984 resultados para DC-DC
Immatures of Syphrea uberabensis guerini Bechyné (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Alticini). Larva and pupa of Syphrea uberabensis guerini are described and illustrated for the first time and a comparison with the described immatures of other Alticini species from Neotropical region and also with Hermaeophaga mercurialis (Fabricius, 1792), from Palearctic region, is presented. Tibouchina stenocarpa (DC.) Cogn. (Melastomataceae) (quaresmeira-do-cerrado) is registered as a new host plant for this species of Alticini.
INTRODUÇÃO: Populações de Triatoma sordida Stål, 1859 foram investigadas quanto à suscetibilidade à deltametrina. MÉTODOS: Análise por meio de bioensaios por aplicação tópica em 11 populações de T. sordida procedentes dos Estados de Goiás, Mato Grosso e Mato Grosso do Sul. RESULTADOS: As estimativas de DL50 e RR50 demonstraram elevados níveis de suscetibilidade (DL50 < 1 e RR50 < 2). Entretanto, as análises do coeficiente angular da curva dose resposta revelaram que as populações de triatomíneos dos municípios de Firminópolis/GO, Posse/GO, Poxoréu/MT, Douradina/MS e Aparecida do Taboado/MS apresentam maiores probabilidades de evolução de resistência, portanto, mais propícias a tolerar o tratamento com deltametrina. CONCLUSÕES: Detectaram-se pequenas alterações de suscetibilidade e baixos níveis de resistência, porém as alterações temporais de suscetibilidade deverão ser continuamente monitoradas, a fim de nortear adequadamente as ações de controle dos vetores da DC.
INTRODUÇÃO: A prevalência da hipertensão arterial vem crescendo no país, constituindo-se em um problema de saúde pública por sua magnitude e dificuldades no controle. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a qualidade dos dados sobre hipertensão como causa de morte e verificar o ganho de informação na mortalidade por hipertensão arterial de mulheres de 10 a 49 anos, por meio da metodologia de análise por causas múltiplas de morte. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Foi constituída uma base de dados com 7.332 óbitos ocorridos no primeiro semestre de 2002 pertencentes ao "Estudo da Morbi-Mortalidade de Mulheres de 10 a 49 anos". A metodologia RAMOS (Reproductive Age Mortality Survey) foi aplicada em todas as capitais de Estados brasileiros e Distrito Federal. Com as informações adicionais, foi preenchida uma nova declaração de óbito - DO-NOVA. Foram analisados dois conjuntos de dados (DO-ORIGINAL - antes da investigação - e DO-NOVA - após resgate das informações. Foram realizadas comparações segundo causas básicas e múltiplas por fontes dos dados (DO-O, DO-N). RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÃO: A DO-ORIGINAL apresentou algumas falhas quantitativas e qualitativas. Concluiu-se que a análise por causas múltiplas enriquece a informação, com base nas DO. São necessárias ações contínuas para um melhor preenchimento da DO, pelos médicos, e deve haver mais estudos que adotem a metodologia de causas múltiplas.
OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência de defeitos congênitos (DC) em uma coorte de nascidos vivos (NV) vinculando-se os bancos de dados do Sistema de Informação de Mortalidade (SIM) e do Sistema de Informação sobre Nascidos Vivos (SINASC). MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo para avaliar as declarações de nascido vivo como fonte de informação sobre DC. A população de estudo é uma coorte de NV hospitalares do 1º semestre de 2006 de mães residentes e ocorridos no Município de São Paulo no período de 01/01/2006 a 30/06/2006, obtida por meio da vinculação dos bancos de dados das declarações de nascido vivo e óbitos neonatais provenientes da coorte. RESULTADOS: Os DC mais prevalentes segundo o SINASC foram: malformações congênitas (MC) e deformidades do aparelho osteomuscular (44,7%), MC do sistema nervoso (10,0%) e anomalias cromossômicas (8,6%). Após a vinculação, houve uma recuperação de 80,0% de indivíduos portadores de DC do aparelho circulatório, 73,3% de DC do aparelho respiratório e 62,5% de DC do aparelho digestivo. O SINASC fez 55,2% das notificações de DC e o SIM notificou 44,8%, mostrando-se importante para a recuperação de informações de DC. Segundo o SINASC, a taxa de prevalência de DC na coorte foi de 75,4%00 NV; com os dados vinculados com o SIM, essa taxa passou para 86,2%00 NV. CONCLUSÕES: A complementação de dados obtida pela vinculação SIM/SINASC fornece um perfil mais real da prevalência de DC do que aquele registrado pelo SINASC, que identifica os DC mais visíveis, enquanto o SIM identifica os mais letais, mostrando a importância do uso conjunto das duas fontes de dados.
