993 resultados para Drosophila Models


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Mitochondrial biogenesis and morphological changes are associated with tissue-specific functional demand, but the factors and pathways that regulate these processes have not been completely identified. A lack of mitochondrial fusion has been implicated in various developmental and pathological defects. The spatiotemporal regulation of mitochondrial fusion in a tissue such as muscle is not well understood. Here, we show in Drosophila indirect flight muscles (IFMs) that the nuclear-encoded mitochondrial inner membrane fusion gene, Opa1-like, is regulated in a spatiotemporal fashion by the transcription factor/co-activator Erect wing (Ewg). In IFMs null for Ewg, mitochondria undergo mitophagy and/or autophagy accompanied by reduced mitochondrial functioning and muscle degeneration. By following the dynamics of mitochondrial growth and shape in IFMs, we found that mitochondria grow extensively and fuse during late pupal development to form the large tubular mitochondria. Our evidence shows that Ewg expression during early IFM development is sufficient to upregulate Opa1-like, which itself is a requisite for both late pupal mitochondrial fusion and muscle maintenance. Concomitantly, by knocking down Opa1-like during early muscle development, we show that it is important for mitochondrial fusion, muscle differentiation and muscle organization. However, knocking down Opa1-like, after the expression window of Ewg did not cause mitochondrial or muscle defects. This study identifies a mechanism by which mitochondrial fusion is regulated spatiotemporally by Ewg through Opa1-like during IFM differentiation and growth.


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Similar quantum phase diagrams and transitions are found for three classes of one-dimensional models with equally spaced sites, singlet ground states (GS), inversion symmetry at sites and a bond order wave (BOW) phase in some sectors. The models are frustrated spin-1/2 chains with variable range exchange, half-filled Hubbard models with spin-independent interactions and modified Hubbard models with site energies for describing organic charge transfer salts. In some range of parameters, the models have a first order quantum transition at which the GS expectation value of the sublattice spin < S-A(2)> of odd or even-numbered sites is discontinuous. There is an intermediate BOW phase for other model parameters that lead to two continuous quantum transitions with continuous < S-A(2)>. Exact diagonalization of finite systems and symmetry arguments provide a unified picture of familiar 1D models that have appeared separately in widely different contexts.


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Similar quantum phase diagrams and transitions are found for three classes of one-dimensional models with equally spaced sites, singlet ground states (GS), inversion symmetry at sites and a bond order wave (BOW) phase in some sectors. The models are frustrated spin-1/2 chains with variable range exchange, half-filled Hubbard models with spin-independent interactions and modified Hubbard models with site energies for describing organic charge transfer salts. In some range of parameters, the models have a first order quantum transition at which the GS expectation value of the sublattice spin < S-A(2)> of odd or even-numbered sites is discontinuous. There is an intermediate BOW phase for other model parameters that lead to two continuous quantum transitions with continuous < S-A(2)>. Exact diagonalization of finite systems and symmetry arguments provide a unified picture of familiar 1D models that have appeared separately in widely different contexts.


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In this work, we consider two-dimensional (2-D) binary channels in which the 2-D error patterns are constrained so that errors cannot occur in adjacent horizontal or vertical positions. We consider probabilistic and combinatorial models for such channels. A probabilistic model is obtained from a 2-D random field defined by Roth, Siegel and Wolf (2001). Based on the conjectured ergodicity of this random field, we obtain an expression for the capacity of the 2-D non-adjacent-errors channel. We also derive an upper bound for the asymptotic coding rate in the combinatorial model.


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Fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster females display rhythmic egg-laying under 12: 12 h light/dark (LD) cycles which persists with near 24 h periodicity under constant darkness (DD). We have shown previously that persistence of this rhythm does not require the neurons expressing pigment dispersing factor (PDF), thought to be the canonical circadian pacemakers, and proposed that it could be controlled by peripheral clocks or regulated/triggered by the act of mating. We assayed egg-laying behaviour of wild-type Canton S (CS) females under LD, DD and constant light (LL) conditions in three different physiological states; as virgins, as females allowed to mate with males for 1 day and as females allowed to mate for the entire duration of the assay. Here, we report the presence of a circadian rhythm in egg-laying in virgin D. melanogaster females. We also found that egg-laying behaviour of 70 and 90% females from all the three male presence/absence protocols follows circadian rhythmicity under DD and LL, with periods ranging between 18 and 30 h. The egg-laying rhythm of all virgin females synchronized to LD cycles with a peak occurring soon after lights-off. The rhythm in virgins was remarkably robust with maximum number of eggs deposited immediately after lights-off in contrast to mated females which show higher egg-laying during the day. These results suggest that the egg-laying rhythm of D. melanogaster is endogenously driven and is neither regulated nor triggered by the act of mating; instead, the presence of males results in reduction in entrainment to LD cycles.


