995 resultados para Dimensão empresarial
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Desde a ECO-92 houve um crescimento substancial de ações de Educação Ambiental (EA) no Brasil e no mundo, ligadas aos mais diversos segmentos da sociedade, como movimentos sociais, associações de bairros, ONG‟s, escolas, universidades, instituições de pesquisa e empresas. As ações de EA ganharam visibilidade no setor empresarial, particularmente, na área portuária, objeto de interesse desse trabalho. Essa dissertação objetiva analisar, numa perspectiva crítica, a lógica da inserção da EA no setor empresarial portuário e seus impactos, a partir da análise da Companhia Ambiental Rural(CDP). Os estudos da EA no setor portuário não elucidam as intenções de “ordem econômica” ao adotarem programas ambientais. Partimos do pressuposto de que a EA é um campo de conhecimento de caráter sistêmico. Seguindo a noção de campo de Bourdieu, procuramos mostrar que a lógica da inserção da EA é acumular “capital simbólico” (crédito/reconhecimento) para conseguir a legitimação do modus operandi empresarial, mostrando suas ações como sustentáveis. Isso permite promover uma boa imagem da empresa e a conquista de selos e certificados. Observou-se que houve a construção do que chamamos de “habitus eco-lógico” reproduzido nas relações de trabalho pela qualificação profissional e gerenciamento ambiental dos negócios da empresa; na apropriação crescente da dimensão intelectual e cognitiva, procurando envolver os trabalhadores mais intensamente pelo disciplinamento, e, consequentemente, obtendo ganho de performance empresarial. Finalmente, conclui-se que a lógica de inserção da EA é a acumulação de “capital simbólico”, para se conseguir a legitimação do modus operandi empresarial, mostrando suas ações como sustentáveis, assim promovendo uma boa imagem da empresa (aumento do preço das ações, como também de seus parceiros) e a diminuição de investimentos em tecnologias e planejamentos para mitigar o compensar os impactos ambientais. Em síntese, a análise percorre elementos relevantes do processo de reestruturação logística das Companhias Docas no Brasil, em particular no Pará.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A autora apresenta os principais traços do pensamento de Hannah Arendt sobre o tema da dignidade humana no mundo contemporâneo, que para a filósofa política de origem alemã caiu sob a hegemonia de um suposto progresso social, em nome do qual é justificada a sistemática exclusão de grupos maciços de indivíduos. De acordo com a autora, para Arendt - reconhecida como uma das principais estudiosas do totalitarismo - a despeito do caráter universal que a tradição ocidental atribuía à dignidade do homem, esta só é real e se torna efetiva quando os indivíduos fazem parte de uma comunidade na qual compartilham a liberdade e a responsabilidade. Isso é impossível sob o totalitarismo, que através do controle total do comportamento humano consegue dissolver os limites entre o domínio público e a esfera privada, forjando um mundo em que o sentido das ações humanas passa a remeter a finalidades voltadas para o progresso biológico ou social da espécie. Assim, o princípio da dignidade humana pode ser substituído pela descartabilidade em massa, sob um aparente véu de legitimidade. A autora também discute as relações estabelecidas por Arendt entre este fenômeno e a instabilidade inerente à própria estrutura do Estado-nação, agravada pelo capitalismo, e os perigos que representam as novas formas de dominação para a cultura ocidental e a própria humanidade
In this paper, we analyze the theoretical work of Renaud Barbaras, departing from his proposal to highlight and develop the potential of Husserl's theory of perception, based on the doctrine of perceptive donation according to profiles. We mainly focused on his work entitled Desire and distance: introduction to a phenomenology of perception. We underline the description, operated by the author, about the vital movement as desire and the characterization of the subject of the perception as living. In this condition, the formulation about the priority of a dimension emerges, qualified by Barbaras as pulsion towards the objectifying dimension of classical epistemology in the subject-object relation. We indicate that, according to the author, these rearrangements entail the need to consider the body, perception and movement based on the category of life.
