1000 resultados para Detection of dsRNA


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A fibre optic technique for detecting trace amounts of nitrite compounds in water is described. The off-line fibre optic sensor outlined here is based on evanescent field absorption in a test solution formed by the reaction of nitrite compounds in water with suitable chemical reagents. A short unclad portion of a plastic clad silica fibre acts as the sensing region. The experimental results clearly establish the usefulness of the present technique for detecting very low concentrations of the order of 1 ppb (parts per billion) of nitrite compounds with a large dynamic range of 1–1000 ppb. Such a high sensitivity enables the present device to be used for measuring the nitrite content in drinking water.


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The design and development of a fibre optic evanescent wave refractometer for the detection of trace amounts of paraffin oil and palm oil in coconut oil is presented. This sensor is based on a side-polished plastic optical fibre. At the sensing region, the cladding and a small portion of the core are removed and the fibre nicely polished. The sensing region is fabricated in such a manner that it sits perfectly within a bent mould. This bending of the sensing region enhances its sensitivity. The oil mixture of different mix ratios is introduced into the sensing region and we observed a sharp decrease in the output intensity. The observed variation in the intensity is found to be linear and the detection limit is 2% (by volume) paraffin oil/palm oil in coconut oil. The resolution of this refractometric sensor is of the order of 10−3. Since coconut oil is consumed in large volumes as edible oil in south India, this fibre optic sensor finds great relevance for the detection of adulterants such as paraffin oil or palm oil which are readily miscible in coconut oil. The advantage of this type of sensor is that it is inexpensive and easy to set up. Another attraction of the side-polished fibre is that only a very small amount of analyte is needed and its response time is only 7 s.


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We report on a laser induced photoacoustic study of the nematic-to-isotropic transition in certain commercial nematic liquid crystal mixtures, namely BL001, BL002, BL032 and BL035. A simple analysis of the experimental data using the Rosencwaig–Gersho theory shows that the heat capacities of all these compounds exhibit a sharp peak as the temperature of the sample is varied across the transition region. Also, substantial differences in the photoacoustic signal amplitudes in nematic and isotropic phases have been noticed for all the mixtures. The increased light scattering property of the nematic phase may be the reason for the enhanced photoacoustic signal amplitude in this phase.


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We report on a laser induced photoacoustic study of the nematic-to-isotropic transition in certain commercial nematic liquid crystal mixtures, namely BL001, BL002, BL032 and BL035. A simple analysis of the experimental data using the Rosencwaig–Gersho theory shows that the heat capacities of all these compounds exhibit a sharp peak as the temperature of the sample is varied across the transition region. Also, substantial differences in the photoacoustic signal amplitudes in nematic and isotropic phases have been noticed for all the mixtures. The increased light scattering property of the nematic phase may be the reason for the enhanced photoacoustic signal amplitude in this phase


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We report on a laser induced photoacoustic study of the nematic-to-isotropic transition in certain commercial nematic liquid crystal mixtures, namely BL001, BL002, BL032 and BL035. A simple analysis of the experimental data using the Rosencwaig–Gersho theory shows that the heat capacities of all these compounds exhibit a sharp peak as the temperature of the sample is varied across the transition region. Also, substantial differences in the photoacoustic signal amplitudes in nematic and isotropic phases have been noticed for all the mixtures. The increased light scattering property of the nematic phase may be the reason for the enhanced photoacoustic signal amplitude in this phase.


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This article reports a new in vitro bile analysis based on the measurement of the dielectric properties at microwave frequencies. The measurements were made using rectangular cavity perturbation technique at the S-band of microwave frequency with the different samples of bile obtained from healthy persons as well as from patients. It is observed that an appreciable change in the dielectric properties of patient’s samples with the normal healthy samples and these measurements were in good agreement with clinical analysis. These results prove an alternative in-vitro method of detecting bile abnormalities based on the measurement of the dielectric properties of bile samples using microwaves without surgical procedure.


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In recent years,photonics has emerged as an essential technology related to such diverse fields like laser technology,fiber optics,communication,optical signal processing,computing,entertainment,consumer electronics etc.Availabilities of semiconductor lasers and low loss fibers have also revolutionized the field of sensor technology including telemetry. There exist fiber optic sensors which are sensitive,reliable.light weight and accurate devices which find applications in wide range of areas like biomedicine,aviation,surgery,pollution monitoring etc.,apart from areas in basic sciences.The present thesis deals with the design,fabrication and characterization of a variety of cost effective and sensitive fiber optic sensors for the trace detetction of certain environment pollutants in air and water.The sensor design is carried out using the techniques like evanescent waves,micro bending and long period gratings.


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he phenomenon of single beam mirage effect, otherwise known as photothermal deflection (PTD) effect using a He–Ne laser beam has been employed to detect phase transitions in some liquid crystals. It has been observed that anomalous changes in amplitude occur in the PTD signal level near the transition temperature. The experimental details and the results of measurements made in liquid crystals E8, M21 and M24 are given in this paper.


