939 resultados para EUCALYPTUS GRANDIS


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The experiment was carried out in 1993/94, in Jaboticabal, São Paulo State, Brazil, to verify the efficiency of plant growth regulators on agronomic characteristics of cotton and as pest control technique. The experimental design was a complete randomized block with four replications and seven treatments: 1) control; 2) ethephon + cyclanilide (720 + 90 g/ha a.i.); 3) ethephon + cyclanilide (960 + 120 g/ha a.i.); 4) ethephon + cyclanilide (1200 + 150 g/ha a.i.); 5) ethephon (960 g/ha a.i.); 6) ethephon (1200 g/ha a.i.) and 7) cyclanilide 150 g/ha a.i.). Results suggest that plant growth regulators can reduce harvest time in 15 days, contributing significantly to decreased late-season squares and immature bolls that serve as feeding and oviposition sites to boll weevils and pink bollworm.


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Laboratory nests of the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel fed daily with leaves of Ricinus communis showed a gradual decrease in fungal garden volume, a higher ant mortality rate, and fungal garden extinction after 6 weeks. The mean oxygen consumption rate of these ants was higher than that of control ants collected from nests fed with leaves of Eucalyptus alba (Myrtaceae) suggesting one or more components of the leaves of R. communis had a direct physiological effect on the ants, in addition to inhibiting fungal garden growth.


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The objective of the present work was to evaluate the effect of the growth regulator chlorocholine chloride (CCC) in the control of the boll weevil (Anthonomus grandis Boheman) on cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum L. ). The experiment was conducted at the Experimental Farm of the Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias (UNESP), Jaboticabal Campus, State of São Paulo, Brazil, during the 1988/1989 growing season. The experimental design used was the latin square. The chlorocholine chloride was sprayed on the cv IAC-19 cotton plants 70 days after emergence in the doses of 0, 25, 50, and 100 g/ha in a single application as well as 25 g/ha + 25 g/ha in two applications. The second application was 15 days after the first. There was no significant differences on cotton yield. Although the split application as well as the single application of 25 g/ha increased yield in 11.6% and 11.5%, respectively.These same treatments also increased earliness. After the last hand harvest the number of immature cotton bolls left in the field was 64.5% lower in the plots treated with chlorocholine chloride. Despite the higher earliness and the reduction of the number of immature cotton bolls, the chlorocholine chloride treatments were not sufficient to induce an effective aid in the boll weevil control but indicates a possibility of using growth regulators in the cotton crop as an auxilary strategy in integrate pest management programs.


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Propolis and plant secretions from three species, most frequently mentioned as botanical sources of the bee glue in Brazil (Baccharis dracunculifolia, Araucaria angustifolia and Eucalyptus citriodora) have been investigated using GC-MS. Based on chemical evidence, B. dracunculifolia was shown to be the main propolis source in Sao Paulo state. The antibacterial and antifungal activities of all four materials were also tested, the most active being propolis and Baccharis leaf exudate.


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A pair of Planalto Woodcreepers (Dendrocolaptes platyrostris) fed young in a nest cavity 6 m up in a wooded botanic garden of an old eucalyptus grove near São Paulo, Brazil, during October 1982. The pair often visited together at first, one (likely male) raising its head feathers as noted in other species of the genus. Feedings were less frequent at midday. Songs of the southeastern moist forest D. p. platyrostris were strikingly different from inland dry forest D. p. intermedius, despite intermediate specimens where the two rather distinctly colored forms come together. There are several poorly studied forms in interior dry forests, which need much more conservation effort.


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Plants have been used in the cure of diseases from the origins of the humanity. At present, in Brazil, the use is common because of the difficulty of access of part of the population to medical assistance. It is commonly believed that the medicinal plants of traditional use were already tested and ratified by the long-lasting use by the human species, being considered effective medicines, presenting no collateral effects, not needful, therefore, of evaluation. The miraculous self-medication with medicinal plants goes to the point of substituting therapies in serious diseases such as those of hypoglycemic or anti-diabetic effect. For the test of medicinal plants, it is necessary to consider the material quality to be tested, the plant component used, extraction method, dosage, and the experimental species used. Several plants have already had hypoglycemic effects proven experimentally. The objective of this paper was to accomplish a revision of Brazilian medicinal plants, used popularly, as hypoglycemics that had effects proven in animals and in humans.


