925 resultados para D.Z. Phillips


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We have expressed a fusion protein formed between the avian infectious bronchitis virus M protein and the bacterial enzyme beta-glucuronidase in transgenic tobacco cells. Electron microscope images of such cells demonstrate that overexpression of this fusion protein gives rise to a type of endoplasmic reticulum membrane domain in which adjacent membranes become zippered together apparently as a consequence of the oligomerizing action of beta-glucuronidase. These zippered (Z-) membranes lack markers of the endoplasmic reticulum (NADH cytochrome c reductase and ribosomes) and accumulate in the cells in the form of multilayered scroll-like structures (up to 2 micrometers in diameter; 20-50 per cell) without affecting plant growth. The discovery of Z-membranes has broad implications for biology and biotechnology in that they provide a means for accumulating large quantities of recombinant membrane proteins within discrete domains of native membranes.


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VanX is a D-Ala-D-Ala dipeptidase that is essential for vancomycin resistance in Enterococcus faecium. Contrary to most proteases and peptidases, it prefers to hydrolyze the amino substrate but not the related kinetically and thermodynamically more favorable ester substrate D-Ala-D-lactate. The enzymatic activity of VanX was previously found to be inhibited by the phosphinate analogs of the proposed tetrahedral intermediate for hydrolysis of D-Ala-D-Ala. Here we report that such phosphinates are slow-binding inhibitors. D-3-[(1-Aminoethyl)phosphinyl]-D-2-methylpropionic acid I showed a time-dependent onset of inhibition of VanX and a time-dependent return to uninhibited steady-state rates upon dilution of the enzyme/inhibitor mixture. The initial inhibition constant Ki after immediate addition of VanX to phosphinate I to form the E-I complex is 1.5 microM but is then lowered by a relatively slow isomerization step to a second complex, E-I*, with a final K*i of 0.47 microM. This slow-binding inhibition reflects a Km/K*i ratio of 2900:1. The rate constant for the slow dissociation of complex E-I* is 0.24 min-1. A phosphinate analog with an ethyl group replacing what would be the side chain of the second D-alanyl residue in the normal tetrahedral adduct gives a K*i value of 90 nM. Partial proteolysis of VanX reveals two protease-sensitive loop regions that are protected by the intermediate analog phosphinate, indicating that they may be part of the VanX active site.


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GDP-L-fucose:beta-D-galactoside alpha-2-L-fucosyltransferase (EC is a key enzyme in the biosynthesis of fucosylated type 1 and 2 lactoseries structures, such as Lewis b and the H type 2 and Lewis Y, respectively, that are accumulated in colon adenocarcinoma. Analysis of the mRNA transcript level for the human H gene-encoded beta-D-galactoside alpha-2-L-fucosyltransferase revealed 40- and 340-fold increases in the mRNA levels in all adenocarcinomas and tumor cell lines, respectively, compared to normal colon mucosa where a low level of mRNA transcript was detected. A variable increase in mRNA transcript levels was observed in 50% of adenomatous polyps. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the protein coding region of the cDNAs derived from normal colon, adenoma, and colon adenocarcinoma revealed 100% homology, suggesting that there are no tumor-associated allelic variations within the H beta-D-galactoside alpha-2-L-fucosyltransferase cDNA. These results suggest that beta-D-galactoside alpha-2-L-fucosyltransferase expression highly correlates with malignant progression of colon adenocarcinoma.


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We combine multi-wavelength data in the AEGIS-XD and C-COSMOS surveys to measure the typical dark matter halo mass of X-ray selected active galactic nuclei (AGN) [L_X(2–10 keV) > 10^42 erg s^− 1] in comparison with far-infrared selected star-forming galaxies detected in the Herschel/PEP survey (PACS Evolutionary Probe; L_IR > 10^11 L_⊙) and quiescent systems at z ≈ 1. We develop a novel method to measure the clustering of extragalactic populations that uses photometric redshift probability distribution functions in addition to any spectroscopy. This is advantageous in that all sources in the sample are used in the clustering analysis, not just the subset with secure spectroscopy. The method works best for large samples. The loss of accuracy because of the lack of spectroscopy is balanced by increasing the number of sources used to measure the clustering. We find that X-ray AGN, far-infrared selected star-forming galaxies and passive systems in the redshift interval 0.6 < z < 1.4 are found in haloes of similar mass, log M_DMH/(M_⊙ h^−1) ≈ 13.0. We argue that this is because the galaxies in all three samples (AGN, star-forming, passive) have similar stellar mass distributions, approximated by the J-band luminosity. Therefore, all galaxies that can potentially host X-ray AGN, because they have stellar masses in the appropriate range, live in dark matter haloes of log M_DMH/(M_⊙ h^−1) ≈ 13.0 independent of their star formation rates. This suggests that the stellar mass of X-ray AGN hosts is driving the observed clustering properties of this population. We also speculate that trends between AGN properties (e.g. luminosity, level of obscuration) and large-scale environment may be related to differences in the stellar mass of the host galaxies.


