986 resultados para Contralateral teeth


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Ten medieval permanent teeth were subjected to incremental dentine sectioning and stable isotope analysis to investigate dietary changes in high resolution. In addition to this, eight increments were also selected for 14C measurements to examine possible intra-individual age differences. Results reveal the cessation of weaning, various dietary profiles and in some cases significantly different 14C ages obtained from a single tooth. This case study illustrates how 14C measurements can function as a proxy alongside the commonly used carbon and nitrogen stable isotope values to interpret the diet of past individuals


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Many types of non-invasive brain stimulation alter corticospinal excitability (CSE). Paired associative stimulation (PAS) has attracted particular attention as its effects ostensibly adhere to Hebbian principles of neural plasticity. In prototypical form, a single electrical stimulus is directed to a peripheral nerve in close temporal contiguity with transcranial magnetic stimulation delivered to the contralateral primary motor cortex (M1). Repeated pairing of the two discrete stimulus events (i.e. association) over an extended period either increases or decreases the excitability of corticospinal projections from M1, contingent on the interstimulus interval. We studied a novel form of associative stimulation, consisting of brief trains of peripheral afferent stimulation paired with short bursts of high frequency (≥80 Hz) transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) over contralateral M1. Elevations in the excitability of corticospinal projections to the forearm were observed for a range of tACS frequency (80, 140 and 250 Hz), current (1, 2 and 3 mA) and duration (500 and 1000 ms) parameters. The effects were at least as reliable as those brought about by PAS or transcranial direct current stimulation. When paired with tACS, muscle tendon vibration also induced elevations of CSE. No such changes were brought about by the tACS or peripheral afferent stimulation alone. In demonstrating that associative effects are expressed when the timing of the peripheral and cortical events is not precisely circumscribed, these findings suggest that multiple cellular pathways may contribute to a long term potentiation-type response. Their relative contributions will differ depending on the nature of the induction protocol that is used.


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Paired Associative Stimulation (PAS) has come to prominence as a potential therapeutic intervention for the treatment of brain injury/disease, and as an experimental method with which to investigate Hebbian principles of neural plasticity in humans. Prototypically, a single electrical stimulus is directed to a peripheral nerve in advance of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) delivered to the contralateral primary motor cortex (M1). Repeated pairing of the stimuli (i.e., association) over an extended period may increase or decrease the excitability of corticospinal projections from M1, in manner that depends on the interstimulus interval (ISI). It has been suggested that these effects represent a form of associative long-term potentiation (LTP) and depression (LTD) that bears resemblance to spike-timing dependent plasticity (STDP) as it has been elaborated in animal models. With a large body of empirical evidence having emerged since the cardinal features of PAS were first described, and in light of the variations from the original protocols that have been implemented, it is opportune to consider whether the phenomenology of PAS remains consistent with the characteristic features that were initially disclosed. This assessment necessarily has bearing upon interpretation of the effects of PAS in relation to the specific cellular pathways that are putatively engaged, including those that adhere to the rules of STDP. The balance of evidence suggests that the mechanisms that contribute to the LTP- and LTD-type responses to PAS differ depending on the precise nature of the induction protocol that is used. In addition to emphasizing the requirement for additional explanatory models, in the present analysis we highlight the key features of the PAS phenomenology that require interpretation.


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The transient receptor potential (TRP) channels are unique cellular sensors that are widely expressed in many neuronal and nonneuronal cells. Among the TRP family members, TRPA1 and TRPV4 are emerging as candidate mechanosensitive channels that play a pivotal role in inflammatory pain and mechanical hyperalgesia. Odontoblasts are nonneuronal cells that possess many of the features of mechanosensitive cells and mediate important defense and sensory functions. However, the effect of inflammation on the activity of the odontoblast's mechanosensitive channels remains unknown. By using immunohistochemistry and calcium microfluorimetry, we showed that odontoblast-like cells express TRPA1 and TRPV4 and that these channels were activated by hypotonicity-induced membrane stretch. Short treatment of odontoblast-like cells with tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α enhanced TRPA1 and TRPV4 responses to their chemical agonists and membrane stretch. This enhanced channel activity was accompanied by phospho-p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) expression. Treatment of cells with the p38 inhibitor SB202190 reduced TNF-α effects, suggesting modulation of channel activity via p38 MAPK. In addition, TNF-α treatment also resulted in an up-regulation of TRPA1 expression but down-regulation of TRPV4. Unlike TRPV4, enhanced TRPA1 expression was also evident in dental pulp of carious compared with noncarious teeth. SB202190 treatment significantly reduced TNF-α-induced TRPA1 expression, suggesting a role for p38 MAPK signaling in modulating both the transcriptional and non-transcriptional regulation of TRP channels in odontoblasts.