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Absorption spectra of formaldehyde molecule in the gas phase have been recorded using photoacoustic (PA) technique with pulsed dye laser at various power levels. The spectral profiles at higher power levels are found to be different from that obtained at lower laser powers. Two photon absorption (TPA) is found to be responsible for the photoacoustic signal at higher laser power while the absorption at lower laser power level is attributed to one photon absorption (OPA) process. Probable assignments for the different transitions are given in this paper.


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In this paper we report the use of a laser induced phoroacoustic technique for the detection of multiple phase transitions in heptyl-oxy-cyanobiphenyl (70CB) and octyl-oxy-cyanobiphenyl (80CB) liquid crystals. The observed photoacoustic signal amplitude profile carries clear signatures of two tirst order transitions in 70CB and two tirst order and a second order transitions in 80CB. Analysis of the experimental data using Rosencwaig-Gersho theory shows that the sudden decrease in the photoacoustic (PA) signal amplitude during phase transitions is due to a sharp increase in the heat capacity of the samples near the transition temperatures.


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The phenomenon of mirage effect suffered by a He-Ne laser beam has been utilized to detect phase transitions in solids. It has been observed that anomalous fluctuations of large amplitude occur in the signal level near the transition temperature. The mean square value of the fluctuation is found to exhibit a well-defined peak at this point. Results of measurements made in the case of crystals of TGS ((NH2CH2COOH)3.H2SO4) and a ceramic sample (BaTiO3) are given to illustrate this technique.


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The design and development of a cost-effective, simple, sensitive and portable LED based fiber optic evanescent wave sensor for simultaneously detecting trace amounts of chromium and nitrite in water are presented. In order to obtain the desired performance, the middle portions of two multimode plastic clad silica fibers are unclad and are used as the sensing elements in the two arms of the sensor. Each of the sensor arms is sourced by separate super bright green LEDs, which are modulated in a time-sharing manner and a single photo detector is employed for detecting these light signals. The performance and characteristics of this system clearly establish the usefulness of the technique for detecting very low concentrations of the dissolved contaminants.


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Spike disease in sandal is generally diagnosed by the manifestation of external symptoms. Attempts have been made to detect the diseased plants by determining the length/breadth ratio of leaves (lyengar, 1961) and histochemical tests using Mann's stain (Parthasarathi et al., 1966), Dienes' stain (Ananthapadmanabha et a/., 1973) aniline blue and Hoechst 33258 (Ghosh et a/., 1985, Rangaswamy, 1995). But most of these techniques are insensitive, indirect detection methods leading to misinterpretation of results. Moreover, to identify disease resistant sandal trees, highly sensitive techniques are needed to detect the presence of the pathogen. In sandal forests, several host plants of sandal like Zizyphus oenop/ea (Fig. 1.3) also exhibit the yellows type disease symptoms. Immunological and molecular assays have to be developed to confirm the presence of sandal spike phytoplasma in such hosts. The major objectives of the present work includes:In situ detection of sandal spike phytoplasma by epifluorescence microscopy and scanning electron microscopy.,Purification of sandal spike phytoplasma and production of polyclonal antibodies.,Amino acid and total protein estimation of sandal spike phytoplasma.,Immunological detection of sandal spike phytoplasma., Molecular detection of sandal spike phytoplasma.,Screening for phytoplasma in host plants of spike disease affected sandal using immunological and molecular techniques.


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One of the main challenges in the development of metal-oxide gas sensors is enhancement of selectivity to a particular gas. Currently, two general approaches exist for enhancing the selective properties of sensors. The first one is aimed at preparing a material that is specifically sensitive to one compound and has low or zero cross-sensitivity to other compounds that may be present in the working atmosphere. To do this, the optimal temperature, doping elements, and their concentrations are investigated. Nonetheless, it is usually very difficult to achieve an absolutely selective metal oxide gas sensor in practice. Another approach is based on the preparation of materials for discrimination between several analyte in a mixture. It is impossible to do this by using one sensor signal. Therefore, it is usually done either by modulation of sensor temperature or by using sensor arrays. The present work focus on the characterization of n-type semiconducting metal oxides like Tungsten oxide (WO3), Zinc Oxide (ZnO) and Indium oxide (In2O3) for the gas sensing purpose. For the purpose of gas sensing thick as well as thin films were fabricated. Two different gases, NO2 and H2S gases were selected in order to study the gas sensing behaviour of these metal oxides. To study the problem associated with selectivity the metal oxides were doped with metals and the gas sensing characteristics were investigated. The present thesis is entitled “Development of semiconductor metal oxide gas sensors for the detection of NO2 and H2S gases” and consists of six chapters.