983 resultados para Cucumber Mosaic Cucumovirus


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Rural livelihoods in developing countries can be enhanced by improving access to natural resources, services, and markets. In remote rural areas of the humid or semihumid tropics, forests represent an important resource for livelihoods. In countries like Laos, where most primary forest has been converted to secondary forest, and where an intricate and interlinked mosaic of forest and farmland prevails, people depend on secondary forests as a prime source of goods and services. The linkages between local livelihoods and secondary forest resources are subject to changes caused by improving accessibility. This article studies how accessibility affects the condition of forests and local livelihoods by comparing three villages along a gradient of accessibility in Phonxay district, Luang Prabang province, northern Laos. The results of this research show that accessibility strengthens the influence of the government and of markets, and that local livelihoods improve with increasing accessibility, while forest condition deteriorates.


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The north-eastern escarpment of Madagascar has been labelled a global biodiversity hotspot due to its extremely high rates of endemic species which are heavily threatened by accelerated deforestation rates and landscape change. The traditional practice of shifting cultivation or "tavy" used by the majority of land users in this area to produce subsistence rice is commonly blamed for these threats. A wide range of stakeholders ranging from conservation to development agencies, and from the private to the public sector has therefore been involved in trying to find solutions to protect the remaining forest fragments and to increase agricultural production. Consequently, provisioning, regulating and socio-cultural services of this forest-mosaic landscape are fundamentally altered leading to trade-offs between them and consequently new winners and losers amongst the stakeholders at different scales. However, despite a growing amount of evidence from case studies analysing local changes, the regional dynamics of the landscape and their contribution to such trade-offs remain poorely understood. This study therefore aims at using generalised landscape units as a base for the assessment of multi-level stakeholder claims on ecosystem services to inform negotiation, planning and decision making at a meso-scale. The presented study applies a mixed-method approach combining remote sensing, GIS and socio-economic methods to reveal current landscape dynamics, their change over time and the corresponding ecosystem service trade-offs induced by diverse stakeholder claims on the regional level. In a first step a new regional land cover classification for three points in time (1995, 2005 and 2011) was conducted including agricultural classes characteristic for shifting cultivation systems. Secondly, a novel GIS approach, termed “landscape mosaics approach” originally developed to assess dynamics of shifting cultivation landscapes in Laos was applied. Through this approach generalised landscape mosaics were generated allowing for a better understanding of changes in land use intensities instead of land cover. As a next step we will try to use these landscape units as proxies to map provisioning and regulating ecosystem services throughout the region. Through the overlay with other regional background data such as accessibility and population density and information from a region-wide stakeholder analysis, multiscale trade-offs between different services will be highlighted. The trade-offs observed on the regional scale will then be validated through a socio-economic ground-truthing within selected sites at the local scale. We propose that such meso-scale knowledge is required by all stakeholders involved in decision making towards sustainable development of north-eastern Madagascar.


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In the mammalian retina, AII amacrine cells are essential in the rod pathway for dark-adapted vision. But they also have a “day job”, to provide inhibitory inputs to certain OFF ganglion cells in photopic conditions. This is known as crossover inhibition. Physiological evidence from several different labs implies that AII amacrine cells provide direct input to certain OFF ganglion cells. However, previous EM analysis of the rabbit retina suggests that the dominant output of the AII amacrine cell in sublamina a goes to OFF cone bipolar cells (Strettoi et al., 1992). Two OFF ganglion cell types in the rabbit retina, OFF α and G9, were identified by a combination of morphological criteria such as dendritic field size, dye coupling, mosaic properties and stratification depth. The AII amacrine cells (AIIs) were labeled with an antibody against calretinin and glycine receptors were marked with an antibody against the α1 subunit. This material was analyzed by triple-label confocal microscopy. We found the lobules of AIIs made close contacts at many points along the dendrites of individual OFF α and G9 ganglion cells. At these potential synaptic sites, we also found punctate labeling for the glycine receptor α1 subunit. The presence of a post-synaptic marker such as the α1 glycine receptor at contact points between AII lobules and OFF ganglion cells supports a direct inhibitory input from AIIs. This pathway provides for crossover inhibition in the rabbit retina whereby light onset provides an inhibitory signal to OFF α and G9 ganglion cells. Thus, these two OFF ganglion cell types receive a mixed excitatory and inhibitory drive in response to light stimulation.


