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Aim: Our aim was to test: the hypothesis that co-exposure to lead and fluoride alter the severity of enamel fluorosis. Materials and methods: Wistar rats were allocated in four groups: control, and 3 groups that received water containing 100 ppm of fluoride (F), 30 ppm of lead (Pb), or 100 ppm of F and 30 ppm of Pb (F + Pb) from the beginning of gestation. Enamel analysis and F and Pb determinations in enamel, dentine, and bone were performed in 81-day-old animals. Fluorosis was quantified using a new fluorosis index based on the identification of incisor enamel defects (white bands and white islets, representing hypomineralization, and cavities) weighted according to their severity and quantity. Hypomineralization was validated histopathologically by polarizing microscopy and microradiography. Scores were given by two blinded calibrated examiners (intra and interexaminer kappa values were 0.8 and 0.86, respectively). Results: The control and the Pb groups presented normal enamel. The F + Pb group presented more severe enamel defects compared with the F group (P < 0.0001). Conclusions: This study shows that lead exacerbates dental fluorosis in rodents, suggesting that co-exposure to lead may affect the degree of fluorosis. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Central heme oxigenase-carbon monoxide (HO-CO) pathway has been shown to play a pyretic role in the thermoregulatory response to restraint. However, the specific site in the central nervous system where CO may act modulating this response remains unclear. LC is rich not only in sGC but also in heme oxygenase (HO; the enzyme that catalyses the metabolism of heme to CO, along with biliverdin and free iron). Therefore, the possible role of the HO-CO-cGMP pathway in the restraint-induced-hypothermia by LC neurons was investigated. Body temperature dropped about 0.7 degrees C during restraint. ZnDPBG (a HO inhibitor; 5 nmol, intra-LC) prevented the hypothermic response during restraint. Conversely, induction of the HO pathway in the LC with heme-lysinate (7.6 nmol, intra-LC) intensified the hypothermic response to restraint, and this effect was prevented by pretreatment with ODQ (a sGC inhibitor; given intracerebroventricularly, 1.3 nmol). Taken together, these data suggest that CO in the LC produced by the HO pathway and acting via cGMP is implicated in thermal responses to restraint. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Background: There are no reported studies comparing different parameter settings of the CO(2) laser and irradiation direction considering their effect on the morphology of radicular dentine surface. Purpose: To evaluate the alterations of radicular dentine (cervical, middle, and apical thirds) irradiated with CO(2) laser at different potencies and irradiation directions. Study Design: Roots of 35 canines were prepared and randomly distributed according to the laser potency: GI: no laser treatment (control) (n = 5); GII, 2 W (n = 10); GIII: 4 W (n = 10); GIV: 6 W (n = 10). Each group (excepting GI) was divided in two subgroups according to the irradiation distance (n = 5): (A) parallel and (B) perpendicular to the root canal walls. The roots were splited longitudinally and analyzed by scanning electron microscopy in a qualiquatitative way. The scores were submitted to Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn`s tests. Results: No significant statistical differences were observed among root canal thirds (P > 0.05). The specimens irradiated with 2 W were statistically different (P < 0.05) from those irradiated with 4 and 6 W, which were statistically similar between themselves (P > 0.05). With 2, 4, and 6 W at in parallel irradiation and 2 W in perpendicular direction, the surface showed a fissured aspect. With 4 W in perpendicular direction and 6 W in parallel and perpendicular direction, surface was modified by laser action and exhibited fused areas. Conclusions: The intensity of the effects is dependent on the laser-irradiation dosimetries. Alterations were more intense when higher parameters were used. Microsc. Res. Tech. 72:737-743, 2009. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Recent findings that spinal manual therapy (SMT) produces concurrent hypoalgesic and sympathoexcitatory effects have led to the proposal that SMT may exert its initial effects by activating descending inhibitory pathways from the dorsal periaqueductal gray area of the midbrain (dPAG). In addition to hypoalgesic and sympathoexcitatory effects, stimulation of the dPAG in animals has been shown to hal e a facilitatory effect on motor activity. This study sought to further investigate the proposal regarding SMT and the FAG by including a test of motor function in addition to the variables previously investigated, Using a condition randomised, placebo-controlled, double blind, repeated measures design, 30 subjects with mid to lon er cervical spine pain of insidious onset participated in the study. The results indicated that the cervical mobilisation technique produced a hypoalgesic effect as revealed by increased pressure pain thresholds on the side of treatment (P = 0.0001) and decreased resting visual analogue scale scores (P = 0.049). The treatment technique also produced a sympathoexcitatory effect with an increase in skin conductance (P < 0.002) and a decrease in skin temperature (P = < 0.02). There was a decrease in superficial neck flexor muscle activity (P < 0.0002) at the lower levels of a staged cranio-cervical flexion test. This could imply facilitation of the deep neck flexor muscles with a decreased need for co-activation of the superficial neck flexors, The combination of all findings,would support the proposal that SMT may, at least initially, exert part of its influence via activation of the PAG, (C) 2000 Harcourt Publishers Ltd.
