974 resultados para College buildings--Massachusetts--18th century
Ancient septicemic plague epidemics were reported to have killed millions of people for 2 millenniums. However, confident diagnosis of ancient septicemia solely on the basis of historical clinical observations is not possible. The lack of suitable infected material has prevented direct demonstration of ancient septicemia; thus, the history of most infections such as plague remains hypothetical. The durability of dental pulp, together with its natural sterility, makes it a suitable material on which to base such research. We hypothesized that it would be a lasting refuge for Yersinia pestis, the plague agent. DNA extracts were made from the dental pulp of 12 unerupted teeth extracted from skeletons excavated from 16th and 18th century French graves of persons thought to have died of plague (“plague teeth”) and from 7 ancient negative control teeth. PCRs incorporating ancient DNA extracts and primers specific for the human β-globin gene demonstrated the absence of inhibitors in these preparations. The incorporation of primers specific for Y. pestis rpoB (the RNA polymerase β-subunit-encoding gene) and the recognized virulence-associated pla (the plasminogen activator-encoding gene) repeatedly yielded products that had a nucleotide sequence indistinguishable from that of modern day isolates of the bacterium. The specific pla sequence was obtained from 6 of 12 plague skeleton teeth but 0 of 7 negative controls (P < 0.034, Fisher exact test). A nucleic acid-based confirmation of ancient plague was achieved for historically identified victims, and we have confirmed the presence of the disease at the end of 16th century in France. Dental pulp is an attractive target in the quest to determine the etiology of septicemic illnesses detected in ancient corpses. Molecular techniques could be applied to this material to resolve historical outbreaks.
In two experiments, electric brain waves of 14 subjects were recorded under several different conditions to study the invariance of brain-wave representations of simple patches of colors and simple visual shapes and their names, the words blue, circle, etc. As in our earlier work, the analysis consisted of averaging over trials to create prototypes and test samples, to both of which Fourier transforms were applied, followed by filtering and an inverse transformation to the time domain. A least-squares criterion of fit between prototypes and test samples was used for classification. The most significant results were these. By averaging over different subjects, as well as trials, we created prototypes from brain waves evoked by simple visual images and test samples from brain waves evoked by auditory or visual words naming the visual images. We correctly recognized from 60% to 75% of the test-sample brain waves. The general conclusion is that simple shapes such as circles and single-color displays generate brain waves surprisingly similar to those generated by their verbal names. These results, taken together with extensive psychological studies of auditory and visual memory, strongly support the solution proposed for visual shapes, by Bishop Berkeley and David Hume in the 18th century, to the long-standing problem of how the mind represents simple abstract ideas.
Erasmus Darwin (1731-1802) apresentou suas ideias evolutivas principalmente no fim do século XVIII. No entanto, elas não foram consideradas na época. Seu neto, Charles Darwin (1809-1882), na 6ª edição do Origin of species as avaliou de modo negativo, comparando-as às concepções equivocadas de Lamarck. O objetivo desta dissertação é inicialmente, descrever as concepções de hereditariedade e evolução de Erasmus, considerando o contexto de sua época. Além disso, procura esclarecer se o tratamento recebido se deveu a uma proposta fraca ou se ela mereceria uma maior consideração. Esta dissertação contém uma Introdução e quatro capítulos. O Capítulo 1 discute a vida, trabalhos e contexto em que Erasmus apresentou suas ideias. O Capítulo 2 lida com as concepções de herança e evolução presentes em Zoonomia. O Capítulo 3 discute sobre as concepções de Erasmus sobre a transformação das espécies nas plantas. O Capítulo 4 compara as concepções evolutivas de Erasmus com as de Lamarck. O Capítulo 5 procura responder às perguntas colocadas no início desta pesquisa e apresenta algumas considerações finais sobre o assunto discutido. Esta pesquisa leva à conclusão de que a transmutação das espécies não era o principal interesse de Erasmus. Ele não ofereceu uma fundamentação empírica para suas ideias. Este fato, juntamente com a situação sócio-político-religiosa da época, muito provavelmente contribuiu para a recepção sofrida. Além disso, embora existam algumas semelhanças entre as propostas de Erasmus e Lamarck, existem também grandes diferenças tais como a abrangência da pesquisa, o espaço dedicado à discussão das ideias, a fundamentação oferecida, dentre outras. Erasmus não propôs uma teoria coerente lidando com desde a origem da vida até o aparecimento do homem como Lamarck. Ele somente apresentou algumas ideias a esse respeito em obras dedicadas a outros assuntos.