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Four seasons of excavations at Horvat Kur in the Galilee (250570/754485) have exposed the remains of a broadhouse synagogue from the Byzantine period. The building was entered through a portico on the west or a doorway on the south. The fill beneath the portico included the discarded remains of a once colored mosaic as well as more than 1000 coins. A low bench of basalt stones (some of which were plastered) runs along the interior walls, interrupted only by a stone bemah in the center of the southern wall. The synagogue is thus oriented toward Jerusalem. Near the bemah, an ornamented limestone seat was found in situ atop the bench. The building underwent several changes and repairs in the course of its lifespan. On either side of the bemah, north-south rows of columns rested on stylobate. A basalt stone table was found in re-use in the eastern stylobate. Nicknamed “the Horvat Kur stone,” this monolith features geometric figures on three sides and figurative representations on one side. Its original function is as yet subject of research. A narrow test-trench into the sediment of a cistern located outside the northern wall of the synagogue has produced nearly thirty intact vessels of the early Byzantine period, mostly cooking pots and water jars. In addition a dense sequence of pollen samples has been taken. Preliminary interpretation of these finds indicates that the Horvat Kur synagogue illustrates Byzantine synagogue construction, decoration, and use in the setting of a Galilean village of modest economic circumstances.


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Morphological analysis of neonatal rabbit retina suggests that the type-A horizontal cell acts as the pioneer cell for development of the OPL. It is the first mature element of the OPL, and it forms the infrastructure upon which the OPL accrues. The role of type-A horizontal cells in influencing postnatal development of the OPL was examined.^ GABAergic characteristics of the type-A horizontal cell were defined. The type-A horizontal cell was found to possess two more GABAergic characteristics in addition to those previously demonstrated, during a short period in early postnatal development: endogenous stores of GABA and the GABA precursor, glutamate. Lesioning the type-A horizontal cell resulted in their permanent loss in addition to the disappearance of cone terminals and a dramatic increase in rod terminals within the OPL. Thus the type-A cells are not a necessary prerequisite for positioning the OPL in postnatal development, but may be necessary for establishment of the normal photoreceptor mosaic.^ Since type-A horizontal cells possess a number of GABAergic qualities during the period of cone photoreceptor cell differentiation, and there are reports of GABA's trophic action in other developing neuronal systems; the role that GABAergic type-A horizontal cells play in directing photoreceptor differentiation was examined.^ Disrupting effects of GABA-A receptor antagonists indicate that type-A horizontal cells act as postsynaptic targets for the growing cone terminals of photoreceptor cells. These trophic or synaptic interactions may involve GABA-A receptors activated by GABA released from horizontal cells. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that type-A horizontal cells act as pioneering cells in directing the postnatal development of the OPL.^ These studies offer an in depth analysis of the structural and chemical relationship between type-A horizontal cells and other elements of the OPL from which the roles of type-A horizontal cells and the GABA system in development can be defined. They contribute to our knowledge of both structural and GABAergic mechanisms involved in central nervous system development. ^


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Hyalotekite, a framework silicate of composition (Ba,Pb,K)(4)(Ca,Y)(2)Si-8(B,Be)(2) (Si,B)(2)O28F, is found in relatively high-temperature(greater than or equal to 500 degrees C) Mn skarns at Langban, Sweden, and peralkaline pegmatites at Dara-i-Pioz, Tajikistan. A new paragenesis at Dara-i-Pioz is pegmatite consisting of the Ba borosilicates leucosphenite and tienshanite, as well as caesium kupletskite, aegirine, pyrochlore, microcline and quartz. Hyalotekite has been partially replaced by barylite and danburite. This hyalotekite contains 1.29-1.78 wt.% Y2O3, equivalent to 0.172-0.238 Y pfu or 8-11% Y on the Ca site; its Pb/(Pb+Ba) ratio ranges 0.36-0.44. Electron microprobe F contents of Langban and Dara-i-Pioz hyalotekite range 1.04-1.45 wt.%, consistent with full occupancy of the F site. A new refinement of the structure factor data used in the original structural determination of a Langban hyalotekite resulted in a structural formula, (Pb1.96Ba1.86K0.18)Ca-2(B1.76Be0.24)(Si1.56B0.44)Si8O28F, consistent with chemical data and all cations with positive-definite thermal parameters, although with a slight excess of positive charge (+57.14 as opposed to the ideal +57.00). An unusual feature of the hyalotekite framework is that 4 of 28 oxygens are non-bridging; by merging these 4 oxygens into two, the framework topology of scapolite is obtained. The triclinic symmetry of hyalotekite observed at room temperature is obtained from a hypothetical tetragonal parent structure via a sequence of displacive phase transitions. Some of these transitions are associated with cation ordering, either Pb-Ba ordering in the large cation sites, or B-Be and Si-B ordering on tetrahedral sites. Others are largely displacive but affect the coordination of the large cations (Pb, Ba, K, Ca). High-resolution electron microscopy suggests that the undulatory extinction characteristic of hyalotekite is due to a fine mosaic microstructure. This suggests that at least one of these transitions occurs in nature during cooling, and that it is first order with a large volume change. A diffuse superstructure observed by electron diffraction implies the existence of a further stage of short-range cation ordering which probably involves both (Pb,K)-Ba and (BeSi,BB)-BSi.