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is classically characterised by ovarian dysfunction (oligomenorrhoea, anovulation and infertility), androgen excess (hirsutism and acne), obesity, and morphological abnormalities of the ovaries (cystic enlargement and stromal expansion). More, recently, insulin resistance has been found to be common in PCOS, along with an increased prevalence of other features of the metabolic syndrome, namely glucose intolerance, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and hyperlipidaemia. Hyperinsulinaemia is likely to contribute to the disordered ovarian function and androgen excess of PCOS. Reducing insulin resistance by lifestyle modifications such as diet and exercise improves endocrine and menstrual function in PCOS. These lifestyle modifications are the best initial means of improving insulin resistance. Metformin, an oral hypoglycaemic agent that increases insulin sensitivity has been shown to reduce serum concentrations of insulin and androgens, to reduce hirsutism, and to improve ovulation rates. The effect of metformin alone on fertility rates is-unknown. Some studies suggest that metformin will reduce total body weight to a small extent, but with a predominant effect on visceral adipose reduction. The effects of metformin on lipid abnormalities, hypertension or premature vascular disease are unknown, but the relative safety, moderate cost, and efficacy in reducing insulin resistance suggest that metformin may prove to be of benefit in combating these components of the metabolic syndrome in PCOS. Further properly planned randomised controlled trials are required.
The diffusion of water into a series of hydroxyethyl methacrylate, HEMA, copolymers with tetrahydrofurfuryl methacrylate, THFMA, has been studied over a range of copolymer compositions using NMR imaging analyses. For polyHEMA the diffusion was found to be consistent with a Fickian model. The mass diffusion coefficient of water in polyHEMA at 37 degreesC was determined from the profiles of the diffusion front to be 1.5 x 10(-11) m(2) s(-1), which is less than the value based upon mass uptake, 2.0 x 10(-11) m(2) s(-1). The profiles of the water diffusion front obtained from the NMR images showed that stress was induced at the interface between the rubbery and glassy regions which led to formation of small cracks in this region of the glassy matrix of polyHEMA and its copolymers with mole fractions of HEMA greater than 0.6. Water was shown to be able to enter these cracks forming water pools. For copolymers of HEMA and THFMA with mole fractions of HEMA less than 0.6 the absence of cracks was attributed to the ability of the THFMA sequences to undergo stress relaxation by creep.
The radiation chemistry of FEP copolymer with a mole fraction TFE of 0.90 has been studied using Co-60 gamma -radiation at temperatures of 300 and 363 K. New structure formation in the copolymers was analysed by solid state F-19 NMR. New chain scission products were the principal new structures found. The G-value for the formation of new -CF3 groups was 2.2 and 2.1 for the radiolysis of FEP at 300 and 363 K, respectively, and the G-value for the loss of original -CF3 groups was G(-CF3) = 1.0 and 0.9 at these two temperatures, respectively. There was a nett loss of -CF- groups on irradiation, with G(-CF) of 1.3 and 0.9 at 300 and 363 K, respectively. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The radiation chemistry of two TFE/PMVE copolymers with TFE mole fractions of 0.66 and 0.81 has been studied under vacuum using Co-60 gamma -radiation over absorbed dose ranges up to 4.2 MGy. The radiolysis temperature was 313 K for both TFE/PMVE copolymers. New structure formation in the copolymers was identified by solid-state F-19 NMR and the G-values for new chain ends of 2.1 and 0.5 and for branching sites of 0.9 and 0.2 have been obtained for the TFE/PMVE with TFE mole fractions of 0.66 and 0.81, respectively. The relative yields of-O-CF3 and -CF2-CF3 chain ends were found to be proportional to the copolymer composition, but the yields of the -CF2-CF3 chain ends and -CF- branch points mere not linearly related ia the composition. rather they wets correlated with the radical yields measured at 77 K. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.