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Objectives: Approximately 300 people are diagnosed with Head and Neck cancer annually in Northern Ireland. The management may include treatment by surgery or by chemotherapy and radiotherapy,
or a combination of modalities. Patients whose oral cavity, teeth, salivary glands and jaws that
will be affected by treatment, particularly radiotherapy should have a pre-treatment assessment. This should be done as early as possible to maximise the time available for dental management. However, this can be challenging owing to the complexities of cancer diagnosis, treatment planning and multidisciplinary management. At the Belfast Dental Hospital, a number of patients were referred post- radiotherapy with complications after not having received a pre-treatment assessment. The referrals for pre- treatment dental assessment were also late in patients’ multidisciplinary journey, limiting the time period
for dental input. The purpose of this audit was to examine the time period between dental assessment and commencement of radiotherapy and whether this was an adequate time frame for dental management. This audit will also examine the dental diseases present and the treatments required pre-radiotherapy. Methods: Data for this audit was collected over 4 months in 2012
by analysing the dental charts and referrals of new patients who were referred to and attended the dental head and neck oncology clinic. A standardised referral pro-forma was introduced from September 2013 to improve the referral process.
A re-audit was conducted over 4 months in 2014. Data was collected similarly as previous. The time period between dental assessment and commencement of radiotherapy was examined. The presence of dental disease and subsequent treatments required were also noted.
Results: 63 new patients were examined in the dental head and neck oncology clinic over 4 months in 2012. 48 (76.2%) were examined pre-radiotherapy. The average length of time between dental assessment and radiotherapy commencement was 11 days. A new standardised referral pro-forma was introduced in 2013. In the re-audit, 65 new patients were seen over 4 months in 2014.
60 (92.3%) patients were examined pre-radiotherapy. The average length of time between dental assessment and radiotherapy commencement was 18 days.
Conclusion: Given the high prevalence of pre-existing dental disease amongst head and neck cancer patients, prompt dental assessment and treatment is vital. Efforts aimed at improving the care pathway are on-going through the implementation of a mandatory referral pro-forma and a dedicated assessment clinic.


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Objectives: The primary aim of this study was to investigate partially dentate elders’ willingness-to-pay (WTP) for two different tooth replacement strategies: using Removable Partial Dentures (RPDs) and, functionally orientated treatment (SDA). The secondary aim was to measure the same patient group’s WTP for dental implants. Methods: Patients who had completed a previous RCT comparing two tooth replacement strategies (RPDs and SDA) were recruited. 59 patients were asked to indicate their WTP for treatment to replace missing teeth in a number of hypothetical scenarios using the payment card method of contingency evaluation coupled to different costs. Data were collected on patients’ social class, longest held occupation, income levels and social circumstances. Results: The median age for the patient sample was 72.0 years (IQR: 71-75 years). Patients who had previously been provided with RPDs indicated that their WTP for this treatment strategy was significantly higher than those patients who had received SDA treatment (Mann-Whitney U Test: p<0.001). This group were also WTP a higher price for SDA treatment than those patients who had previously been treated according to this modality (Mann-Whitney U Test: p=0.005). The results indicated that patients’ age was not correlated with WTP but both social class and current income levels were significantly correlated (Spearman’s rank correlation: p<0.05). Patients in both treatment groups exhibited llittle WTP for dental implant treatment with a median price recorded which was lower than either RPD or SDA treatment. Conclusions: Amongst this patient cohort previous treatment experience had a strong influence on WTP as did social class and current income levels. The patients’ WTP indicated that they did not value dental implants over simpler forms of tooth replacement such as RPDs or a SDA approach.