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Photoinhibition, defined as the inhibition of photosynthesis caused by excessive radiance, affects field production to a great extent. This phenomenon is particularly relevant in reforestation practices, when one deals with forests of rapid growth such as Eucalyptus. The imposition of additional stress factors during exposure to high radiance increases the potential for photoinhibitory effects, so the inhibition of photosynthesis indicates that the plant is submitted to stressful conditions. Photoinhibition can be reversible, playing a protective role for the photosynthetic systems, but it can also reflect damage that has already occurred in the photosynthetic apparatus, being irreversible in this case. In this review, we present the physiological and molecular mechanisms of photoinhibition and discuss the interaction between light and other stress factors and its effects on plants destined for reforestation. In addition, the present work analyzes some of the features and strategies that help plants avoid or restrict the occurrence of photoinhibition. For instance, pigments and enzymes which naturally occur in plants can prevent photoinhibition, while preadaptation to nonideal conditions can enhance tolerance to a certain stress factor. Most of these morphological, metabolic, and biochemical mechanisms of defense are related to the dissipation of excessive energy such as heat. Understanding these mechanisms can help improve cultivation procedures, avoid the plants' death, and increase productivity in the field.


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This paper reports the occurrence of the longhorn beetle Phoracantha recurva Newman (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) attacking Eucalyptus citriodora logs in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. This Australian species was introduced in the country and is considered a quarentenary pest because it may negatively influence the exporting of eucalypts logs. Details on the biology, damage and control, as well as the different morphological characteristics between P. recurva and P. semipunctata are discussed.


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Recognizing the great potential of this residue to increase the eucalyptus forests produtivity - when used in its humidified form - the main objective of this project was to decompose the solid residues generated at Luiz Antonio mill, in a fast and artificial way, by means of piles or ridges of composted materials. The materials used in this composting process were: activated sludge, dregs and grits, wood ash and biomass. Applications of both phosphorus and potassium have been used during the planting phase. Nitrogen, in the form of urea, has been applied in two treatments with the main purpose to decrease the C/N ratio and to speed up the decomposition process. The experiment was carried out in 120 days. The best results were obtained in residue piles with a 3:1 ratio, i.e., 75% residues + 25% biomass. This mixture provided an extremely good aeration, thus enabling an appropriate material mixing and homogenization. Under the technological viewpoint, the results obtained from the composting process were quite satisfactory for VCP industrial residues treatment. This composting process enabled a material accelerated stabilization (lower C/N ratio) and homogenization. After this experiment, it became possible to use all residues just as they were generated by Luiz Antônio pulp and paper mill. This project is of the utmost relevance to VCP's forestry department as far as a significant amount of nutrients is getting back to the soil in the form of mineral and organic materials.


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Ants suffer a strong environmental influence and are sometimes conditioned for many social activities. To understand better this phenomenon in leaf-cutting ants, 24 colonies of Acromyrmex subterraneus brunneus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) were conditioned for 2 months with 6 different plants (Citrus spp., Ligustrum spp., Acalypha spp., Eucalyptus spp., Alchornea triplinervia, Melia spp.), to verify alimentary preconditioning in plant selection. After the conditioning period, plants were offered simultaneously, to evaluate the acceptability of each plant species. During foraging, the workers did not exhibit alimentary source fidelity, which was familiarized. This fact suggests the absence of alimentary preconditioning, reinforcing the polyphagic foraging behavior of leaf-cutting ants.


