940 resultados para Conduction Aphasia
Introduction: Children with Moebius syndrome may present paralysis of cranial nerves III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X and XII, compromising motor and sensorial functions. Hands and feet defects (syndactyly, equinovarus and arthrogryposis) are frequently associated. These manifestations can be attributed to the use of misoprostol during pregnancy to induce abortion. Study design: Clinical prospective. Aim: To evaluate the main clinical manifestations, hearing acuity and possible etiologic factors in children with Moebius syndrome. Material and method: The children were submitted to clinical, otolaryngological and hearing acuity assessment. Hearing acuity was evaluated through behavioral tests, pure tone audiometry, tympanometry and auditory brainstem response (ABR). We investigated possible etiologic factors. Results: Three boys and two girls were evaluated. The main manifestations were: facial paralysis, paralysis of masseter muscle, defects in dental occlusion, retraction of tympanic membrane, equinovarus, oblique palpebral fissure and tongue atrophy. Conductive hearing loss was detected in three children and sensorineural hearing loss in one child. The use of misoprostol during pregnancy was reported by four mothers. Conclusions: The children with Moebius syndrome evaluated in the present study manifested palsies of various cranial nerves, especially V, VII and XII nerves, responsible for motor and sensorial alterations. Inadequate eustachian tube function associated to conductive hearing loss was frequent. The use of misoprostol during pregnancy was reported by the mothers and it was considered a possible etiologic factor.
Studies of the effect of ethanol on human visual evoked potentials are rare and usually involve chronic alcoholic patients. The effect of acute ethanol ingestion has seldom been investigated. We have studied the effect of acute alcoholic poisoning on pattern-reversal visual evoked potentials (PR-VEP) and flash light visual evoked potentials (F-VEP) in 20 normal volunteers. We observed different effects with ethanol: statistically significant prolonged latencies of F-VEP after ingestion, and no significant differences in the latencies of the PR-VEP components. We hypothesize a selective ethanol effect on the afferent transmission of rods, mainly dependent on GABA and glutamatergic neurotransmission, influencing F-VEP latencies, and no effect on cone afferent transmission, as alcohol doesn't influence PR-VEP latencies.
Here we present two-phase flow nonlinear parameter estimation for HFC's flow through capillary tube-suction line heat exchangers, commonly used as expansion devices in small refrigeration systems. The simplifying assumptions adopted are: steady state, pure refrigerant, one-dimensional flow, negligible axial heat conduction in the fluid, capillary tube and suction line walls. Additionally, it is considered that the refrigerant is free from oil and both phases are assumed to be at the same pressure, that is, surface tension effects are neglected. Metastable flow effects are also disregarded, and the vapor is assumed to be saturated at the local pressure. The so-called homogeneous model, involving three, first order, ordinary differential equations is applied to analyze the two-phase flow region. Comparison is done with experimental measurements of the mass flow rate and temperature distribution along capillary tubes working with refrigerant HFC-134a in different operating conditions.
Silent period was evaluated in 20 adult male patients with chronic renal failure undergoing hemodialysis. Readings were obtained by supramaximal stimulus to the median nerve, during maximum isometric effort of the abductor pollicis brevis muscle against resistance. Two types of abnormalities were observed, motor neuron hypoexcitability with elongated silent period, and motor neuron hyperexcitability with reduction or absence of silent period. Some abnormalities are probably linked with dialysis duration, but show no correlation to presence or absence of peripheral neuropathy. The silent period alterations described in this study could possibly correlate with some other clinical feature frequently seen in patients with chronic renal failure such as hypereflexia of the deep tendon reflexes.
Di-urea cross-linked poly(oxyethylene)/siloxane hybrids, synthesized by the sol-gel process and containing a wide concentration range of potassium triflate, KCF3SO3, have been analyzed by x-ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry. The pseudo-phase diagram proposed has been taken into account in the interpretation of the complex impedance measurements. The xerogels prepared are obtained as transparent, thin monoliths. At room temperature the highest conductivity found was 2 × 10-6 Ω-1 cm-1.
