933 resultados para DIURNAL RHYTHMS


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STUDY OBJECTIVES: Periodic leg movements in sleep (PLMS) are frequently accompanied by arousals and autonomic activation, but the pathophysiologic significance of these manifestations is unclear. DESIGN: Changes in heart rate variability (HRV), HRV spectra, and electroencephalogram (EEG) spectra associated with idiopathic PLMS were compared with changes associated with isolated leg movements and respiratory-related leg movements during sleep. Furthermore, correlations between electromyographic activity, HRV changes, and EEG changes were assessed. SETTING: Sleep laboratory. PATIENTS: Whole-night polysomnographic studies of 24 subjects fulfilling the criteria of either periodic leg movements disorder (n = 8), obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (n = 7), or normal polysomnography (n = 9) were used. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: Spectral HRV changes started before all EEG changes and up to 6 seconds before the onset of all types of leg movements. An initial weak autonomic activation was followed by a sympathetic activation, an increase of EEG delta activity, and finally a progression to increased higher-frequency EEG rhythms. After movement onset, HRV indicated a vagal activation, and, the EEG, a decrease in spindle activity. Sympathetic activation, as measured by HRV spectra, was greater for PLMS than for all other movement types. In EEG, gamma synchronization began 1 to 2 seconds earlier for isolated leg movements and respiratory-related leg movements than for PLMS. Significant correlations were found between autonomic activations and electromyographic activity, as well as between autonomic activations and EEG delta activity, but not between higher-frequency EEG rhythms and EMG activity or HRV changes. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest a primary role of the sympathetic nervous system in the generation of PLMS.


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BACKGROUND: Although yawning is a ubiquitous and phylogenetically old phenomenon, its origin and purpose remain unclear. The study aimed at testing the widely held hypothesis that yawning is triggered by drowsiness and brings about a reversal or suspension of the process of falling asleep. METHODS: Subjects complaining of excessive sleepiness were spontaneously yawning while trying to stay awake in a quiet and darkened room. Changes in their electroencephalogram (EEG) and heart rate variability (HRV) associated with yawning were compared to changes associated with isolated voluntary body movements. Special care was taken to remove eye blink- and movement-artefacts from the recorded signals. RESULTS: Yawns were preceded and followed by a significantly greater delta activity in EEG than movements (p< or =0.008). After yawning, alpha rhythms were attenuated, decelerated, and shifted towards central brain regions (p< or =0.01), whereas after movements, they were attenuated and accelerated (p<0.02). A significant transient increase of HRV occurred after the onset of yawning and movements, which was followed by a significant slow decrease peaking 17s after onset (p<0.0001). No difference in HRV changes was found between yawns and movements. CONCLUSIONS: Yawning occurred during periods with increased drowsiness and sleep pressure, but was not followed by a measurable increase of the arousal level of the brain. It was neither triggered nor followed by a specific autonomic activation. Our results therefore confirm that yawns occur due to sleepiness, but do not provide evidence for an arousing effect of yawning.


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BACKGROUND: The term 'isolated extraordinary daytime urinary frequency' designates an abnormally increased diurnal frequency of painless urination in a completely toilet-trained child with normal urinalysis. METHODS: We report the history of 26 children (16 boys and 10 girls; aged between 4.1 and 10 years) who were referred to us between 2002 and 2006 and subsequently diagnosed with this condition. RESULTS: Possible psychosocial problems, or recent emotional stressors, were disclosed in the majority of the children: recent (36 months or less) asylum seekers (n = 9), school-related problems (n = 4), parental divorce (n = 2) or death of the mother (n = 1). Possible dietary causes were observed in 9 patients: oxalate-rich beverages (n = 5) and liberal ingestion of 'acidic' juices (n = 4). A diet low in oxalates was recommended when children were consuming large quantities of oxalate-rich beverages; and a diet low in acidic juice was recommended in those liberally ingesting acidic juices. Reassurance and observation were the approach in the remaining cases. The median duration of the symptoms was 5 months. A longer (p < 0.05) duration was noted in children of asylum seekers. CONCLUSIONS: This functional condition is easily identifiable, but often under- or misdiagnosed. Confounding the condition might result in redundant investigation.


