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BACKGROUND: Community-acquired respiratory viral infections (RVIs) are common in lung transplant patients and may be associated with acute rejection and bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome (BOS). The use of sensitive molecular methods that can simultaneously detect a large panel of respiratory viruses may help better define their effects. METHODS: Lung transplant recipients undergoing serial surveillance and diagnostic bronchoalveolar lavages (BALs) during a period of 3 years were enrolled. BAL samples underwent multiplex testing for a panel of 19 respiratory viral types/subtypes using the Luminex xTAG respiratory virus panel assay. RESULTS: Demographics, symptoms, and forced expiratory volume in 1 sec were prospectively collected for 93 lung transplant recipients enrolled. Mean number of BAL samples was 6.2+/-3.1 per patient. A respiratory virus was isolated in 48 of 93 (51.6%) patients on at least one BAL sample. Of 81 positive samples, the viruses isolated included rhinovirus (n=46), parainfluenza 1 to 4 (n=17), coronavirus (n=11), influenza (n=4), metapneumovirus (n=4), and respiratory syncytial virus (n=2). Biopsy-proven acute rejection (> or =grade 2) or decline in forced expiratory volume in 1 sec > or =20% occurred in 16 of 48 (33.3%) patients within 3 months of RVI when compared with 3 of 45 (6.7%) RVI-negative patients within a comparable time frame (P=0.001). No significant difference was seen in incidence of acute rejection between symptomatic and asymptomatic patients. Biopsy-proven obliterative bronchiolitis or BOS was diagnosed in 10 of 16 (62.5%) patients within 1 year of infection. CONCLUSION: Community-acquired RVIs are frequently detected in BAL samples from lung transplant patients. In a significant percentage of patients, symptomatic or asymptomatic viral infection is a trigger for acute rejection and obliterative bronchiolitis/BOS.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the correlation between clinical measures of disease activity and a ultrasound (US) scoring system for synovitis applied by many different ultrasonographers in a daily routine care setting within the Swiss registry for RA (SCQM) and further to determine the sensitivity to change of this US Score. METHODS: One hundred and eight Swiss rheumatologists were trained in performing the Swiss Sonography in Arthritis and Rheumatism (SONAR) score. US B-mode and Power Doppler (PwD) scores were correlated with DAS28 and compared between the clinical categories in a cross-sectional cohort of patients. In patients with a second US (longitudinal cohort), we investigated if change in US score correlated with change in DAS and evaluated the responsiveness of both methods. RESULTS: In the cross-sectional cohort with 536 patients, correlation between the B-mode score and DAS28 was significant but modest (Pearson coefficient r=0.41, P<0.0001). The same was true for the PwD score (r=0.41, P<0.0001). In the longitudinal cohort with 183 patients we also found a significant correlation between change in B-mode and in PwD score with change in DAS28 (r=0.54, P<0.0001 and r=0.46, P<0.0001, respectively). Both methods of evaluation (DAS and US) showed similar responsiveness according to standardized response mean (SRM). CONCLUSIONS: The SONAR Score is practicable and was applied by many rheumatologists in daily routine care after initial training. It demonstrates significant correlations with the degree of as well as change in disease activity as measured by DAS. On the level of the individual, the US score shows many discrepancies and overlapping results exist.
BACKGROUND: Efavirenz and abacavir are components of recommended first-line regimens for HIV-1 infection. We used genome-wide genotyping and clinical data to explore genetic associations with virologic failure among patients randomized to efavirenz-containing or abacavir-containing regimens in AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG) protocols. PARTICIPANTS AND METHODS: Virologic response and genome-wide genotype data were available from treatment-naive patients randomized to efavirenz-containing (n=1596) or abacavir-containing (n=786) regimens in ACTG protocols 384, A5142, A5095, and A5202. RESULTS: Meta-analysis of association results across race/ethnic groups showed no genome-wide significant associations (P<5×10) with virologic response for either efavirenz or abacavir. Our sample size provided 80% power to detect a genotype relative risk of 1.8 for efavirenz and 2.4 for abacavir. Analyses focused on CYP2B genotypes that define the lowest plasma efavirenz exposure stratum did not show associations nor did analysis limited to gene sets predicted to be relevant to efavirenz and abacavir disposition. CONCLUSION: No single polymorphism is associated strongly with virologic failure with efavirenz-containing or abacavir-containing regimens. Analyses to better consider context, and that minimize confounding by nongenetic factors, may show associations not apparent here.
