1000 resultados para Constituintes Inarticulados


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Flavonoides são constituintes fenólicos de plantas que possuem diversas atividades terapêuticas, dentre elas, a atividade antimutagênica. Eles são caracterizados por um esqueleto carbônico C6-C3-C6, em que os componentes C6 são anéis aromáticos e o C3 um anel heterocíclico. Diferenças nessa estrutura podem alterar a atividade e o seu potencial antimutagênico. Para melhor compreensão da atividade antimutagênica exercida pelos flavonoides, neste estudo, os compostos quercetina, kaempferol, luteolina, fisetina, galangina, crisina, flavona, 3-hidroxiflavona, 5-hidroxiflavona e 7-hidroxiflavona, flavonoides que apresentam diferenças no padrão de hidroxilação, foram analisados pelo teste de Ames. Para realização dos ensaios foram utilizadas as cepas TA98, TA100 e TA102 de Salmonella typhimurium em testes com e sem ativação metabólica. Os mutágenos utilizados para comparação do efeito protetor dos flavonoides foram 4-nitro-o-fenilenodiamina (NPD), azida sódica (AZS), mitomicina C (MMC), benzo[a]pireno (B[a]P), aflatoxina B1 (AFB1) e 2-aminoantraceno (2-AA). No ensaio contra o NPD sem ativação metabólica, todos os flavonoides apresentaram efeito antimutagênico, com exceção da fisetina. No ensaio com ativação metabólica contra o B[a]P, todos os flavonoides demonstraram forte efeito antimutagênico, com exceção da quercetina que potencializou o efeito mutagênico do mutágeno. No ensaio contra a AZS sem ativação metabólica, os flavonoides luteolina, crisina, 3-hidroxiflavona e 7-hidroxiflavona reduziram a resposta mutagênica do mutágeno. No ensaio contra a AFB1 com ativação metabólica, os flavonoides kaempferol, luteolina, crisina e galangina (em concentrações mais elevadas) exibiram efeito antimutagênico ...


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This completion of course work has as its object of study the Bauxite Province of Paragominas regarded as the richest Amazon bauxite province and whose genesis is related to laterization processes responsible for the formation of mineral deposits of the Rondon Alumina Project, designed to assess areas in the southeast of Pará State, for mineral resources exploration of bauxite, which is the main source of aluminum in the country. Located in the region of Rondon do Pará - PA, the study area is geologically inserted in Lithostratigraphic Unit called Cobertura Laterítica Matura (Mature Lateritic Cover), formed by alteration of paleotropics Cretaceous siliciclastic rocks, and its geomorphology corresponds to a broad plateau with displays of representative profiles of the processes that acted in the region. In this context, the present research aims to characterize the geological evolution of the laterite profile, with detailed studies in the area, geological description of the formations from the bauxite surfaces, and mineralogical composition litochemical of different horizons that were correlated and deployed in an evolutionary model compatible with its traits. The data collected during the analysis subsidized metalogenetic understanding of the processes that acted in the enrichment of aluminum and iron as well as the redistribution of the latter modified profile. The results and information were embodied in the form of geological characterization of the different constituents of mineral associations of bauxite horizons, similarities or differences in both textural and structural aspects, in order to propose a evolutionary model with retaken of gibbsitization processes


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Human development and population growth during the twentieth century increased the water demand, tripling its consumption between 1950 and 1990. As the water streams were polluted; and as water is the source of minerals and also regulates vital functions, it becomes the vehicle of transmission and consequently spreads many diseases. Probably, the industries are the major responsible for this pollution when they dump untreated effluents to water streams, saturating the already insufficient net of sanitation facilities polluting water and soil. An effective treatment has been established with low cost in Europe and the United States, through constructed systems on wetlands Constructed Wetland Systems - CWSs, gradually used in other countries in the last three decades. Lately, we observe a continuous growth in Brazilian poultry business, and poultry industry showed greatest dynamism in the country, following the global market. Pondering this information and the efficiency of such treatment, this work aimed to study prototypes, in a laboratory scale, simulating ascending and descending types of CWSs, vegetated with aquatic macrophytes Eichhornia crassipes and the uses of aggregates and soil, to treat industrial wastewater from slaughterhouses and aviary. We conducted the initial characterization of the effluent to have an idea of its constituents and to scale the system and the continuous flow. Furthermore, we characterized the soil to be used in this system. The collects are periodically made in the refrigeration industry FRICOCK FRIGORIFICAÇÃO AVICULTURA INDÚSTRIA E COMÉRCIO LTDA. for local treatment simulation. The effluent that was treated with 12 prototypes of CWSs are analyzed with some frequency. The results of these reviews were compared to the effluent coming from the industry... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The current competitiveness of the market has generated the need to minimize the cost of production companies in any field of activity, aimed at reducing the cost of production, the cost of purchasing and manufacturing processes interruption of manufacturing processes for possible maintenance. In this sense, companies are seeking methods to improve and streamline their production line. In ceramics industries, cooking the pieces is the portion of the production process that influences the total costs. The oven construction and maintenance represent a large portion embedded in the cost of the final ceramic product. The proposal for a type of oven for baking the parts that takes into account a better burning process, knowledge of the causes of disease and cost analysis of purchasing both of the constituent materials and labor for its construction, can be significant importance to the composition of final product costs or time analysis of ROI. It is proposed a streamlined design of an oven that takes into account the positive characteristics of the furnaces already built and that the experience has endorsed, and also others that are added at the end, lead to a reduction in production cost, the cost income and the number of pathologies arising from wear of the furnace along the lifespan. Therefore, according to the experiences gained over the years in the construction of furnaces and experience of manufacturing of ceramic, it is proposed a project that has an oven improvement over those now being built and that include, among other topics, economy in fuel burning, streamlining the building process


