968 resultados para Defects.


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Cantrell syndrome is characterized by defects that involve the diaphragm, abdominal wall, pericardium, heart, and lower region of the sternum. It is a rare entity, usually diagnosed at birth and accompanied by high mortality due to the complexity and gravity of the anomalies. In this report, we present a 32-year-old male patient, who was diagnosed in infancy but who reached adult age asymptomatic.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate cardiac findings in 31 Noonan syndrome patients. METHODS: Thirty-one (18 males and 13 females)patients from 26 families affected with Noonan's syndrome were evaluated from the cardiac point of view with electrocardiography and echodopplercardiography. RESULTS: Twenty patients had some type of cardiac abnormality. The most frequent was pulmonary valve stenosis followed by hypertrophic myocardiopathy, commonly associated with valve defects. Upper deviation of the QRS axis was observed in 80% of these patients. CONCLUSION: In view of the high frequency and diversity of cardiac abnormalities present in Noonan syndrome, cardiac evaluation with electrocardiography and echocardiography should be performed in all patients diagnostically suspected of having this disease.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze the incidence of intraventricular and atrioventricular conduction defects associated with acute myocardial infarction and the degree of in hospital mortality resulting from this condition during the era of thrombolytic therapy. METHODS: Observational study of a cohort of 929 consecutive patients with acute myocardial infarction. Multivariate analysis by logistic regression. Was used. RESULTS: Logistic regression showed a greater incidence of bundle branch block in male sex (odds ratio = 1.87, 95% CI = 1.02-3.42), age over 70 years (odds ratio = 2.31, 95% CI = 1.68-5.00), anterior localization of the infarction (odds ratio = 1.93, 95% CI = 1.03-3.65). There was a greater incidence of complete atrioventricular block in inferior infarcts (odds ratio = 2.59, 95% CI 1.30-5.18) and the presence of cardiogenic shock (odds ratio = 3.90, 95% CI = 1.43-10.65). Use of a thrombolytic agent was associated with a tendency toward a lower occurrence of bundle branch block (odds ratio = 0.68) and a greater occurrence of complete atrioventricular block (odds ratio = 1.44). The presence of bundle branch block (odds ratio = 2.45 95% , CI = 1.14-5.28) and of complete atrioventricular block (odds ratio = 13.59, 95% CI = 5.43-33.98) was associated with a high and independent probability of inhospital death. CONCLUSION: During the current era of thrombolytic therapy and in this population, intraventricular disturbances of electrical conduction and complete atrioventricular block were associated with a high and independent risk of inhospital death during acute myocardial infarction.


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Few patients with corrected transposition of the great arteries survive past 50 years of age because of the association with congenital defects, development of total atrioventricular block, and right ventricular dysfunction. We report the case of a male patient with dextrocardia in situs solitus and corrected transposition of the great arteries associated with a wide atrial septal defect and severe pulmonary valvar and subvalvar stenoses. The patient also developed a large aneurysm on the pulmonary artery, total atrioventricular block diagnosed 8 years earlier, symptoms of dysfunction of the systemic ventricle in the previous 2 years, insufficiency of the left atrioventricular valve, and aortic regurgitation. Despite all these associated anomalies, the patient developed class III cardiac decompensation only at the age of 68 years, which makes this case a rarity. The patient was clinically treated, and was discharged from the hospital in good condition.


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OBJECTIVE: To identify the left inferior pulmonary vein as an indirect marker of increased pulmonary flow in congenital heart diseases.METHODS: We carried out a prospective consecutive study on 40 patients divided into 2 groups as follows: G1 - 20 patients diagnosed with congenital heart disease and increased pulmonary flow; G2 (control group) - 20 patients who were either healthy or had congenital heart disease with decreased or normal pulmonary flow. We obtained the velocity-time integral of the left inferior pulmonary vein flow, excluding the "reverse A" wave, with pulsed Doppler echocardiography.RESULTS: In G1, 19 out of the 20 patients had well-identified dilation of the left inferior pulmonary vein. No G2 patient had dilation of the left inferior pulmonary vein. Dilation of the left inferior pulmonary vein in conditions of increased pulmonary flow had sensitivity of 95%, specificity of 100%, positive predictive value of 100%, and negative predictive value of 95% (1 false-negative case). The integral of time and velocity of the pulmonary venous flow obtained with pulsed Doppler echocardiography was greater in the G1 patients (G1=25.0±4.6 cm versus G2=14.8±2.1 cm, p=0.0001).CONCLUSION: The identification of dilation of the left inferior pulmonary vein suggests the presence of congenital heart disease with increased pulmonary flow. This may be used as an indirect sign of increased flow, mainly in malformations of difficult diagnosis, such as atrial septal defects of the venous sinus or coronary sinus type.


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OBJECTIVE: To access the incidence of diagnostic errors in the initial evaluation of children with cardiac murmurs. METHODS: We evaluated our 7-years of experience in a public pediatric cardiology outpatient clinic. Of 3692 patients who were sent to the hospital, 2603 presented with a heart murmur and were investigated. Patients for whom a disagreement existed between the initial and final diagnoses were divided into the following 2 groups: G1 (n=17) with an initial diagnosis of an innocent murmur and a final diagnosis of cardiopathy, and G2 (n=161) with an initial diagnosis of cardiopathy and a final diagnosis of a normal heart. RESULTS: In G1, the great majority of patients had cardiac defects with mild hemodynamic repercussions, such as small ventricular septal defect and mild pulmonary stenosis. In G2, the great majority of structural defects were interventricular communication, atrial septal defect and pulmonary valve stenosis. CONCLUSION: A global analysis demonstrated that diagnostic error in the initial evaluation of children with cardiac murmurs is real, reaching approximately 6% of cases. The majority of these misdiagnoses were in patients with an initial diagnosis of cardiopathy, which was not confirmed through later complementary examinations. Clinical cardiovascular examination is an excellent resource in the evaluation of children suspected of having cardiopathy. Immediate outpatient discharge of children with an initial diagnosis of an innocent heart murmur seems to be a suitable approach.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the clinical significance of transient ischemic dilation of the left ventricle during myocardial perfusion scintigraphy with stress/rest sestamibi. METHODS: The study retrospectively analyzed 378 patients who underwent myocardial perfusion scintigraphy with stress/rest sestamibi, 340 of whom had a low probability of having ischemia and 38 had significant transient defects. Transient ischemic dilation was automatically calculated using Autoquant software. Sensitivity, specificity, and the positive and negative predictive values were established for each value of transient ischemic dilation. RESULTS: The values of transient ischemic dilation for the groups of low probability and significant transient defects were, respectively, 1.01 ± 0.13 and 1.18 ± 0.17. The values of transient ischemic dilation for the group with significant transient defects were significantly greater than those obtained for the group with a low probability (P<0.001). The greatest positive predictive values, around 50%, were obtained for the values of transient ischemic dilation above 1.25. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that transient ischemic dilation assessed using the stress/rest sestamibi protocol may be useful to separate patients with extensive myocardial ischemia from those without ischemia.


