987 resultados para Central banking


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The Teggiolo zone is the sedimentary cover of the Antigorio nappe, one of the lowest tectonic units of the Penninic Central Alps. Detailed mapping, stratigraphic and structural analyses, and comparisons with less metamorphic series in several well-studied domains of the Alps, provide a new stratigraphic interpretation. The Teggiolo zone is comprised of several sedimentary cycles, separated by erosive surfaces and large stratigraphic gaps, which cover the time span from Triassic to Eocene. At Mid-Jurassic times it appears as an uplifted, partially emergent block, marking the southern limit of the main Helvetic basin (the Limiting South-Helvetic Rise LSHR). The main mass of the Teggiolo calcschists, whose base truncates the Triassic-Jurassic cycles and can erode the Antigorio basement, consists of fine-grained clastic sediments analogous to the deep-water flyschoid deposits of Late Cretaceous to Eocene age in the North-Penninic (or Valais s.l.) basins. Thus the Antigorio-Teggiolo domain occupies a crucial paleogeographic position, on the boundary between the Helvetic and Penninic realms: from Triassic to Early Cretaceous its affinity is with the Helvetic; at the end of Cretaceous it is incorporated into the North-Penninic basins. An unexpected result is the discovery of the important role played by complex formations of wildflysch type at the top of the Teggiolo zone. They contain blocks of various sizes. According to their nature, three different associations are distinguished that have specific vertical and lateral distributions. These blocks give clues to the existence of territories that have disappeared from the present-day level of observation and impose constraints on the kinematics of early folding and embryonic nappe emplacement. Tectonics produced several phases of superimposed folds and schistosities, more in the metasediments than in the gneissic basement. Older deformations that predate the amplification of the frontal hinge of the nappe generated the dominant schistosity and the km-wide Vanzèla isoclinal fold.


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New G-banded karyotypes from populations of the common shrew Sorex araneus Linnaeus, 1758 provide a clearer picture of the distribution of chromosome races in central Europe. As expected according to their occurrence in neighbouring countries, the Jutland (kq, no), Laska (k/o) and Drnholec (ko, nr) races are also found in Germany. A new chromosome race "Rugen" (kq) is described from this Baltic Island. Together with the previously recorded races Ulm and Mooswald (kr), six chromosome races are now known from Germany. The resulting distribution pattern is characterized by high frequencies of different race-specific metacentrics at the periphery of the country and clines with decreasing frequencies towards the centre which is occupied by the Ulm race. This race is acrocentric for all chromosome arms involved in the observed race-specific fusions and represents a buffer between the surrounding, more metacentric races. According to the present distribution of these metacentrics, a scenario for the postglacial recolonization of central Europe by S. araneus populations on three different routes is proposed: from the east along the northern slopes of the Carpathian Arc, from the south-east along the Danube Valley and from the south-west through the Upper Rhine Valley.


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Informe técnico sobre embarcaciones pesqueras, el cual abarca la zona centro del litoral peruano, entre las localidades pesqueras de río Chico - laguna Grande, cumpliendo así con el desarrollo de la primera línea de investigación


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Se encontraron adultos reproductivos durante todo el año; sin embargo, se identificaron dos picos reproductivos. El primero, más sincrónico, ocurre en los meses de verano entre diciembre y marzo; el segundo, menos marcado, ocurre en invierno entre mayo y setiembre. La duración del período de incubación se ha estimado en 50 a 60 días. Los pichones que nacen requieren de 70 a 80 días para completar el desarrollo. Se observaron tasas de crecimiento mayores durante los meses de invierno, debido probablemente, a la calidad diferencial en el alimento. En invierno, los potoyuncos consumen un porcentaje elevado de larvas de peces, en tanto que en verano se presenta un alto consumo de crustáceos planctónicos. Durante 1997, año anormal donde se inició un evento El Niño de fuerte intensidad, el primer pico reproductivo se realizó de manera normal, observándose una clara disminución en lo que respecta al segundo pico reproductivo. La proporción de adultos con huevo en mayo de 1997, bajó de 45,25% a 17,5% en julio y la proporción de pichones disminuyó de 15% en mayo y julio a menos del 5% en setiembre, sugiriendo un bajo éxito de eclosión en los huevos y una elevada mortalidad de pichones. Un censo realizado en noviembre de 1997 permitió estimar una población de 12.800 parejas y no difiere de las estimaciones de años anteriores. Durante el desarrollo de este censo el 38,41% de los nidos monitoreados contenían adultos con huevos, de los cuales el 66,27% eran adultos previamente anillados.


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En el presente trabajo se estima la edad y crecimiento de sardina, sardinops Sagax Sagax en la región central del Perú durante 1980, mediante la lectura directa de otolitos por contaje de anillos de crecimiento y por retrocálculo en las medidas de las mismas estructuras. Para determinar la edad, se ha seguido la evolución de la naturaleza del borde del otolito, así como también se realizaron mediciones de cada anillo de crecimiento y se estableció la proporcionalidad entre el incremento en longitud del otolito (R) y del pez (L), resultando la ecuación siguiente: L = - 1.032 + 15.174 R Las expresiones que describen el crecimiento en longuitud según el modelo de Van Bertalanffy, se señalan a continuación: Por contaje de anillos: L = 39.8 [1 - e-.22 (t+0.84) ] Por retrocálculo: L = 37.49 [1 - e-.22(t+ o.71)] La relación de la edad con las tallas de captura determinan que la pesquería de consumo durante 1980, estuvo constituida mayormente por ejemplares adultos de 4, 5 y 6 años de edad; análogamente en la pesquería industrial predominaron los individuos jóvenes (edades O, 1 y 2).


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Se estudia la recuperación de los bancos de los mitílidos Aulacomya ater y Semimytilus algosus después de agosto de 1983 en la Bahía de Ancón y después de agosto de 1986 en Bahía Independencia. En la Bahía de Ancón la recolonización de Semimytilus algosus se inició en octubre de 1983, sostenida por una intensiva proliferación de larvas en el plancton. En febrero de 1984 alcanz.aban una máxima longitud de 31mm y los otros constituyentes de la comunidad estaban completando su recuperación. Sin embargo, hasta marzo de 1987 no habían evidencias de una recuperación de A. ater. En Bahía Independencia hubo una recuperación de S. algosus en el nivel intermareal. En agosto de 1986 recién encontramos una recolonización simultánea de ambos mitílidos en los rizoides de las algas pardas (Macrocystis pyrifera y Lessonia spp.). En los meses posteriores las algas pardas extendieron su distribución vertical de los 6 m hasta más de 12 m de profundidad y junto con ellos también A. ater. Se discute los mecanismos y procesos que estarían implicados en la diferente recolonización de las comunidades de mitílidos en las orillas y fondos rocosos de las dos áreas de estudio.


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Alteplase has been shown to be effective in preventing central venous access clotting in patients on hemodialysis. Because of a high phosphorus content in its excipient, it can inadvertently contaminate blood samples, leading the physician in care of the patient to erroneously increase dialysis time or change diet in order to control the pseudo-hyperphosphatemia.


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The last several years have seen an increasing number of studies that describe effects of oxytocin and vasopressin on the behavior of animals or humans. Studies in humans have reported behavioral changes and, through fMRI, effects on brain function. These studies are paralleled by a large number of reports, mostly in rodents, that have also demonstrated neuromodulatory effects by oxytocin and vasopressin at the circuit level in specific brain regions. It is the scope of this review to give a summary of the most recent neuromodulatory findings in rodents with the aim of providing a potential neurophysiological basis for their behavioral effects. At the same time, these findings may point to promising areas for further translational research towards human applications.


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Several Locus-Specific DataBases (LSDBs) have recently been approached by larger, more general data repositories (including NCBI and UCSC) with the request to share the DNA variant data they have collected. Within the Human Genome Variation Society (HGVS) a document was generated summarizing the issues related to these requests. The document has been circulated in the HGVS/LSDB community and was discussed extensively. Here we summarize these discussions and present the concluded recommendations for LSDB data sharing with central repositories.


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This paper analyses how banking regulation was introduced in Switzerland - one of the world's most prominent financial centres - which remained in place until the beginning of the twenty-first century. It shows that the law adopted on 8 November 1934 is a perfect example of capture of the regulator by the regulated. Essentially a political response in the context of the economic crisis of the 1930s, it largely reflected the interests of banking circles by limiting the intervention of the State as much as possible. The introduction of the new legislation was facilitated by the temporary weakness of Swiss banking circles, as they depended on the State to delay or prevent the collapse of many major credit institutions. They did not manage to derail the law as they had two decades earlier when they scuppered the federal bill on banks drawn up between 1914 and 1916. But this time they were better organized and more united, and intervened all the more effectively in the legislative process itself. The 1934 law is thus distinctive in that it made no structural changes to the architecture of the financial centre but merely codified its practices through flexible legislation meant to reassure the public. The law was aimed less at controlling banking activity than at keeping - thanks to skilfully calibrated political concessions - the State from having to intervene more directly in the internal management of banks or in the fixing of interest rates and the export of capital.