The University of British Columbia (UBC) began performing piezocone penetration tests (CPTU) with electrical resistivity measurements (RCPTU) in 1989. Since then, RCPTU research at UBC has focused on obtaining geo-environmental parameters such as fluid resistivity and soil engineering properties such as porosity and degree of saturation from measurements of bulk soil electrical resistivity using the empirical relationship proposed by Archie (1942). Within this framework, the paper illustrates and discusses important design and calibration issues for resistivity modules such as the use of isolated circuitry to achieve linear calibrations over large ranges of resistivity. The suitability of RCPTU measurements for determination of geo-environmental and geotechnical parameters are assessed using typical ranges of soil and groundwater properties and methods of isolating individual factors for study are discussed. Illustrative examples of RCPTU research efforts including the environmental characterization of mine tailings, delineation of saline water intrusions in fresh water aquifers and the quality control of geotechnical ground densification are presented throughout the text. It is shown that groundwater temperature and hence ion mobility is not significantly altered by frictional heat generated during piezocone penetration and that ratio-based approaches to monitoring soil porosity can be used to eliminate the requirement for extensive groundwater sampling programs. Lastly, it is shown that RCPTU measurements above the water table can only be made using resistivity modules that are stable over a large range of resistivities and that such measurements are the most difficult to interpret because of grain surface conduction effects and generally unknown fluid resistivities.
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most frequent entrapment neuropathy. In the last decade several papers have been published on epidemiology, clinical aspects, diagnosis, and treatment, but little is known about its natural history. The objective of this work was to study the natural history of CTS syndrome. From 358 patients with clinical and conduction study diagnosis of CTS, 12 cases were identified that had refused surgical treatment, had not used anti-inflammatory medications, and had not undergone orthopaedic procedures, such as immobilization or anaesthetic infiltration. These 12 patients have 20 compromised hands which have been followed up for between 4 and 9 years. In all cases sensory and motor conduction studies were performed on the median nerve, at the beginning and end of follow-up period. Electrical improvement was marked in 5 hands and slight in 3; there was no significant change in 10, and deterioration in 2. As 8 hands (7 patients) showed improved clinical symptoms and conduction studies over several years, this brings the universally accepted procedure of surgical treatment into doubt.
Different measurements were performed in cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) employed as insulating material in coaxial cables that were field-aged and laboratory-aged under multi-stressing conditions at room temperature. Samples were peeled from the XLPE cable insulation in three different positions: just below the external semiconductor layer (outer layer), in the middle (middle layer) and just above the internal semiconductor layer of the cable (inner layer). The imaginary part of the electric susceptibility showed three peaks that obey the Dissado-Hill model. For laboratory-aged XLPE samples peeled from the inner and from the middle positions the peak at very low frequency region increased while in samples from the outer position a quasi-DC conduction process was observed. In medium frequency range a broadening of the peak was observed for all samples. Viscoelastic properties determined through dynamic mechanical analysis suggested that the aging generates processes that promoted changes of the crystallinity and the cross-linking degrees of the polymer. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) measurements revealed an increase of oxidation products (esters), evidence of polar residues of the bow-tie tree and the presence of cross-linking by-products (acetophenone). Optical and scanning electronic microscope (SEM) measurements in aged samples revealed the existence of voids and bow-tie trees that were formed during aging in the middle region of the cable.
In this work 3 new cases of suprascapular nerve mononeuropathy are described. ENMG diagnosis criteria were: a) normal sensory conduction studies of the ipsolateral ulnar, median and radial nerves; b) bilateral suprascapular nerve latencies with bilateral compound muscle action potential, obtained from the infraspinatus muscle with symmetrical techniques; and c) abnormal neurogenic infraspinatus muscle electromyographic findings, coexisting with normal electromyographical data of the ipsolateral deltoideus and supraspinatus muscles. These 3 cases of suprascapular mononeurpathy were found in 6,080 ENMG exams from our University Hospital. For us this mononeuropathy is rare with a 0.05% occurrence.