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El estudio del tráfico intracelular en neuronas ha despertado gran interés en los últimos años, debido a que un gran número de enfermedades neurodegenerativas y neuropsiquiátricas parecen tener origen en en el transporte defectuoso de proteínas en estos tipos celulares. Mediante el uso de técnicas de biología celular y molecular, fuimos capaces de describir una de las vías que regula la fisión de las vesículas que llevan su cargo desde la última cisterna del Aparato de Golgi hacia la superficie celular en células epiteliales no polarizadas. Uno de los componentes clave de esa vía resultó ser la Proteina Kinasa D1 (PKD1), cuya actividad en el Aparato de Golgi es esencial para un normal transporte intracelular. Sorprendentemente, observamos que la PKD1 en neuronas con polaridad establecida no regula la fisión en el Golgi, pero si estaría involucrada en la selectividad y distribución (sorting) de vesículas cuyo cargo debe ser específicamente dirigido a las membranas dendríticas. El bloqueo de la actividad de la PKD1 no solamente cambia el destino final de estos cargos, que son enviados de esta forma a la membrana terminal del axón, sino que también es capaz de inducir defectos en el desarrollo y crecimiento de los procesos dendríticos a largo plazo. En este proyecto estudiaremos de que manera influye la perturbación del sorting, en ausencia de PKD1 activa y de otros componentes que la regulan, en la distribución de receptores de factores neurotróficos y de neurotransmisores glutamatérgicos, y cómo estos cambios en su distribución afectan el número, tamaño, y funcionalidad de los procesos neuronales (axones y dendritas). Estos resultados contribuirán a adquirir mayores conocimientos de los mecanismos dependientes del transporte y sorting de proteínas de membrana que participan en la regulación del crecimiento neuronal, los cuales a su vez aportarán información valiosa en la comprensión de un gran número de enfermedades neurológicas. The study of intracellular trafficking in neurons has arisen a great deal of interest in the last years, since a great number of neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric disorders seem to be originated in abnormal protein transport in these type of cells. Using cell and molecular biology methodologies, we have been capable of describe one of the pathways that regulate the fission of vesicles that carry their cargo from the last Golgi Apparatus cisternae to the cell surface in non-polarized epithelial cells. One of the key components in this pathway is the Protein Kinase D1 (PKD1), whose activity in the Golgi Apparatus is essential for a normal intracelular transport. Surprisingly, we have observed that PKD1 does not regulate fission in neurons with established polarity, but it would be involved in vesicles' sorting at Golgi, particularly of those that carry specific dendritic cargo. Blocking PKD1 activity changes the final destination of these cargoes, which is now sent to the axons' terminal membranes, and also produces late dendritic development and growing defects. In this project we will study how sorting perturbation in absence of PKD1 and its regulators activities influences selectivity and distribution of neurotrophic and neurotransmitter receptors, and how these sorting changes affect number, size and functionality of neuronal processes (axons and dendrites). These results will help to acquire greater knowledge about transport and sorting mechanisms of neuronal growth regulatory membrane proteins. In addition, these studies will contribute with new valuable information necessary to understand numerous neurological diseases.


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This project was funded under the Applied Research Grants Scheme administered by Enterprise Ireland. The project was a partnership between Galway - Mayo Institute of Technology and an industrial company, Tyco/Mallinckrodt Galway. The project aimed to develop a semi - automatic, self - learning pattern recognition system capable of detecting defects on the printed circuits boards such as component vacancy, component misalignment, component orientation, component error, and component weld. The research was conducted in three directions: image acquisition, image filtering/recognition and software development. Image acquisition studied the process of forming and digitizing images and some fundamental aspects regarding the human visual perception. The importance of choosing the right camera and illumination system for a certain type of problem has been highlighted. Probably the most important step towards image recognition is image filtering, The filters are used to correct and enhance images in order to prepare them for recognition. Convolution, histogram equalisation, filters based on Boolean mathematics, noise reduction, edge detection, geometrical filters, cross-correlation filters and image compression are some examples of the filters that have been studied and successfully implemented in the software application. The software application developed during the research is customized in order to meet the requirements of the industrial partner. The application is able to analyze pictures, perform the filtering, build libraries, process images and generate log files. It incorporates most of the filters studied and together with the illumination system and the camera it provides a fully integrated framework able to analyze defects on printed circuit boards.


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Considerando a relevância histórica e acadêmica dos Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia, posto que sua indexação no MEDLINE iniciou-se em 1950, assumiu-se como hipótese que a análise das publicações de 60 anos poderia refletir as tendências evolutivas das doenças cardíacas no Brasil. Os dados do trabalho foram coletados com um programa desenvolvido para a finalidade, tornando possível a extração automática das informações do banco de dados MEDLINE. As informações do trabalho foram coletadas pesquisando-se "Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia AND parâmetro selecionado em inglês". Foram arbitrados quatro grupos observacionais: (1) principais grupos de doenças do coração (doença arterial coronariana, valvulopatia cardíaca, cardiopatias congênitas e cardiomiopatias); (2) doenças relevantes na prática clínica (arritmias cardíacas, Cor Pulmonale, infarto do miocárdio e insuficiência cardíaca congestiva); (3) fatores de risco cardiovascular (hipertensão arterial, diabete, dislipidemia e aterosclerose), e; (4) grupo arbitrado em função da evolução crescente das publicações sobre insuficiência cardíaca congestiva constadas nos grupos anteriores (insuficiência cardíaca congestiva, infarto do miocárdio, cardiopatia reumática e cardiopatia chagásica). Foram descritas todas as publicações dentro dos grupos estabelecidos, ressaltando-se o crescente aumento da insuficiência cardíaca e do diabete como fatores de risco. Foi possível um levantamento relativamente fácil, com auxílio do programa de computação desenvolvido para a pesquisa bibliográfica de seis décadas. Ressaltando-se as limitações do estudo, sugere-se a existência de um elo epidemiológico entre as doenças cardiológicas prevalentes no Brasil e as publicações dos Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia.