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A study was designed to investigate the effect of medetomidine sedation on quantitative electroencephalography (q-EEG) in healthy young and adult cats to determine objective guidelines for diagnostic EEG recordings and interpretation. Preliminary visual examination of EEG recordings revealed high-voltage low-frequency background activity. Spindles, k-complexes and vertex sharp transients characteristic of sleep or sedation were superimposed on a low background activity. Neither paroxysmal activity nor EEG burst-suppression were observed. The spectral analysis of q-EEG included four parameters, namely, relative power (%), and mean, median and peak frequency (Hz) of all four frequency bands (delta, theta, alpha and beta). The findings showed a prevalence of slow delta and theta rhythms as opposed to fast alpha and beta rhythms in both young (group A) and adult (group B) cats. A posterior gradient was reported for the theta band and an anterior gradient for the alpha and beta bands in both groups, respectively. The relative power value in group B compared to group A was significantly higher for theta, alpha and beta bands, and lower for the delta band. The mean and median frequency values in group B was significantly higher for delta, theta and beta bands and lower for the alpha band. The study has shown that a medetomidine sedation protocol for feline EEG may offer a method for investigating bio-electrical cortical activity. The use of q-EEG analysis showed a decrease in high frequency bands and increased activity of the low frequency band in healthy cats under medetomidine sedation.


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Experimental warming provides a method to determine how an ecosystem will respond to increased temperatures. Northern peatland ecosystems, sensitive to changing climates, provide an excellent setting for experimental warming. Storing great quantities of carbon, northern peatlands play a critical role in regulating global temperatures. Two of the most common methods of experimental warming include open top chambers (OTCs) and infrared (IR) lamps. These warming systems have been used in many ecosystems throughout the world, yet their efficacy to create a warmer environment is variable and has not been widely studied. To date, there has not been a direct, experimentally controlled comparison of OTCs and IR lamps. As a result, a factorial study was implemented to compare the warming efficacy of OTCs and IR lamps and to examine the resulting carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) flux rates in a Lake Superior peatland. IR lamps warmed the ecosystem on average by 1-2 #°C, with the majority of warming occurring during nighttime hours. OTC's did not provide any long-term warming above control plots, which is contrary to similar OTC studies at high latitudes. By investigating diurnal heating patterns and micrometeorological variables, we were able to conclude that OTCs were not achieving strong daytime heating peaks and were often cooler than control plots during nighttime hours. Temperate day-length, cloudy and humid conditions, and latent heat loss were factors that inhibited OTC warming. There were no changes in CO2 flux between warming treatments in lawn plots. Gross ecosystem production was significantly greater in IR lamp-hummock plots, while ecosystem respiration was not affected. CH4 flux was not significantly affected by warming treatment. Minimal daytime heating differences, high ambient temperatures, decay resistant substrate, as well as other factors suppressed significant gas flux responses from warming treatments.


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Early network oscillations and spindle bursts are typical patterns of spontaneous rhythmic activity in cortical networks of neonatal rodents in vivo and in vitro. The latter can also be triggered in vivo by stimulation of afferent inputs. The mechanisms underlying such oscillations undergo profound developmental changes in the first postnatal weeks. Their possible role in cortical development is postulated but not known in detail. We have studied spontaneous and evoked patterns of activity in organotypic cultures of slices from neonatal rat cortex grown on multielectrode arrays (MEAs) for extracellular single- and multi-unit recording. Episodes of spontaneous spike discharge oscillations at 7 - 25 Hz lasting for 0.6 - 3 seconds appeared in about half of these cultures spontaneously and could be triggered by electrical stimulation of few distinct electrodes. These oscillations usually covered only restricted areas of the slices. Besides oscillations, single population bursts that spread in a wavelike manner over the whole slice also appeared spontaneously and were triggered by electrical stimulation. In most but not all cultures, population bursts preceded the oscillations. Both population bursts and spike discharge oscillations required intact glutamatergic synaptic transmission since they were suppressed by the AMPA/kainate glutamate receptor antagonist CNQX. The NMDA antagonist d-APV suppressed the oscillations but not the population bursts, suggesting an involvement of NMDA receptors in the oscillations. These findings show that spindle burst like cortical rhythms are reproduced in organotypic cultures of neonatal cortex. The culture model thus allows investigating the role of such rhythms in cortical circuit formation. Supported by SNF grant No. 3100A0-107641/1.


