976 resultados para Congrès de Brighton
Both the (5,3) counter and (2,2,3) counter multiplication techniques are investigated for the efficiency of their operation speed and the viability of the architectures when implemented in a fast bipolar ECL technology. The implementation of the counters in series-gated ECL and threshold logic are contrasted for speed, noise immunity and complexity, and are critically compared with the fastest practical design of a full-adder. A novel circuit technique to overcome the problems of needing high fan-in input weights in threshold circuits through the use of negative weighted inputs is presented. The authors conclude that a (2,2,3) counter based array multiplier implemented in series-gated ECL should enable a significant increase in speed over conventional full adder based array multipliers.
A method is suggested for the calculation of the friction velocity for stable turbulent boundary-layer flow over hills. The method is tested using a continuous upstream mean velocity profile compatible with the propagation of gravity waves, and is incorporated into the linear model of Hunt, Leibovich and Richards with the modification proposed by Hunt, Richards and Brighton to include the effects of stability, and the reformulated solution of Weng for the near-surface region. Those theoretical results are compared with results from simulations using a non-hydrostatic microscale-mesoscale two-dimensional numerical model, and with field observations for different values of stability. These comparisons show a considerable improvement in the behaviour of the theoretical model when the friction velocity is calculated using the method proposed here, leading to a consistent variation of the boundary-layer structure with stability, and better agreement with observational and numerical data.
L'organisation des manuscrits arthuriens du cycle du Graal de Jacques d'Armagnac (BNF fr. 117-120 qu'il a hérité de son arrière-grand-père le duc Jean de Berry et dont il a fait retoucher les peintures et BNF fr. 113-116 qu'il a fait exécuter entre 1470 et 1475), leur agencement, leur illustration et leurs subdivisions sont un indice précieux de la conception et de la réception de ces compilations. Ils soulignent l'effort de constitution d'un ensemble romanesque cohérent centré sur la figure de Lancelot.
'The Prophetic Sound: a day and night of noise cabaret' is the first event hosted by Agency of Noise. This all day event brought together artists and academics whose subject of focus is noise (in creative practice). Artists from across the UK were invited to consider a future post-digital era in which everything with a microchip has malfunctioned, as a thought exercise and starting point for response through sound. In response to Jacques Attali’s claim that music is prophecy, The Prophetic Sound asks us to consider if noise can communicate in an unbridled, unfiltered, way that is somehow not culturally coded -before it becomes sound that is recognised, refined, manipulated and exploited for musical or other cultured purpose. Featuring students from Reading, Brighton, LCC and Goldsmiths alongside more established artists and academics from across the UK, this event brings into focus locations where pattern, timbre, pitch, organisation and sequencing of sounds become distinguishable from noise and asks us to consider, through diversion within such locations, new origins for future communication systems. The Prophetic Sound included talks, films, presentations and performances from: Ryo Ikeshiro / Inigo Wilkins / Neal Spowage / Dane Sutherland / Poulomi Desai / Benedict Drew / AAS / Polly Fibre / Steven Dickie As part of The Prophetic Sound, POLLYFIBRE (Ellison, C.) performed LIVE RECORDING with Amplified Scissors. This industrial activity by POLLYFIBRE short-circuits the complicated chain that is music production. The distinctive roles of consumer, producer, composer, and performer collapse in a series of live ‘cuts’ where vinyl discs are produced with amplified scissors. Production happens through action and action becomes production. A limited edition of 9 flexi discs were produced and available for special collectors at the event.
An aim of government and the international community is to respond to global processes and crises through a range of policy and practical approaches that help limit damage from shocks and stresses. Three approaches to vulnerability reduction that have become particularly prominent in recent years are social protection (SP), disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA). Although these approaches have much in common, they have developed separately over the last two decades. However, given the increasingly complex and interlinked array of risks that poor and vulnerable people face, it is likely that they will not be sufficient in the long run if they continue to be applied in isolation from one another. In recognition of this challenge, the concept of Adaptive Social Protection (ASP) has been developed. ASP refers to a series of measures which aims to build resilience of the poorest and most vulnerable people to climate change by combining elements of SP, DRR and CCA in programmes and projects. The aim of this paper is to provide an initial assessment of the ways in which these elements are being brought together in development policy and practice. It does this by conducting a meta-analysis of 124 agricultural programmes implemented in five countries in south Asia. These are Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Pakistan. The findings show that full integration of SP, DRR and CCA is relatively limited in south Asia, although there has been significant progress in combining SP and DRR in the last ten years. Projects that combine elements of SP, DRR and CCA tend to emphasise broad poverty and vulnerability reduction goals relative to those that do not. Such approaches can provide valuable lessons and insights for the promotion of climate resilient livelihoods amongst policymakers and practitioners.