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Many aspects of skeletal muscle biology are remarkably similar between mammals and tiny insects, and experimental models of mice and flies (Drosophila) provide powerful tools to understand factors controlling the growth, maintenance, degeneration (atrophy and necrosis), and regeneration of normal and diseased muscles, with potential applications to the human condition. This review compares the limb muscles of mice and the indirect flight muscles of flies, with respect to the mechanisms of adult myofiber formation, homeostasis, atrophy, hypertrophy, and the response to muscle degeneration, with some comment on myogenic precursor cells and common gene regulatory pathways. There is a striking similarity between the species for events related to muscle atrophy and hypertrophy, without contribution of any myoblast fusion. Since the flight muscles of adult flies lack a population of reserve myogenic cells (equivalent to satellite cells), this indicates that such cells are not required for maintenance of normal muscle function. However, since satellite cells are essential in postnatal mammals for myogenesis and regeneration in response to myofiber necrosis, the extent to which such regeneration might be possible in flight muscles of adult flies remains unclear. Common cellular and molecular pathways for both species are outlined related to neuromuscular disorders and to age-related loss of skeletal muscle mass and function (sarcopenia). The commonality of events related to skeletal muscles in these disparate species (with vast differences in size, growth duration, longevity, and muscle activities) emphasizes the combined value and power of these experimental animal models.


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We address the task of mapping a given textual domain model (e.g., an industry-standard reference model) for a given domain (e.g., ERP), with the source code of an independently developed application in the same domain. This has applications in improving the understandability of an existing application, migrating it to a more flexible architecture, or integrating it with other related applications. We use the vector-space model to abstractly represent domain model elements as well as source-code artifacts. The key novelty in our approach is to leverage the relationships between source-code artifacts in a principled way to improve the mapping process. We describe experiments wherein we apply our approach to the task of matching two real, open-source applications to corresponding industry-standard domain models. We demonstrate the overall usefulness of our approach, as well as the role of our propagation techniques in improving the precision and recall of the mapping task.


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The dopamine monoxygenase N-terminal (DOMON) domain is found in extracellular proteins across several eukaryotic and prokaryotic taxa. It has been proposed that this domain binds to heme or sugar moieties. Here, we have analyzed the role of four highly conserved amino acids in the DOMON domain of the Drosophila melanogaster Knickkopf protein that is inserted into the apical plasma membrane and assists extracellular chitin organization. In principal, we generated Knickkopf versions with exchanged residues tryptophan(299,) methionine(333), arginine(401), or histidine(437), and scored for the ability of the respective engineered protein to normalize the knickkopf mutant phenotype. Our results confirm the absolute necessity of tryptophan(299,) methionine(333), and histidine(437) for Knickkopf function and stability, the latter two being predicted to be critical for heme binding. In contrast, arginine(401) is required for full efficiency of Knickkopf activity. Taken together, our genetic data support the prediction of these residues to mediate the function of Knickkopf during cuticle differentiation in insects. Hence, the DOMON domain is apparently an essential factor contributing to the construction of polysaccharide-based extracellular matrices.


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Co-crystal screening of the anti-HIV drug lamivudine was carried out with dicarboxylic acids as co-formers, and three of the resulting crystalline solids, two salts and a co-crystal, were studied with SCXRD, PXRD and FTIR spectroscopy. Salts of cytosine, a molecule that incorporates critical structural features of lamivudine, with the same co-formers, were taken as model systems for IR spectroscopic studies of the synthons in the salts of lamivudine. It is shown that different systems with the same synthon show very similar spectral signatures in the regions corresponding to the synthon absorptions. This reveals again the modular nature of the supramolecular synthon.


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The formulation of higher order structural models and their discretization using the finite element method is difficult owing to their complexity, especially in the presence of non-linearities. In this work a new algorithm for automating the formulation and assembly of hyperelastic higher-order structural finite elements is developed. A hierarchic series of kinematic models is proposed for modeling structures with special geometries and the algorithm is formulated to automate the study of this class of higher order structural models. The algorithm developed in this work sidesteps the need for an explicit derivation of the governing equations for the individual kinematic modes. Using a novel procedure involving a nodal degree-of-freedom based automatic assembly algorithm, automatic differentiation and higher dimensional quadrature, the relevant finite element matrices are directly computed from the variational statement of elasticity and the higher order kinematic model. Another significant feature of the proposed algorithm is that natural boundary conditions are implicitly handled for arbitrary higher order kinematic models. The validity algorithm is illustrated with examples involving linear elasticity and hyperelasticity. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Eleven GCMs (BCCR-BCCM2.0, INGV-ECHAM4, GFDL2.0, GFDL2.1, GISS, IPSL-CM4, MIROC3, MRI-CGCM2, NCAR-PCMI, UKMO-HADCM3 and UKMO-HADGEM1) were evaluated for India (covering 73 grid points of 2.5 degrees x 2.5 degrees) for the climate variable `precipitation rate' using 5 performance indicators. Performance indicators used were the correlation coefficient, normalised root mean square error, absolute normalised mean bias error, average absolute relative error and skill score. We used a nested bias correction methodology to remove the systematic biases in GCM simulations. The Entropy method was employed to obtain weights of these 5 indicators. Ranks of the 11 GCMs were obtained through a multicriterion decision-making outranking method, PROMETHEE-2 (Preference Ranking Organisation Method of Enrichment Evaluation). An equal weight scenario (assigning 0.2 weight for each indicator) was also used to rank the GCMs. An effort was also made to rank GCMs for 4 river basins (Godavari, Krishna, Mahanadi and Cauvery) in peninsular India. The upper Malaprabha catchment in Karnataka, India, was chosen to demonstrate the Entropy and PROMETHEE-2 methods. The Spearman rank correlation coefficient was employed to assess the association between the ranking patterns. Our results suggest that the ensemble of GFDL2.0, MIROC3, BCCR-BCCM2.0, UKMO-HADCM3, MPIECHAM4 and UKMO-HADGEM1 is suitable for India. The methodology proposed can be extended to rank GCMs for any selected region.


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Many aspects of skeletal muscle biology are remarkably similar between mammals and tiny insects, and experimental models of mice and flies (Drosophila) provide powerful tools to understand factors controlling the growth, maintenance, degeneration (atrophy and necrosis), and regeneration of normal and diseased muscles, with potential applications to the human condition. This review compares the limb muscles of mice and the indirect flight muscles of flies, with respect to the mechanisms of adult myofiber formation, homeostasis, atrophy, hypertrophy, and the response to muscle degeneration, with some comment on myogenic precursor cells and common gene regulatory pathways. There is a striking similarity between the species for events related to muscle atrophy and hypertrophy, without contribution of any myoblast fusion. Since the flight muscles of adult flies lack a population of reserve myogenic cells (equivalent to satellite cells), this indicates that such cells are not required for maintenance of normal muscle function. However, since satellite cells are essential in postnatal mammals for myogenesis and regeneration in response to myofiber necrosis, the extent to which such regeneration might be possible in flight muscles of adult flies remains unclear. Common cellular and molecular pathways for both species are outlined related to neuromuscular disorders and to age-related loss of skeletal muscle mass and function (sarcopenia). The commonality of events related to skeletal muscles in these disparate species (with vast differences in size, growth duration, longevity, and muscle activities) emphasizes the combined value and power of these experimental animal models.


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Using numerical diagonalization we study the crossover among different random matrix ensembles (Poissonian, Gaussian orthogonal ensemble (GOE), Gaussian unitary ensemble (GUE) and Gaussian symplectic ensemble (GSE)) realized in two different microscopic models. The specific diagnostic tool used to study the crossovers is the level spacing distribution. The first model is a one-dimensional lattice model of interacting hard-core bosons (or equivalently spin 1/2 objects) and the other a higher dimensional model of non-interacting particles with disorder and spin-orbit coupling. We find that the perturbation causing the crossover among the different ensembles scales to zero with system size as a power law with an exponent that depends on the ensembles between which the crossover takes place. This exponent is independent of microscopic details of the perturbation. We also find that the crossover from the Poissonian ensemble to the other three is dominated by the Poissonian to GOE crossover which introduces level repulsion while the crossover from GOE to GUE or GOE to GSE associated with symmetry breaking introduces a subdominant contribution. We also conjecture that the exponent is dependent on whether the system contains interactions among the elementary degrees of freedom or not and is independent of the dimensionality of the system.