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Objectives: To evaluate the placement of composite materials by new graduates using three alternative placement techniques.Methods: A cohort of 34 recently qualified graduates were asked to restore class II interproximal cavities in plastic teeth using three different techniques.

(i) A conventional incremental filling technique (Herculite XRV) using increments no larger than 2-mm with an initial layer on the cervical floor of the box of 1-mm.
(ii) Flowable bulk fill technique (Dentsply SDR) bulk fill placement in a 3-mm layer followed by an incremental fill of a microhybrid resin
(iii) Bulk fill (Kerr Sonicfill) which involved restorations placed in a 5-mm layer.

The operators were instructed in each technique, didactically and with a hands-on demonstration, prior to restoration placement.
All restorations were cured according to manufacturer’s recommendations. Each participant restored 3 teeth, 1 tooth per treatment technique.
The restorations were evaluated using modified USPHS criteria to assess both the marginal adaptation and the surface texture of the restorations. Blind evaluations were carried out independently by two examiners with the aid of magnification (loupes X2.5). Examiners were standardized prior to evaluation.
Results: Gaps between the tooth margins and the restoration or between the layers of the restoration were found in 13 of Group (i), 3 of Group (ii), and 4 of Group (iii)
Statistical analysis revealed a significant difference between the incrementally filled group (i) and the flowable bulk-fill group (ii) (p=0.0043) and between the incrementally filled (i) and the bulk fill groups (iii) (p=0.012) and no statistical difference (p=0.69) between the bulk filled groups Conclusions: Bulk fill techniques may result in a more satisfactory seal of the cavity margins when restoring with composite.


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This paper presents a new series of AMS dates on ultrafiltered bone gelatin extracted from identified cutmarked or humanly-modified bones and teeth from the site of Abri Pataud, in the French Dordogne. The sequence of 32 new determinations provides a coherent and reliable chronology from the site's early Upper Palaeolithic levels 5-14, excavated by Hallam Movius. The results show that there were some problems with the previous series of dates, with many underestimating the real age. The new results, when calibrated and modelled using a Bayesian statistical method, allow detailed understanding of the pace of cultural changes within the Aurignacian I and II levels of the site, something not achievable before. In the future, the sequence of dates will allow wider comparison to similarly dated contexts elsewhere in Europe. High precision dating is only possible by using large suites of AMS dates from humanly-modified material within well understood archaeological sequences modelled using a Bayesian statistical method. © 2011.


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Periodontal disease does not directly affect the occluding surfaces of teeth, consequently some may find a section on periodontics a surprising inclusion. Trauma from the occlusion, however, has been linked with periodontal disease for many years. Karolyi published his pioneering paper, in 1901 'Beobachtungen uber Pyorrhoea alveolaris' (occlusal stress and 'alveolar pyorrhoea'). (1) However, despite extensive research over many decades, the role of occlusion in the aetiology and pathogenesis of inflammatory periodontitis is still not completely understood.


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BACKGROUND: Cigarette smoking is one of the most significant risk factors in the development and further advancement of inflammatory periodontal disease, however, the role of either nicotine or its primary metabolite cotinine in the progression of periodontitis is unclear. This study aimed to investigate the effects of nicotine and cotinine on the attachment and growth of fibroblasts derived from human periodontal ligament (PDL).

METHODS: Primary cultures were prepared from the roots of extracted premolar teeth. Cells were used at both low (P3 to P5) and high (P11 to P13) passage. Cell numbers were determined over 14 days using either the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2, 5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay or with a Coulter counter. Cultures were exposed to culture medium supplemented with 1) 15% fetal calf serum (FCS) only; 2) 1% FCS only; 3) 1% FCS and nicotine (concentration range 5 ng/ml to 10 mg/ml); or 4) 1% FCS and cotinine (concentration range 0.5 ng/ml to 10 microg/ml).

