978 resultados para Correction of resistivity
Este estudo avaliou os efeitos esqueléticos da tração reversa da maxila utilizando imagens 2D (telerradiografia lateral) geradas a partir da tomografia de feixe cônico (imagens 3D). A amostra foi composta por 20 crianças (15 do gênero feminino, e 5 do masculino), com idade variando de 5,6 a 10,7 anos que apresentavam má-oclusão de Classe III de Angle. A tomografia foi realizada antes do tratamento (T1) e logo após o tratamento (T2). O tratamento foi realizado por meio da tração reversa da maxila utilizando-se o aparelho expansor Hyrax associado à máscara facial individualizada, com força de 600 a 800g de cada lado, durante 14 horas por dia. A correção da relação de caninos em Classe I ou com sua sobrecorreção em Classe II foi obtida após 4 a 8 meses de tratamento. Para verificar o erro sistemático e casual foi utilizado o teste t pareado e a fórmula de Dahlberg, respectivamente. O teste t pareado (p<0,05) mostrou diferença significante entre as medidas cefalométricas obtidas em T1 e T2. Na maxila houve aumento do SNA 2,2°, A-Nperp 1,47mm e em Co-A 2,58mm. Na mandíbula, SNB diminuiu -0,54° e P-Nperp, -1,45mm, enquanto Co-Gn aumentou 1,04mm. Houve melhora na relação maxilo-mandibular ANB 2,74° e Wits 4,23mm. As variáveis GoGn.SN, Gn.SN, FH.Md, Mx.Md, e AFAI aumentaram demonstrando que houve uma rotação da mandíbula no sentido horário. O plano palatino rotacionou no sentido anti-horário. Pode se concluir que o tratamento de tração reversa da maxila na idade precoce promoveu uma melhora na relação maxilo-mandibular devido a um avanço da maxila e um deslocamento da mandíbula para baixo e para trás.
O presente estudo avaliou a velocidade da movimentação ortodôntica e as alterações dentárias e esqueléticas na distalização de molares superiores sob influência do laser de baixa intensidade por meio de telerradiografias laterais. A amostra foi constituída por 18 pacientes, portadores de maloclusão Classe II, com idade média inicial de 14,4 anos e divididos em dois grupos: Grupo I - laser e Grupo II - controle. Os pacientes foram tratados com um dispositivo ortodôntico denominado Pêndulo de Hilgers modificado, concomitantemente foi realizado a aplicação do laser de baixa intensidade na região radicular dos primeiros e segundos molares superiores, dos lados direito e esquerdo, nos pacientes do grupo I, sob o seguinte protocolo: 780nm de comprimento de onda, 40mW de potência, 10J/cm² de densidade de energia, 0,4J de energia por ponto durante 10 segundos cada e resultando em energia total de 20,8J. Foram distribuídos 52 pontos por vestibular e palatina dos primeiros e segundos molares superiores. A aplicação do laser foi realizada no dia da ativação da mola de TMA e repetida a cada mês até a sobrecorreção da relação molar. As telerradiografias laterais foram realizadas no início do tratamento (T1), ao final do terceiro mês (T2) e ao final da distalização (T3) com a relação molar sobrecorrigida em aproximadamente 1mm. Após análise cefalométrica foram realizadas comparações das alterações obtidas entre as fases Inicial (T1) e Final (T3) e Inicial (T1) e terceiro mês (T2) e comparadas entre os grupos. Os resultados mostraram inclinação para distal dos primeiros e segundos molares superiores, inclinação vestibular dos incisivos centrais superiores acentuada pela presença dos segundos molares e ausência de alterações dentárias verticais significativas, rotação do plano mandibular no sentido horário e o consequente aumento da altura facial anterior inferior. Concluiu-se que os efeitos do Pêndulo de Hilgers modificado sob a metodologia realizada provocaram alterações predominantemente dentoalveolares e que a movimentação dos primeiros e segundos molares superiores sob efeito da laserterapia, não apresentou diferença estatisticamente significante na velocidade de movimentação ortodôntica e em nenhuma das variáveis estudadas.