Vertical and in-plane electrical transport in InAs/InP semiconductors wires and dots have been investigated by conductive atomic force microscopy (C-AFM) and electrical measurements in processed devices. Localized I-V spectroscopy and spatially resolved current images (at constant bias), carried out using C-AFM in a controlled atmosphere at room temperature, show different conductances and threshold voltages for current onset on the two types of nanostructures. The processed devices were used in order to access the in-plane conductance of an assembly with a reduced number of nanostructures. On these devices, signature of two-level random telegraph noise (RTN) in the current behavior with time at constant bias is observed. These levels for electrical current can be associated to electrons removed from the wetting layer and trapped in dots and/or wires. A crossover from conduction through the continuum, associated to the wetting layer, to hopping within the nanostructures is observed with increasing temperature. This transport regime transition is confirmed by a temperature-voltage phase diagram. © 2005 Materials Research Society.
In this work fresh cables were laboratory aged under multi-stressing conditions at room temperature. Foils were peeled from cables, with approximately 150 ?m thickness, from the outer, middle and inner positions of the XLPE cable insulating layer. For samples obtained from the outer cable layer position, an increasing near-permanent electrical conduction process with aging time was observed. At the middle and inner cable layer positions a flat-loss relaxation process was observed becoming a dominating process on the ageing. In addition, PEA results confirmed that degradation in the outer region of the XLPE cables arises from the simultaneous presence of dipoles and injected space charge that distorts the internal electric field on the ageing.
Titanium dioxide (rutile) has a lot of interesting and useful features and hence is widely utilized for application. It has been used as white pigment, photocatalyst, biocompatible material and semiconductor material used in solar battery. In semiconducting TiO2 oxygen vacancies are said to play an important role in the electrical conduction. Measurements of the elastic energy loss and modulus (anelastic spectroscopy) as a function of temperature can distinguish among the different atomic jumps, which occur in the various phases or at different local ordering. In this paper, it is reported anelastic relaxation measurements in TiO2 samples using a torsion pendulum operating in frequencies around 40Hz, in the temperature range between -173°C to 330°C with heating rate of 1°C/min. The results shown a reduction in the elasticity modulus with the increase in the corn starch content used for this consolidation.
In the work described in the present paper, an analytical solution of the general heat conduction equation was employed to assay the temperature profile inside a solid slab which is initially at room temperature and is suddenly plunged into a fluid maintained at a high temperature. The results were then extrapolated to a simulation of a hot modulus of rupture test of typical MgO-graphite refractory samples containing different amounts of graphite in order to evaluate how fast the temperature equilibrates inside the test specimens. Calculations indicated that, depending on the graphite content, the time to full temperature homogenization was in the range of 80 to 200 s. These findings are relevant to the high temperature testing of such refractories in oxidizing conditions in view of the graphite oxidation risks in the proper evaluation of the hot mechanical properties.
In Lead-cadmium fluorogermanate glasses (PbF2-CdF 2-PbGeO3) the addition of metal fluorides to the base PbGeO3 glass leads to a decrease of the glass transition temperature (Tg) and to an enhancement of the ionic conductivity properties. Based on different spectroscopic techniques (19F NMR, Ge K-edge X-ryas absorption and Raman scattering) an heterogeneous glass structure is proposed at the molecular scale, which can be described by fluoride rich regions permeating the metagermanate chains. The temperature dependence of the 19F NMR lineshapes and relaxation times exhibits the qualitative and quantitative features associated with the high fluoride mobility in these systems. Eu 3+ emission and vibronic spectra are used to follow the crystallization process leading to transparent glass ceramics.
The clinical and histopathological effects of two alcoholic neurolytics were studied in horses. Normal horses were shod with a designed shoe adaptted with 5 screws to produce solar pain. After gait and lameness score analysis, the palmar nerve of 5 horses was injected with 5 ml of 0,75% benzyl alcohol (Group A) and 5 horses were injected with 5 ml of absolute ethyl alcohol (Group B). The animals were submitted to regular lameness evaluation and solar sensibility tests during next six months. The solar sensitivity returned 5 months latter in the group injected with benzyl alcohol 0,75%, while in the group injected with absolute ethyl alcohol, the sole was still desensitized 6 months latter. The histopathological findings showed that the nerve injected with benzyl alcohol 0,75%, resulted in axonotmesis, characterized by axonal nerve degeneration, with possibilities for the nerve conduction recovery. The perineural injection of ethyl alcohol absolute, resulted in neurotmesis with difficult nerve regeneration. It was concluded that chemical neurolysis with alcohol is an option for temporary or permanent nerve blocks in horses.