema and peritoneal carcinomatosis secondary to a gastric KS related to human herpes virus type 8 (HHV-8). The patient had severe immunodeficiency, with a TCD4+ count of 86 cells/µl and newly diagnosed acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. His clinical condition rapidly deteriorated, with multiorgan failure, and he died without the possibility of initiating antiretroviral therapy or chemotherapy. To the authors’ knowledge, carcinomatosis is a rare feature in KS.


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Purtscher-like retinopathy is associated with retinal hemorrhages and ischaemia probably due to the complement-mediated leukoembolization. It is a rare and severe angiopathy found in conditions such as acute pancreatitis. Case. We present a case of a 53-year-old man who presented with a Purtscher-like retinopathy associated with the development of acute pancreatitis in the context of a Klatskin tumour (a hilar cholangiocarcinoma). The ophthalmologic evaluation revealed the best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) of 20/32 in the right eye (RE) and of 20/40 in the left eye (LE); biomicroscopy of anterior segment showed scleral icterus and fundoscopy revealed peripapillary cotton-wool spots, optic disc edema, and RPE hypo- and hyperpigmentation in the middle peripheral retina in both eyes with an intraretinal hemorrhage in the LE. 15 months after the initial presentation, without ophthalmological treatment, there was an improvement of BCVA to 20/20 in both eyes and optical coherence tomography (OCT) revealed areas of reduction of retinal nerve fiber layer thickness corresponding to the previous cotton-wool spots. Conclusion. Purtscher-like retinopathy should not be neglected in complex clinical contexts. Its unclear pathophysiology determines an uncertain treatment strategy, but a meticulous follow-up is compulsory in order to avoid its severe complications.


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Background: The aim of this study was the evaluation of a fast Gradient Spin Echo Technique (GraSE) for cardiac T2-mapping, combining a robust estimation of T2 relaxation times with short acquisition times. The sequence was compared against two previously introduced T2-mapping techniques in a phantom and in vivo. Methods: Phantom experiments were performed at 1.5 T using a commercially available cylindrical gel phantom. Three different T2-mapping techniques were compared: a Multi Echo Spin Echo (MESE; serving as a reference), a T2-prepared balanced Steady State Free Precession (T2prep) and a Gradient Spin Echo sequence. For the subsequent in vivo study, 12 healthy volunteers were examined on a clinical 1.5 T scanner. The three T2-mapping sequences were performed at three short-axis slices. Global myocardial T2 relaxation times were calculated and statistical analysis was performed. For assessment of pixel-by-pixel homogeneity, the number of segments showing an inhomogeneous T2 value distribution, as defined by a pixel SD exceeding 20 % of the corresponding observed T2 time, was counted. Results: Phantom experiments showed a greater difference of measured T2 values between T2prep and MESE than between GraSE and MESE, especially for species with low T1 values. Both, GraSE and T2prep resulted in an overestimation of T2 times compared to MESE. In vivo, significant differences between mean T2 times were observed. In general, T2prep resulted in lowest (52.4 +/- 2.8 ms) and GraSE in highest T2 estimates (59.3 +/- 4.0 ms). Analysis of pixel-by-pixel homogeneity revealed the least number of segments with inhomogeneous T2 distribution for GraSE-derived T2 maps. Conclusions: The GraSE sequence is a fast and robust sequence, combining advantages of both MESE and T2prep techniques, which promises to enable improved clinical applicability of T2-mapping in the future. Our study revealed significant differences of derived mean T2 values when applying different sequence designs. Therefore, a systematic comparison of different cardiac T2-mapping sequences and the establishment of dedicated reference values should be the goal of future studies.


