995 resultados para Constant current


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Current measures of global gene expression analyses, such as correlation and mutual information-based approaches, largely depend on the degree of association between mRNA levels and to a lesser extent on variability. I develop and implement a new approach, called the Ratiometric method, which is based on the coefficient of variation of the expression ratio of two genes, relying more on variation than previous methods. The advantage of such modus operandi is the ability to detect possible gene pair interactions regardless of the degree of expression dispersion across the sample group. Gene pairs with low expression dispersion, i.e., their absolute expressions remain constant across the sample group, are systematically missed by correlation and mutual information analyses. The superiority of the Ratiometric method in finding these gene pair interactions is demonstrated in a data set of RNA-seq B-cell samples from the 1000 Genomes Project Consortium. The Ratiometric method renders a more comprehensive recovery of KEGG pathways and GO-terms.


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The concept of a carbon nanotube microneedle array is explored in this thesis from multiple perspectives including microneedle fabrication, physical aspects of transdermal delivery, and in vivo transdermal drug delivery experiments. Starting with standard techniques in carbon nanotube (CNT) fabrication, including catalyst patterning and chemical vapor deposition, vertically-aligned carbon nanotubes are utilized as a scaffold to define the shape of the hollow microneedle. Passive, scalable techniques based on capillary action and unique photolithographic methods are utilized to produce a CNT-polymer composite microneedle. Specific examples of CNT-polyimide and CNT-epoxy microneedles are investigated. Further analysis of the transport properties of polymer resins reveals general requirements for applying arbitrary polymers to the fabrication process.

The bottom-up fabrication approach embodied by vertically-aligned carbon nanotubes allows for more direct construction of complex high-aspect ratio features than standard top-down fabrication approaches, making microneedles an ideal application for CNTs. However, current vertically-aligned CNT fabrication techniques only allow for the production of extruded geometries with a constant cross-sectional area, such as cylinders. To rectify this limitation, isotropic oxygen etching is introduced as a novel fabrication technique to create true 3D CNT geometry. Oxygen etching is utilized to create a conical geometry from a cylindrical CNT structure as well as create complex shape transformations in other CNT geometries.

CNT-polymer composite microneedles are anchored onto a common polymer base less than 50 µm thick, which allows for the microneedles to be incorporated into multiple drug delivery platforms, including modified hypodermic syringes and silicone skin patches. Cylindrical microneedles are fabricated with 100 µm outer diameter and height of 200-250 µm with a central cavity, or lumen, diameter of 30 µm to facilitate liquid drug flow. In vitro delivery experiments in swine skin demonstrate the ability of the microneedles to successfully penetrate the skin and deliver aqueous solutions.

An in vivo study was performed to assess the ability of the CNT-polymer microneedles to deliver drugs transdermally. CNT-polymer microneedles are attached to a hand actuated silicone skin patch that holds a liquid reservoir of drugs. Fentanyl, a potent analgesic, was administered to New Zealand White Rabbits through 3 routes of delivery: topical patch, CNT-polymer microneedles, and subcutaneous hypodermic injection. Results demonstrate that the CNT-polymer microneedles have a similar onset of action as the topical patch. CNT-polymer microneedles were also vetted as a painless delivery approach compared to hypodermic injection. Comparative analysis with contemporary microneedle designs demonstrates that the delivery achieved through CNT-polymer microneedles is akin to current hollow microneedle architectures. The inherent advantage of applying a bottom-up fabrication approach alongside similar delivery performance to contemporary microneedle designs demonstrates that the CNT-polymer composite microneedle is a viable architecture in the emerging field of painless transdermal delivery.


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While concentrator photovoltaic cells have shown significant improvements in efficiency in the past ten years, once these cells are integrated into concentrating optics, connected to a power conditioning system and deployed in the field, the overall module efficiency drops to only 34 to 36%. This efficiency is impressive compared to conventional flat plate modules, but it is far short of the theoretical limits for solar energy conversion. Designing a system capable of achieving ultra high efficiency of 50% or greater cannot be achieved by refinement and iteration of current design approaches.

This thesis takes a systems approach to designing a photovoltaic system capable of 50% efficient performance using conventional diode-based solar cells. The effort began with an exploration of the limiting efficiency of spectrum splitting ensembles with 2 to 20 sub cells in different electrical configurations. Incorporating realistic non-ideal performance with the computationally simple detailed balance approach resulted in practical limits that are useful to identify specific cell performance requirements. This effort quantified the relative benefit of additional cells and concentration for system efficiency, which will help in designing practical optical systems.

