974 resultados para Cross-species Amplification


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Issues of boundary maintenance are implicit in all studies of national identity. By definition, national communities consist of those who are included but surrounded (literally or metaphorically) by those who are excluded. Most extant research on national identity explores criteria for national membership largely in terms of official or public definitions described, for example, in citizenship and immigration laws or in texts of popular culture. We know much less about how ordinary people in various nations reason about these issues. An analysis of cross-national (N = 23) survey data from the 1995 International Social Science Program reveals a core pattern in most of the countries studied. Respondents were asked how important various criteria were in being 'truly' a member of a particular nation. Exploratory factor analysis shows that these items cluster in terms of two underlying dimensions. Ascriptive/objectivist criteria relating to birth, religion and residence can be distinguished from civic/voluntarist criteria relating to subjective feelings of membership and belief in core institutions. In most nations the ascriptive/objectivist dimension of national identity was more prominent than the subjective civic/voluntarist dimension. Taken overall, these findings suggest an unanticipated homogeneity in the ways that citizens around the world think about national identity. To the extent that these dimensions also mirror the well-known distinction between ethnic and civic national identification, they suggest that the former remains robust despite globalization, mass migration and cultural pluralism. Throughout the world official definitions of national identification have tended to shift towards a civic model. Yet citizens remain remarkably traditional in outlook. A task for future research is to investigate the macrosociological forces that produce both commonality and difference in the core patterns we have identified.


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In order to understand the determinants of schistosome-related hepato- and spleno-megaly better, 14 002 subjects aged 3-60 years (59% male; mean age =32 years) were randomly selected from 43 villages, all in Hunan province, China, where schistosomiasis caused by Schistosoma japonicum is endemic. The abdomen of each subject was examined along the mid-sternal (MSL) and mid-clavicular lines, for evidence of current hepato- and/or spleno-megaly, and a questionnaire was used to collect information on the medical history of each individual. Current infections with S. japonicum were detected by stool examination. Almost all (99.8%) of the subjects were ethnically Han by descent and most (77%) were engaged in farming. Although schistosomiasis appeared common (42% of the subjects claiming to have had the disease), only 45% of the subjects said they had received anti-schistosomiasis drugs. Overall, 1982 (14%) of the subjects had S. japonicum infections (as revealed by miracidium-hatching tests and/or Katon Katz smears) when examined and 22% had palpable hepatomegaly (i.e. enlargement of at least 3 cm along the MSL), although only 2.5% had any form of detectable splenomegaly (i.e. a Hackett's grade of at least 1). Multiple logistic regression revealed that male subjects, fishermen, farmers, subjects aged greater than or equal to 25 years, subjects with a history of schistosomiasis, and subjects who had had bloody stools in the previous 2 weeks were all at relatively high risk of hepato- and/or spleno-megaly. In areas moderately endemic for Schistosoma japonicum, occupational exposure and disease history appear to be good predictors of current disease status among older residents. These results reconfirm those reported earlier in the same region.


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Pretestis laticaecum is described from the small intestine of the freshwater turtle Emydura krefftil. The new species can be distinguished from its congener P. australianus by the following characters; significantly smaller ovary, main lymph vessels reach anterior to posterior testis, genital atrium in mid-oesophageal region, small vitelline follicles clumped around the ovary and significantly larger caeca overlapping. The, position of this species and related genera in fish, the life cycle of P. australianus and the presence of P. laticaecum in turtles suggest that it is a relatively recent host capture.


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Lecithocladium invasor n.sp. is described from the oesophagus of Naso annulatus, N. tuberosus and N. vlamingii on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. The worms penetrate the oesophageal mucosa and induce chronic transmural nodular granulomas, which expand the full thickness of the oesophageal wall and protrude both into the oesophageal lumen and from the serosal surface. We observed two major types of lesions: large ulcerated, active granulomas, consisting of a central cavity containing a single or multiple live worms; and many smaller chronic fibrous submucosal nodules. Small, identifiable but attenuated, worms and degenerate worm fragments were identified within some chronic nodules. Co-infection of the posterior oesophagus of the same Naso species with Lecithocladium chingi was common. L. chingi is redescribed from N. annulatus, N. brevirostris, N. tuberosus and A vlamingii. Unlike L. invasor n.sp., L. chingi was not associated with significant lesions. The different pathenogenicity of the two species in acanthurid fish is discussed.