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Approximately 90% of fine aerosol in the Midwestern United States has a regional component with a sizable fraction attributed to secondary production of organic aerosol (SOA). The Ozark Forest is an important source of biogenic SOA precursors like isoprene (> 150 mg m-2 d-1), monoterpenes (10-40 mg m-2 d-1), and sesquiterpenes (10-40 mg m-2d-1). Anthropogenic sources include secondary sulfate and nitrate and biomass burning (51-60%), vehicle emissions (17-26%), and industrial emissions (16-18%). Vehicle emissions are an important source of volatile and vapor-phase, semivolatile aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons that are important anthropogenic sources of SOA precursors. The short lifetime of SOA precursors and the complex mixture of functionalized oxidation products make rapid sampling, quantitative processing methods, and comprehensive organic molecular analysis essential elements of a comprehensive strategy to advance understanding of SOA formation pathways. Uncertainties in forecasting SOA production on regional scales are large and related to uncertainties in biogenic emission inventories and measurement of SOA yields under ambient conditions. This work presents a bottom-up approach to develop a conifer emission inventory based on foliar and cortical oleoresin composition, development of a model to estimate terpene and terpenoid signatures of foliar and bole emissions from conifers, development of processing and analytic techniques for comprehensive organic molecular characterization of SOA precursors and oxidation products, implementation of the high-volume sampling technique to measure OA and vapor-phase organic matter, and results from a 5 day field experiment conducted to evaluate temporal and diurnal trends in SOA precursors and oxidation products. A total of 98, 115, and 87 terpene and terpenoid species were identified and quantified in commercially available essential oils of Pinus sylvestris, Picea mariana, and Thuja occidentalis, respectively, by comprehensive, two-dimensional gas chromatography with time-of-flight mass spectrometric detection (GC × GC-ToF-MS). Analysis of the literature showed that cortical oleoresin composition was similar to foliar composition of the oldest branches. Our proposed conceptual model for estimation of signatures of terpene and terpenoid emissions from foliar and cortical oleoresin showed that emission potentials of the foliar and bole release pathways are dissimilar and should be considered for conifer species that develop resin blisters or are infested with herbivores or pathogens. Average derivatization efficiencies for Methods 1 and 2 were 87.9 and 114%, respectively. Despite the lower average derivatization efficiency of Method 1, distinct advantages included a greater certainty of derivatization yield for the entire suite of multi- and poly-functional species and fewer processing steps for sequential derivatization. Detection limits for Method 1 using GC × GC- ToF-MS were 0.09-1.89 ng μL-1. A theoretical retention index diagram was developed for a hypothetical GC × 2GC analysis of the complex mixture of SOA precursors and derivatized oxidation products. In general, species eluted (relative to the alkyl diester reference compounds) from the primary column (DB-210) in bands according to n and from the secondary columns (BPX90, SolGel-WAX) according to functionality, essentially making the GC × 2GC retention diagram a Carbon number-functionality grid. The species clustered into 35 groups by functionality and species within each group exhibited good separation by n. Average recoveries of n-alkanes and polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) by Soxhlet extraction of XAD-2 resin with dichloromethane were 80.1 ± 16.1 and 76.1 ± 17.5%, respectively. Vehicle emissions were the common source for HSVOCs [i.e., resolved alkanes, the unresolved complex mixture (UCM), alkylbenzenes, and 2- and 3-ring PAHs]. An absence of monoterpenes at 0600-1000 and high concentrations of monoterpenoids during the same period was indicative of substantial losses of monoterpenes overnight and the early morning hours. Post-collection, comprehensive organic molecular characterization of SOA precursors and products by GC × GC-ToFMS in ambient air collected with ~2 hr resolution is a promising method for determining biogenic and anthropogenic SOA yields that can be used to evaluate SOA formation models.


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Flash pulmonary edema (FPE) is a general clinical term used to describe a particularly dramatic form of acute decompensated heart failure. Well-established risk factors for heart failure such as hypertension, coronary ischemia, valvular heart disease, and diastolic dysfunction are associated with acute decompensated heart failure as well as with FPE. However, endothelial dysfunction possibly secondary to an excessive activity of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, impaired nitric oxide synthesis, increased endothelin levels, and/or excessive circulating catecholamines may cause excessive pulmonary capillary permeability and facilitate FPE formation. Renal artery stenosis particularly when bilateral has been identified has a common cause of FPE. Lack of diurnal variation in blood pressure and a widened pulse pressure have been identified as risk factors for FPE. This review is an attempt to delineate clinical and pathophysiological mechanisms responsible for FPE and to distinguish pathophysiologic, clinical, and therapeutic aspects of FPE from those of acute decompensated heart failure.