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Neste trabalho é apresentado o estudo químico dos escapos de Syngonanthus nitens (Bong.) Ruhland, pertencente à família Eriocaulaceae. O extrato metanólico foi preparado por percolação, concentrado e fracionado em coluna de permeação em gel. As frações obtidas foram analisadas por CCDC e purificadas por HSCCC, HPLC-RI e HPLC-PDA. As estruturas foram determinadas usando ultravioleta, técnicas mono e bidimensionais de RMN e espectrometria de massas com fonte electrospray e analisador íon trap (modo de inserção direta). O perfil cromatográfico de HPLC-PDA mostrou que as flavonas derivadas da luteolina são os seus principais constituintes químicos. Foram isoladas as substâncias: 7-metoxiluteolina-8-C-β-D-glicopiranosídeo (SN1), 7-metoxiluteolina-6-C-β-D-glicopiranosídeo (SN2), 3',7-dimetoxiluteolina-6-C-β-D-glicopiranosídeo (SN3), luteolina (SN4), 6-hidroxiluteolina (SN5), luteolina-6-C--D-glicopiranosídeo (Sn6), 6-hidroxiluteolina-7-O--D-galactopiranosideo (Sn7) e 7-metoxiluteolina-6-C- β-D-glicopiranosideo-(3'-O-3''')-7ʹ-metoxiluteolina-8'-C-β-D-glicopiranosídeo (Sn8). Foram avaliadas as atividades antioxidantes do extrato metanólico dos escapos de S. nitens e do biflavonóide identificado, os quais apresentaram atividade significativa quando comparada com os padrões do ácido gálico, rutina e quercetina . A atividade antimicrobiana do extrato metanólico dos escapos e das substâncias identificadas derivadas da luteolina foram também avaliadas. O extrato metanólico dos escapos apresentou melhor atividade antimicrobiana, quando comparada com os demais flavonoides isolados e identificados do mesmo extrato. Finalmente, foi avaliada a atividade antiulcerogênica do extrato metanolico dos escapos, utilizando-se o modelo de lesão ulcerativa induzida por etanol absoluto


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Thin polymeric films deposited by plasma are very atractive for many industrial and scientific applications, in areas such as electronics, mechanics, coatings, biomaterials, among others, due to its favorable properties such as good adhesion to the substrate, high crosslinking, nanomectric thickness, homogeneity, etc. In this work, thin films were deposited by plasma immersion ion implantation and deposition technique from a hexamethyldisilazane/argon mixture at different proportions. These films were subjected to several characterizations, such as, contact angle, which presented values near to 100 degrees, surface energy, with values near to 31 mJ/m2, hardness with values between 0.7 and 2.6 GPa, thickness from 100 to 200 nm, refractive index from 1.56 to 1.64, molecular structure presenting the following functional groups in the infrared spectra region: CHx from 2960 to 2900 cm-1; Si-H around 2130 cm-1; CH3 in Si-(CH3)x around 1410 cm-1; CH3 in Si-(CH3)x in 1260 cm-1; N-H around 1180 cm-1; CH2 in Si-CH2-Si bonds around 1025 cm-1; Si-O in Si-O-Si from 1020 to 1100 cm-1; Si-N in Si-H-Si bonds around 940 cm-1; CH3 in Si-(CH3)3 in 850 cm-1; Si-C bonds in Si-(CH3)2 around 800 cm-1; and Si-H in 680 cm-1 . From these characterizations, it was possible to conclude that the concentration of argon or hexamethyldisilazane in the mixture changed the resulting polymer