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A simulation of competitively primed allele-specific DNA amplification has been constructed and its behavior examined, This has shown that when the ratio of the amount of homoduplex misprime product to the total amount of amplimer is low, it increases by approximately one-fourth of the mispriming frequency with each doubling of the total amount of amplimer, When the ratio is high acid reverse mispriming becomes significant, it asymptotes toward a value


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Samples of Macropodinium spp. were collected from 3 new macropodid species: from 21 of 28 (75%) black-striped wallabies (Macropus dorsalis); 10 of 11 (91%) swamp wallabies (Wallabia bicolor); and 22 of 43 (51%) Tasmanian pademelons (Thylogale billardierii). The examination of ciliate morphology by silver impregnation and scanning electron microscopy led to the redescription of the genus Macropodinium and the description of 4 new species: Ma. tricresta sp. nov. and Ma. spinosus sp. nov. from M. dorsalis; Ma. maira sp. nov. from T. billardierii; and M. bicolor sp. nov. from W. bicolor; each species was strictly host specific. Cellular orientation was reinterpreted on the basis of vestibular morphology and it is concluded that Macropodinium spp. are laterally rather than dorso-ventrally compressed. The striated groove is thus dorso-ventral rather than lateral. Oral ciliation consisted of up to three bands: an adoral band composed of oblique kineties; a vestibular band of longitudinal kineties; and a preoral band of longitudinal kineties. Somatic ciliation occurred in two longitudinal bands: a dense band composed of several parallel kineties on the left side of the dorso-ventral groove; and a sparse band composed of a single kinety on the right internal side of the dorso-ventral groove. Few structures were homologous to those of other litostome ciliates, and thus the relationship of Macropodinium to other litostomes cannot yet be clearly defined.


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The upper Paleozoic miospore genus Spelaeotriletes Neves and Owens, 1966 is reviewed as a morpho-taxonomic entity and vis-a-vis other similarly constructed (pseudosaccate) genera - Geminospora Balme, 1962, Grandispora Hoffmeister, Staplin, and Malloy, 1955, Rhabdosporites Richardson, 1960, and Retispora Staplin, 1960. Detailed studies of numerous, mainly topotype specimens of Spelaeotriletes ybertii (Marques-Toigo, 1970) Playford and Powis, 1979 from the Lower Permian of Uruguay result in its re-diagnosis, in conjunction with a survey of its exclusively Gondwanan occurrences, particularly in South American strata extending from the Upper Carboniferous (Westphalian) into the Lower Permian, and also in Australian strata of approximately equivalent age. The characteristics of other species of Spelaeotriletes reported from upper Paleozoic deposits of Gondwana are discussed, as are their temporal representations in various broad regions of the supercontinent (South America, North Africa, Australia). These species include two, perhaps three, that, like Spelaeotriletes triangulus/arenaceus, are known also from Euramerica - S. balteatus (Playford, 1963) Higgs, 1996, S. pretiosus (Playford, 1964) Utting, 1987, and possibly S. owensii Loboziak and Alpern, 1978. Other species, such as S. benghaziensis Loboziak and Clayton, 1988, S. giganteus Loboziak and Clayton, 1988, and S. vibrissus Playford and Satterthwait, 1988, have, on present knowledge, exclusively Gondwanan occurrences. S. queenslandensis Jones and Truswell. 1992, known only from Upper Carboniferous strata of northeastern Australia, is formally reassigned on sculptural grounds to Grandispora. Not unexpectedly in a paleogeographic perspective, North Africa and South America are more closely allied with each other than with Australia in terms of shared species of Spelaeotriletes. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The susceptibility of species of lutjanid, lethrinid and serranid fish to infection by either larval or post-larval (juvenile and adult) specimens of the capsalid monogenean Benedenia lutjani Whittington and Kearn (1993) was examined experimentally. Four species of lutjanids became infected when exposed to larvae of B. lutjani, but three species of lethrinids and four species of serranids were not susceptible to larvae under the same conditions. Variability in the intensity of infection by larvae occurred within and between lutjanid species. Few post-larval specimens of B. lutjani transferred between individuals of the specific host Lutjanus carponotatus (Richardson 1842) in 60-l aquaria and none transferred between specimens of L. carponotatus in a 7,500-l concrete tank. These results indicate that transfer of post-larval B. lutjani between individuals of the specific host is unlikely to occur in the wild. Other lutjanid species did not become infected when exposed to specimens of L. carponotatus infected heavily by post-larval B. lutjani, but two lethrinid species were susceptible to infection under the same conditions. These data indicate that different factors may mediate host-specificity for larval and post-larval B. lutjani.