BACKGROUND: Studies in bipolar disorder (BD) to date are limited in their ability to provide a whole-disease perspective--their scope has generally been confined to a single disease phase and/or a specific treatment. Moreover, most clinical trials have focused on the manic phase of disease, and not on depression, which is associated with the greatest disease burden. There are few longitudinal studies covering both types of patients with BD (I and II) and the whole course of the disease, regardless of patients' symptomatology. Therefore, the Wide AmbispectiVE study of the clinical management and burden of Bipolar Disorder (WAVE-bd) (NCT01062607) aims to provide reliable information on the management of patients with BD in daily clinical practice. It also seeks to determine factors influencing clinical outcomes and resource use in relation to the management of BD. METHODS: WAVE-bd is a multinational, multicentre, non-interventional, longitudinal study. Approximately 3000 patients diagnosed with BD type I or II with at least one mood event in the preceding 12 months were recruited at centres in Austria, Belgium, Brazil, France, Germany, Portugal, Romania, Turkey, Ukraine and Venezuela. Site selection methodology aimed to provide a balanced cross-section of patients cared for by different types of providers of medical aid (e.g. academic hospitals, private practices) in each country. Target recruitment percentages were derived either from scientific publications or from expert panels in each participating country. The minimum follow-up period will be 12 months, with a maximum of 27 months, taking into account the retrospective and the prospective parts of the study. Data on demographics, diagnosis, medical history, clinical management, clinical and functional outcomes (CGI-BP and FAST scales), adherence to treatment (DAI-10 scale and Medication Possession Ratio), quality of life (EQ-5D scale), healthcare resources, and caregiver burden (BAS scale) will be collected. Descriptive analysis with common statistics will be performed. DISCUSSION: This study will provide detailed descriptions of the management of BD in different countries, particularly in terms of clinical outcomes and resources used. Thus, it should provide psychiatrists with reliable and up-to-date information about those factors associated with different management patterns of BD. TRIAL REGISTRATION NO: ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT01062607.
Among the metastasis patterns of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC), intracranial spread is a rare but dreaded event. To date only very few cases have been reported and clinical and molecular data are sparse. We screened our archives for HNSCC patients from 1992 to 2005 who were diagnosed with brain metastases (BM). For retrospective analysis, all clinico-pathological data including disease-free survival (DFS), local progression-free survival (LPFS), and overall survival (OS) were compiled. Additionally, we assessed the mutational status of the TP53 gene and the prevalence of HPV serotypes by PCR and Sanger sequencing. Immunohistochemistry was applied to detect p16INK4A expression levels as surrogate marker for HPV infection. The prevalence rate of BM in our cohort comprising 193 patients with advanced HNSCC was 5.7 %. Of 11 patients with BM, 3 were female and 9 were male. Seven of the primary tumors were of oropharyngeal origin (OPSCC). LPFS of the cohort was 11.8 months, DFS was 12.1 months and OS was 36.0 months. After the diagnosis of BM, survival was 10.5 months. Five tumors showed a mutation in the TP53 gene, while five of the seven OPSCC tumors had a positive HPV status displaying infection with serotype 16 in all cases. Compared with patients who harbored TP53wt/HPV-positive tumors, patients with TP53 mutations showed a poor prognosis. Compared with the whole cohort, the interval between diagnosis of the primary and the detection of BM was prolonged in the HPV-infected OPSCC subgroup (26.4 vs. 45.6 months). The prognosis of HNSCC patients with BM is poor. In our cohort, most tumors were OPSCC with the majority being HPV positive. Our study points toward a putatively unusual metastatic behavior of HPV-positive OPSCC.