A análise da mortalidade tem sido muito usada em saúde pública, e a causa básica da morte é uma variável bastante estudada. Na maioria dos países, há obrigatoriedade de o médico preencher a declaração de óbito (DO), informando às autoridades a ocorrência do evento, características do falecido e causas da morte. Quando há dois ou mais diagnósticos na declaração das causas da morte, surge a questão da seleção da causa básica. As normas para o preenchimento das causas de morte pelos médicos nas DO e as regras para a seleção da causa básica, quando mais de uma causa é declarada, estão definidas pela OMS, visando à comparabilidade internacional. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar se a aplicação das Regras Internacionais de Classificação da causa básica permite a seleção da real causa básica, mesmo se declarada incorretamente pelo médico. O material pertence ao "Estudo sobre a mortalidade de mulheres em idade fértil", sendo que 1.315 casos satisfizeram os requisitos de inclusão. Para cada morte foi realizada uma investigação através de entrevistas domiciliárias, consultas aos prontuários hospitalares e assemelhados. Médicos treinados e calibrados preenchiam uma DO nova, após a leitura de toda a informação, e selecionavam a "verdadeira" causa básica da morte. Esta era comparada com a causa básica da DO original, obtida por meio das Regras Internacionais. Entre as DO, em 1.192 (90,6%) houve concordância com a verdadeira causa básica obtida após a investigação. Concluiu-se que as Regras Internacionais permitem selecionar a real causa básica, mesmo quando o médico preenche inadequadamente a DO
O objetivo foi comparar as mortes maternas existentes no Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade (SIM/MS) com as do "Estudo da mortalidade de mulheres em idade fértil" e estimar novos fatores de correção. Analisaram-se 7.332 declarações de óbito feminino (DO) de dez a 49 anos, de residentes nas capitais brasileiras, no 1o semestre de 2002. Realizou-se pareamento dos conjuntos de DO (as originalmente preenchidas pelos médicos e aquelas obtidas com o resgate de dados) com as DO do SIM/MS. A subenumeração das mortes por causas maternas, no SIM/MS, foi de 21,4 por cento e, das mortes maternas, 16 por cento . Os novos fatores de ajuste para as mortes maternas nas regiões brasileiras foram: 0,93 (Norte), 1,17 (Nordeste), 1,28 (Sudeste), 1,10 (Sul) e 1,47 (Centro-oeste); para o pa's, foi igual a 1,19. Os Comitês de Morte Materna investigam os óbitos femininos em idade fértil, mas, ainda, restam imprecisões que podem inviabilizar condutas preventivas eficientes
Yerba mate´ (Ilex paraguariensis) is rich in polyphenols, especially chlorogenic acids. Evidence suggests that dietary polyphenols could play a role in glucose absorption and metabolism. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antidiabetic properties of yerba mate´ extract in alloxan-induced diabetic Wistar rats. Animals (n ) 41) were divided in four groups: nondiabetic control (NDC, n=11), and diabetic yerba maté (DY, n = 10). The intervention consisted in the administration of yerba mate´ extract in a 1 g extract/ kg body weight dose for 28 days; controls received saline solution only. There were no significant differences in serum glucose, insulin, and hepatic glucose-6-phosphatase activity between the groups that ingested yerba maté extract (NDY and DY) and the controls (NDC and DC). However, the intestinal SGLT1 gene expression was significantly lower in animals that received yerba maté both in upper (p = 0.007) and middle (p < 0.001) small intestine. These results indicate that bioactive compounds present in yerba maté might be capable of interfering in glucose absorption, by decreasing SGLT1 expression
In the last 15 years, the use of doubly fed induction machines in modern variable-speed wind turbines has increased rapidly. This development has been driven by the cost reduction as well as the low-loss generation of Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBT). According to new grid code requirements, wind turbines must remain connected to the grid during grid disturbances. Moreover, they must also contribute to voltage support during and after grid faults. The crowbar system is essential to avoid the disconnection of the doubly fed induction wind generators from the network during faults. The insertion of the crowbar in the rotor circuits for a short period of time enables a more efficient terminal voltage control. As a general rule, the activation and the deactivation of the crowbar system is based only on the DC-link voltage level of the back-to-back converters. In this context, the authors discuss the critical rotor speed to analyze the instability of doubly fed induction generators during grid faults.