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After confirming the high specific mechanical properties of composite materials by scientific studies conducted over the last decades, one of the challenges of this new class of materials is the ability to achieve mass production at a more affordable cost, which has become indispensable. The Resin Transfer Molding (RTM) is an excellent method for manufacturing composite materials. Despite being a process widely used by international companies in the production of high performance structural composites, only a short time the national aviation industry has shown interest in implementing this type of processing to more complex structures and greater structural responsibility. In aeronautical projects, the reproducibility and the relative low cost of this process, several studies have been performed in Brazil for learning and perfecting this technique. This process is suitable for producing polymer components both simple as complex geometry, and allows to achieve consistent thickness, with high quality finish and without limiting range. Polymeric composite components for the high mechanical stress applications such as aircraft structures, satellites, etc., require a strict control of volume fractions of the composite constituents, beyond the knowledge of their mechanical and thermal properties. Therefore, in this experimental work degree study on the mechanical, thermal and of porosity composites processed by RTM processed characterization was performed. This characterization was performed targeting a possible aerospace application of this composite material. For the production of composites, process equipment (RTM RTM injector Radius 2100cc) was used. The processed carbono/epoxy composites were characterized via flexure tests mechanically and thermally analysis via DMA, DSC and TGA. To determine the volume fraction of fibers, the composite samples were analyzed via matrix digestion (ASTM D3171) ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Nowadays, the automotive industry is working to optimize the design of engines, in order to reduce the fuel consumption with acceptable efficiency ratio. This undergraduate thesis is aimed at perform a kinematic/dynamic analysis of a slider-crank mechanism that is part of a four stroke internal combustion engine, the same engine that was used in the analysis described by Montazersadhd and Fatemi (2007). Two algorithms were developed based on Kane’s method to calculate velocities and accelerations of the mechanism bodies, and provide the acting forces at connecting rod joints. A SimMechanics model was developed to simulate the engine, and monitoring the same parameters that were calculated with the algorithms. The results obtained with both approaches were satisfactory and showed good agreement with the values provided by Montazersadhd and Fatemi (2007). The obtained results showed that the axial component of the rod joint efforts was caused by the pressure exerted on the piston head,whereas the radial component was related with the action of inertia loads. Besides, this thesis presents a connecting rod assembly mesh that is going to be used for static and fatigue finite element analysis in the future


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Paediatric diagnostic radiology can be considered as a separate specialty and with distinct characteristics of the radiology applied in adult patients. This in reason of the variability in the anatomical structures size and bigger sensitivity of tissues. The literature present in its majority methodologies for segmentation and tissue classification in adult patients, and works on tissue quantification are rare. This work had for objective the development of a biological tissue classifier and quantifier algorithm, from histograms, and that converts the quantified average thickness of these tissues for its respective simulator materials. The results will be used in the optimization process of paediatrics images, in future works, since these patients are frequently over exposed to the radiation in the repeated attempts of if getting considered good quality radiographic images. The developed algorithm was capable to read and store the name of all the archives, in the operational system, to filter artifacs, to count and quantify each biological tissues from the histogram of the examination, to obtain the biological tissues average thicknesses and to convert this value into its respective simulator material. The results show that it is possible to distinguish bone, soft, fat and pulmonary tissues from histograms of tomographic examinations of thorax. The quantification of the constituent materials of anthropomorphic phantom made by the algorithm, compared with the data of literature shows that the biggest difference was of 21,6% for bone. However, the literature shows that variations of up to 30% in bone thickness do not influence of significant form in the radiographic image quality. The average thicknesses of biological tissues, quantified for paediatrics patients, show that one phantom can simulate patients with distinct DAP ranges, since variations... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O interesse pelo estudo fitoquímico e biológico das espécies pertencentes à Aristolochiaceae é devido ao vasto uso desta na medicina tradicional e homeopática. Muitas das espécies pertencentes ao gênero Aristolochia têm apresentado atividades diversas como antiinflamatórias, sedativas, diuréticas e abortivas. O presente trabalho descreve o isolamento, a identificação e a elucidação estrutural dos constituintes químicos da Aristolochia giberti, utilizando métodos de partição e cromatográficos. O extrato acetônico de folhas da espécie foi fracionado por cromatografia em coluna de sílica gel, sendo as frações resultantes analisadas por cromatografia em camada delgada comparativa e posteriormente por métodos espectrométricos (IV, UV, EM, RMN de 1 H e de 13 C) e análise elementar (C, H, N e S), identificando assim um total de cinco substâncias: ácido copálico, ácido ent-labdan-8-ol-15-óico, a lignana kusunoquinina, e os dois epímeros da cubebina. Da mesma forma, o extrato acetônico de raízes foi submetido ao mesmo tipo de fracionamento e às mesmas análises utilizadas no acetônico de folhas, resultando na identificação de quatro substâncias: ácido 13,14-dihidrocolavênico (composto até então não obtido da espécie A. giberti), os dois epímeros da cubebina e a kusunoquinina


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)