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采用基元反应模型和显式迎风TVD差分格式数值模拟方法,研究共用尾喷管多管脉冲爆震发动机(Pulse Detonation Engine,简称PDE)各爆震管之间相互影响。采用点隐算法解决化学反应引起的刚性问题,模拟了共用尾喷管内的流场,以及爆震波退化为激波遇到尾喷管收敛斜面反射及反射波向爆震管上游传播的过程。研究结果为多管PDE的共用尾喷管设计提供了理论基础。
在JP10和煤油点火特性激波管实验的基础上,实验研究了硅烷对这两种典型高碳数碳氢燃料点火特性的影响.在预加热到70℃的激波管上,采用缝合运行条件获得了近7ms的实验时间,将实验延伸至低温区.采用气相色谱分析和高精度真空仪直接测定压力相结合的方法,确定了燃料气相浓度,解决了高碳数碳氢燃料点火激波管实验时由于管壁吸附影响燃料气相浓度确定的困难.实验记录了点火过程中OH自由基发射强度变化,并作为判断点火发生的标志.实验温度范围880~1 800K,压力范围0.16~0.53MPa.当硅烷加入量约为燃料的10%~15%(摩尔比),质量比为2%~3%,观测到明显的点火促进作用.该研究对超燃研究中发动机设计、燃料选择等方面具有直接的工程意义,也可用于检验燃烧化学动力学模型的合理性.
报道了在国内首次实现的矩形激波管内气/液界面上(即Atwood number,A1)的Richtmyer-Meshkov(RM)不稳定性现象.实验在一台垂直矩形激波管中进行,得到了较低马赫数(M=1.36和1.58)下,多元扰动R-M不稳定性后期阶段气泡和尖钉高度对时间的增长规律,即气泡高度h_b ~ t~(0.55±0.01)1 ,尖钉高度h_s~ t.当激波马赫数从1.36增加到1.58时,气泡和尖钉高度对时间的指数规律没有发生明显改变,气泡的增长速度没有受到影响,而尖钉增长速度却有大幅度的增加.同时还观察研究了多元扰动R-M不稳定性中典型的气泡竞争现象.
首次采用动态光散射研究了气相扩散法生长溶菌酶晶体 .实验中采用了两种溶解溶菌酶的方法,所得实验结果是有区别的 .这种区别表明了 NaCl对溶菌酶分子间相互作用产生十分重要的影响 .实验结果表明,晶体生长过程中,溶液中溶菌酶始终保持单分子与两分子聚集体的状态,这种状态是生长晶体的基础 .
为了了解用激波管产生大流量水喷雾的流体力学原理,进行了实验研究。用可视化方法观察了管内两相流及所产生的喷雾的发展过程。 用PVDF压力传感器测量了液波管内的压力波形。结果表明,水柱内的压力波明显地不同于空气中的压力波;水柱被经过加速后,其雾化形态发生了新的变化。
针对氢/空气混合物,通过实验研究了其预混火焰在半开口管道中的火焰传播加速现象。结果表明,火焰传播状态随着氢气当量比的变化而发生改变。当氢/空气混合物被点燃后,由于障碍物的扰动,火焰在管道中不断加速传播,并最终到一准稳态传播。在氢气当量比0.34附近时,火焰速度发生跃变。当氢气当量比足够大时,火焰传播由爆燃态转变为爆轰态。在本实验条件下,爆燃转准爆轰的临界条件是d/λ ≥ 2.6(d是圆环形障碍物内径,λ是爆轰格胞尺度)。障碍物阻塞比的变化对最大火焰速度和压力提升的影响不明显。
There is strong evidence to suggest that ground-water nitrate concentrations have increased in recent years and further increases are expected along portions of the central Gulf coast of Florida. Much of the nitrate enriched groundwater is discharged into surface waters through numerous freshwater springs that are characteristic of the area and the potential for eutrophication of their receiving waters is a legitimate concern. To test the potential effects of elevated nutrient concentrations on the periphyton community an in situ nutrient addition experiment was conducted in the spring-fed Chassahowitzka River, FL, USA, during the summer of 1999. Plastic tubes housing arrays of glass microscope slides were suspended in the stream. Periphyton colonizing the microscope slides was subjected to artificial increases in nitrogen, phosphorus or a combination of both. Slides from each tube were collected at 3- to 4- day intervals and the periphyton communities were measured for chlorophyll concentration. The addition of approximately 10 μg/L of phosphate above ambient concentrations significantly increased the amount of periphyton on artificial substrates relative to controls; the addition of approximately 100 μg/L of nitrate above ambient concentrations did not. The findings from this experiment implicated phosphorus, rather than nitrogen, as the nutrient that potentially limits periphyton growth in this system.(PDF contains 4 pages.)
