987 resultados para Cleanthes, 331-232 B.C.
Baixas produtividades e deficiências de nitrogênio coexistem na cultura do milho, sobretudo em sistemas voltados para a agricultura de subsistência. Diante disso, com esta pesquisa buscou-se avaliar os efeitos da utilização de diferentes adubos verdes em sucessão com o milho, sob manejo de cultivo mínimo e convencional, quanto ao aporte de nutrientes ao solo, ao estado nutricional e às características produtivas do milho para a produção de espigas. O experimento foi conduzido em campo, no Norte de Minas Gerais, em esquema de parcelas subdivididas com fatores dispostos no delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com três repetições. Os tratamentos principais foram: crotalária-juncea (Crotalaria juncea), feijão-de-porco (Canavalia ensiformes), nabo forrageiro (Rafhanus sativus), coquetel (crotalária, feijão-de-porco e nabo forrageiro) e plantas daninhas. As subparcelas foram constituídas pelos manejos da adubação verde, no cultivo mínimo ou convencional. Observou-se menor produtividade do milho quando da utilização do tratamento com plantas daninhas. De modo geral, foi identificado maior crescimento das plantas de milho no cultivo mínimo e maior estande no cultivo convencional, sem, contudo, efeito desses manejos na produtividade de espigas. Houve incremento nos teores superficiais de P e K no solo quando no manejo de cultivo mínimo, mas melhor balanço K/Mg nas plantas de milho no cultivo convencional.
O uso de microrganismos é uma alternativa para o controle de doenças em plantas. Todavia, é prudente verificar a interação desse com os demais métodos de controle empregados em determinada cultura. Dessa forma, objetivou-se avaliar a fungitoxicidade dos herbicidas sobre o crescimento e desenvolvimento dos isolados de Trichoderma spp. Utilizou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 6 x 6 x 4, com quatro repetições. O fator A correspondeu aos herbicidas pendimethalin, clomazone, carfentrazone-ethyl, oxadiazon, thiobencarb + propanil e byspiribac-sodium; o fator B, às doses dos herbicidas - 0, 25, 50, 75, 100 e 200% da dose recomendada; e o fator C, aos isolados de Trichoderma spp. AJAM 18, CE 66, TRI 01 e TRI 02. O ensaio foi realizado em condições in vitro; avaliaram-se o crescimento micelial radial (CMR) e a esporulação dos isolados após aplicação dos herbicidas. Observaram-se diferenças de sensibilidade dos isolados para o mesmo produto testado. O oxadiazon reduziu o CMR dos isolados AJAM 18 e TRI 01 em 66 e 35%, respectivamente. No entanto, reduziu apenas 16% do CMR do isolado TRI 02 e não alterou o CMR do isolado CE 66 mesmo em 200% da dose recomendada. Verificaram-se diferentes efeitos dos produtos em cada isolado. A mistura comercial de thiobencarb+propanil foi altamente tóxica aos isolados de Trichoderma spp., com reduções em torno de 85% no CMR e no número de esporos. Por outro lado, o byspiribac-sodium pouco afetou os isolados, apresentando reduções inferiores a 10% no CMR e na esporulação. O carfentrazone-ethyl e byspiribac-sodium demonstraram ser compatíveis com os isolados de Trichoderma spp. estudados.
Crescente interesse tem se estabelecido para a análise da diversidade genética de espécies Conyza bonariensis, C.canadensis e C.sumatrensis, popularmente conhecidas como buva ou voadeira, que nos últimos anos vêm causando vários prejuízos nas lavouras do Brasil e do mundo, principalmente nas plantações de soja. A proposta do presente estudo foi estimar a variabilidade genética de amostras de C.sumatrensis provenientes da região noroeste do Estado do Paraná. A análise de isozimas em tecidos de folhas das plantas de C. sumatrensis foi realizada para estimar a variabilidade genética dentro de cada população e entre populações diferentes, no sentido de recomendar um tratamento diferencial ou uniforme para o controle dessas plantas daninhas na referida região. Foram analisados quatro sistemas enzimáticos (ACP, GPI, MDH e PGM) e detectados 10 locos com 10 alelos, os quais não apresentaram diversidade genética dentro e entre as populações analisadas, comprovado pela presença de apenas indivíduos homozigotos. As enzimas analisadas no presente estudo indicaram que as plantas das três regiões são geneticamente uniformes, e a uniformidade genética verificada para os referidos locos é um indicativo prévio de que é possível utilizar doses equivalentes do glifosato para controlar o crescimento desses biótipos.