Efforts to improve the quality of the solar cells themselves focused on the development of tunable lattice constant epitaxial templates. Initially intended to enable lattice matched multijunction solar cells, these templates would enable increased flexibility in band gap selection for spectrum splitting ensembles and enhanced radiative quality relative to metamorphic growth. The III-V material family is commonly used for multijunction solar cells both for its high radiative quality and for the ease of integrating multiple band gaps into one monolithic growth. The band gap flexibility is limited by the lattice constant of available growth templates. The virtual substrate consists of a thin III-V film with the desired lattice constant. The film is grown strained on an available wafer substrate, but the thickness is below the dislocation nucleation threshold. By removing the film from the growth substrate, allowing the strain to relax elastically, and bonding it to a supportive handle, a template with the desired lattice constant is formed. Experimental efforts towards this structure and initial proof of concept are presented.

Cells with high radiative quality present the opportunity to recover a large amount of their radiative losses if they are incorporated in an ensemble that couples emission from one cell to another. This effect is well known, but has been explored previously in the context of sub cells that independently operate at their maximum power point. This analysis explicitly accounts for the system interaction and identifies ways to enhance overall performance by operating some cells in an ensemble at voltages that reduce the power converted in the individual cell. Series connected multijunctions, which by their nature facilitate strong optical coupling between sub-cells, are reoptimized with substantial performance benefit.

Photovoltaic efficiency is usually measured relative to a standard incident spectrum to allow comparison between systems. Deployed in the field systems may differ in energy production due to sensitivity to changes in the spectrum. The series connection constraint in particular causes system efficiency to decrease as the incident spectrum deviates from the standard spectral composition. This thesis performs a case study comparing performance of systems over a year at a particular location to identify the energy production penalty caused by series connection relative to independent electrical connection.


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This work reports investigations upon weakly superconducting proximity effect bridges. These bridges, which exhibit the Josephson effects, are produced by bisecting a superconductor with a short (<1µ) region of material whose superconducting transition temperature is below that of the adjacent superconductors. These bridges are fabricated from layered refractory metal thin films whose transition temperature will depend upon the thickness ratio of the materials involved. The thickness ratio is changed in the area of the bridge to lower its transition temperature. This is done through novel photolithographic techniques described in the text, Chapter 2.

If two such proximity effect bridges are connected in parallel, they form a quantum interferometer. The maximum zero voltage current through this circuit is periodically modulated by the magnetic flux through the circuit. At a constant bias current, the modulation of the critical current produces a modulation in the dc voltage across the bridge. This change in dc voltage has been found to be the result of a change in the internal dissipation in the device. A simple model using lumped circuit theory and treating the bridges as quantum oscillators of frequency ω = 2eV/h, where V is the time average voltage across the device, has been found to adequately describe the observed voltage modulation.

The quantum interferometers have been converted to a galvanometer through the inclusion of an integral thin film current path which couples magnetic flux through the interferometer. Thus a change in signal current produces a change in the voltage across the interferometer at a constant bias current. This work is described in Chapter 3 of the text.

The sensitivity of any device incorporating proximity effect bridges will ultimately be determined by the fluctuations in their electrical parameters. He have measured the spectral power density of the voltage fluctuations in proximity effect bridges using a room temperature electronics and a liquid helium temperature transformer to match the very low (~ 0.1 Ω) impedances characteristic of these devices.

We find the voltage noise to agree quite well with that predicted by phonon noise in the normal conduction through the bridge plus a contribution from the superconducting pair current through the bridge which is proportional to the ratios of this current to the time average voltage across the bridge. The total voltage fluctuations are given by <V^2(f ) > = 4kTR^2_d I/V where R_d is the dynamic resistance, I the total current, and V the voltage across the bridge . An additional noise source appears with a strong 1/f^(n) dependence , 1.5 < n < 2, if the bridges are fabricated upon a glass substrate. This excess noise, attributed to thermodynamic temperature fluctuations in the volume of the bridge, increases dramatically on a glass substrate due to the greatly diminished thermal diffusivity of the glass as compared to sapphire.


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In 1990, "BICER" or the Baikal International Centre for Ecological Research was created to foster collaborative research on Lake Baikal. The British effort in BICER was initiated and is administered by the Royal Society, London. Much of the on-going research effort is now focussed on environmental change, as there is increasing concern about recent changes in the lake's unique ecosystem that could be linked with the effects of water pollution from catchment effluents. Monitoring studies of the phytoplankton in Lake Baikal's southern basin indicate that several species have increased in abundance since the mid-70's. Diatoms in Lake Baikal sediments are also being studied.