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Background: The use of three-dimensional rotational angiography (3D-RA) to assess patients with congenital heart diseases appears to be a promising technique despite the scarce literature available. Objectives: The objective of this study was to describe our initial experience with 3D-RA and to compare its radiation dose to that of standard two-dimensional angiography (2D-SA). Methods: Between September 2011 and April 2012, 18 patients underwent simultaneous 3D-RA and 2D-SA during diagnostic cardiac catheterization. Radiation dose was assessed using the dose-area-product (DAP). Results: The median patient age and weight were 12.5 years and 47.5 Kg, respectively. The median DAP of each 3D-RA acquisition was 1093µGy.m2 and 190µGy.m2 for each 2D-SA acquisition (p<0.01). In patients weighing more than 45Kg (n=7), this difference was attenuated but still significant (1525 µGy.m2 vs.413µGy.m2, p=0.01). No difference was found between one 3D-RA and three 2D-SA (1525µGy.m2 vs.1238 µGy.m2, p = 0.575) in this population. This difference was significantly higher in patients weighing less than 45Kg (n=9) (713µGy.m2 vs.81µGy.m2, P = 0.008), even when comparing one 3D-RA with three 2D-SA (242µGy.m2, respectively, p<0.008). 3D-RA was extremely useful for the assessment of conduits of univentricular hearts, tortuous branches of the pulmonary artery, and aorta relative to 2D-SA acquisitions. Conclusions: The radiation dose of 3D-RA used in our institution was higher than those previously reported in the literature and this difference was more evident in children. This type of assessment is of paramount importance when starting to perform 3D-RA.


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Background: To alert for the diagnosis of the 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11.2DS) in patients with congenital heart disease (CHD). Objective: To describe the main CHDs, as well as phenotypic, metabolic and immunological findings in a series of 60 patients diagnosed with 22q11.2DS. Methods: The study included 60 patients with 22q11.2DS evaluated between 2007 and 2013 (M:F=1.3, age range 14 days to 20 years and 3 months) at a pediatric reference center for primary immunodeficiencies. The diagnosis was established by detection of the 22q11.2 microdeletion using FISH (n = 18) and/or MLPA (n = 42), in association with clinical and laboratory information. Associated CHDs, progression of phenotypic facial features, hypocalcemia and immunological changes were analyzed. Results: CHDs were detected in 77% of the patients and the most frequent type was tetralogy of Fallot (38.3%). Surgical correction of CHD was performed in 34 patients. Craniofacial dysmorphisms were detected in 41 patients: elongated face (60%) and/or elongated nose (53.3%), narrow palpebral fissure (50%), dysplastic, overfolded ears (48.3%), thin lips (41.6%), elongated fingers (38.3%) and short stature (36.6%). Hypocalcemia was detected in 64.2% and decreased parathyroid hormone (PTH) level in 25.9%. Decrease in total lymphocytes, CD4 and CD8 counts were present in 40%, 53.3% and 33.3%, respectively. Hypogammaglobulinemia was detected in one patient and decreased concentrations of immunoglobulin M (IgM) in two other patients. Conclusion: Suspicion for 22q11.2DS should be raised in all patients with CHD associated with hypocalcemia and/or facial dysmorphisms, considering that many of these changes may evolve with age. The 22q11.2 microdeletion should be confirmed by molecular testing in all patients.