995 resultados para Customer survey
Human biobanks are a valuable source of biospecimens and personal data to be used for research. Little is known of how many biobanks exist at a given Swiss University Hospital. The purpose of this survey conducted at the CHUV hospital ( >40'000 patients hospitalized per year) and the faculty of biology and medicine (FBM) at the University in Lausanne, Switzerland was a) to provide an overview of the number of biobanks, b) to assess their purpose and size, c) to determine the kinds of biospecimens collected and d) to analyse the extent to which the biobanks follow the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences (SAMS) guidelines on biobanks
The aim of this questionnaire is to assess your experience of the DEL learning process as developed by your university. The questionnaire is anonymous and it should not take more than fifteen minutes to complete.
Iowa’s traffic safety culture is influenced by laws and policies, enforcement methods, driver education, roadway engineering, and drivers’ behaviors. The Center for Social and Behavioral Research at the University of Northern Iowa was contracted by the Iowa Department of Transportation to conduct a general population survey of adult Iowans. Telephone interviews were conducted with 1,088 adult Iowans from October to December 2011. A dual-frame (cell phone and landline) sampling design was used. The interview covered a wide range of traffic safety topics (e.g., traffic safety policies, enforcement techniques, and distracted driving). Most Iowans said driving in Iowa is about as safe now as it was 5 years ago; however, one-fourth said driving in Iowa is less safe now. There are a number of driving-related behaviors many adult Iowans consider serious threats to traffic safety and never acceptable to do while driving. Yet, many Iowans report often seeing other drivers engaging in these behaviors and admit engaging in some themselves. For example, nearly 1 in 5 adult Iowa drivers said they have sent or read a text message or email while driving in the past 30 days despite this being prohibited since July of 2011. A slight majority said they support using cameras on highways, interstates, and city streets to automatically ticket drivers for speeding, with even stronger support for red light cameras. A comprehensive approach to traffic safety in Iowa is required to encourage protective factors that enhance traffic safety and reduce the impact of detrimental factors.
This report contains a general colored soil map of Boone County and information on the county's soil physiology, drainage and fertility. It also includes information on field experiments, rotation of crops, prevention of erosion, soil types and other vital soil information in Boone County.
This survey began in response to widespread interest of declines in amphibians. More recently, a comprehensive statewide planning group discovered 44% of Iowa’s herpetofauna (amphibians and reptiles) to be of special concern. In response to these concerns, the Iowa Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Diversity Program (WDP) initiated an auditory survey for calling anurans to determine geographic distributions within the state. This survey has established itself as an extensive, long term monitoring program. This 2005 report is the second edition since the first report of this survey was shared in 1998 by then program biologist Lisa Hemesath. The goals of the survey are to: (1) determine the distributions of Iowa’s anuran species, (2) determine population trends for each species, and (3) promote education about aquatic life by using volunteers to conduct the survey. In addition to Iowa, volunteer-based auditory surveys for frogs and toads are currently being used in the Midwest by Wisconsin, Minnesota, Missouri, and Illinois.
Statistics on the occurrence of various frog and toad species across the state, as reported by volunteers in the annual spring survey of Iowa wetlands.
From September 29, 2014 through November 7, 2014, the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) collaborated with schools in Iowa to conduct the 2014 Iowa Youth Survey (IYS). The 2014 IYS is the fifteenth in a series of surveys that have been completed every two or three years since 1975. The survey is conducted with students in grades 6, 8, and 11 attending Iowa public and private schools. The IYS includes questions about students’ behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs, as well as their perceptions of peer, family, school, neighborhood, and community environments.
The three miles of fibrous concrete resurfacing in Greene County, Iowa were placed in September and early October, 1973. It was recognized in advance that cracking and other performance characteristics of the fibrous concrete sections and of the control sections would be major factors in the evaluation of the project. A low level aerial survey was made of the old pavement. During construction of the resurfacing, the aerial survey was checked to insure that cracks in the old pavement were referenced to the 100 ft. station marks placed in the resurfacing. A final report for research project HR-165, based upon overall performance evaluation was published in December 1978.
The three miles of fibrous concrete resurfacing in Greene County, Iowa were placed in September and early October, 1973. It was recognized in advance that cracking and other performance characteristics of the fibrous concrete sections and of the central sections would be major factors in the evaluation of the project. A low level aerial survey was made of the old pavement. During construction of the resurfacing, the aerial survey was checked to insure that cracks in the old pavement were referenced to the 100 ft. station marks placed in the resurfacing. The crack survey recorded herein was made in March and April, 1974. Those cracks in the resurfacing that are reflections of cracks in the underlying slab are identified by /\ marks. Observations (not detailed crack surveys) made in June, 1974 indicate that further cracking of the resurfacing has occurred since this report was prepared. In particular, there appears to be same additional longitudinal cracking over the widening joints.
This report presents the results of a survey on the use of yellow versus white traffic paint. It was found that in most states the white paint was less expensive than the yellow. A substantial savings could be realized if an all white traffic marking system was permitted by the Federal Highway Administration. Paint costs from each state are presented, as well as by each region.
The report compares and contrasts the automated PASCO method of pavement evaluation to the manual procedures used by the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) to evaluate pavement condition. Iowa DOT's use of IJK and BPR roadmeters and manual crack and patch surveys are compared to PASCO's use of 35-mm photography, artificial lighting and hairline projection, tracking wheels and lasers to measure ride, cracking and patching, rut depths, and roughness. The Iowa DOT method provides a Present Serviceability Index (PSI) value and PASCO provides a Maintenance Control Index (MCI). Seven sections of Interstate Highway, county roads and city streets, and one shoulder section were tested with different speeds of data collection, surface types and textures, and stop and start conditions. High correlation of results between the two methods in the measurement of roughness (0.93 for the tracking wheel and 0.84 for the laser method) were recorded. Rut depth correlations of 0.61 and cracking of 0.32 are attributed to PASCO's more comprehensive measurement techniques. A cost analysis of the data provided by both systems indicates that PASCO is capable of providing a comparable result with improved accuracy at a cost of $125-$150 or less per two-lane mile depending on survey mileage. Improved data collection speed, accuracy, and reliability, and a visible record of pavement condition for comparable costs are available. The PASCO system's ability to provide the data required in the Highway Pavement Distress Identification Manual, the Pavement Condition Rating Guide, and the Strategic Highway Research Program Long Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) Studies, is also outlined in the report.
The Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) evaluated the PAS I Road Survey System from PAVEDEX, Inc. of Spokane, Washington. This system uses video photograph to identify and quantify pavement cracking and patching distresses. Comparisons were made to procedures currently used in the State. Interstate highway, county roads and city streets, and two shoulder sections were evaluated. Variables included travel speeds, surface type and texture, and traffic control conditions. Repeatability and distress identification were excellent on rigid pavements. Differences in distress identification and the effect of surface textures in the flexible test sections limited the repeatability and correlation of data to that of the Iowa DOT method. Cost data indicates that PAVEDEX is capable of providing comparable results with improved accuracy at a reasonable cost, but in excess of that experienced currently by the Iowa DOT. PAVEDEX is capable of providing network level pavement condition data at highway speeds and analysis of the data to identify 1/8-inch cracks at approximately 2-3 lane miles per hour with manual evaluation. Photo-logging capability is also included in the unit.