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In order to evaluating Streptoccocus iniae pathogenicity recovered from trout in Fars province a total number of 400 healthy (15-20g) fingerling fish specimens which were kept in 1000 liters ponds and after spending compatibility (adaptation) period in new environment and desired condition as aspect of temperature, pH, food and density relative to accomplish disease experiments in interamusclar injection method with 3 × 10 3 , 3 × 10 4, 3 × 10 5, 3 × 10 6 ,3 × 10 7 bacterium cell dilutions per each fish, interaperitonal method with 2 × 10 3 , 2 × 10 4, 2 × 10 5, 2 × 10 6 ,2 × 10 7 dilutions of bacterium cell and in water bath method with 2 × 10 3 , 2 × 10 4, 2 × 10 5, 2 × 10 6 2 × 107 dilutions in 20 degree centigrade temperature were used. Control groups according to above (mentioned) method with 0.1cc sterile physiological serum per each fish were injected. Clinical and autopsy signs that observed in injected groups were includes: body darkness, swelling of abdomen, exophthalmy sometime with eye ocular haemorrhagy, anal (rectal) prolaps, blood congestion and petechia in muscles and congestion and haemorrhagy in intestines. Infectious results in interamusclar injection shown that, mortality 22 hours after injection begans and in 3 × 107 cells dilution per each fish 30 hours pass the injection was reached above 50 percent, so that the amount of LD50/ 30h in 3 × 10 7 cells per each fish was estimated. In interaperitonal injection method was shown those 20 hours after injection mortality begins and up to maximum 80 hours after continued and 32 hours after injection in 2 × 10 7 cells dilution mortality was reached above 50 percent, so that LD50 /32 hour in 2 × 10 7 cell dilution per each fish estimated. In water bath method even after sparing 15 days mortality had been too low which indicating long process of disease. By microscopic study of tissues, dilatation of bowman capsule, shrinkage of glomerols, increasing of melano macrophage centers, degeneration, necrosis of urine tubules in kidney tissue, dilatation of sinusoids, congestion of hepatic vessels, increasing of melanoma macrophages and hepatocite vacuolization in liver tissue, spleen congestion, heart pericardit, ocular haemorrhagy, congestion, edema and separating of basement membrane from gill secondary lamellae can be referred.


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This study investigated the pathological changes of heart and bulbus artrius of rainbow trout breeders in several group of ages and density. The aim of study was to consider the process and the intensity of the heart and bulbus arteriosus damages in accordance to gender, age and stocking density of trout in three fish culture center (Zarghezel, Niyak in Haraz Region,Mazandaran and Espiran in Tabriz city environs). In field research, the all records the feed and feeding type, rate of mortality, stocking density of spawners and per spawners fishes, water chemical and physical specification was screened. Stocking density was considered as the most important stressor. 10 fish specimens from 7 weight groups (less than 90g, 90 to 300g, 300 to 500 g, 500 to 1000g, 1 to 3 kg, 3 to 5 kg, over 5 kg), totally 210 specimens were sampled and heart and bulbus arteriosus were taken. Samples were fixed in 10 % formalin and transferred to pathology laboratory of veterinary faculty of Tabriz Azad University. Histopathological slides and H&E staining were prepared from these samples. In total, 47 male and 73 female samples showed cardiovascular injury (29 cases in extensive system, 41 cases in semi intensive system, 50 cases in intensive system). The most important was damages, edema and hyperemia in spongy layer of atrium and ventricle muscles, but degeneration the muscle fibers, moderate edema , minor vascular damage. Hemorrhage as the effect of severs vascular damage, thrombus, sever inflammation, sever degeneration in muscle fiber, necrosis and fibrose were further pathological changed. The results of this study showed that the severity of damage increased by increasing the age (weight) of fishes. This situation was seen in all three culturing system (extensive system, semi intensive system, recirculation system). Histopathological changes is obviously seen in samples over 500g, therefore the damages were found to be important (P<0.05). Pathological effects and its severity in recirculation system was significantly high (P<0.05). Comparison with two other culturing system, histopathological changed in heart and bulbus arterius between male and female was significantly different.


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A 67-year-old woman developed severe edema of her right hand and forearm, for which she was treated with antibiotics, without benefit. The echography excluded a venous thrombosis. Subsequently, she referred a wasp sting before the development of the edema. Specific Hymenoptera venom immunoglobulin E (IgE) was found to be positive for paper wasp and yellow jacket. A large local reaction (LLR) was diagnosed due to the hymenoptera sting. Self-injectable epinephrine was prescribed for possible, though unlikely, systemic reactions following hymenoptera stings.