A Osteotomia Segmentar de Maxila ou Osteotomia Le Fort I Segmentada é um procedimento que tem se tornado, cada vez mais comum, nas cirugias para as correções das deformidades dentofaciais, conhecidas como Cirurgias Ortognáticas. Este procedimento é muito bem indicado para a correção das discrepâncias maxilares, nos diferentes planos e num único tempo cirúrgico, otimizando assim, o tempo de tratamento a que o paciente é submetido. A estabilidade esquelética transversal e a oclusal dos pacientes, que são submetidos a este tipo de osteotomia, tem sido objeto de estudo na literatura , assim como também, os potenciais riscos e complicações inerentes a este procedimento como, a desvitalização dentária, fístula oro-nasal, perda dentária, necrose de algum segmento da maxila ou até mesmo, de toda a maxila. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar o caso clínico de um paciente submetido à osteotomia segmentar de maxila, e fazer uma revisão da literatura abrangendo os últimos 10 anos, com artigos que abordam a estabilidade deste tipo de procedimento, assim como também os potenciais riscos e complicações aos pacientes submetidos a este procedimento. Utilizando algumas palavras chave na base de dados eletrônica PUBMED, 12 artigos foram selecionados para este trabalho, no período de 2002 a 2012. A Osteotomia Segmentar de Maxila é um procedimento estável e seguro, com baixo índice de complicação, quando indicado corretamente e com os devidos cuidados no pré, trans e pós operatórios.
A expansão rápida da maxila assistida cirurgicamente (ERMAC) é um dos procedimentos de escolha para correção da deficiência transversal em pacientes adultos. Este estudo avaliou as alterações produzidas nos arcos dentais superiores e inferiores de 18 pacientes, sendo seis do sexo masculino e 12 do sexo feminino, com média de idade de 23,3 anos submetidos à ERMAC. Para cada paciente foram preparados três modelos de gesso, que foram digitalizados por meio do Scanner 3D, obtidos em diferentes fases: inicial, antes do procedimento operatório (T1); três meses pós-expansão (T2); seis meses pós-expansão (T3). Foram avaliadas as distâncias transversais do arcos dentários superior e inferior, a inclinação dentária dos dentes posteriores superiores, a altura da coroa clínica dos dentes posteriores do arco superior e foi observado se havia correlação entre a quantidade de inclinação dentária com o desenvolvimento de recessões gengivais. Para análise dos resultados foram utilizados a análise de Variância, o Teste de Tukey e o Teste de Correlação de Pearson, sendo que para a análise do erro sistemático intra-examinador foi utilizado o teste t pareado e para determinação do erro casual utilizou-se o cálculo do erro de Dahlberg. Com base na metodologia utilizada e nos resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que: 1. com relação as alterações produzidas no sentido transversal do arco superior, obteve-se um aumento em todas as variáveis de T1 para T2 e uma manutenção dos valores em todas as variáveis de T2 para T3 demonstrando efetividade e estabilidade do procedimento; 2. no arco inferior não houve alterações transversais estatisticamente significantes, com exceção dos primeiros molares; 3. com relação às inclinações dentárias, observou-se um aumento desta de T1 para T2 em todos os dentes, porém, com significância estatística apenas para segundo molar e primeiro e segundo pré-molar do lado direito e primeiro molar e segundo pré-molar do lado esquerdo.; 4. a ERMAC não acarretou o desenvolvimento de recessões gengivais em nenhum dos tempos; 5. não houve correlação entre a quantidade de inclinação dentária e o desenvolvimento de recessões gengivais.(AU)
O objetivo do presente estudo consistiu em analisar a estabilidade das alterações oclusais em 18 pacientes com má oclusão de Classe II, divisão 1, idade média inicial de 10,77 anos, tratados com o aparelho regulador de função RF-2 durante 18 meses e reavaliados num período de pós-tratamento 7,16 anos, em média. Os 54 modelos de gesso foram avaliados no início do tratamento (T1), no final do tratamento (T2) e decorridos 7,16 anos pós-tratamento (T3). Foram analisadas as alterações transversais e sagitais; o Índice de irregularidade de Little e o Índice de Prioridade de Tratamento (IPT). As alterações ocorridas nos períodos analisados foram verificadas por meio da análise de Variância- ANOVA e, em seguida, pelo teste de comparações múltiplas de Bonferroni, com o valor crítico adotado de 0,05. Os resultados demonstraram que o tratamento com o RF-2 promoveu um aumento transversal estatisticamente significante, tanto no arco dentário superior quanto no inferior, porém, no período pós-tratamento, houve recidiva parcial ou mesmo total deste aumento na maioria das dimensões analisadas. Já o comprimento dos arcos dentários superior e inferior diminuiu durante todo o período avaliado. O Índice de Irregularidade de Little apresentou-se estável durante o tratamento, entretanto aumentou no período pós-tratamento. Além disso, o tratamento com o RF-2 proporcionou uma diminuição estatisticamente significante do IPT, refletindo a eficácia do tratamento realizado uma vez que esta diminuição permaneceu estável no período pós-tratamento. Portanto, o aparelho RF-2 demonstrou ser eficaz na correção dentária da má oclusão de Classe II, divisão 1, com estabilidade dos resultados decorridos 7,16 anos após o tratamento. Porém, em relação ao ganho transversal nos arcos dentários obtido durante o tratamento, houve recidiva parcial ou total de todas as variáveis analisadas.(AU)