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Source materials like fine art, over-sized, fragile maps, and delicate artifacts have traditionally been digitally converted through the use of controlled lighting and high resolution scanners and camera backs. In addition the capture of items such as general and special collections bound monographs has recently grown both through consortial efforts like the Internet Archive's Open Content Alliance and locally at the individual institution level. These projects, in turn, have introduced increasingly higher resolution consumer-grade digital single lens reflex cameras or "DSLRs" as a significant part of the general cultural heritage digital conversion workflow. Central to the authors' discussion is the fact that both camera backs and DSLRs commonly share the ability to capture native raw file formats. Because these formats include such advantages as access to an image's raw mosaic sensor data within their architecture, many institutions choose raw for initial capture due to its high bit-level and unprocessed nature. However to date these same raw formats, so important to many at the point of capture, have yet to be considered "archival" within most published still imaging standards, if they are considered at all. Throughout many workflows raw files are deleted and thrown away after more traditionally "archival" uncompressed TIFF or JPEG 2000 files have been derived downstream from their raw source formats [1][2]. As a result, the authors examine the nature of raw anew and consider the basic questions, Should raw files be retained? What might their role be? Might they in fact form a new archival format space? Included in the discussion is a survey of assorted raw file types and their attributes. Also addressed are various sustainability issues as they pertain to archival formats with a special emphasis on both raw's positive and negative characteristics as they apply to archival practices. Current common archival workflows versus possible raw-based ones are investigated as well. These comparisons are noted in the context of each approach's differing levels of usable captured image data, various preservation virtues, and the divergent ideas of strictly fixed renditions versus the potential for improved renditions over time. Special attention is given to the DNG raw format through a detailed inspection of a number of its various structural components and the roles that they play in the format's latest specification. Finally an evaluation is drawn of both proprietary raw formats in general and DNG in particular as possible alternative archival formats for still imaging.


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In the southern part of Korup National Park, Cameroon, the mast fruiting tree Microberlinia bisulcata occurs as a codominant in groves of ectomycorrhizal Caesalpiniaceae within a mosaic of otherwise species-rich lowland rain forest. To estimate the amount of carbon and nutrients invested in reproduction during a mast fruiting event, and the consequential seed and seedling survival, three related field studies were made in 1995. These provided a complete seed and seedling budget for the cohort. Seed production was estimated by counting woody pods on the forest floor. Trees produced on average 26,000 (range 0-92,000) seeds/tree, with a dry mass of 16.6 kg/tree. Seeds were contained in woody pods of mass 307 kg/tree. Dry mass production of pods and seeds was 1034 kg ha(-1), equivalent to over half (55%) of annual leaf litterfall for this species, and contained 13% of the nitrogen and 21% of the phosphorus in annual leaf litterfall. Seed and young-seedling mortality was investigated with open quadrats and cages to exclude vertebrate predators, at two distances from the parent tree. The proportion of seeds on the forest floor which disappeared in the first 6 wk after dispersal was 84%, of which 26.5% was due to likely vertebrate removal, 36% to rotting, and 21.5% to other causes. Vertebrate predation was greater close to the stem than 5 m beyond the crown (41 vs 12% of seeds disappearing) where the seed shadow was less dense. Previous studies have demonstrated an association between mast years at Korup and high dry-season radiation before flowering, and have shown lower leaf-litterfall phosphorus concentrations following mast fruiting. The emerging hypothesis is that mast fruiting is primarily imposed by energy limitation for fruit production, but phosphorus supply and vertebrate predation are regulating factors. Recording the survival of naturally-regenerating M. bisulcata seedlings (6-wk stage) showed that 21% of seedlings survived to 31 mo. A simple three-stage recruitment model was constructed. Mortality rates were initially high and peaked again in each of the next two dry seasons, with smaller peaks in the two intervening wet seasons, these latter coinciding with annual troughs in radiation. The very poor recruitment of M. bisulcata trees in Korup, demonstrated in previous investigations, appears not to be due to a limitation in seed or young-seedling supply, but rather by factors operating at the established-seedling stage.


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"Herodotus the Tourist" was the title given by James Redfield to his inquiry into Herodotus's ethnological system (Classical Philology, 80.2, 1985: 97-118). Redfield's insights, together with François Hartog's monograph The mirror of Herodotus (University of California Press, 1988), definitively modified our interpretation of Herodotus's Histories. In the present paper, I analyse the so-called Letter of Aristeas from a narratological perspective, suggesting that the anonymous author of the Letter deliberately constructed his main character ("Aristeas") as a Herodotus-like figure, who visits Judea and Jerusalem as yet another "tourist". In so-doing, the author's pseudo-ethnographic text produces a specific Jewish self-definition and identity in the Hellenistic period, mirroring both Greek representations of the Jews as a people of philosophers, and a Jewish interpretation of the ideal bios philosophikos, best typified through the Jewish compliance with the Mosaic legislation.