BACKGROUND: The Advisa MRI system is designed to safely undergo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Its influence on image quality is not well known. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) image quality and to characterize myocardial contraction patterns by using the Advisa MRI system. METHODS: In this international trial with 35 participating centers, an Advisa MRI system was implanted in 263 patients. Of those, 177 were randomized to the MRI group and 150 underwent MRI scans at the 9-12-week visit. Left ventricular (LV) and right ventricular (RV) cine long-axis steady-state free precession MR images were graded for quality. Signal loss along the implantable pulse generator and leads was measured. The tagging CMR data quality was assessed as the percentage of trackable tagging points on complementary spatial modulation of magnetization acquisitions (n=16) and segmental circumferential fiber shortening was quantified. RESULTS: Of all cine long-axis steady-state free precession acquisitions, 95% of LV and 98% of RV acquisitions were of diagnostic quality, with 84% and 93%, respectively, being of good or excellent quality. Tagging points were trackable from systole into early diastole (360-648 ms after the R-wave) in all segments. During RV pacing, tagging demonstrated a dyssynchronous contraction pattern, which was not observed in nonpaced (n = 4) and right atrial-paced (n = 8) patients. CONCLUSIONS: In the Advisa MRI study, high-quality CMR images for the assessment of cardiac anatomy and function were obtained in most patients with an implantable pacing system. In addition, this study demonstrated the feasibility of acquiring tagging data to study the LV function during pacing.
Meta-iodbenzylguanidine scintigraphy (MIBG scintigraphy) shows reduced uptake in idiopathic Parkinson's disease (IPD), idiopathic REM sleep behavior disorder (IRBD) and Lewy body dementia (LBD), but not in other parkinsonian or dementia syndromes. We retrospectively reevaluated 50 patients. Concordance rate between last clinical diagnosis and scintigraphy diagnosis was only given in two-thirds of the patients. Confounding factors were: decreasing heart/mediastinum ratio (HMR) with progressive age, higher HMR in women and possibly interference with antihypertensive medication. Standardization of the methods and precise clinical guidelines are warranted for better clinical use.
Aims: To assess the relationship between maternal clinical chorioamnionitis and neonatal outcome in preterm very-low birthweight (VLBW) infants. Methods: An observational case-control study was conducted in the Neonatology Services of 12 acute-care teaching hospitals in Spain. Between January 2004 and December 2006, all consecutive VLBW (F1500 g) infants born to a mother with clinical chorioamnionitis were enrolled. Controls were infants without chorioamnionitis matched by gestational age who were born immediately after each index case. Results: There were 165 cases and 163 controls. A significantly higher percentage of cases than controls required intubation (53% vs. 35.8%), had normal intrauterine growth (98.1% vs. 84.7%), were born in a tertiary center (inborn) (95.1% vs. 89.1%), from single gestations (76.4% vs. 65.6%) and vaginal delivery (47.3% vs. 33.3%), showed a lowerApgar score at 5 min, and presented a higher rate of earlyonset sepsis (10.4% vs. 1.2%). Older maternal age (32.5 vs. 30.8 years), premature labor (67.3% vs. 25.8%), premature rupture of membranes (61.3% vs. 25.8%), and antibiotic treatment (88.5% vs. 52.3%) were significantly more frequent among cases than controls. Conclusions: After controlling by gestational age, maternal chorioamnionitis was associated with neonatal depression and early sepsis but not with other prematurity-related complications.
Aims: To assess the relationship between clinically maternal chorioamnionitis and outcome in preterm very-low-birth weight (VLBW) infants. Methods: An observational case-control study was conducted in the neonatology departments of 12 acute care teaching hospitals in Spain. Between January 2004 and December 2006, all consecutive VLBW (F1500 g) infants who were born to a mother with clinical chorioamnionitis were enrolled. The controls included infants who were born to mothers without chorioamnionitis, matched by gestational age, and immediately born after each index case. At a corrected age of 24 months, a neurological examination and a psychological assessment of the surviving children were performed.Results: Sixty-six of the newborn infants died; therefore, 262 infants from the original sample were available for the study. Follow-up data were obtained at a corrected age of 24 months from a total of 209 children (106 cases and 103 controls, 80% of the original sample size). Seventy children (33.5%) were diagnosed with some type of sequelae. The following conditions were all more prevalent in infants born to mothers with chorioamnionitis in comparison to controls: low development quotient (98.3'12.15 vs. 95.9'15.64; Ps0.497), cerebral palsy (4.9% vs. 10.4%; Ps0.138), seizures (1.0% vs. 3.8%; Ps0.369), and other neurological or sensorial sequelae (32.0% vs. 34.9%; Ps0.611). Conclusions: After controlling for gestational age, the study population demonstrated that the neurological outcomes in infants at a corrected age of 24 months was not worsened by chorioamnionitis.
Oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum is a complex developmental disorder characterised mainly by anomalies of the ear, hemifacial microsomia, epibulbar dermoids and vertebral anomalies. The aetiology is largely unknown, and the epidemiological data are limited and inconsistent. We present the largest population-based epidemiological study to date, using data provided by the large network of congenital anomalies registries in Europe. The study population included infants diagnosed with oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum during the 1990-2009 period from 34 registries active in 16 European countries. Of the 355 infants diagnosed with oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum, there were 95.8% (340/355) live born, 0.8% (3/355) fetal deaths, 3.4% (12/355) terminations of pregnancy for fetal anomaly and 1.5% (5/340) neonatal deaths. In 18.9%, there was prenatal detection of anomaly/anomalies associated with oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum, 69.7% were diagnosed at birth, 3.9% in the first week of life and 6.1% within 1 year of life. Microtia (88.8%), hemifacial microsomia (49.0%) and ear tags (44.4%) were the most frequent anomalies, followed by atresia/stenosis of external auditory canal (25.1%), diverse vertebral (24.3%) and eye (24.3%) anomalies. There was a high rate (69.5%) of associated anomalies of other organs/systems. The most common were congenital heart defects present in 27.8% of patients. The prevalence of oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum, defined as microtia/ear anomalies and at least one major characteristic anomaly, was 3.8 per 100,000 births. Twinning, assisted reproductive techniques and maternal pre-pregnancy diabetes were confirmed as risk factors. The high rate of different associated anomalies points to the need of performing an early ultrasound screening in all infants born with this disorder.
Aims: To assess the relationship between maternal clinical chorioamnionitis and neonatal outcome in preterm very-low birthweight (VLBW) infants. Methods: An observational case-control study was conducted in the Neonatology Services of 12 acute-care teaching hospitals in Spain. Between January 2004 and December 2006, all consecutive VLBW (F1500 g) infants born to a mother with clinical chorioamnionitis were enrolled. Controls were infants without chorioamnionitis matched by gestational age who were born immediately after each index case. Results: There were 165 cases and 163 controls. A significantly higher percentage of cases than controls required intubation (53% vs. 35.8%), had normal intrauterine growth (98.1% vs. 84.7%), were born in a tertiary center (inborn) (95.1% vs. 89.1%), from single gestations (76.4% vs. 65.6%) and vaginal delivery (47.3% vs. 33.3%), showed a lowerApgar score at 5 min, and presented a higher rate of earlyonset sepsis (10.4% vs. 1.2%). Older maternal age (32.5 vs. 30.8 years), premature labor (67.3% vs. 25.8%), premature rupture of membranes (61.3% vs. 25.8%), and antibiotic treatment (88.5% vs. 52.3%) were significantly more frequent among cases than controls. Conclusions: After controlling by gestational age, maternal chorioamnionitis was associated with neonatal depression and early sepsis but not with other prematurity-related complications.
Aims: To assess the relationship between maternal clinical chorioamnionitis and neonatal outcome in preterm very-low birthweight (VLBW) infants. Methods: An observational case-control study was conducted in the Neonatology Services of 12 acute-care teaching hospitals in Spain. Between January 2004 and December 2006, all consecutive VLBW (F1500 g) infants born to a mother with clinical chorioamnionitis were enrolled. Controls were infants without chorioamnionitis matched by gestational age who were born immediately after each index case. Results: There were 165 cases and 163 controls. A significantly higher percentage of cases than controls required intubation (53% vs. 35.8%), had normal intrauterine growth (98.1% vs. 84.7%), were born in a tertiary center (inborn) (95.1% vs. 89.1%), from single gestations (76.4% vs. 65.6%) and vaginal delivery (47.3% vs. 33.3%), showed a lowerApgar score at 5 min, and presented a higher rate of earlyonset sepsis (10.4% vs. 1.2%). Older maternal age (32.5 vs. 30.8 years), premature labor (67.3% vs. 25.8%), premature rupture of membranes (61.3% vs. 25.8%), and antibiotic treatment (88.5% vs. 52.3%) were significantly more frequent among cases than controls. Conclusions: After controlling by gestational age, maternal chorioamnionitis was associated with neonatal depression and early sepsis but not with other prematurity-related complications.