Cet article porte sur les deux premiers romans de Faïza Guène : Kiffe kiffe demain (2004) et Du rêve pour les oufs (2006), ainsi que les traductions en langue suédoise : Kiffe kiffe imorgon (2006) et Drömmar för dårar (2008). Nous présentons d’abord quelques mots et expressions dans les textes originaux qui sont porteurs de la culture maghrébine, pour voir comment ces termes sont traduits en suédois. Ensuite, nous discutons quelques mots qui sont porteurs de la culture française. L’étude porte également sur l’oralité et le registre argotique, qui sont des traits caractéristiques de la prose de Faïza Guène. Or, si l’oralité est, dans l’ensemble, bien transférée en langue suédoise, il s’est avéré impossible de la rendre par les mêmes moyens dans la langue cible. Par conséquent, le procédé de compensation est fréquemment utilisé dans les textes traduits. Une conclusion de notre étude est que le côté argotique et « beur » des ouvrages est un peu moins développé dans les traductions que dans les textes originaux. Pour cette raison, on peut parler d’un procédé de normalisation : le texte cible a parfois tendance à devenir moins singulier – ou, si l’on veut, plus « normal », plus « neutre » que le texte source.
A partir do estudo do sistema de administração do ensino de 1º grau de Minas Gerais, o trabalho constata hipóteses anteriormente formuladas: 1) a administração pública da Educação é comandada por interesses dos setores dirigentes da classe dominante; 2) a dominação que se realiza através dos órgãos administrativos da Educação é sobretudo ideológica. Para melhor fundamentar as questões levantadas, a introdução explicita o pensamento do Guillermo O’Donnell sobre o Estado como o “terceiro neutro” que se apresenta com uma certa exterioridade junto às duas classes antagônicas, mascarando, assim, a dominação; e o de Gramsci, que, a partir da concepção ampliada de Estado, vislumbra a possibilidade de uma contra-ideologia, destacando-se aí o papel dos intelectuais. O capítulo 1, elaborado com apoio em pesquisa bibliográfica, legislação pertinente e entrevistas, aborda a história da administração do ensino de 1º grau no estado de Minas Gerais no período 1930-74, com breve referência à fase antecedente, situando cada etapa em seu contexto político, econômico e social. Procurou-se com isso demonstrar como a administração educacional é comandada basicamente por critérios políticos que refletem os interesses da classe dirigente. Discutem-se principalmente as questões da modernização e da descentralização administrativas no setor educacional, motivadoras das grandes reformas que, apesar de aparentemente transformadoras, mantiveram seu caráter conservador. Constituindo as Delegacias Regionais de Ensino expressão fiel dessa “modernização” e “descentralização”, foi dada ênfase à criação desses órgãos. No capítulo 2, após delimitar o universo da pesquisa de campo realizada em Caratinga MG – foram entrevistados 27 técnicos e 34 usuários – e situar histórica, política e economicamente este município, deixa-se espaço para depoimentos de técnicos e de usuários para depois analisa-los de modo a detectar a submissão de ambos à ideologia dominante, bem como os indícios de recusa/superação dessa ideologia, resultantes da participação desses agentes sociais em outras instâncias organizativas da sociedade civil. Tal reflexão é abordada a partir de quatro temas recorrentes: eficiência, participação da comunidade, descentralização administrativa e interferência político-partidária na administração do ensino de 1º grau. Em conclusão, primeiramente ressaltam-se algumas questões básicas, a saber: a irrelevância da Educação como geradora de uma consciência crítica e via de acesso universal ao saber; o fato de o sistema de administração educacional garantir um espaço para a participação dos setores políticos tradicionais, e ainda como a quase-totalidade dos entrevistados acredita na neutralidade e racionalidade do sistema de administração. A seguir salienta-se a importância do I Congresso Mineiro de Educação (1983) como elemento questionador, com uma breve apresentação e análise desse evento – restrita aos temas centrais desta dissertação – enfocando os colegiados, que parecem indicar uma mudança real de postura na nova política educacional, embora sua dinâmica ainda apresente sérias limitações. Objetivando a superação dessas limitações, o presente trabalho faz algumas recomendações voltadas para os técnicos e os mecanismos do sistema de administração, tendo em vista o fortalecimento de organizações da sociedade civil e maior articulação destas com o sistema.