1. Fitting a linear regression to data provides much more information about the relationship between two variables than a simple correlation test. A goodness of fit test of the line should always be carried out. Hence, r squared estimates the strength of the relationship between Y and X, ANOVA whether a statistically significant line is present, and the ‘t’ test whether the slope of the line is significantly different from zero. 2. Always check whether the data collected fit the assumptions for regression analysis and, if not, whether a transformation of the Y and/or X variables is necessary. 3. If the regression line is to be used for prediction, it is important to determine whether the prediction involves an individual y value or a mean. Care should be taken if predictions are made close to the extremities of the data and are subject to considerable error if x falls beyond the range of the data. Multiple predictions require correction of the P values. 3. If several individual regression lines have been calculated from a number of similar sets of data, consider whether they should be combined to form a single regression line. 4. If the data exhibit a degree of curvature, then fitting a higher-order polynomial curve may provide a better fit than a straight line. In this case, a test of whether the data depart significantly from a linear regression should be carried out.
Measurements of the sea surface obtained by satellite borne radar altimetry are irregularly spaced and contaminated with various modelling and correction errors. The largest source of uncertainty for low Earth orbiting satellites such as ERS-1 and Geosat may be attributed to orbital modelling errors. The empirical correction of such errors is investigated by examination of single and dual satellite crossovers, with a view to identifying the extent of any signal aliasing: either by removal of long wavelength ocean signals or introduction of additional error signals. From these studies, it was concluded that sinusoidal approximation of the dominant one cycle per revolution orbit error over arc lengths of 11,500 km did not remove a significant mesoscale ocean signal. The use of TOPEX/Poseidon dual crossovers with ERS-1 was shown to substantially improve the radial accuracy of ERS-1, except for some absorption of small TOPEX/Poseidon errors. The extraction of marine geoid information is of great interest to the oceanographic community and was the subject of the second half of this thesis. Firstly through determination of regional mean sea surfaces using Geosat data, it was demonstrated that a dataset with 70cm orbit error contamination could produce a marine geoid map which compares to better than 12cm with an accurate regional high resolution gravimetric geoid. This study was then developed into Optimal Fourier Transform Interpolation, a technique capable of analysing complete altimeter datasets for the determination of consistent global high resolution geoid maps. This method exploits the regular nature of ascending and descending data subsets thus making possible the application of fast Fourier transform algorithms. Quantitative assessment of this method was limited by the lack of global ground truth gravity data, but qualitative results indicate good signal recovery from a single 35-day cycle.
The technique of Satellite Laser Ranging is today a mature, important tool with applications in many area of geodynamics, geodesy and satellite dynamics. A global network of some 40 stations regularly obtains range observations with sub-cm precision to more than twelve orbiting spacecraft. At such levels of precision it is important to minimise potential sources of range bias in the observations, and part of the thesis is a study of subtle effects caused by the extended nature of the arrays of retro-reflectors on the satellites. We develop models that give a precise correction of the range measurements to the centres of mass of the geodetic satellites Lageos and Etalon, appropriate to a variety of different ranging systems, and use the Etalon values, which were not determined during pre-launch tests, in an extended orbital analysis. We have fitted continuous 2.5 year orbits to range observations of the Etalons from the global network of stations, and analysed the results by mapping the range residuals from these orbits into equivalent corrections to orbital elements over short time intervals. From these residuals we have detected and studied large un-modelled along-track accelerations associated with periods during which the satellites are undergoing eclipse by the Earth's shadow. We also find that the eccentricity residuals are significantly different for the two satellites, with Etalon-2 undergoing a year-long eccentricity anomaly similar in character to that experienced at intervals by Lageos-1. The nodal residuals show that the satellites define a very stable reference frame for Earth rotation determination, with very little drift-off during the 2.5 year period. We show that an analysis of more than about eight years of tracking data would be required to derive a significant value for 2. The reference frame defined by the station coordinates derived from the analyses shows very good agreement with that of ITRF93.