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Conduction through TiO2 films of thickness 100 to 450 Å have been investigated. The samples were prepared by either anodization of Ti evaporation of TiO2, with Au or Al evaporated for contacts. The anodized samples exhibited considerable hysteresis due to electrical forming, however it was possible to avoid this problem with the evaporated samples from which complete sets of experimental results were obtained and used in the analysis. Electrical measurements included: the dependence of current and capacitance on dc voltage and temperature; the dependence of capacitance and conductance on frequency and temperature; and transient measurements of current and capacitance. A thick (3000 Å) evaporated TiO2 film was used for measuring the dielectric constant (27.5) and the optical dispersion, the latter being similar to that for rutile. An electron transmission diffraction pattern of a evaporated film indicated an essentially amorphous structure with a short range order that could be related to rutile. Photoresponse measurements indicated the same band gap of about 3 ev for anodized and evaporated films and reduced rutile crystals and gave the barrier energies at the contacts.

The results are interpreted in a self consistent manner by considering the effect of a large impurity concentration in the films and a correspondingly large ionic space charge. The resulting potential profile in the oxide film leads to a thermally assisted tunneling process between the contacts and the interior of the oxide. A general relation is derived for the steady state current through structures of this kind. This in turn is expressed quantitatively for each of two possible limiting types of impurity distributions, where one type gives barriers of an exponential shape and leads to quantitative predictions in c lose agreement with the experimental results. For films somewhat greater than 100 Å, the theory is formulated essentially in terms of only the independently measured barrier energies and a characteristic parameter of the oxide that depends primarily on the maximum impurity concentration at the contacts. A single value of this parameter gives consistent agreement with the experimentally observed dependence of both current and capacitance on dc voltage and temperature, with the maximum impurity concentration found to be approximately the saturation concentration quoted for rutile. This explains the relative insensitivity of the electrical properties of the films on the exact conditions of formation.


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[EU]Gaur egunean bizi dugun krisi ekonomiko, produkzio ereduen transformazio eta globalizazioko testuinguruan, ikerketa, garapena eta berrikuntza (I+G+b) ezinbesteko faktoreak bilakatu dira herrialdeen hazkunde eta enpresen lidergo zein biziraupenerako. Berritasunaren bilatze horretan, egungo merkatuan enpresek etengabe egin beharreko egokitzapen teknologikoak direla eta, berrikuntza teknologikoak, hau da, produktuan edo prozesuan berritzeak, berebiziko garrantzia du. Gainera, oro har, lehiakortasunik ez galtzeko informazio estrategikoaren jabe izatea enpresentzat funtsezkoa bada ere, berrikuntza jarduerak aurrera eramateko oraindik ere gailentasun handiagoa dauka. Informazio estrategikoa iturri ezberdinetatik jaso daiteke eta horietako bakoitzari ematen zaion garrantzia ezberdina da. Lan honen helburua erlazio hori aztertzearena izanik, ondoriozta dezakegu, alde batetik, produktuan zein prozesuan berritzen duten enpresek, berrikuntza teknologikoak aurrera eramateko garaian, enpresa barnetik jasotako informazioari ematen diotela garrantzi gehien. Eta bestaldetik, instituzio publikoetatik, hau da, unibertsitate edo goi-ikasketetako zentroetatik, ikerketako erakunde publikoetatik edota zentro teknologikoetatik jasotako informazioari garrantzi gutxi ematen zaiola.


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The proposed EC Water Framework Directive (WFD) will require member states to monitor both biotic and abiotic components of lake environments. With adoption of the WFD some measurement of fish populations will also be required. This paper describes work carried out since 1971, and particularly since 1991, on the status of fish populations in Lower Lough Erne, Northern Ireland, with an emphasis on defining change over time due to human impacts on the lake. This offers a reasonable starting point from which to develop a monitoring programme suitable for the needs of the WFD in this lake. The implications for as yet unmonitored fish populations in lakes are also determined.


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Government procurement of a new good or service is a process that usually includes basic research, development, and production. Empirical evidences indicate that investments in research and development (R and D) before production are significant in many defense procurements. Thus, optimal procurement policy should not be only to select the most efficient producer, but also to induce the contractors to design the best product and to develop the best technology. It is difficult to apply the current economic theory of optimal procurement and contracting, which has emphasized production, but ignored R and D, to many cases of procurement.

