945 resultados para Cr3 diffusion


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Nella tesi viene descritto il Network Diffusion Model, ovvero il modello di A. Ray, A. Kuceyeski, M. Weiner inerente i meccanismi di progressione della demenza senile. In tale modello si approssima l'encefalo sano con una rete cerebrale (ovvero un grafo pesato), si identifica un generale fattore di malattia e se ne analizza la propagazione che avviene secondo meccanismi analoghi a quelli di un'infezione da prioni. La progressione del fattore di malattia e le conseguenze macroscopiche di tale processo(tra cui principalmente l'atrofia corticale) vengono, poi, descritte mediante approccio matematico. I risultati teoretici vengono confrontati con quanto osservato sperimentalmente in pazienti affetti da demenza senile. Nella tesi, inoltre, si fornisce una panoramica sui recenti studi inerenti i processi neurodegenerativi e si costruisce il contesto matematico di riferimento del modello preso in esame. Si presenta una panoramica sui grafi finiti, si introduce l'operatore di Laplace sui grafi e si forniscono stime dall'alto e dal basso per gli autovalori. Al fine di costruire una cornice matematica completa si analizza la relazione tra caso discreto e continuo: viene descritto l'operatore di Laplace-Beltrami sulle variet riemanniane compatte e vengono fornite stime dall'alto per gli autovalori dell'operatore di Laplace-Beltrami associato a tali variet a partire dalle stime dall'alto per gli autovalori del laplaciano sui grafi finiti.


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Wir betrachten Systeme von endlich vielen Partikeln, wobei die Partikel sich unabhngig voneinander gem eindimensionaler Diffusionen [dX_t = b(X_t),dt + sigma(X_t),dW_t] bewegen. Die Partikel sterben mit positionsabhngigen Raten und hinterlassen eine zufllige Anzahl an Nachkommen, die sich gem eines bergangskerns im Raum verteilen. Zudem immigrieren neue Partikel mit einer konstanten Rate. Ein Prozess mit diesen Eigenschaften wird Verzweigungsprozess mit Immigration genannt. Beobachten wir einen solchen Prozess zu diskreten Zeitpunkten, so ist zunchst nicht offensichtlich, welche diskret beobachteten Punkte zu welchem Pfad gehren. Daher entwickeln wir einen Algorithmus, um den zugrundeliegenden Pfad zu rekonstruieren. Mit Hilfe dieses Algorithmus konstruieren wir einen nichtparametrischen Schtzer fr den quadrierten Diffusionskoeffizienten $sigma^2(cdot),$ wobei die Konstruktion im Wesentlichen auf dem Auffllen eines klassischen Regressionsschemas beruht. Wir beweisen Konsistenz und einen zentralen Grenzwertsatz.


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Molecular dynamics simulations of silicate and borate glasses and melts: Structure, diffusion dynamics and vibrational properties. In this work computer simulations of the model glass formers SiO2 and B2O3 are presented, using the techniques of classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and quantum mechanical calculations, based on density functional theory (DFT). The latter limits the system size to about 100200 atoms. SiO2 and B2O3 are the two most important network formers for industrial applications of oxide glasses. Glass samples are generated by means of a quench from the melt with classical MD simulations and a subsequent structural relaxation with DFT forces. In addition, full ab initio quenches are carried out with a significantly faster cooling rate. In principle, the structural properties are in good agreement with experimental results from neutron and X-ray scattering, in all cases. A special focus is on the study of vibrational properties, as they give access to low-temperature thermodynamic properties. The vibrational spectra are calculated by the so-called frozen phonon method. In all cases, the DFT curves show an acceptable agreement with experimental results of inelastic neutron scattering. In case of the model glass former B2O3, a new classical interaction potential is parametrized, based on the liquid trajectory of an ab initio MD simulation at 2300 K. In this course, a structural fitting routine is used. The inclusion of 3-body angular interactions leads to a significantly improved agreement of the liquid properties of the classical MD and ab initio MD simulations. However, the generated glass structures, in all cases, show a significantly lower fraction of 3-membered planar boroxol rings as predicted by experimental results (f=60%-80%). The largest boroxol ring fraction of f=155% is observed in the full ab initio quenches from 2300 K. In case of SiO2, the glass structures after the quantum mechanical relaxation are the basis for calculations of the linear thermal expansion coefficient L(T), employing the quasi-harmonic approximation. The striking observation is a change change of sign of L(T) going along with a temperature range of negative L(T) at low temperatures, which is in good agreement with experimental results.