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Acanthoplacatus gen. nov., a new genus of viviparous gyrodactylid, is described from the rns and skin of siganid fishes from the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. The genus is characterized by a muscular, tube-like haptor with 16 marginal hooks on the posterior margin. The ventral lobe of the haptor is located anteriorly relative to the dorsal lobe and contains a pair of hamuli and a ventral bar with posteriorly-projecting ventral bar membrane. A dorsal bar is absent. Five pairs of posterior gland cells surround the posterior terminations of the gut. The male copulatory organ is a muscular, non-eversible bulb with several spines around the distal opening. Species of Acanthoplacatus have a bilateral excretory system consisting of six pairs of flame cells and a pair of excretory bladders. Seven new species are described: Acanthoplacatus adlardi sp. nov. and A. amplihamus sp. nov. from Siganus punctatus (Forster, 1801), A. brauni sp. nov. from S. corallinus (Valenciennes, 1835), A. parvihamus sp. nov. from S. vulpinus (Schlegel and Mueller, 1845), A. puelli sp. nov. from S. puellus Schlegel, 1852, A. shieldsi sp. nov. from S. lineatus (Valenciennes, 1835) and A. sigani sp. nov. from S. fuscescens (Houttuyn, 1782). Species can be discriminated by shape and size of the hamuli, marginal hooks and ventral bar and by male copulatory organ sclerite morphology. Three species (A. brauni sp. nov., A. shieldsi sp. nov. and A. sigani sp. nov.) were assessed for seasonal variation of sclerite size. Ten of thirteen morphological characters showed seasonal variation in size for at least one of the species. The characters were longer in winter except dorsal root tissue cap width. Only one character, marginal hook length, showed significant seasonal variation for all three species. Species of Acanthoplacatus were observed to attach using only the marginal hooks and the role of hamuli in attachment is unclear. The dorsal rn of the host is the preferred site for most species but the anal fin, caudal fin and body surfaces are preferred by some species. Prevalences for species range from 57 to 100%.