In this thesis, I provide basic models of both R and D and production in the procurement process where a number of firms invest in private R and D and compete for a government contract. R and D is modeled as a stochastic cost-reduction process. The government is considered both as a profit-maximizer and a procurement cost minimizer. In comparison to the literature, the following results derived from my models are significant. First, R and D matters in procurement contracting. When offering the optimal contract the government will be better off if it correctly takes into account costly private R and D investment. Second, competition matters. The optimal contract and the total equilibrium R and D expenditures vary with the number of firms. The government usually does not prefer infinite competition among firms. Instead, it prefers free entry of firms. Third, under a R and D technology with the constant marginal returns-to-scale, it is socially optimal to have only one firm to conduct all of the R and D and production. Fourth, in an independent private values environment with risk-neutral firms, an informed government should select one of four standard auction procedures with an appropriate announced reserve price, acting as if it does not have any private information.


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The ennoblement of human resources has become a prime issue in the philosophy of sustainable aquaculture development in the new millennium.Being the planners, designers, conductors and philosophers of sustainable aquaculture, human beings always demand their further improvement at level best from their current positions to bring supreme success in the sector. As sustainable aquaculture is socio-economic –cum-environmental in concept, its operation and management requires constant interplay of various human knowledge for ensuring its smooth direction and for achieving its goal. So, the arrangement of different types and levels of training and education are the great need for the development of personnel involved in sustainable aquaculture route and also for growing awareness of environmental issues. The modus operandi of training and education has to be changed systematically to answer the calls of the needs of the new millennium. In the developing and developed countries where aquaculture plays a vital role in promoting production of aquatic organisms, alleviating of poverty, ensuring environmental compatibility, replenishing and improving the natural stocks, increasing socio-economic upliftment through integrated development approach, developing and managing the aquatic resources, maintaining gene banks and preserving the diversity of fish stocks, it has been already proved that Human resources development (HRD) is inevitable to bring sustainable aquaculture and plays a great role in the flourishment of the system . Different types and levels of training of personnel required for sustainable aquaculture in the new millennium are brought forward in the study. The importance of human resources development (HRD) through specialized training to the personnel is also depicted.


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O presente estudo tem como objeto o Programa Bolsa Família, buscando captar, junto aos usuários, as suas impressões acerca deste, que é o carro-chefe dos programas sociais do atual governo federal. Com base nos pressupostos de que o Bolsa Família tem forte apelo popular; é legitimado em larga escala por diferentes segmentos sociais e tem centralidade no campo da Assistência Social, a hipótese é de que os usuários, enquanto beneficiários diretos do Programa tendem à sua defesa, apesar de dificuldades e problemas que possam apontar. Muitos estudos têm debatido o Bolsa Família, mas ressentem-se de uma abordagem que coloque em cena os usuários. Para a realização deste estudo, que tem como referência o materialismo histórico-dialético, foram investigados diversos autores acerca do tema Política Social e diversos documentos de fontes primárias, como jornais, legislação e material institucional, bem como, pesquisa junto aos usuários do Bolsa Família que utilizam o Centro de Referência da Assistência Social (CREAS) Arlindo Rodrigues, na Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, como local para aquisição e manutenção do benefício do Programa. A pesquisa, entre outros elementos, aponta para uma aceitação deste, ainda que haja alguns questionamentos e objeções por parte dos usuários. A procura ao CREAS é constante e intensa configurando o centro de referência como espaço central de atendimento ao Bolsa Família.


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We demonstrate the guiding of neutral atoms with two parallel microfabricated current-carrying wires on the atom chip and a vertical magnetic bias field. The atoms are guided along a magnetic field minimum parallel to the current-carrying wires and confined in the other two directions. We describe in detail how the precooled atoms are efficiently loaded into the two-wire guide. We present a detailed experimental study of the motional properties of the atoms in the guide and the relationship between the location of the guide and the vertical bias field. This two-wire guide with vertical bias field can be used to realize large area atom interferometer.


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Signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) have existed in the upper reaches of Broadmead Brook in Wiltshire since 200 individuals were introduced at West Kington in 1981. The population has expanded upstream and downstream since this introduction, however, giving rise to concerns that it may potentially threaten the native crayfish population further downstream. Signal crayfish can act as a vector of crayfish plague - a disease caused by the fungus Aphanomyces astaci Schikora which results in almost complete mortality to the native, white-clawed crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes. The native crayfish in Broadmead Brook have not yet succumbed to crayfish plague and are currently free of the disease. However, as signal crayfish appear to out-compete the native species, the native population could still be under threat. In this article, we highlight the findings of previous crayfish surveys on Broadmead Brook and describe work undertaken in summer 2001 to map the current distribution of native and signal crayfish. Finally, options for controlling the spread of signal crayfish are discussed.