在一端封闭、一端开口的火焰传播管中均匀布置障碍物,研究了障碍物结构对管道中预混火焰传播的影响。结果表明,由于障碍物的扰动,火焰不断加速,在阻塞比相同的条件下,最终的火焰稳态速度与障碍物的形状和间距基本无关,其中障碍物间距仅仅影响火焰的加速速率,在障碍物间距约等于火焰传播管内径(W/D ≈ 1.0)时,平均火焰速度达到最大值,火焰到达稳态传播的距离最短。同时,本文用一维简化模型模拟了火焰在障碍物管道中的加速过程,计算结果与实验测试结果在定性上比较吻合,说明在管内火焰速度较低的情况下,用一维可压缩流动近似处理能初步揭示管内火焰的加速机制。
In this paper the proximate analysis and ultimate analysis of sulfur in different semi-cokes generated from Rizhao bituminous coal and Beijing anthracite under different temperatures is done. Also the tendency of the contents of volatile, ash, fixed carbon and sulfur in different semi-cokes along with the different preparation temperatures is studied. Then the combustion experiment of semi-cokes in the drop-tube furnace system was carried out, and the kinetic parameters of different semi-cokes ware calculated.
At the shock velocity range of 7~9km/s, the variations of electron density behind strong normal shock waves are measured in a low-density shock tube by using the Langmuir electrostatic probe technique. The electron temperature, calculated based on Park’s three-temperature model, is used in interpreting the probe current data. The peak electron densities determined in the present experiment are shown to be in a good agreement with those predicted by Lin’s calculation. The experimentally obtained ratios of the characteristic ionization distance to the mean free path of freestream ahead of the shock wave are found to be in a good agreement with the existing experiments and Park’s calculation.
Characteristics of vaporized aviation kerosene injection in a supersonic model combustor were preliminarily investigated. The electrically storage type heater has a volume capacity of heating kerosene of 0.8 kg up to 670 K at a pressure of 5.5 Mpa. The temperature to cause pressurized kerosene jet being fully vaporized in Quiescent atmosphere was found to be 550 K at 4 Mpa however the pressurized hot kerosene remains in liquid state within the tube. The correspondent jet spray in Mach 2.5 vitiated air cross-flow were visualized by using stop schlieren photograph.It was found the penetration depth of the hot pressurized kerosene jet is approximately same with the temperature varied from 290 K to 550 k. at pressure of 4 Mpa. This results showed that the atomization process of hot kerosene jet spray in supersonic combustor could be bypassed and directly transferred to be gas state at temperature 550 K and pressure of 4 Mpa.
In this paper,focusing of a toroidal shock wave propagating from a shock tube of an- nular cross-section into a cylindrical chamber was investigated numerically with the dispersion- controlled scheme. For CFD validation, the numerical code was rst applied to calculate both viscous and inviscid ows at a low Mach number of 1.5, which was compared with the experi- ment results and got better consistency. Then the validated code was used to calculate several cases for high Mach numbers. From the result, several major factors that in uent the ow, such as the Mach number and the viscosity, were analyzed detailedly and along with the high Mach number some unusual ow structure was observed and explained theoretically