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Ultrasonic acoustic emission (UAE) in trees is often related to collapsing water columns in the flow path as a result of tensions that are too strong (cavitation). However, in a decibel (dB) range below that associated with cavitation, a close relationship was found between UAE intensities and stem radius changes. • UAE was continuously recorded on the stems of mature field-grown trees of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and pubescent oak (Quercus pubescens) at a dry inner-Alpine site in Switzerland over two seasons. The averaged 20-Hz records were related to microclimatic conditions in air and soil, sap-flow rates and stem-radius fluctuations de-trended for growth (ΔW). • Within a low-dB range (27 ± 1 dB), UAE regularly increased and decreased in a diurnal rhythm in parallel with ΔW on cloudy days and at night. These low-dB emissions were interrupted by UAE abruptly switching between the low-dB range and a high-dB range (36 ± 1 dB) on clear, sunny days, corresponding to the widely supported interpretation of UAE as sound from cavitations. • It is hypothesized that the low-dB signals in drought-stressed trees are caused by respiration and/or cambial growth as these physiological activities are tissue water-content dependent and have been shown to produce courses of CO2 efflux similar to our courses of ΔW and low-dB UAE.


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The generation of rhythmic electrical activity is a prominent feature of spinal cord circuits that is used for locomotion and also for circuit refinement during development. The mechanisms involved in rhythm generation in spinal cord networks are not fully understood. It is for example not known whether spinal cord rhythms are driven by pacemaker neurons and if yes, which neurons are involved in this function. We studied the mechanisms involved in rhythm generation in slice cultures from fetal rats that were grown on multielectrode arrays (MEAs). We combined multisite extracellular recordings from the MEA electrodes with intracellular patch clamp recordings from single neurons. We found that spatially restricted oscillations of activity appeared in most of the cultures spontaneously. Such activity was based on intrinsic activity in a percentage of the neurons that could activate the spinal networks through recurrent excitation. The local oscillator networks critically involved NMDA, AMPA and GABA / glycine receptors at subsequent phases of the oscillation cycle. Intrinsic spiking in individual neurons (in the absence of functional synaptic coupling) was based on persistent sodium currents. Intrinsic firing as well as persistent sodium currents were increased by 5-HT through 5-HT2 receptors. Comparing neuronal activity to muscle activity in co-cultures of spinal cord slices with muscle fibers we found that a percentage of the intrinsically spiking neurons were motoneurons. These motoneurons were electrically coupled among each other and they could drive the spinal networks through cholinergic recurrent excitation. These findings open the possibility that during development rhythmic activity in motoneurons is not only involved in circuit refinement downstream at the neuromuscular endplates but also upstream at the level of spinal cord circuits.


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Integrating evidence from different imaging modalities is important to overcome specific limitations of any given imaging method, such as insensitivity of the EEG to unsynchronized neural events, or the lack of fMRI sensitivity to events of low metabolic demand. Processes that are visible in one modality may be related in a nontrivial way to other processes visible in another modality and insight may only be obtained by integrating both methods through a common analysis. For example, brain activity at rest seems to be at least partly determined by an interaction of cortical rhythms (visible to EEG but not to fMRI) with sub-cortical activity (visible to fMRI, but usually not to EEG without averaging). A combination of EEG and fMRI data during rest may thus be more informative than the sum of two separate analyses in both modalities. Integration is also an important source of converging evidence about specific aspects and general principles of neural functions and their dysfunctions in certain pathologies. This is because not only electrical, but also energetic, biochemical, hemodynamic and metabolic processes characterize neural states and functions, and because brain structure provides crucial constraints upon neural functions. Focusing on multimodal integration of functional data should not distract from the privileged status of the electric field as the primary direct, noninvasive real-time measure of neural transmission. The preceding chapters illustrate how electrical neuroimaging has turned scalp EEG into an imaging modality which directly captures the full temporal dynamics of neural activity in the brain.


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Phase locking or synchronization of brain areas is a key concept of information processing in the brain. Synchronous oscillations have been observed and investigated extensively in EEG during the past decades. EEG oscillations occur over a wide frequency range. In EEG, a prominent type of oscillations is alpha-band activity, present typically when a subject is awake, but at rest with closed eyes. The spectral power of alpha rhythms has recently been investigated in simultaneous EEG/fMRI recordings, establishing a wide-range cortico-thalamic network. However, spectral power and synchronization are different measures and little is known about the correlations between BOLD effects and EEG synchronization. Interestingly, the fMRI BOLD signal also displays synchronous oscillations across different brain regions. These oscillations delineate so-called resting state networks (RSNs) that resemble the correlation patterns of simultaneous EEG/fMRI recordings. However, the nature of these BOLD oscillations and their relations to EEG activity is still poorly understood. One hypothesis is that the subunits constituting a specific RSN may be coordinated by different EEG rhythms. In this study we report on evidence for this hypothesis. The BOLD correlates of global EEG synchronization (GFS) in the alpha frequency band are located in brain areas involved in specific RSNs, e.g. the 'default mode network'. Furthermore, our results confirm the hypothesis that specific RSNs are organized by long-range synchronization at least in the alpha frequency band. Finally, we could localize specific areas where the GFS BOLD correlates and the associated RSN overlap. Thus, we claim that not only the spectral dynamics of EEG are important, but also their spatio-temporal organization.