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Poly(tetrafluoroethylene-co-perfluoropropyl vinyl ether) (PFA) with 2 mol% perfluoropropyl vinyl ether (PPVE) was exposed to gamma -irradiation in vacuum at both 77 K and room temperature and the ESR spectra recorded. Both the main chain, similar to CF2-(CF)-F-.-CF(2)similar to, and end chain, similar to (CF2CF2)-F-. radicals were identified at both temperatures and their thermal stabilities measured, No radicals unique to the radiolytic cleavage at the PPVE units were observed at room temperature, either due to the low concentration of the comonomer or beta -scission to form a chain end radical and a nonradical species. G-values for radical formation at room temperature and 77 K were found to be 0.93 and 0.16, respectively. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background, aim: The present study describes (i) the natural distribution of the three putative periodontopathogens Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella intermedia and Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans in an Australian population and (ii) the relationship between these organisms, pocket depths and supragingival plaque scores. Methods: Subgingival plaque was collected from the shallowest and deepest probing site in each sextant of the dentition. In total, 6030 subgingival plaque samples were collected from 504 subjects. An ELISA utilising pathogen-specific monoclonal antibodies was used to quantitate bacterial numbers. Results:: A. actinomycetemcomitans was the most frequently detected organism (22.8% of subjects) followed by P. gingivalis and P. intermedia (14.7% and 9.5% of subjects respectively). The majority of infected subjects (83%) were colonised by a single species of organism. A. actinomyceteincomitans presence was overrepresented in the youngest age group but under-represented in the older age groups. Conversely, P. gingivalis and P. intermedia presence was under-represented in the youngest age group but over-represented in the older age groups. Differing trends in the distribution of these bacteria were observed between subjects depending upon the site of the infection or whether a single or mixed infection was present; however, these differences did not reach significance. Bacterial presence was strongly associated with pocket depth for both A. actinomyceteincomitans and P. gingivalis. For A. actinomycetemcomitans, the odds of a site containing this bacterium decrease with deeper pockets. In contrast, for P. gingivalis the odds of a site being positive are almost six times greater for pockets >3 ram than for pockets less than or equal to3 nun. These odds increase further to 15.3 for pockets deeper than 5 mm. The odds of a site being P. intermedia positive were marginally greater (1.16) for pockets deeper than 3 mm. Conclusions: This cross-sectional study in a volunteer Australian population, demonstrated recognised periodontal pathogens occur as part of the flora of the subgingival plaque. Prospective longitudinal studies are needed to examine the positive relationship between pocket depth and pathogen presence with periodontal disease initiation and/or progression.


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Although viperlike in appearance and habit, death adders belong to the Elapidae family of snakes. Systemic envenomation represents a serious medical problem with antivenom, which is raised against Acanthophis antarcticus venom, representing the primary treatment. This study focused on the major Acanthophis variants from Australia and islands in the Indo-Pacific region. Venoms were profiled using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, and analyzed for in vitro neurotoxicity (0.3-10 mug/ml), as well as the effectiveness of antivenom. (1-5 units/ml; 10 min prior to the addition of 10 mug/ml venom). The following death adder venoms were examined: A. antarcticus (from separate populations in New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, and Western Australia), A. hawkei, A. praelongus, A. pyrrhus, A. rugosus, A. wellsi, and venom from an unnamed species from the Indonesian island of Seram. All venoms abolished indirect twitches of the chick isolated biventer cervicis nerve-muscle preparation in a dose-dependent manner. In addition, all venoms blocked responses to exogenous acetylcholine (1 m-M) and carbachol (20 muM), but not KCl (40 mM), suggesting postsynaptic neurotoxicity. Death adder antivenom (1 unit/ml) prevented the neurotoxic effects of A. pyrrhus, A. praelongus, and A. hawkei venoms, although it was markedly less effective against venoms from A. antarcticus (NSW, SA, WA), A. rugosus, A. wellsi, and A. sp. Scram. However, at 5 units/ml, antivenom was effective against all venoms tested. Death adder venoms, including those from A. antarcticus geographic variants, differed not only in their venom composition but also in their neurotoxic activity and susceptibility to antivenom. For the first time toxicological aspects of A. hawkei, A. wellsi, A. rugosus, and A. sp. Seram venoms were studied. (C) 2001 Academic Press.


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Eggs from the Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef, nesting population of green turtles (Chelonia mydas) were incubated at all-male-determining (26 degreesC) and all-female-determining (30 degreesC) temperatures. Oxygen consumption and embryonic growth were monitored throughout incubation, and hatchling masses and body dimensions were measured from both temperatures. Eggs hatched after 79 and 53 days incubation at 26 degreesC and 30 degreesC respectively. Oxygen consumption at both temperatures increased to a peak several days before hatching, a pattern typical of turtle embryos, and the rate of oxygen was higher at 30 degreesC than 26 degreesC. The total amount of energy consumed during incubation, and hatchling dimensions, were similar at both temperatures, but hatchlings from 26 degreesC had larger mass, larger yolk-free mass and smaller residual yolks than hatchlings from 30 degreesC. Because of the difference in mass of hatchlings, hatchlings from 30 degreesC had a higher production cost.