ABSTRACTWhite clover is tolerant to many herbicides, making difficult a chemical control of this species during soybean crop establishments. The objective of this research was to select herbicides applied postemergence to control white clover in soybean and know the effects of this control on soybean yield. Seven herbicides were assessed, applied postemergence, with or without sequential application of glyphosate, and two control treatments (no control and total control of white clover). Glyphosate (with two sequential applications), fomesafen (with a sequential application of glyphosate), chlorimuron-ethyl and lactofen have shown a satisfactory control of white clover (above 80%). The lower control efficiency has resulted in lower production of soybeans.
ABSTRACT The combination of crop residues or crop extracts is often more advantageous in controlling weeds, than the application of each residue or extract singly. This suggests that in intercropping with maize, the combination of tree species can be more advantageous than species isolated in weed control. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of intercropping with a combination of leguminous on the weed growth and corn yield. A randomized-block design with split plots (cultivars in plots) and five replicates was established. The cultivars BR 205 and AG 1041 were subject to the following treatments: two weedings (A), intercropping with sabiá (B), gliricidia (C), gliricidia + sabiá (D) and no weeding (E). In the B and C, 30 viable seeds m-2 of the leguminous were sown. In the D, 15 seeds of each species were sown m-2. The legumes were sown by random casting during corn planting. The sequence of the best treatments in reducing the growth of weeds is A > B = C = D = E. The sequence of the best treatments when are considered the yields of baby corn, green corn and grain is A > B > C > D > E. The cultivars do not differ in regards to the reduction in weed growth. In terms of corn yield cultivar BR 205 is the best.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the weed community in a raw sugarcane renovation area with three soil managements and peanut sowing in succession. The experiment was conducted during the 2007/08 season on a raw sugarcane area harvested without prior burning in the last five cuts. A randomized block design with treatments arranged in a split plot and arranged in four replications was used. The main treatments consisted of three cropping systems: conventional tillage, minimum tillage and direct planting, and subplots consisted in the absence (resting) or presence of crop rotation with peanuts. After 135 days from planting peanuts and 180 days of sugarcane harvest, the number of weeds m-2 was counted and the shoot dry biomass of the weeds collected was determined. The data were interpreted by analysis of variance and the means were compared by Tukey's test at 5% probability so that phytosociological indices a, b, c e d were calculated. The use of soil conservation tillage and peanut in rotation with sugarcane in the renovation areas is effective in controlling weeds and suppression of weed species difficult to control like Cyperus rotundus, Commelina bengalensis, Urochloa plantaginea, and Digitaria nuda.
Este trabalho teve como objetivos estimar a fitomassa epigéa da mata ciliar do rio Mogi-Guaçu e determinar a melhor equação preditiva da fitomassa arbórea. O trabalho foi realizado num fragmento de mata localizado no município de Itapira - SP (22°21'S e 46°51'W). Foram delimitadas 12 parcelas de 25 m², para determinação da fitomassa através do método destrutivo. Os indivíduos arbóreos foram identificados e cortados ao nível do solo. De cada árvore, foram tomadas medidas de perímetro basal e altura. As folhas foram separadas manualmente dos ramos para determinação do peso fresco da porção foliar e lenhosa. A vegetação herbácea-arbustiva, de porte inferior a 1,3 m, existente em 3 m² de cada parcela, foi cortada ao nível do solo e tomadas as medidas de peso fresco da porção lenhosa e não lenhosa. O mesmo procedimento foi adotado para as lianas. Amostras de cada fração foram secas em estufa a 80°C, até peso constante, para determinação do peso seco. A fitomassa média obtida foi de 133,3 t.ha-1, sendo 88,5% referentes ao estrato arbóreo, 11,3% às lianas e 0,2% ao estrato herbáceo. A equação que melhor estima a fitomassa arbórea total de mata com características e condições semelhantes às da mata ciliar estudada foi definida como: Massa seca total = [ 0,523 + 0,053 perímetro]³.
Objetivou-se verificar, em condições de campo, até que ponto a presença de SO2 no ar, na região do polo industrial de Cubatão, pode causar alterações no crescimento de plantas jovens de T. pulchra. Durante 1997, expuseram-se as plantas envasadas por três períodos consecutivos de 16 semanas, em três locais: vale do rio Pilões (RP; sob baixos níveis de SO2); Caminho do Mar e vale do rio Mogi (CM e VM respectivamente; sob baixos níveis de SO2). Após cada exposição, o acúmulo foliar de enxofre e alterações em variáveis de crescimento e de biomassa foram determinados e as relações entre essas variáveis foram testadas estatisticamente. Verificouse acúmulo foliar significativo de enxofre nas plantas do CM (exposições 1 a 3) e nas do VM (exposições 2 e 3). Os padrões de crescimento das plantas foram modificados nas plantas do CM e VM, destacando-se altura, número de folhas e de ramos. A biomassa variou pouco entre as plantas dos três locais, mas houve redução significativa na razão raízes/parte aérea nas plantas dos locais poluídos (exposições 1 e 3). A desaceleração do crescimento em altura e a diminuição em biomassa de caules+ramos e de raízes (exposição 2) e a intensificação do crescimento em altura, da produção de folhas e da ramificação, e a redução no número de folhas no caule principal, na biomassa de raízes e na razão raízes/parte aérea (exposição 3) foram significativamente explicadas pelo acúmulo foliar de enxofre (p < 0,01).