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Ubiquitylation plays an important role in the control of Na⁺ homeostasis by the kidney. It is well established that the epithelial Na⁺ channel ENaC is regulated by the ubiquitin-protein ligase NEDD4-2, limiting ENaC cell surface expression and activity. Ubiquitylation can be reversed by the action of deubiquitylating enzymes (DUBs). One such DUB, USP2-45, was identified previously as an aldosterone-induced protein in the kidney and is also a circadian output gene. In heterologous expression systems, USP2-45 binds to ENaC, deubiquitylates it, and enhances channel density and activity at the cell surface. Because the role of USP2-45 in renal Na⁺ transport had not been studied in vivo, we investigated here the effect of Usp2 gene inactivation in this process. We demonstrate first that USP2-45 protein has a rhythmic expression with a peak at ZT12. Usp2-KO mice did not show any differences from wild-type littermates with respect to the diurnal control of Na⁺ or K⁺ urinary excretion and plasma levels either on a standard diet or after acute and chronic changes to low- and high-Na⁺ diets, respectively. Moreover, they had similar aldosterone levels on either a low- or high-Na⁺ diet. Blood pressure measurements using telemetry did not reveal variations compared with control mice. Usp2-KO mice did not display alterations in expression of genes involved in sodium homeostasis or the ubiquitin system, as evidenced by transcriptome analysis in the kidney. Our data suggest that USP2 does not play a primary role in the control of Na⁺ balance or blood pressure.


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Connus sous le nom populaire de palafittes, les habitats préhistoriques construits sur les rives des lacs subalpins du Néolithique à l’aube de l’âge du Fer (entre 5300 et 700 av. J.-C.) offrent des informations exceptionnelles sur l’évolution culturelle d’une importante région européenne, grâce à la préservation remarquable des matériaux organiques, en particulier du bois. À partir de la deuxième moitié du XXe siècle, le perfectionnement des techniques de fouille subaquatiques et de la dendrochronologie permettront la construction d’un schéma chronologique précis pour l’Europe nord-alpine. Les recherches contribueront à des observations d’ordre écologique à l’échelle locale et régionale et à l’identification des rythmes de développement des villages. Sous l’égide de l'UNESCO, les années 2010 verront la constitution d’un inventaire vaste et uniforme des sites préhistoriques des lacs circumalpins, classés Patrimoine culturel mondial en juin 2011.


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In most animals, significant increases in metabolic rate are due to activity and to feeding (known as apparent specific dynamic action). We determined the energetic costs of activity and feeding in adult green-lipped mussels (Perna canaliculus). Maximal metabolic rate was determined, using closed-chamber respirometry, during byssus re-attachment, during specific dynamic action after 16 h of feeding with Isochrysis galbana, and for the two activities combined, in 23 mussels. Metabolic rate was significantly elevated above rest by about 1.9-fold during byssus attachment (17.1 ± 1.53 μg O(2) h(-1) g(-1) whole mussel wet weight at rest, increased to 27.9 ± 0.91 μg O(2) h(-1) g(-1)), and by 2.2-fold after feeding (31.4 ± 1.20 μg O(2) h(-1) g(-1)). Combined feeding and byssus attachment led to a still higher metabolic rate (34.0 ± 1.23 μg O(2) h(-1) g(-1)). Behavior was also significantly altered, with mussels being almost continuously open during attachment and after feeding (90%-99% of the time); however, the time spent open during the day decreased, reaching a minimum of 52% ± 9% 3 days after feeding, and remained low (67%-82%) for the following 45-day starvation period. Significant diurnal differences were observed, with mussels continuously (92%-100%) open at night. The key findings from this study are that green-lipped mussels (1) have an aerobic scope of approximately 2-fold; (2) reach a higher metabolic rate during feeding than during activity, and the two combined can raise the metabolic rate higher still; (3) display a marked diurnal behavior.