Rainfall interception by the two most usual species in forest urban spaces was analysed by measuring of interception (I) or interception losses, through fall (PI), stem flow (Et) and gross precipitation (PT). The chosen species were Caesalpinia pluviosa DC. (Fabaceae: Caesalpinoideae) or sibipiruna, and Tipuana tipu O. Kuntze (Fabaceae: Faboideae) or tipuana. The individuals analysed were more than 50 years old, with three separate individuals and three individuals in each studied group of species at the campus of ""Luiz de Queiroz"" College of Agriculture (University of Sao Paulo), Piracicaba. The experiments were carried out from January to February 2007. Water was collected using seven-litre pails, in the edges and in the centre of the canopies. A high correlation of Th with Pg was observed on the centre of the crow of tipuana and by the edges of sibipiruna. Stand! had low correlation with Pg for both species. The average of rain interception was greater in the edges of the crow of sibipiruna individuals, 60.6%, and in the centre of tipuana crow, 59.40%. Thus, both species intercepted up to 60% of the water rainfall, which indicates a great potential of both species for arborisation in urban environments.
Paracoccidioidomycosis is a mycotic disease caused by a dimorphic fungus, Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (Pb), that starts with inhalation of the fungus; thus, lung cells such as DC are part of the first line of defense against this microorganism. Migration of DC to the lymph nodes is the first step in initiating T cell responses. The mechanisms involved in resistance to Pb infection are poorly understood, but it is likely that DC play a pivotal role in the induction of effector T cells that control Pb infection. In this study, we showed that after Pb Infection, an important modification of lung DC receptor expression occurred. We observed an increased expression of CCR7 and CD103 on lung DC after infection, as well as MHC-II. After Pb infection, bone marrow-derived DC as well lung DC, migrate to lymph nodes. Migration of lung DC could represent an important mechanism of pathogenesis during PCM infection. In resume our data showed that Pb induced DC migration. Furthermore, we demonstrated that bone marrow-derived DC stimulated by Pb migrate to the lymph nodes and activate a T helper (Th) response. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported data showing that Pb induces migration of DC and activate a T helper (Th) response.
Baccharis dracunculifolia DC (Asteraceae) is a Brazilian medicinal plant popularly used for its antiulcer and anti-inflammatory properties. This plant is the main botanical source of Brazilian green propolis, a natural product incorporated into food and beverages to improve health. The present study aimed to investigate the chemical profile and intestinal anti-inflammatory activity of B. dracunculifolia extract on experimental ulcerative colitis induced by trinitrobenzenosulfonic acid (TNBS). Colonic damage was evaluated macroscopically and biochemically through its evaluation of glutathione content and its myeloperoxidase (MPO) and alkaline phosphatase activities. Additional in vitro experiments were performed in order to test the antioxidant activity by inhibition of induced lipid peroxidation in the rat brain membrane. Phytochemical analysis was performed by HPLC using authentic standards. The administration of plant extract (5 and 50 mgkg(-1)) significantly attenuated the colonic damage induced by TNBS as evidenced both macroscopically and biochemically. This beneficial effect can be associated with an improvement in the colonic oxidative status, since plant extract prevented glutathione depletion, inhibited lipid peroxidation and reduced MPO activity. Caffeic acid, p-coumaric acid, aromadendrin-4-O-methyl ether, 3-prenyl-p-coumaric acid, 3,5-diprenyl-p-coumaric acid and baccharin were detected in the plant extract.