Biomedical natural language processing (BioNLP) is a subfield of natural language processing, an area of computational linguistics concerned with developing programs that work with natural language: written texts and speech. Biomedical relation extraction concerns the detection of semantic relations such as protein-protein interactions (PPI) from scientific texts. The aim is to enhance information retrieval by detecting relations between concepts, not just individual concepts as with a keyword search. In recent years, events have been proposed as a more detailed alternative for simple pairwise PPI relations. Events provide a systematic, structural representation for annotating the content of natural language texts. Events are characterized by annotated trigger words, directed and typed arguments and the ability to nest other events. For example, the sentence “Protein A causes protein B to bind protein C” can be annotated with the nested event structure CAUSE(A, BIND(B, C)). Converted to such formal representations, the information of natural language texts can be used by computational applications. Biomedical event annotations were introduced by the BioInfer and GENIA corpora, and event extraction was popularized by the BioNLP'09 Shared Task on Event Extraction. In this thesis we present a method for automated event extraction, implemented as the Turku Event Extraction System (TEES). A unified graph format is defined for representing event annotations and the problem of extracting complex event structures is decomposed into a number of independent classification tasks. These classification tasks are solved using SVM and RLS classifiers, utilizing rich feature representations built from full dependency parsing. Building on earlier work on pairwise relation extraction and using a generalized graph representation, the resulting TEES system is capable of detecting binary relations as well as complex event structures. We show that this event extraction system has good performance, reaching the first place in the BioNLP'09 Shared Task on Event Extraction. Subsequently, TEES has achieved several first ranks in the BioNLP'11 and BioNLP'13 Shared Tasks, as well as shown competitive performance in the binary relation Drug-Drug Interaction Extraction 2011 and 2013 shared tasks. The Turku Event Extraction System is published as a freely available open-source project, documenting the research in detail as well as making the method available for practical applications. In particular, in this thesis we describe the application of the event extraction method to PubMed-scale text mining, showing how the developed approach not only shows good performance, but is generalizable and applicable to large-scale real-world text mining projects. Finally, we discuss related literature, summarize the contributions of the work and present some thoughts on future directions for biomedical event extraction. This thesis includes and builds on six original research publications. The first of these introduces the analysis of dependency parses that leads to development of TEES. The entries in the three BioNLP Shared Tasks, as well as in the DDIExtraction 2011 task are covered in four publications, and the sixth one demonstrates the application of the system to PubMed-scale text mining.
O ambiente urbano pode gerar condições de estresse oxidativo nas plantas, levando à estimulação de antioxidantes como ácido ascórbico (AA), tióis (Ti), peroxidases (POD) e superóxido dismutase (SOD), em diferentes níveis, de acordo com sua capacidade de tolerar tais condições. Este estudo, em sua primeira fase, buscou conhecer o perfil destas defesas em folhas de plantas jovens de C. echinata com diferentes graus de desenvolvimento. Os níveis dos antioxidantes foram similares em todas as folhas analisadas. Em uma segunda fase, tais antioxidantes e a glutationa (GSH) foram avaliados em 130 plantas mantidas em casa de vegetação com monitoramento constante de temperatura, umidade relativa e irradiância, por um período de 18 meses, para estabelecer se variações sazonais nessas defesas ocorrem em resposta a fatores climáticos. Nesse período, os antioxidantes foliares foram analisados a cada três meses. Em geral, a concentração de AA e a atividade da POD foram altas em C. echinata, quando comparadas com as de outras espécies arbóreas tropicais. Houve variações nas defesas ao longo do tempo. A concentração de GSH e a atividade da POD mostraram ser influenciadas por mudanças na temperatura e a SOD foi estimulada em resposta à temperatura e à umidade relativa.