The study evaluated sources of within- and between-subject variability in standard white-on-white (W-W) perimetry and short-wavelength automated perimetry (SWAP). The Influence of staircase strategy on the fatigue effect in W-W perimetry was investigated for a 4 dB single step, single reversal strategy; a variable step size, single reversal dynamic strategy; and the standard 4-2 dB double reversal strategy. The fatigue effect increased as the duration of the examination Increased and was greatest in the second eye for all strategies. The fatigue effect was lowest for the 4dB strategy, which exhibited the shortest examination time and was greatest for the 4-2 dB strategy, which exhibited the longest examination time. Staircase efficiency was lowest for the 4 dB strategy and highest for the dynamic strategy which thus offers a reduced examination time and low inter-subject variability. The normal between-subject variability of SWAP was determined for the standard 4-2 dB double reversal strategy and the 3 dB single reversal FASTPAC strategy and compared to that of W-W perimetry, The decrease in sensitivity with Increase in age was greatest for SWAP. The between-subject variability of SWAP was greater than W-W perimetry. Correction for the Influence of ocular media absorption reduced the between-subject variability of SWAP, The FASTPAC strategy yielded the lowest between-subject variability In SWAP, but the greatest between-subject variability In WoW perimetry. The greater between-subject variability of SWAP has profound Implications for the delineation of visual field abnormality, The fatigue effect for the Full Threshold strategy in SWAP was evaluated with conventional opaque, and translucent occlusion of the fellow eye. SWAP exhibited a greater fatigue effect than W-W perimetry. Translucent occlusion reduced the between-subject variability of W-W perimetry but Increased the between-subject variability of SWAP. The elevation of sensitivity was greater with translucent occlusion which has implications for the statistical analysis of W-W perimetry and SWAP. The influence of age-related cataract extraction and IOL implantation upon the visual field derived by WoW perimetry and SWAP was determined. Cataract yielded a general reduction In sensitivity which was preferentially greater in SWAP, even after the correction of SWAP for the attenuation of the stimulus by the ocular media. There was no correlation between either backward or forward light scatter and the magnitude of the attenuation of W-W or SWAP sensitivity. The post-operative mean deviation in SWAP was positive and has ramifications for the statistical Interpretation of SWAP. Short-wavelength-sensitive pathway isolation was assessed as a function of stimulus eccentricity using the two-colour Increment threshold method. At least 15 dB of SWS pathway Isolation was achieved for 440 nm, 450 nm and 460 nm stimuli at a background luminance of 100 cdm-2, There was a slight decrease In SWS pathway Isolation for all stimulus wavelengths with increasing eccentricity which was not of clinical significance. Adopting a 450 nm stimulus may reduce between-subject variability In SWAP due to a reduction In ocular media absorption and macular pigment absorption.
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a common disorder of middle-aged and elderly people in which degeneration of the extrapyramidal motor system causes significant movement problems. In some patients, however, there are additional disturbances in sensory systems including loss of the sense of smell and auditory and/or visual problems. This article is a general overview of the visual problems likely to be encountered in PD. Changes in vision in PD may result from alterations in visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, colour discrimination, pupil reactivity, eye movements, motion perception, visual field sensitivity and visual processing speeds. Slower visual processing speeds can also lead to a decline in visual perception especially for rapidly changing visual stimuli. In addition, there may be disturbances of visuo-spatial orientation, facial recognition problems, and chronic visual hallucinations. Some of the treatments used in PD may also have adverse ocular reactions. The pattern electroretinogram (PERG) is useful in evaluating retinal dopamine mechanisms and in monitoring dopamine therapies in PD. If visual problems are present, they can have an important effect on the quality of life of the patient, which can be improved by accurate diagnosis and where possible, correction of such defects.
Purpose. To assess the relative clinical success of orthokeratology contact lenses (OK) and distance single-vision spectacles (SV) in children in terms of incidences of adverse events and discontinuations over a 2-year period. Methods. Sixty-one subjects 6 to 12 years of age with myopia of - 0.75 to - 4.00DS and astigmatism =1.00DC were prospectively allocated OK or SV correction. Subjects were followed at 6-month intervals and advised to report to the clinic immediately should adverse events occur. Adverse events were categorized into serious, significant, and non-significant. Discontinuation was defined as cessation of lens wear for the remainder of the study. Results. Thirty-one children were corrected with OK and 30 with SV. A higher incidence of adverse events was found with OK compared with SV (p < 0.001). Nine OK subjects experienced 16 adverse events (7 significant and 9 non-significant). No adverse events were found in the SV group. Most adverse events were found between 6 and 12 months of lens wear, with 11 solely attributable to OK wear. Significantly more discontinuations were found with SV in comparison with OK (p < 0.05). Conclusions. The relatively low incidence of adverse events and discontinuations with OK is conducive for the correction of myopia in children with OK contact lenses.