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Nel presente lavoro di tesi ho sviluppato un metodo di analisi di dati di DW-MRI (Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging)cerebrale, tramite un algoritmo di trattografia, per la ricostruzione del tratto corticospinale, in un campione di 25 volontari sani. Il diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) sfrutta la capacit del tensore di diffusione D di misurare il processo di diffusione dellacqua, per stimare quantitativamente lanisotropia dei tessuti. In particolare, nella sostanza bianca cerebrale la diffusione delle molecole di acqua direzionata preferenzialmente lungo le fibre, mentre ostacolata perpendicolarmente ad esse. La trattografia utilizza le informazioni ottenute tramite il DW imaging per fornire una misura della connettivit strutturale fra diverse regioni del cervello. Nel lavoro si concentrata lattenzione sul fascio corticospinale, che coinvolto nella motricit volontaria, trasmettendo gli impulsi dalla corteccia motoria ai motoneuroni del midollo spinale. Il lavoro si articolato in 3 fasi. Nella prima ho sviluppato il pre-processing di immagini DW acquisite con un gradiente di diffusione sia 25 che a 64 direzioni in ognuno dei 25 volontari sani. Si messo a punto un metodo originale ed innovativo, basato su Regions of Interest (ROIs), ottenute attraverso la segmentazione automatizzata della sostanza grigia e ROIs definite manualmente su un template comune a tutti i soggetti in esame. Per ricostruire il fascio si usato un algoritmo di trattografia probabilistica che stima la direzione pi probabile delle fibre e, con un numero elevato di direzioni del gradiente, riesce ad individuare, se presente, pi di una direzione dominante (seconda fibra). Nella seconda parte del lavoro, ciascun fascio stato suddiviso in 100 segmenti (percentili). Sono stati stimati anisotropia frazionaria (FA), diffusivit media, probabilit di connettivit, volume del fascio e della seconda fibra con unanalisi quantitativa along-tract, per ottenere un confronto accurato dei rispettivi percentili dei fasci nei diversi soggetti. Nella terza parte dello studio stato fatto il confronto dei dati ottenuti a 25 e 64 direzioni del gradiente ed il confronto del fascio fra entrambi i lati. Dallanalisi statistica dei dati inter-subject e intra-subject emersa unelevata variabilit tra soggetti, dimostrando limportanza di parametrizzare il tratto. I risultati ottenuti confermano che il metodo di analisi trattografica del fascio cortico-spinale messo a punto risultato affidabile e riproducibile. Inoltre, risultato che unacquisizione con 25 direzioni di DTI, meglio tollerata dal paziente per la minore durata dello scan, assicura risultati attendibili. La principale applicazione clinica riguarda patologie neurodegenerative con sintomi motori sia acquisite, quali sindromi parkinsoniane sia su base genetica o la valutazione di masse endocraniche, per la definizione del grado di contiguit del fascio. Infine, sono state poste le basi per la standardizzazione dellanalisi quantitativa di altri fasci di interesse in ambito clinico o di studi di ricerca fisiopatogenetica.


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In questo lavoro di tesi presentato un metodo per lo studio della compartimentalizzazione dellacqua in cellule biologiche, mediante lo studio dellautodiffusione delle molecole dacqua tramite uno strumento NMR single-sided. Le misure sono state eseguite nel laboratorio NMR allinterno del DIFA di Bologna. Sono stati misurati i coefficienti di autodiffusione di tre campioni in condizione bulk, ottenendo risultati consistenti con la letteratura. stato poi analizzato un sistema cellulare modello, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, allo stato solido, ottimizzando le procedure per lottenimento di mappe di correlazione 2D, aventi come assi il coefficiente di autodiffusione D e il tempo di rilassamento trasversale T2. In questo sistema lacqua confinata e lautodiffusione ristretta dalle pareti cellulari, si parla quindi di coefficiente di autodiffusione apparente, Dapp. Mediante le mappe sono state individuate due famiglie di nuclei 1H. Il campione stato poi analizzato in diluizione in acqua distillata, confermando la separazione del segnale in due distinte famiglie. Lutilizzo di un composto chelato, il CuEDTA, ha permesso di affermare che la famiglia con il Dapp maggiore corrisponde allacqua esterna alle cellule. Lanalisi dei dati ottenuti sulle due famiglie al variare del tempo lasciato alle molecole dacqua per la diffusione hanno portato alla stima del raggio dei due compartimenti: r=2.30.2m per lacqua extracellulare, r=0.90.1m per quella intracellulare, che probabilmente acqua scambiata tra gli organelli e il citoplasma. Lincertezza associata a tali stime tiene conto soltanto dellerrore nel calcolo dei parametri liberi del fit dei dati, pertanto una sottostima, dovuta alle approssimazioni connesse allutilizzo di equazioni valide per un sistema poroso costituito da pori sferici connessi non permeabili. Gli ordini di grandezza dei raggi calcolati sono invece consistenti con quelli osservabili dalle immagini ottenute con il microscopio ottico.


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To determine the potential benefit of combined respiratory-cardiac triggering for diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) of kidneys compared to respiratory triggering alone (RT).


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To determine the inter-patient variability of apparent diffusion coefficients (ADC) and concurrent micro-circulation contributions from diffusion-weighted MR imaging (DW-MRI) in renal allografts early after transplantation, and to obtain initial information on whether these measures are altered in histologically proven acute allograft rejection (AR).


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New treatment options for Niemann-Pick Type C (NPC) have recently become available. To assess the efficiency and efficacy of these new treatment markers for disease status and progression are needed. Both the diagnosis and the monitoring of disease progression are challenging and mostly rely on clinical impression and functional testing of horizontal eye movements. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) provides information about the microintegrity especially of white matter. We show here in a case report how DTI and measures derived from this imaging method can serve as adjunct quantitative markers for disease management in Niemann-Pick Type C. Two approaches are taken--first, we compare the fractional anisotropy (FA) in the white matter globally between a 29-year-old NPC patient and 18 healthy age-matched controls and show the remarkable difference in FA relatively early in the course of the disease. Second, a voxelwise comparison of FA values reveals where white matter integrity is compromised locally and demonstrate an individualized analysis of FA changes before and after 1year of treatment with Miglustat. This method might be useful in future treatment trials for NPC to assess treatment effects.


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An imaging biomarker that would provide for an early quantitative metric of clinical treatment response in cancer patients would provide for a paradigm shift in cancer care. Currently, nonimage based clinical outcome metrics include morphology, clinical, and laboratory parameters, however, these are obtained relatively late following treatment. Diffusion-weighted MRI (DW-MRI) holds promise for use as a cancer treatment response biomarker as it is sensitive to macromolecular and microstructural changes which can occur at the cellular level earlier than anatomical changes during therapy. Studies have shown that successful treatment of many tumor types can be detected using DW-MRI as an early increase in the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values. Additionally, low pretreatment ADC values of various tumors are often predictive of better outcome. These capabilities, once validated, could provide for an important opportunity to individualize therapy thereby minimizing unnecessary systemic toxicity associated with ineffective therapies with the additional advantage of improving overall patient health care and associated costs. In this report, we provide a brief technical overview of DW-MRI acquisition protocols, quantitative image analysis approaches and review studies which have implemented DW-MRI for the purpose of early prediction of cancer treatment response.


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To evaluate the use of diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) for the assessment of cartilage maturation in patients after matrix-associated autologous chondrocyte transplantation (MACT).


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the Echoplanar Imaging Thrombolytic Evaluation Trial (EPITHET) was a prospective, randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, phase II trial of alteplase between 3 and 6 hours after stroke onset. The primary outcome of infarct growth attenuation on MRI with alteplase in mismatch patients was negative when mismatch volumes were assessed volumetrically, without coregistration, which underestimates mismatch volumes. We hypothesized that assessing the extent of mismatch by coregistration of perfusion and diffusion MRI maps may more accurately allow the effects of alteplase vs placebo to be evaluated.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance (MR) imaging of the human placenta in fetuses with and fetuses without intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) who were suspected of having placental insufficiency. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was approved by the local ethics committee, and written informed consent was obtained. The authors retrospectively evaluated 1.5-T fetal MR images from 102 singleton pregnancies (mean gestation standard deviation, 29 weeks 5; range, 21-41 weeks). Morphologic and diffusion-weighted MR imaging were performed. A region of interest analysis of the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) of the placenta was independently performed by two observers who were blinded to clinical data and outcome. Placental insufficiency was diagnosed if flattening of the growth curve was detected at obstetric ultrasonography (US), if the birth weight was in the 10th percentile or less, or if fetal weight estimated with US was below the 10th percentile. Abnormal findings at Doppler US of the umbilical artery and histopathologic examination of specimens from the placenta were recorded. The ADCs in fetuses with placental insufficiency were compared with those in fetuses of the same gestational age without placental insufficiency and tested for normal distribution. The t tests and Pearson correlation coefficients were used to compare these results at 5% levels of significance. RESULTS: Thirty-three of the 102 pregnancies were ultimately categorized as having an insufficient placenta. MR imaging depicted morphologic changes (eg, infarction or bleeding) in 27 fetuses. Placental dysfunction was suspected in 33 fetuses at diffusion-weighted imaging (mean ADC, 146.4 sec/mm(2) 10.63 for fetuses with placental insufficiency vs 177.1 sec/mm(2) 18.90 for fetuses without placental insufficiency; P < .01, with one false-positive case). The use of diffusion-weighted imaging in addition to US increased sensitivity for the detection of placental insufficiency from 73% to 100%, increased accuracy from 91% to 99%, and preserved specificity at 99%. CONCLUSION: Placental dysfunction associated with growth restriction is associated with restricted diffusion and reduced ADC. A decreased ADC used as an early marker of placental damage might be indicative of pregnancy complications such as IUGR.


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Applications of diffusion-weighted (DW) magnetic resonance (MR) imaging outside the brain have gained increasing importance in recent years. Owing to technical improvements in MR imaging units and faster sequences, the need for noninvasive imaging without contrast medium administration, mainly in patients with renal insufficiency, can be met successfully by applying this technique. DW MR imaging is quantified by the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC), which provides information on diffusion and perfusion simultaneously. By using a biexponential fitting process of the DW MR imaging data, these two entities can be separated, because this type of fitting process can serve as an estimate of both the perfusion fraction and the true diffusion coefficient. DW MR imaging can be applied for functional evaluation of the kidneys in patients with acute or chronic renal failure. Impairment of renal function is accompanied by a decreased ADC. Acute ureteral obstruction leads to perfusion and diffusion changes in the affected kidney, and renal artery stenosis results in a decreased ADC. In patients with pyelonephritis, diffuse or focal changes in signal intensity are seen on the high-b-value images, with increased signal intensity corresponding to low signal intensity on the ADC map. The feasibility and reproducibility of DW MR imaging in patients with transplanted kidneys have already been demonstrated, and initial results seem to be promising for the assessment of allograft deterioration. Overall, performance of renal DW MR imaging, presuming that measurements are of high quality, will further boost this modality, particularly for early detection of diffuse renal conditions, as well as more accurate characterization of focal renal lesions.


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Extracranial application of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has gained increasing importance in recent years. As a result of technical advances, this new non-invasive functional technique has also been applied in head and neck radiology for several clinical indications. In cancer imaging, diffusion-weighted MRI can be performed for tumour detection and characterization, monitoring of treatment response as well as the differentiation of recurrence and post-therapeutic changes after radiotherapy. Even for lymph node staging promising results have been reported recently. This review article provides overview of potential applications of diffusion-weighted MRI in head and neck with the main focus on its applications in oncology.


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In an experimental murine model of unilateral ureteral obstruction, Togao et al demonstrated that diffusion-weighted (DW) magnetic resonance (MR) imaging can depict and enable monitoring of abnormal changes in the progression of renal fibrosis; because these microstructural changes are complex and multifactorial, future studies focused on their specificity should be performed before they are applied in clinical trials.