Six hundred million people are at risk of infection by Schistosoma mansoni. MHC haplotypes have been reported to segregate with susceptibility to schistosomiasis in murine models. In humans, a major gene related to susceptibility/resistance to infection by S. mansoni (SM1) and displaying the mean fecal egg count as phenotype was detected by segregation analysis. This gene displayed a codominant mode of inheritance with an estimated frequency of 0.20-0.25 for the deleterious allele and accounted for more than 50% of the variance of infection levels. To determine if the SM1 gene segregates with the human MHC chromosomal region, we performed a linkage study by the lod score method. We typed for HLA-A, B, C, DR and DQ antigens in 11 informative families from an endemic area for schistosomiasis in Bahia, Brazil, by the microlymphocytotoxicity technique. HLA-DR typing by the polymerase chain reaction with sequence-specific primers (PCR-SSP) and HLA-DQ were confirmed by PCR-sequence-specific oligonucleotide probes (PCR-SSOP). The lod scores for the different q values obtained clearly indicate that there is no physical linkage between HLA and SM1 genes. Thus, susceptibility or resistance to schistosomiasis, as defined by mean fecal egg count, is not primarily dependent on the host's HLA profile. However, if the HLA molecule plays an important role in specific immune responses to S. mansoni, this may involve the development of the different clinical aspects of the disease such as granuloma formation and development of hepatosplenomegaly.
We investigated the effects of aerobic training on the efferent autonomic control of heart rate (HR) during dynamic exercise in middle-aged men, eight of whom underwent exercise training (T) while the other seven continued their sedentary (S) life style. The training was conducted over 10 months (three 1-h sessions/week on a field track at 70-85% of the peak HR). The contribution of sympathetic and parasympathetic exercise tachycardia was determined in terms of differences in the time constant effects on the HR response obtained using a discontinuous protocol (4-min tests at 25, 50, 100 and 125 watts on a cycle ergometer), and a continuous protocol (25 watts/min until exhaustion) allowed the quantification of the parameters (anaerobic threshold, VO2 AT; peak O2 uptake, VO2 peak; power peak) that reflect oxygen transport. The results obtained for the S and the T groups were: 1) a smaller resting HR in T (66 beats/min) when compared to S (84 beats/min); 2) during exercise, a small increase in the fast tachycardia (D0-10 s) related to vagal withdrawal (P<0.05, only at 25 watts) was observed in T at all powers; at middle and higher powers a significant decrease (P<0.05 at 50, 100 and 125 watts) in the slow tachycardia (D1-4 min) related to a sympathetic-dependent mechanism was observed in T; 3) the VO2 AT (S = 1.06 and T = 1.33 l/min) and VO2 peak (S = 1.97 and T = 2.47 l/min) were higher in T (P<0.05). These results demonstrate that aerobic training can induce significant physiological adaptations in middle-aged men, mainly expressed as a decrease in the sympathetic effects on heart rate associated with an increase in oxygen transport during dynamic exercise.
This study evaluates the influence of different concentrations of calcium on blood pressure of normotensive rats. Four groups of Wistar rats (A, B, C and D) had free access to modified isocaloric and isoproteic diets containing 0.2, 0.5, 2 and 4 g% calcium as calcium carbonate for a period of 30 days. Systolic and diastolic arterial blood pressures were monitored in awake rats by the indirect tail cuff method using a Physiograph equipped with transducers and preamplifiers. Body weight and length and food intake were monitored. Under the conditions of the present experiment, the systolic and diastolic arterial blood pressures of group D rats fed a diet containing 4 g% calcium were significantly (P<0.05) lower compared to rats of the other groups.
Thirty-seven patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) were treated with all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA). Patients received 45 mg m-2 day-1 po of ATRA until complete remission (CR) was achieved, defined as: a) presence of less than 5% blasts in the bone marrow, with b) white blood cells >103/mm3, c) platelets >105/mm3 and d) hemoglobin concentration >8 g/dl, with no blood or platelet transfusions. Thirty-one (83.7%) patients achieved CR by day 50, and 75% of these before day 30. Correction of the coagulopathy, achieved between days 2 and 10 (mean, 3 days), was the first evidence of response to treatment. Only one patient had been previously treated with chemotherapy and three had the microgranular variant M3 form. Dryness of skin and mucosae was the most common side effect observed in 82% of the patients. Thrombosis, hepatotoxicity and retinoid acid syndrome (RAS) were observed in 7 (19%), 6 (16%) and 4 (11%) patients, respectively. Thirteen (35%) patients had to be submitted to chemotherapy due to hyperleukocytosis (above 40 x 103/mm3) and six of these presented with new signs of coagulopathy after chemotherapy. Four (11%) patients died secondarily to intracerebral hemorrhage (IH) and two (5.4%) dropped out of the protocol due to severe ATRA side effects (one RAS and one hepatotoxicity). RAS and IH were related strictly to hyperleukocytosis. The reduced use of platelets and fresh frozen plasma probably lowered the total cost of treatment. We conclude that ATRA is an effective agent for inducing complete remission in APL patients.