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The leaf-cutting ants forage a wide variety of plant species, used for symbiotic fungus cultivation. To better understand this tripartite complex interaction, 24 colonies of Acromyrmex subterraneus brunneus were conditioned for 4 months to 6 different plants (Citrus spp., Ligustrum spp., Acalypha spp., Eucalyptus spp., Alchornea triplinervia, Melia spp.), to verify the influence of conditioning on foraging behavior of workers. The effect of plants on symbiotic fungus development was studied separately, through macerated plants in Agar and culture medium A as the control. During foraging, workers presented polyphagic foraging behavior, refusing the plants to which they were conditioned. The selection of plants is not correlated with the plant substrate that promotes good development of symbiotic fungus. Such results demonstrate the importance of plant diversity for fungus garden maintenance.


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The objective of the experiment was to test attractive substances for Africanized honey bees, Apis mellifera L., in avocado, Persea americana Mill. Were pulverized extracts of lemon grass (Cympobogon citratus), ocimum (Ocimum sellowii), Lippia alba, orange leaves (Citrus sinensis), eucaliptus leaves (Eucalyptus sp), eugenol and linalol and the frequency of bees on flowers were evaluated. The frequency of honey bees did increase with the application of the extracts falsa melissa, eucaliptus leaves and orange leaves, used as attractants in Quintal variety. The products tested in Eppendorf tubes did not increased the frequency the bees in Quintal and Fortuna varieties.


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A greenhouse experiment was carried out to evaluate the effects of soil phosphorus in the development of plants of Genipa americana L. Five doses of P (0, 50, 100, 200, and 400 mg dm -3) were applied in pots with 10 dm 3 of three Neossolos Quartzarênicos (NQ 1, NQ 2 and NQ 3) and one Latossolo Vermelho (LV), that were used in an experiment with Eucalyptus plants during three months. After this period, the soils were analyzed and a 30 cm height seedling of G. americana was planted in each pot. The experiment design was completely randomized, in 5 × 4 factorial scheme, with five replications. The largest biomass of the stem was obtained with 45 mg dm -3 of P in the soil NQ 1 (9% of clay) and 59 mg dm -3 in the soil NQ 3 (14% of clay). In the LV (40% of clay), the biomass of the stem increased linearly in the band of 3 to 148 mg dm -3 of P. The phosphorus critical level in the soil for 80% of the steam and leaves dry matter production of G. americana at planting phase is 15 mg dm -3, using an anion-exchange resin as extractor.


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Termites have become an important pest of Eucalyptus and Pinus reforestations, sugarcane and other cultures. An alternative for the control of this pest would be the use of attractive traps that take in account the social behavior of these insects. Diverse factors are important for the insects in the localization of the habitat and the choice of the food and specific odors can facilitate this. Studies referring to Heterotermes tenuis (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) are scarce. The objective of this work was to analyze the tergal cuticular extract of H. tenuis and determine the selectivity and sensitivity of its antennae to the components of this extract by electroantennography (EAG). The composition of the cuticular extract was determined by GC-MS analysis. The hydrocarbons found were restricted to linear alkanes, being most abundant C24 to C27 that comprises ca. 65% of the total. Olefins were not detected. EAG and behavioral test responses to the cuticular hydrocarbons were greater and significantly different from the control and the high selectivity of the antennae to the extract indicates its potential as chemical messenger. Cuticular hydrocarbons mixture is species-specific and can be used to identify a given taxon without the diagnostic castes, soldiers or imagoes. Difference in the composition appears to relate with the type of habitat of specie.


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The subterranean termite Heterotermes tenuis (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) is a pest of great importance for the Brazilian economy as it causes serious damages in commercial reforestations of Eucalyptus spp. and sugarcane cultures. (3Z,6Z,8E)-Dodecatrien-1-ol has been identified as a pheromone of some species of subterranean termites. The objective of this research was to synthesize (3Z,6Z,8E)-dodecatrien-1-ol and determine by electroantennographic (EAG) bioassays the selectivity and sensitivity of H. tenius antennae to its whole worker extract and to the synthetic triene alcohol.