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The north-eastern escarpment of Madagascar harbours the island’s last remaining large-scale humid forest massifs surrounded by a small-scale agricultural mosaic. There is high deforestation, commonly thought to be caused by shifting cultivation practiced by local land users to produce upland rice. However, little is known about the dynamics between forest and shifting cultivation systems at a regional level. Our study presents a first attempt to quantify changes in the extent of forest and different agricultural land cover classes, and to identify the main dynamics of land cover change for two intervals, 1995–2005 and 2005–2011. Over the 16-year study period, the speed of forest loss increased, the total area of upland rice production remained almost stable, and the area of irrigated rice fields slightly increased. While our findings seem to confirm a general trend of land use intensification, deforestation through shifting cultivation is still on the rise. Deforestation mostly affects the small forest fragments interspersed in the agricultural mosaic and is slowly leading to a homogenization of the landscape. These findings have important implications for future interventions to slow forest loss in the region, as the processes of agricultural expansion through shifting cultivation versus intensified land use cannot per se be considered mutually exclusive.


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Induced defenses play a key role in plant resistance against leaf feeders. However, very little is known about the signals that are involved in defending plants against root feeders and how they are influenced by abiotic factors. We investigated these aspects for the interaction between rice (Oryza sativa) and two root-feeding insects: the generalist cucumber beetle (Diabrotica balteata) and the more specialized rice water weevil (Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus). Rice plants responded to root attack by increasing the production of jasmonic acid (JA) and abscisic acid, whereas in contrast to in herbivore-attacked leaves, salicylic acid and ethylene levels remained unchanged. The JA response was decoupled from flooding and remained constant over different soil moisture levels. Exogenous application of methyl JA to the roots markedly decreased the performance of both root herbivores, whereas abscisic acid and the ethylene precursor 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid did not have any effect. JA-deficient antisense 13-lipoxygenase (asLOX) and mutant allene oxide cyclase hebiba plants lost more root biomass under attack from both root herbivores. Surprisingly, herbivore weight gain was decreased markedly in asLOX but not hebiba mutant plants, despite the higher root biomass removal. This effect was correlated with a herbivore-induced reduction of sucrose pools in asLOX roots. Taken together, our experiments show that jasmonates are induced signals that protect rice roots from herbivores under varying abiotic conditions and that boosting jasmonate responses can strongly enhance rice resistance against root pests. Furthermore, we show that a rice 13-lipoxygenase regulates root primary metabolites and specifically improves root herbivore growth.


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A 23-month-old tomcat was referred to our clinic because of male behavioral problems, cryptorchidism, and an undefined intra-abdominal organ resembling a uterus. Ultrasonography and computed tomography showed 2 fluid-filled tubular structures dorsolaterally to the bladder and connected to the pelvic urethra. The cat was castrated, and the tubular structures were surgically removed. Histology identified them as Müllerian duct remnants. The testes were hypoplastic, the epididymes and deferent ducts were normal. Cytogenetic analyses revealed the presence of a mosaic 37,X/38,XY karyotype which explains the clinical findings.


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The coding sequence of the wild-type, cys-sensitive, cysE gene from Escherichia coli, which encodes an enzyme of the cysteine biosynthetic pathway, namely serine acetyltransferase (SAT, EC, was introduced into the genome of potato plants under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter. In order to target the protein into the chloroplast, cysE was translationally fused to the 5′-signal sequence of rbcS from Arabidopsis thaliana. Transgenic plants showed a high accumulation of the cysE mRNA. The chloroplastic localisation of the E. coli SAT protein was demonstrated by determination of enzymatic activities in enriched organelle fractions. Crude leaf extracts of these plants exhibited up to 20-fold higher SAT activity than those prepared from wild-type plants. The transgenic potato plants expressing the E. coli gene showed not only increased levels of enzyme activity but also exhibited elevated levels of cysteine and glutathione in leaves. Both were up to twofold higher than in control plants. However, the thiol content in tubers of transgenic lines was unaffected. The alterations observed in leaf tissue had no effect on the expression of O-acetylserine(thiol)-lyase, the enzyme which converts O-acetylserine, the product of SAT, to cysteine. Only a minor effect on its enzymatic activity was observed. In conclusion, the results presented here demonstrate the importance of SAT in plant cysteine biosynthesis and show that production of cysteine and related sulfur-containing compounds can be enhanced by metabolic engineering.