"The purpose of this study is to reveal the work of Cephas Thompson in the context of the American Portrait Tradition as it existed in America from 1775 to 1856. European historic and artistic background serves as the foundation. A critical analysis of the most relevant American portraitists from the seventeenth to the midnineteenth centuries is provided to relate them aesthetically and ideologically with the work of Cephas Thompson and to provide insight into the artistic trends prevalent in Europe and America"
El presente trabajo trata sobre la reacción del clero secular y regular ante la expulsión de los jesuitas de la monarquía hispánica en 1767. Veremos las opiniones de algunos de los obispos favorables a la política regalista de Carlos III, y cómo actuaron antes la operación mejor diseñada y más eficaz contra la Compañía de Jesús en los amplios territorios del monarca Borbón. Al mismo tiempo, analizaremos los comentarios de los propios expulsos sobre el clero español y las consecuencias que tuvieron ambas reacciones.
Se propone como objetivo principal mostrar y analizar tres fuentes documentales inéditas del siglo XVIII, localizadas en el Archivo Municipal Sant Joan d’Alacant que aportan información sobre la gestión de enfermería realizada en el Hospital San Juan de Dios de Alicante. Son tres las fuentes documentales que se transcriben y analizan, una “relación jurada de Fray Joseph Martínez Maza”, fechando el documento entre 1710 y 1718; un “Real privilegio de S.M. para amortizar la cantidad de 120 libras libres de sello y demás”. Dado en 23 de enero de 1794, a favor del convento hospital de N.P. San Juan de Dios de la ciudad de Alicante y un “formulario o modelo para dar cumplimiento a la orden del nuncio de su Santidad referente a las rentas, gravámenes, limosnas y otras entradas, con la curación a pobres, enfermos, con arreglo a los libros de caja”, datando el documento entre 1748 y 1760.
No Brasil, ações institucionais de preservação de bens imóveis tem foco principal na arquitetura erudita, colocando em segundo plano de importância a arquitetura produzida por indivíduos com formação escassa e empírica. Este trabalho contribui para o reconhecimento da arquitetura popular (vernácula) como patrimônio cultural. Trabalha-se na criação de acervo fotográfico de edificações e equipamentos urbanos produzidos durante o período colonial, nos municípios de Tiradentes, Mariana, Ouro Preto e Diamantina (Minas Gerais). São realizadas visitas in loco para reconhecimento e seleção de objetos a serem fotografados. O registro fotográfico é realizado com câmera digital reflex de objetiva simples, privilegiando-se objetos cuja deterioração permite a observação de materiais e técnicas construtivas. Como resultado parcial da pesquisa, foram produzidas 4.522 imagens, documentando o abandono de edificações residenciais e chafarizes setecentistas e oitocentistas, bem como a descaracterização de exemplares de edificações coloniais populares habitadas, cujas paredes de adobe e pau-a-pique são substituídas por alvenaria de tijolos pelos moradores. Tornam-se necessárias ações para o reconhecimento – no âmbito do Poder Público e das comunidades locais – da relevância histórica da arquitetura popular, entendida como produto articulado e coerente de contribuições das culturas distintas que formaram essa região do Brasil.
de la composition de Monsieur Campra, maître de musique de la chapelle du Roy ; les paroles de cette piece sont de Monsieur de La Motte, de l'Academie françoise.
These minutes concern General William Heath's request for permission to house the soldiers of John Burgoyne – British prisoners of war – at Harvard. The Overseers voted to recommend that the Corporation allow the soldiers to occupy one or more College buildings, in spite of various hesitations. It has not been decisively determined whether or not the British troops were ultimately housed at Harvard. Some sources assert that no buildings were occupied, while others claim that Burgoyne and his soldiers lived in Apthorp House for a time.
Marbled paper cover. The catalogue is annotated with the residence locations for alumni, becoming more sporadic for the later classes. Asterisks are added next to the names of alumni who died after the Catalogue's publication through the end of the 18th century. On inside of cover: "for the first 58 years from 1642 to 1700 inclusive, 448 persons were graduated." Note on last page: "84 died from 1791 to 1794."
Contains summaries of cases heard by the Delaware Supreme Court and the Delaware Appeals Court in the counties of Sussex, Kent, and Newcastle covering a variety of legal topics. Supposedly based on Wilson's Red Book.
Lawyer's case book containing notes on cases before the Delaware Supreme Court and Delaware Court of Common Pleas. Contains information on the cases and judgements.
Weeks (of Greenland, N.H.) was accused of concealing and embezzling items from his late son's estate. Document is signed: William Parker reg.
The diary and commonplace book of Perez Fobes is written on unlined pages in a notebook with a sewn binding at the top of the pages; only the edge of the original leather softcover remain. The volume holds handwritten entries added irregularly from August 23, 1759 until December 1760 while Fobes was a student at Harvard College. The topics range from the irreverent, to the mundane, to the theological and scientific. The notebook serves to chronicle both his daily activities, such as books he read, lectures he attended, and travel, as well as a place to note humorous sayings, transcribe book passages, or ponder religious ideas such as original sin. In the volume, Fobes devotes considerable space to the subject of astronomy, and drew a picture of the "The Solar System Serundum Coper[nici] with the Or[bit] of 5 Remarkable Comets." At the back of the book, on unattached pages is a short personal dictionary for the letters A-K kept by Fobes.