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Chandra data in the COSMOS, AEGIS-XD and 4 Ms Chandra Deep Field South are combined with multiwavelength photometry available in those fields to determine the rest-frame U − V versus V − J colours of X-ray AGN hosts in the redshift intervals 0.1 < z < 0.6 (mean z¯=0.40) and 0.6 < z < 1.2 (mean z¯=0.85). This combination of colours provides an effective and least model-dependent means of separating quiescent from star-forming, including dust reddened, galaxies. Morphological information emphasizes differences between AGN populations split by their U − V versus V − J colours. AGN in quiescent galaxies consist almost exclusively of bulges, while star-forming hosts are equally split between early- and late-type hosts. The position of AGN hosts on the U − V versusV − J diagram is then used to set limits on the accretion density of the Universe associated with evolved and star-forming systems independent of dust induced biases. It is found that most of the black hole growth at z≈ 0.40 and 0.85 is associated with star-forming hosts. Nevertheless, a non-negligible fraction of the X-ray luminosity density, about 15–20 per cent, at both z¯=0.40 and 0.85, is taking place in galaxies in the quiescent region of the U − V versus V − J diagram. For the low-redshift sub-sample, 0.1 < z < 0.6, we also find tentative evidence, significant at the 2σ level, that AGN split by their U − V and V − J colours have different Eddington ratio distributions. AGN in blue star-forming hosts dominate at relatively high Eddington ratios. In contrast, AGN in red quiescent hosts become increasingly important as a fraction of the total population towards low Eddington ratios. At higher redshift, z > 0.6, such differences are significant at the 2σ level only for sources with Eddington ratios ≳ 10^− 3. These findings are consistent with scenarios in which diverse accretion modes are responsible for the build-up of supermassive black holes at the centres of galaxies. We compare these results with the predictions of theGALFORM semi-analytic model for the cosmological evolution of AGN and galaxies. This model postulates two black hole fuelling modes, the first is linked to star formation events and the second takes place in passive galaxies. GALFORM predicts that a substantial fraction of the black hole growth at z < 1 is associated with quiescent galaxies, in apparent conflict with the observations. Relaxing the strong assumption of the model that passive AGN hosts have zero star formation rate could bring those predictions in better agreement with the data.


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We present some of the first science data with the new Keck/MOSFIRE instrument to test the effectiveness of different AGN/SF diagnostics at z ~ 1.5. MOSFIRE spectra were obtained in three H-band multi-slit masks in the GOODS-S field, resulting in 2 hr exposures of 36 emission-line galaxies. We compare X-ray data with the traditional emission-line ratio diagnostics and the alternative mass-excitation and color-excitation diagrams, combining new MOSFIRE infrared data with previous HST/WFC3 infrared spectra (from the 3D-HST survey) and multiwavelength photometry. We demonstrate that a high [O III]/Hβ ratio is insufficient as an active galactic nucleus (AGN) indicator at z > 1. For the four X-ray-detected galaxies, the classic diagnostics ([O III]/Hβ versus [N II]/Hα and [S II]/Hα) remain consistent with X-ray AGN/SF classification. The X-ray data also suggest that "composite" galaxies (with intermediate AGN/SF classification) host bona fide AGNs. Nearly ~2/3 of the z ~ 1.5 emission-line galaxies have nuclear activity detected by either X-rays or the classic diagnostics. Compared to the X-ray and line ratio classifications, the mass-excitation method remains effective at z > 1, but we show that the color-excitation method requires a new calibration to successfully identify AGNs at these redshifts.


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We have studied the main evolutionary paths among the galaxy types residing on the massive end of the Red Sequence and nearby locations on the Green Valley during the last ∼9 Gyr. The morphological and star formation properties of a sample of these galaxies at 0 . 3 < z < 1 .5 with stellar masses M_∗ > 5 × 10^10 M_⊙ have been analysed. We present direct observational evidence for the first time of the existence of two main evolutionary paths among the different red galaxy types since z ∼ 1 .5, which provide some clues on the nature of the processes that have governed the assembly of present-day massive quiescent galaxies. The results are in excellent agreement with the hierarchical evolutionary framework proposed in the Eliche-Moral et al. (2010) model. Data from SHARDS (one of the ESO/GTC Large Programmes approved in 2009A) will complement and improve the present findings, shedding some light into many of the still unsettled questions concerning the migration of galaxies from the Blue Cloud to the Red Sequence at z < 1 .5.


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One letter requesting information about Harvard students and a new law professorship.


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One letter regarding an "unpleasant" reserve between them.