RESULTS: Nicotine significantly (P <0.05, by ANOVA) inhibits attachment and growth of low passage cells at concentrations >1 mg/ml and high passage PDL fibroblasts at concentrations >0.5 mg/ml. Cotinine, at the highest concentration used (10 microg/ml), appeared to inhibit attachment and growth of both low and high passage fibroblasts but this was not statistically significant (P >0.05, by ANOVA).

CONCLUSIONS: Tobacco products inhibit attachment and growth of human PDL fibroblasts. This may partly explain the role of these substances in the progression of periodontitis.


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Neuropeptides such as neuropeptide Y (NPY) and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) have been shown by our research group to be present in human dental pulp tissue. Neuropeptides cannot cross cell membranes and therefore to exert their biological effects they must bind to selected receptors on the surface of target cell membranes. However, the expression of receptor proteins for NPY and/or VIP have yet to be reported in human pulp tissue. The presence of neuropeptide receptors can be conveniently determined by Western blotting using specific anti-receptor antibodies. Objectives: The aim of this work was to identify the presence of the NPY Y1 receptor and the VIP receptor VPAC1 in human dental pulp tissue from both intact and carious teeth using Western blotting. Methods: Pulp tissue was collected from both intact and carious teeth and membrane preparations from these tissues were then subject to sodium dodecyl sulphate gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), transferred to nitrocellulose and probed with specific antibodies to either the NPY Y1 receptor or the VPAC1 receptor. Results: Individual Western blotting experiments revealed the presence of immunoreactive bands corresponding to the known molecular weights of the NPY Y1 and VPAC1 receptor proteins in both intact and carious pulp samples. Conclusions: Demonstration of the presence of NPY Y1 and VPAC1 receptor protein expression in pulpal tissue from intact and carious teeth provides further support for the roles of these neuropeptides in pulpal health and disease.


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Neuropeptide Y is a 36 amino acid peptide that belongs to the pancreatic polypeptide family. It co-localises with adrenaline in sympathetic nerves and is released upon sympathetic activation resulting in vasoconstriction. In addition to its vascular effects NPY is also thought to have a role in pain modulation, angiogenesis and immunomodulation. Objectives: The aim of this study was to quantify the levels of NPY in human dental pulp tissue from intact and grossly carious teeth and to relate these results to pain experience. Methods: A total of 48 permanent teeth [mean age 32.1(+/- 11.2 years)] were included in the study, of these 22 were intact and 26 were grossly carious. In the grossly carious group, 17 teeth were reported painful prior to extraction and the remainder were reported non-painful. NPY was measured using a sensitive and specific radioimmunoassay which has been previously described. Pain was scored as either present or absent in all the teeth studied. Results: Of particular interest in this study was the finding that NPY levels were significantly higher in dental pulp tissue from non-painful grossly carious teeth (p= 0.006) compared with painful grossly carious teeth. Conclusions: The increased levels of NPY reported in non-painful grossly carious teeth may suggest a role for NPY in pain modulation in human dental pulp.


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Background: Sensory neurones from the trigeminal nerve innervate the oro-facial region and teeth. Transient receptor potential channels (TRPs) expressed by these neurones are responsible for relaying sensory information such as changes in ambient temperature, mechanical sensations and pain. Study of TRP channel expression and regulation in human sensory neurones therefore merits investigation to improve our understanding of allodynia and hyperalgesia. Objective: The objective of this study was to differentiate human dental pulp stem cells (hDPSCs) towards a neuronal phenotype (peripheral neuronal equivalents; PNEs) and employ this model to study TRP channel sensitisation. Method: hDPSCs were enriched by preferential adhesion to fibronectin, plated on coverslips (thickness 0) coated with poly-l-ornithine and laminin and then differentiated for 7 days in neurobasal A medium with additional supplementation. A whole cell patch clamp technique was used to investigate whether TRP channels on PNE membranes were modulated in the presence of nerve growth factor (NGF). PNEs were treated with NGF for 20 minutes immediately before experimentation and then stimulated for TRPA1 activity using cinnamaldehyde. Peak currents were read at 80 mV and -80 mV and compared to peak currents recorded in untreated PNEs. Data were analysed and plotted using Clampfit9 software (Molecular Devices, Sunnyvale, California, USA). Result: Results showed for the first time that pre-treatment of PNEs by NGF produced significantly larger inward and outward currents demonstrating that TRPA1 channels on PNE membranes were capable of becoming sensitised following treatment with NGF. Conclusion: Sensitisation of TRPA1 by NGF provides evidence of a mechanism for rapid neuronal sensitisation that is independent of TRPA1 gene expression