As technology and medical devices improve, there is much interest in when and how astigmatism should be corrected with refractive surgery. Astigmatism can be corrected by most forms of refractive surgery, such as using excimer lasers algorithms to ablate the cornea to compensate for the magnitude of refractive error in different meridians. Correction of astigmatism at the time of cataract surgery is well developed and can be achieved through incision placement, relaxing incisions and toric intraocular lens (IOL) implantation. This was less of an issue in the past when there was a lower expectation to be spectacle independent after cataract surgery, in which case the residual refractive error, including astigmatism, could be compensated for with spectacle lenses. The issue of whether presurgical astigmatism should be corrected can be considered separately depending on whether a patient has residual accommodation, and the type of refractive surgery under consideration. We have previously reported on the visual impact of full correction of astigmatism, rather than just correcting the mean spherical equivalent. Correction of astigmatism as low as 1.00 dioptres significantly improves objective and subjective measures of functional vision in prepresbyopes at distance and near.
E-learning is supposing an innovation in teaching, raising from the development of new technologies. It is based in a set of educational resources, including, among others, multimedia or interactive contents accessible through Internet or Intranet networks. A whole spectrum of tools and services support e-learning, some of them include auto-evaluation and automated correction of test-like exercises, however, this sort of exercises are very constrained because of its nature: fixed contents and correct answers suppose a limit in the way teachers may evaluation students. In this paper we propose a new engine that allows validating complex exercises in the area of Data Structures and Algorithms. Correct solutions to exercises do not rely only in how good the execution of the code is, or if the results are same as expected. A set of criteria on algorithm complexity or correctness in the use of the data structures are required. The engine presented in this work covers a wide set of exercises with these characteristics allowing teachers to establish the set of requirements for a solution, and students to obtain a measure on the quality of their solution in the same terms that are later required for exams.
Purpose: This study investigated how aberration-controlling, customised soft contact lenses corrected higher-order ocular aberrations and visual performance in keratoconic patients compared to other forms of refractive correction (spectacles and rigid gas-permeable lenses). Methods: Twenty-two patients (16 rigid gas-permeable contact lens wearers and six spectacle wearers) were fitted with standard toric soft lenses and customised lenses (designed to correct 3rd-order coma aberrations). In the rigid gas-permeable lens-wearing patients, ocular aberrations were measured without lenses, with the patient's habitual lenses and with the study lenses (Hartmann-Shack aberrometry). In the spectacle-wearing patients, ocular aberrations were measured both with and without the study lenses. LogMAR visual acuity (high-contrast and low-contrast) was evaluated with the patient wearing their habitual correction (of either spectacles or rigid gas-permeable contact lenses) and with the study lenses. Results: In the contact lens wearers, the habitual rigid gas-permeable lenses and customised lenses provided significant reductions in 3rd-order coma root-mean-square (RMS) error, 3rd-order RMS and higher-order RMS error (p ≤ 0.004). In the spectacle wearers, the standard toric lenses and customised lenses significantly reduced 3rd-order RMS and higher-order RMS errors (p ≤ 0.005). The spectacle wearers showed no significant differences in visual performance measured between their habitual spectacles and the study lenses. However, in the contact lens wearers, the habitual rigid gas-permeable lenses and standard toric lenses provided significantly better high-contrast acuities compared to the customised lenses (p ≤ 0.006). Conclusions: The customised lenses provided substantial reductions in ocular aberrations in these keratoconic patients; however, the poor visual performances achieved with these lenses are most likely to be due to small, on-eye lens decentrations. © 2014 The College of Optometrists.
Corneal surface laser ablation procedures for the correction of refractive error have enjoyed a resurgence of interest, especially in patients with a possible increased risk of complications after lamellar surgery. Improvements in the understanding of corneal biomechanical changes, the modulation of wound healing, laser technology including ablation profiles and different methods for epithelial removal have widened the scope for surface ablation. This article discusses photorefractive keratectomy, trans-epithelial photorefractive keratectomy, laser-assisted sub-epithelial keratomileusis and epithelial-laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis. © 2010 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2010 Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists.