984 resultados para Charlotte Harbor


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This article considers the implications of the Troops to Teaching (TtT) programme, to be introduced in England in autumn 2013, for Initial Teacher Education (ITE) and race equality. TtT will fast-track ex-armed service members to teach in schools, without necessarily the requirement of a university degree. Employing theories of white supremacy, and Althusser’s (1971) concept of Ideological and Repressive State Apparatus, I argue that this initiative both stems from, and contributes to, a system of social privilege and oppression in education. Despite appearing to be aimed at all young people, the planned TtT initiative is actually aimed at poor and racially subordinated youth. This is likely to further entrench polarisation in a system which already provides two tier educational provision: TtT will be a programme for the inner-city disadvantaged, whilst wealthier, whiter schools will mostly continue to get highly qualified teachers. Moreover, TtT contributes to a wider devaluing of current ITE; ITE itself is rendered virtually irrelevant, as it seems TtT teachers will not be subject specialists, rather will be expected to provide military-style discipline, the skills for which they will be expected to bring with them. More sinister, I argue that TtT is part of the wider militarisation of education. This military-industrial-education complex seeks to contain and police young people who are marginalised along lines of race and class, and contributes to a wider move to increase ideological support for foreign wars - both aims ultimately in the service of neoliberal objectives which will feed social inequalities.


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‘Disaster education’ is a fledgling area of study in lifelong education. Many countries educate their populations for disasters, to mitigate potential damage and loss of life, as well as contribute to national security. In this paper, which draws on interview data from the German Federal Office for Civil Defence and Disaster Assistance and the Federal Agency for Technical Relief, archival research, analysis of websites and promotional materials as well as relevant academic literature, I examine disaster education and preparedness for national emergencies in Germany. I argue that it is not generally extended to the general public, rather confined to trained experts, decentralised, localised and exclusive. Theorising disaster education as a ‘civil defence pedagogy’ (Preston, 2008), a type of public pedagogy, which contributes to shaping narratives of national identity, I argue that it is unlikely that Germany will develop a more inclusive, universal, formalised, nor high-profile campaign in disaster education in the foreseeable future. This, I suggest, is due to narratives of the German democratic nation state as secure, federal, peaceful and unified, which originated at the founding of West Germany in 1949, and continue to shape contemporary political narratives.


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Natural disasters are frequently exacerbated by anthropogenic mechanisms and have social and political consequences for communities. The role of community learning in disasters is seen to be increasingly important. However, the ways in which such learning unfolds in a disaster can differ substantially from case to case. This article uses a comparative case study methodology to examine catastrophes and major disasters from five countries (Japan, New Zealand, UK, US and Germany) to consider how community learning and adaptation occurs. An ecological model of learning is considered, where community learning is of small loop (adaptive, incremental, experimental) type or large loop (paradigm changing) type. Using this model we consider that there are three types of community learning that occur in disasters (navigation, organisation, reframing). The type of community learning that actually develops in a disaster depends upon a range of social factors such as stress and trauma, civic innovation and coercion.


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This article explores policy approaches to educating populations for potential critical infrastructure collapse in five different countries: the UK, the US, Germany, Japan and New Zealand. ‘Critical infrastructure’ is not always easy to define, and indeed is defined slightly differently across countries – it includes entities vital to life, such as utilities (water, energy), transportation systems and communications, and may also include social and cultural infrastructure. The article is a mapping exercise of different approaches to critical infrastructure protection and preparedness education by the five countries. The exercise facilitates a comparison of the countries and enables us to identify distinctive characteristics of each country’s approach. We argue that contrary to what most scholars of security have argued, these national approaches diverge greatly, suggesting that they are shaped more by internal politics and culture than by global approaches.


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A história de Aladino, tal como aparece em muitas edições de As Mil e uma Noites, contém uma particularidade que a afasta das leis da economia do conto popular, em relação às quais se mostra um tanto incoerente: a presença de dois objectos mágicos com poderes ilimitados: o anel e a lâmpada. As versões do conto que achamos em As Mil e uma Noites são muito literárias, mas no seu conteúdo podemos reconhecer o tipo 561 do Índice de Aarne-Thompson. A versão de Galland, da qual poderiam derivar todas as outras, até as dos textos redigidos em árabe, procede de Hanna Diab,que lhe deu uma versão escrita. Uma versão desse tipo, recolhida por Antoni M. Alcover da tradição oral de Maiorca, também contém a duplicidade de objectos mágicos. Charlotte R. Long viu no primeiro episódio do conto de Aladino o rasto do roubo dum túmulo egípcio; na versão de Alcover, dentro da caverna onde o herói acha a lâmpada, há um cadáver,detalhe que a torna singular.


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Cette thèse s'inscrit dans un paradigme compréhensif et herméneutique et dans une démarche de recherche qualitative. Elle utilise l'autoethnographie comme méthodologie. L'autoethnographie cherche à comprendre une histoire singulière sociohistoriquement inscrite dans des contextes culturels déterminés L'autoethnographie est à la fois une méthode de recherche, un style d'écriture, une oeuvre et une aventure transformatrice à travers laquelle la chercheure devient le sujet de son histoire. Ici, c'est la vie et l'expérience de la chercheure qui constitue le corpus des données. L'autoethnographie offr une invitation sensible à créer une relation dynamique entre la personne qui raconte son histoire et ses lecteurs. C'est une approche originale, qui fait appel à la vulnérabilité, à la sincérité et à l'authenticité de la chercheure. Le style d'écriture vise à décrire, à montrer et invite à pénétrer la réalité de l'expérience plutôt qu'à théoriser, expliquer ou défendre des certitudes. Cette thèse dévoile la quête transpersonnelle du sujet-chercheure qui traverse une vie d'élève, de mère, d'enseignante, d'étudiante, de formatrice d'adultes et, enfin, d'enseignante en formation initiale à l'enseignement. Une quête vécue dans la culture de l'éducation et qui s'est actualisée à travers des moments clés où se joue, dans et pour la chercheure, une tension entre des approches éducatives centrées sur la personne et son potentiel, et d'autres approches centrées sur les instruments, les contenus et l'évaluation. Cette autoethnographie est présentée sous forme de vignettes qui offrnt au lecteur l'accès à des moments significatifs de vie. La production des données s'est faite à l'aide d'outils variés tels le journal de recherche, le récit de vie, des récits phénoménologiques, des photographies, des poésies, des extraits de travaux d'étudiantes, des documents et des articles. Ces données ont été analysées et interprétées de manière qualitative et en mode écriture en vue de permettre une meilleure compréhension de l'autrice et de sa praxis.


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Verwaltungsformulare, Verträge, Gesetzestexte, die Bedienungsanleitung einer Kaffeemaschine oder auch der Beipackzettel eines Medikaments – jeder kennt solche Texte und fast immer gibt es ein Problem mit der Verständlichkeit. Was wollen die jetzt von mir? Was soll ich machen? Das sind Fragen, die am Ende offen bleiben. Der Leser steht hilflos vor kompliziert und unverständlich, meist auch ermüdend geschriebenen Texten. Eigentlich sollte aber jeder diese Texte verstehen können. Um die Benutzerfreundlichkeit und die Qualität einer Bedienungsanleitung gewährleisten zu können, sind in Normen, wie VDI 4500, DIN EN ISO 121000 und DIN EN 62079, Kriterien bzgl. Inhalt, Layout und Beschaffenheit festgelegt. Bei der Verständlichkeit wird quasi am Minimum angesetzt, weil wirklich jeder die Anleitung verstehen soll. Doch was ist mit denen, die die Anleitung zwar verstehen sollen, aber eben nicht können? Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung werden im Alltag mit einer Vielzahl an Texten konfrontiert, die sie nicht verstehen. Der Textinhalt bleibt somit ein nicht zu lösendes Rätsel. Dass Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung ein selbstbestimmtes und selbstständiges Leben führen können, wird so von vornherein ausgeschlossen. Die Möglichkeit durch Kommunikation an der Gesellschaft teilzunehmen, wird weitestgehend unterbunden. Um diesem Ausschluss entgegenzuwirken, muss bei der Verwendung von Sprache und Erstellung von Texten unmittelbar bei dieser Zielgruppe angesetzt werden, so dass Texte und Sprache der vorhandenen Lesekompetenz entsprechend zugänglich werden. Hier setzt das Konzept Leichte Sprache an. Durch Unterstützung und Förderung beim Einsatz von Leichter Sprache sollen Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung schulische und berufliche Fähigkeiten erwerben und erfolgreich am sozialen Leben teilnehmen können. In der folgenden Arbeit wird, um Diskriminierung vorzubeugen, zunächst die Begrifflichkeit "geistige Behinderung" geklärt und deren Verwendung festgelegt. Dann wird das Konzept Leichte Sprache vorgestellt. Grundlagen von Verständlichkeit im Allgemeinen und bezogen auf die möglichen Zielgruppen, u.a. Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung, werden erläutert. Um feststellen zu können, ob eine Eingrenzung von Texten notwendig ist, bei denen Verständlichkeit gefördert bzw. überprüft werden soll, wird zwischen verschiedenen Textsorten abgegrenzt. So kann schließlich im Ergebnis überprüft werden, ob Leichte Sprache ein Konzept verständlichen Textens ist.


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This is a mounted photo of the education building of First Methodist Church, Cheraw S.C. The building was designed by Graves & Toy in Charlotte, contractor was Haynsworth Construction Co in Florence, and the building was completed September 1953.


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Tese de mestrado. Biologia (Microbiologia Aplicada). Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014


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Upton Surgery (Worcestershire) has developed a flexible and responsive service model that facilitates multi-agency support for adult patients with complex care needs experiencing an acute health crisis. The purpose of this service is to provide appropriate interventions that avoid unnecessary hospital admissions or, alternatively, provide support to facilitate early discharge from secondary care. Key aspects of this service are the collaborative and proactive identification of patients at risk, rapid creation and deployment of a reactive multi-agency team and follow-up of patients with an appropriate long-term care plan. A small team of dedicated staff (the Complex Care Team) are pivotal to coordinating and delivering this service. Key skills are sophisticated leadership and project management skills, and these have been used sensitively to challenge some traditional roles and boundaries in the interests of providing effective, holistic care for the patient. This is a practical example of early implementation of the principles underlying the Department of Health’s (DH) recent Best Practice Guidance, ‘Delivering Care Closer to Home’ (DH, July 2008) and may provide useful learning points for other general practice surgeries considering implementing similar models. This integrated case management approach has had enthusiastic endorsement from patients and carers. In addition to the enhanced quality of care and experience for the patient, this approach has delivered value for money. Secondary care costs have been reduced by preventing admissions and also by reducing excess bed-days. The savings achieved have justified the ongoing commitment to the service and the staff employed in the Complex Care Team. The success of this service model has been endorsed recently by the ‘Customer Care’ award by ‘Management in Practice’. The Surgery was also awarded the ‘Practice of the Year’ award for this and a number of other customer-focussed projects.


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This article reports on an ethnographic study carried out in three interrelated sites: two contrasting secondary schools and a Youth-Club (the principal focus of this article), in an area of southwest Wales. This article highlights the incongruence between the language at home and the language of the school and posits that the relationship between language use at school and in the wider community needs to be problematised and questioned far more than has been done thus far. This study questions whether school-based ideologies and school-based practices are re-negotiated or contested on the margins of education and whether this re-negotiation and contestation plays an important role in whether a young person chooses to use Welsh or English outside of school. It will be argued that recreational spaces, even though loosely connected to schools as institutions, function as more open spaces where institutional ideologies are actively reworked and renegotiated, either through choosing to use English or by mixing and blending different aspects of linguistic resources, or by re-negotiating and questioning which version of Welshness is more valuable, ‘the removed and authentic’ (as seen at the Welsh school) or the ‘new and hybrid’ as seen at the Youth-Club.


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Concert program for CarolFest 2010, December 7, 2010


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This study presents and discusses the tsunami hazard posed by an updated CSZ earthquake scenerio to the coastal communities of Port Angeles and Port Townsend, based on the results of a high resolution GeoClaw simulation with 2/3 arc second resolution (about 20.56 meters) surrounding these towns. In addition, we will also present the results of a coarse regional simulation of the Strait of Juan de Fuca. This coarse study encompasses 28 regions that span the Strait’s coast, including the communities of Anacortes, Bellingham, Friday Harbor, and Victoria, BC in addition to extended areas around Port Angeles and Port Townsend. The finest grid for these 28 regions where we collected results had 2 arc sec resolution (around 62 meters). Finally, we will discuss some inherent uncertainties in the specification of the earthquake scenario, the limitations of the GeoClaw model, and the associated uncertainites in the results.


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Fatty acid degradation in most organisms occurs primarily via the beta-oxidation cycle. In mammals, beta-oxidation occurs in both mitochondria and peroxisomes, whereas plants and most fungi harbor the beta-oxidation cycle only in the peroxisomes. Although several of the enzymes participating in this pathway in both organelles are similar, some distinct physiological roles have been uncovered. Recent advances in the structural elucidation of numerous mammalian and yeast enzymes involved in beta-oxidation have shed light on the basis of the substrate specificity for several of them. Of particular interest is the structural organization and function of the type 1 and 2 multifunctional enzyme (MFE-1 and MFE-2), two enzymes evolutionarily distant yet catalyzing the same overall enzymatic reactions but via opposite stereochemistry. New data on the physiological roles of the various enzymes participating in beta-oxidation have been gathered through the analysis of knockout mutants in plants, yeast and animals, as well as by the use of polyhydroxyalkanoate synthesis from beta-oxidation intermediates as a tool to study carbon flux through the pathway. In plants, both forward and reverse genetics performed on the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana have revealed novel roles for beta-oxidation in the germination process that is independent of the generation of carbohydrates for growth, as well as in embryo and flower development, and the generation of the phytohormone indole-3-acetic acid and the signal molecule jasmonic acid.


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Many disorders are associated with altered serum protein concentrations, including malnutrition, cancer, and cardiovascular, kidney, and inflammatory diseases. Although these protein concentrations are highly heritable, relatively little is known about their underlying genetic determinants. Through transethnic meta-analysis of European-ancestry and Japanese genome-wide association studies, we identified six loci at genome-wide significance (p < 5 × 10(-8)) for serum albumin (HPN-SCN1B, GCKR-FNDC4, SERPINF2-WDR81, TNFRSF11A-ZCCHC2, FRMD5-WDR76, and RPS11-FCGRT, in up to 53,190 European-ancestry and 9,380 Japanese individuals) and three loci for total protein (TNFRS13B, 6q21.3, and ELL2, in up to 25,539 European-ancestry and 10,168 Japanese individuals). We observed little evidence of heterogeneity in allelic effects at these loci between groups of European and Japanese ancestry but obtained substantial improvements in the resolution of fine mapping of potential causal variants by leveraging transethnic differences in the distribution of linkage disequilibrium. We demonstrated a functional role for the most strongly associated serum albumin locus, HPN, for which Hpn knockout mice manifest low plasma albumin concentrations. Other loci associated with serum albumin harbor genes related to ribosome function, protein translation, and proteasomal degradation, whereas those associated with serum total protein include genes related to immune function. Our results highlight the advantages of transethnic meta-analysis for the discovery and fine mapping of complex trait loci and have provided initial insights into the underlying genetic architecture of serum protein concentrations and their association with human disease.