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The inflammatory response to pulpal injury or infection has major clinical significance. Neurogenic inflammation describes the local release of neuropeptides, notably substance P (SP), from afferent neurones, and may play a role in the pathogenesis of pulpal disease. The fibroblast is the most numerous cell type in the dental pulp and recent work has suggested that it is involved in the inflammatory response. Objectives: The aims of the study were to determine whether pulp fibroblasts could produce SP, and to investigate the expression of the SP receptor, NK-1, by these cells. Methods: Primary pulp fibroblast cell populations were isolated by enzymatic digestion from non-carious teeth extracted for orthodontic reasons. Whole pulp tissue was obtained from freshly extracted sound (n=35) and carious (n=39) teeth. Expression of SP and NK-1 mRNA was determined by RT-PCR. The effects of interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) on SP and NK-1 expression were also determined. The presence of NK-1 on fibroblast cell membranes was established by western blotting. The effects of the cytokines on each parameter were analysed by ANOVA. Radioimmunoassay (RIA) was carried out to quantify SP expression by pulp fibroblasts and in whole pulp tissue. Results: SP was expressed by pulpal fibroblasts both at the mRNA level and the protein level. In addition, NK-1 was detected in fibroblast cultures at the mRNA level and appeared as a double band on western blots of membrane extracts. IL-1β and TGF-β1 significantly stimulated the expression of SP and NK-1. SP levels were significantly greater (p<0.05) in carious compared to sound teeth. Conclusion: Pulp fibroblasts are capable of synthesising and secreting SP, as well as expressing the SP receptor, NK-1. These findings suggest that pulp fibroblasts play a role in neurogenic inflammation in pulpal disease. (Supported by the European Society of Endodontology.)


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Introduction: Transient receptor potential (TRP) channels are widely, but not uniformly, distributed in tissues. To date the dominant focus of attention has been on TRP expression and functionality in neurons. However, their expression and activation in selected non-neuronal cells suggest TRPs have a potential role in coordinating cross-talk during the inflammatory process. Fibroblasts comprise the major cell type in the dental pulp and play an important role in pulpal inflammation. Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the expression and functionality of the TRP channels TRPA1, TRPM8, TRPV4 and TRPV1 in human dental pulp fibroblasts. Methods: Dental pulp fibroblasts were derived by explant culture of pulps removed from extracted healthy teeth. Fibroblasts were cultured in DMEM supplemented with 10% FCS, 100U/ml penicillin and 100µg/ml streptomycin. Protein expression of TRP channels was investigated by SDS- polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Western blotting of cell lysates from fibroblast cells in culture. TRPA1, TRPM8, TRPV4 and TRPV1 expression was determined by specific antibodies, detected using appropriate anti-species antibodies and chemiluminescence. Functionality of TRP channels was determined by Ca2+ microfluorimetry. Cells were grown on cover slips and incubated with Fura 2AM prior to stimulation with icilin (TRPA1 agonist), menthol (TRPM8 agonist), 4 alpha-phorbol 12,13-didecanoate (4alphaPDD) (TRPV4 agonist) or capsaicin (TRPV1 agonist). Emitted fluorescence (F340/F380) was used to determine intracellular [Ca2+] levels. Results: Fibroblast expression of TRPA1, TRPM8, TRPV4 and TRPV1 was confirmed at the protein level by Western blotting. Increased intracellular [Ca2+] levels in response to icillin, methanol, 4alphaPDD and capsacin, indicated functional expression of TRPA1, TRPM8, TRPV4 and TRPV respectively. Conclusions: The presence and functionality of TRP channels on dental pulp fibroblasts suggests a potential role for these cells in the pulpal neurogenic inflammatory response. (Supported by a research grant from the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh).