999 resultados para Displasia diafisária progressiva
OBJETIVO:Relatar o caso de um lactente com citomegalovírus congênito e disacusia neurossensorial progressiva, analisado por três métodos de avaliação auditiva.DESCRIÇÃO DO CASO:Na primeira avaliação auditiva, aos quatro meses de idade, o lactente apresentou ausência de Emissões Otoacústicas (EOA) e Potencial Evocado Auditivo de Tronco Encefálico (PEATE) dentro dos padrões de normalidade para a faixa etária, com limiar eletrofisiológico em 30dBnHL, bilateralmente. Com seis meses, apresentou ausência de PEATE bilateral em 100dBnHL. A avaliação comportamental da audição mostrou-se prejudicada devido ao atraso no desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor. Aos oito meses, foi submetido ao exame de Resposta Auditiva de Estado Estável (RAEE) e os limiares encontrados foram 50, 70, ausente em 110 e em 100dB, respectivamente para 500, 1.000, 2.000 e 4.000Hz, à direita, e 70, 90, 90 e ausente em 100dB, respectivamente para 500, 1.000, 2.000 e 4.000Hz, à esquerda.COMENTÁRIOS:Na primeira avaliação, o lactente apresentou alteração auditiva no exame de EOA e PEATE normal, que passou a ser alterado aos seis meses de idade. A intensidade da perda auditiva só pôde ser identificada pelo exame de RAEE, permitindo estabelecer a melhor conduta na adaptação de aparelho de amplificação sonora individual. Ressalta-se a importância do acompanhamento audiológico para crianças com CMV congênito.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between cryoprotectants little studied in Brazil such as dimethylformamide and trehalose amid thinner, using protocols of fast and slow defrosting. Three adult Labrador Retrievier male, healthy dogs, weekly submitted to one semen collection during five-weeks period, were used. The base diluent medium used in this study was tris-citrate added with 3% of dimethylformamide + 3% glycerol (D1), 3% dimethylformamide and trehalose (D2) and 4% glycerol (D3). At defrosting, half of the semen samples from each diluent medium was defrosted by rapid method in water-bath at 75 °C for seven minutes, followed by a new immersion at 37 °C for 1 minute. The other half of the samples was defrosted by slow method, in water-bath at 37 °C for 1 minute. The semen was evaluated for sperm progressive motility and vigor, besides membrane integrity. For this, the semen samples were submitted to either hyposmotic and membrane integrity tests of the plasmatic membrane and acrosome (fluorescence). The results indicated that the use of glycerol as cryoprotector in TRIS diluter provides greater efficacy in cryopreserving spermatozoa of the canine species, when compared to dimethylformamide associated with trehalose or glycerol.
The Brazilian campos rupestres (high-altitude grasslands) are very important on the world conservation scenario because of high species richness and endemism. These grasslands are regarded as threatened ecosystems due to intense, on-going disruption by man's activities. The aim of this study was to describe the reproductive and vegetative phenological patterns of six shrub species endemic to these grasslands in the Espinhaço Range, sympatric in Serra do Cipó, MG. We tested the relationship between species phenophases and local climate seasonality. We expect that the species phenophases are strongly correlated with variations of the dry and wet seasons. Observations were conducted monthly on reproductive (flowering, fruit production and dispersal) and vegetative (leaf fall and budding) phenophases. Given the combination of reproductive phenology, vegetative phenology, and seasonality, we observed four phenological strategies for the six species. Therefore this study revealed great diversity in phenological patterns, even when considering the small number of species sampled. Moreover, all species showed a significant seasonal pattern for the reproductive phenophases, with high concentrations of species reproducing during a given season, suggesting a key role of climate in defining phenological patterns in the campo rupestre grasslands.
Introdução:Doença renal crônica (DRC) é definida pela presença de lesão renal levando à perda lenta e progressiva da função renal.Objetivo:Comparar testes auditivos entre pacientes com DRC submetidos a diferentes método de tratamento.Material e método:Estudo clínico transversal. Os grupos foram divididos de acordo com o método de tratamento: hemodiálise (n = 35), diálise peritoneal (n =15), conservador (n = 51) e 27 pacientes saudáveis (controle). Pacientes com idade superior a 60 anos, perda auditiva congênita, síndromes genéticas, infecções de orelha média e transplante renal foram excluídos da pesquisa. A avaliação audiológica incluiu audiometria tonal, emissões otoacústicas evocadas transientes e Potencial Evocado Auditivo de Tronco Encefálico (PEATE); e as variáveis avaliadas foram: sexo, idade, diagnóstico de hipertensão arterial e diabetes, estádio da DRC, tempo de diagnóstico do diabetes e da hipertensão arterial, duração da DRC e do tratamento.Resultados:A idade, presença de hipertensão arterial e tempo de DRC foram estatisticamente significantes e controlados. O grupo conservador apresentou piores limiares auditivos na audiometria tonal e o intervalo III-V do PEATE significativamente maior que o da hemodiálise.Conclusão:O tratamento conservador mostrou piores resultados na avaliação auditiva, independente de diabetes e de hipertensão, reforçando que os pacientes submetidos a tratamento para DRC devem realizar avaliação auditiva completa para melhor compreensão da doença e de seus efeitos sobre o sistema auditivo.
The model used in Brazilian schools, based on both traditional and progressive education, transmits information without worrying to show the real meaning of things, and without taking into consideration the previous knowledge of the pupil. How to work with the contents of human knowledge in a meaningful way? One alternative way is the Methodology of Dialectical Mediation (MDM), which consists in four steps or pedagogical moments, rescuing, problem posing, systematizing and producing. This theoretical option considers the educational work as a relationship involving teaching, learning and contents, which are taken as independent moments tightly connected to the ongoing work, instead of isolated elements or static terms. The aim of the present work is to clarify the Methodology of Dialectical Mediation and develop a class proposal according to the MDM approach to the problem of the free falling bodies (gravity, material means and shape). To evaluate the methodology, questionnaires were applied after experiments, with the involvement of students at each predominant moment. The results suggested that the MMD, combined with experimental activity, is a tool that enhances the overcoming of immediate knowledge, allowing students to reach a better understanding of the scientific knowledge.
Pós-graduação em Anestesiologia - FMB
Pós-graduação em Biotecnologia Animal - FMVZ
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Seeds Tabebuia aurea (syn. Handroanthus aureus Mattos), The seeds of Tabebuia aurea (syn. Handroanthus Mattos aureus), have low metabolic rates, which favors their storage conditions and freezing temperatures when stored at room temperature, there is a progressive decline in viability. Therefore, this study aims to determine the viability and longevity of seeds of Tabebuia aurea subjected to different storage methods. There were used 6100 seeds. In 2400 seeds were stored refrigerator, which in 1200 placed in transparent plastic bag and 1200 in Kraft paper bags. 3600 Other seeds were placed in room temperature and 1200 seeds in clear plastic bag, 1200 in Kraft paper bags and tray open in 1200. For each treatment, four replicates of 25 seeds for 12 months, with design was completely randomized. The average germination, normal seedlings and speed germination index were transformed into (x+1)(-1/2). The data were submitted to ANOVA and means compared by Tukey test at 5%. Also regressions polynomials were modeled for the variables study in function of the periods of storage of the seeds. The seeds stored in the refrigerator at 13 C maintained a high germination rate and normal seedling germination rate during the 360 days of evaluation. The method suitable for the seed storage of Tabebuia aurea is in the refrigerator at 13 degrees C, both in plastic and paper.
Pós-graduação em Anestesiologia - FMB
Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOAR
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)