This work is a part of a taxonomic revision of the Neotropical genus Hortia (Rutaceae), where three names (H. colambiana Gleason. H. chocoensis Cuatrec., and H. badinii M. Lisboa ex Groppo) are proposed as synonyms of H. brasiliana Vand. ex DC., and the name H. badinii is here validated. Additionally, another name in the Rutaceae. Dictyoloma peruvianum Plana., is proposed as a synonym of D. vandellianum A. Juss. Notes on the type collection of D. vandellianum are provided.
Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is a heterogeneous disease affecting the epithelium of the oral cavity, pharynx and larynx. Conditions of most patients are diagnosed at late stages of the disease, and no sensitive and specific predictors of aggressive behavior have been identified yet. Therefore, early detection and prognostic biomarkers are highly desirable for a more rational management of the disease. Hypermethylation of CpG islands is one of the most important epigenetic mechanisms that leads to gene silencing in tumors and has been extensively used for the identification of biomarkers. In this study, we combined rapid subtractive hybridization and microarray analysis in a hierarchical manner to select genes that are putatively reactivated by the demethylating agent 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine (5Aza-dC) in HNSCC cell lines (FaDu, UM-SCC-14A, UM-SCC-17A, UM-SCC-38A). This combined analysis identified 78 genes, 35 of which were reactivated in at least 2 cell lines and harbored a CpG island at their 5' region. Reactivation of 3 of these 35 genes (CRABP2, MX1, and SLC15A3) was confirmed by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR; fold change, >= 3). Bisulfite sequencing of their CpG islands revealed that they are indeed differentially methylated in the HNSCC cell lines. Using methylation-specific PCR, we detected a higher frequency of CRABP2 (58.1% for region 1) and MX1 (46.3%) hypermethylation in primary HNSCC when compared with lymphocytes from healthy individuals. Finally, absence of the CRABP2 protein was associated with decreased disease-free survival rates, supporting a potential use of CRABP2 expression as a prognostic biomarker for HNSCC patients.
Background: The leaves and the fruits from Syzygium jambolanum DC.(Myrtaceae), a plant known in Brazil as sweet olive or 'jambolao', have been used by native people to treat infectious diseases, diabetes, and stomachache. Since the bactericidal activity of S. jambolanum has been confirmed in vitro, the aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of the prophylactic treatment with S. jambolanum on the in vivo polymicrobial infection induced by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) in mice. Methods: C57BI/6 mice were treated by the subcutaneous route with a hydroalcoholic extract from fresh leaves of S. jambolanum (HCE). After 6 h, a bacterial infection was induced in the peritoneum using the lethal CLP model. The mice were killed 12 h after the CLP induction to evaluate the cellular influx and local and systemic inflammatory mediators' production. Some animals were maintained alive to evaluate the survival rate. Results: The prophylactic HCE treatment increased the mice survival, the neutrophil migration to infectious site, the spreading ability and the hydrogen peroxide release, but decreased the serum TNF and nitrite. Despite the increased migration and activation of peritoneal cells the HCE treatment did not decrease the number of CFU. The HCE treatment induced a significant decrease on the bone marrow cells number but did not alter the cell number of the spleen and lymph node. Conclusion: We conclude that the treatment with S. jambolanum has a potent prophylactic antiseptic effect that is not associated to a direct microbicidal effect but it is associated to a recruitment of activated neutrophils to the infectious site and to a diminished systemic inflammatory response.
Hyperpolarizabilities of the methanol molecule: A CCSD calculation including vibrational corrections
In this work we present the results for hyperpolarizabilities of the methanol molecule including vibrational corrections and electron correlation effects at the CCSD level. Comparisons to random phase approximation results previously reported show that the electron correlation is in general important for both electronic contribution and vibrational corrections. The role played by the anharmonicities on the calculations of the vibrational corrections has also been analyzed and the obtained results indicate that the anharmonic terms are important for the dc-Pockels and dc-Kerr effects. For the other nonlinear optical properties studied the double-harmonic approximation is found to be suitable. Comparison to available experimental result in gas phase for the dc-second harmonic generation second hyperpolarizability shows a very good agreement with the electronic contribution calculated here while our total value is 14% larger than the experimental value.