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the integration of environmental issues in the context of manufacturing function/production (or operations), which is considered the organizational area that should lead corporate environmental management. We present a background on the greening of the manufacturing area, especially in terms of product development, process, quality management and logistics. Four case studies of Brazilian companies are presented as part of the study, and it is found that the maturity level of these companies' environmental management tends to follow the degree to which the environment has been inserted into subareas of production, especially in the process of product development. However, difficulties encountered in greening a company's logistics activities are also recognized in most cases. It is concluded that companies can overcome this challenge by adopting new concepts of green supply chain management. The notes highlight the observed distance between arguments in the international literature and the reality of Brazilian companies on the greening of manufacturing aspects.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This research presents the results of a cephalometric radiography study, in frontal norm, that was used to measure the possible linear correlations between several linear dimensions of the face, in a sample of a 140 caucasian brazilians, with an average age of 20 years, who were distributed in 2 groups as follows: Control group - formed of 35 males and 35 females, with no apparent facial deformities and with dental oclusion, not necessarily, in Angle's Class I; Unilateral cleft lip and palate group - formed of 35 males and 35 females with surgical correction of the up in the first year and of the palate until the third year of life, without orthodontic treatment. ln each teleradiography, the following parameters were measured using a computer: - Lateral orbit width or external orbit width (LOe) - Medial orbit width or internal orbit width (LOI) - Zygomatic width or facial width (LZI) - Mastold width (LMa) - Maxilar width (LMx) - Nasal width (LNa) - Condilar width (LCo) - Antigonial width (LGa) The values obtained were treated statistically using quantitative analysis (arithmetic mean, standard deviation, standard mean error, Person's variation factor and Pearson factor linear correlation). Theirs significance was established by Student's t test. The Pearson factor linear correlations determined between transverse linear cephalometric width dimensions of face in frontal norm for individuals of both groups and sex, with an average age of 20 years, were: ...
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In the present context the information assumes a major role, providing to the business environment a dynamic performance that is constantly renewing and adapting itself to the environment in which it operates. In that sense we aimed, through literature, a reflection the models of information management for business. Were review the models of Beuren (2000), Choo (1997, 1999) and Davenport and Prusak (1998). We conclude that information management can provide a significant positive differential to business in the contemporary context.
Information organization can be considered as a nuclear area in Information Science and its historical background has been historically built based on three theoretical approaches: subject cataloguing, under a North-American influence, Indexing, under a British influence, and document analysis, under a French influence. In this sense, although one can consider the strong influence of the logic-linguistic approach of the French tradition in information organization both in Brazil and in Spain, it is not already clear in what extent the mentioned influence specifically occurs in Brazil and Spain as well as what are the dialogical perspectives between them. So, and in order to analyze how the Information Science academic environments in Brazil and in Spain conceive the interdisciplinary relationships in the domain of document analysis (DA), it was applied a questionnaire to Brazilian and Spain DO researchers based on the records of the Brazilian and the Spanish International Society for Knowledge Organization chapters. The results (64,5% of answers in Brazil and 60,6% in Spain) allowed the identification of 35 DA interdisciplinary relationships in Brazil and 98 in Spain, whose data were so grouped in 7 matrixes ? cognitive, philosophical, historical, logic-lingusitic, quantitative, social and political, and technological. It was possible to observe that the logical-linguistic matrix is strongly predominant (90% of the answers in Brazil and in Spain) what reflects the influence of the ideas of Jean-Claude Gardin. On the other side, the graphic visualization of authors´s network showed a strong perspective of dialogical relationships among Brazilian and Spanish DA researchers, based on the convergence of theoretical conceptions, what allow us to conclude the need of joint research policies between both coountries in order to make the mention ed dialogical relationships real and fruitful.
This article aims to address the relationship between work and professional education, specifically the ideology skills and the new pedagogy business under the globalization of capital. Is analyzed at first, the world-historical context, the restructuring of the productive and political capital from the 1970s, and the demand for a new organization of work based on model Toyota. Second, discuss such changes are productive within the Brazilian state and its influence on educational policies geared to work, permeated by the ideology skills as an instrument that seeks to obscure the relationshipcapital. It discusses the emergence of new education business connected to the ideals of human capital. It is the influence of international organizations in Brazil of the United Nations (UN) and the United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO), aimed at articulating the education according to the ideological aspect global, verified legislative apparatus in education. Ends up not only to reflect the content of the skills ideology, but it is suggested the redemption value of the denied promise of emancipation human-general.