955 resultados para Cellular prion protein
The infected cell protein 0 (ICP0) of herpes simplex virus 1, a promiscuous transactivator shown to enhance the expression of genes introduced into cells by infection or transfection, interacts with numerous cellular proteins and has been linked to the disruption of ND10 and degradation of several proteins. ICP0 contains a RING finger domain characteristic of a class of E3 ubiquitin ligases. We report that: (i) in infected cells, ICP0 interacts dynamically with proteasomes and is bound to proteasomes in the presence of the proteasome inhibitor MG132. Also in infected cells, cdc34, a polyubiquitinated E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme, exhibits increased ICP0-dependent dynamic interaction with proteasomes. (ii) In an in vitro substrate-independent ubiquitination system, the RING finger domain encoded by exon 2 of ICP0 binds cdc34, whereas the carboxyl-terminal domain of ICP0 functions as an E3 ligase independent of the RING finger domain. The results indicate that ICP0 can act as a unimolecular E3 ubiquitin ligase and that it promotes ubiquitin-protein ligation and binds the E2 cdc34. It differs from other unimolecular E3 ligases in that the domain containing the RING finger binds E2, whereas the ligase activity maps to a different domain of the protein. The results also suggest that ICP0 shuttles between nucleus and cytoplasm as a function of its dynamic interactions with proteasomes.
The group C adenovirus E4orf6 protein has previously been shown to bind to the p53 cellular tumor suppressor protein and block its ability to activate transcription. Here we show that the E4orf6 protein blocks the induction of p53-mediated apoptosis when AT6 cells, which harbor a temperature-sensitive p53, are shifted to the permissive temperature. The E4orf6 protein does not, however, prevent the induction of apoptosis in p53-deficient H1299 cells by treatment with tumor necrosis factor alpha and cycloheximide. The E4orf6 protein also cooperates with the adenovirus E1A protein to transform primary baby rat kidney cells, and it cooperates with the adenovirus E1A plus E1B 19-kDa and E1B 55-kDa proteins to increase the number of baby rat kidney cell transformants and enhance the rate at which they arise. The level of p53 is substantially reduced in transformed cells expressing the E4orf6 protein in comparison to adenovirus transformants lacking it. The E4orf6 gene also accelerates tumor formation when transformed baby rat kidney cells are injected subcutaneously into the nude mouse, and it converts human 293 cells from nontumorigenic to tumorigenic in nude mice. In addition to the well-studied E1A and E1B oncogenes, group C adenoviruses harbor a third oncogene, E4orf6, which functions in some respects similarly to the E1B oncogene.
Human hepatitis B virus genome encodes a protein, termed HBx, that is widely recognized as a transcriptional transactivator. While HBx does not directly bind cis-acting transcriptional control elements, it has been shown to associate with cellular proteins that bind DNA. Because HBx transactivated a large number of viral/cellular transcriptional control elements, we looked for its targets within the components of the basal transcriptional machinery. This search led to the identification of its interactions with TFIIH. Here, we show that HBx interacts with yeast and mammalian TFIIH complexes both in vitro and in vivo. These interactions between HBx and the components of TFIIH are supported by several lines of evidence including results from immunoprocedures and direct methods of measuring interactions. We have identified ERCC3 and ERCC2 DNA helicase subunits of holoenzyme TFIIH as targets of HBx interactions. Furthermore, the DNA helicase activity of purified TFIIH from rat liver and, individually, the ERCC2 component of TFIIH is stimulated in the presence of HBx. These observations suggest a role for HBx in transcription and DNA repair.
Advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs) are derivatives of nonenzymatic reactions between sugars and protein or lipids, and together with AGE-specific receptors are involved in numerous pathogenic processes associated with aging and hyperglycemia. Two of the known AGE-binding proteins isolated from rat liver membranes, p60 and p90, have been partially sequenced. We now report that the N-terminal sequence of p60 exhibits 95% identity to OST-48, a 48-kDa member of the oligosaccharyltransferase complex found in microsomal membranes, while sequence analysis of p90 revealed 73% and 85% identity to the N-terminal and internal sequences, respectively, of human 80K-H, a 80- to 87-kDa protein substrate for protein kinase C. AGE-ligand and Western analyses of purified oligosaccharyltransferase complex, enriched rough endoplasmic reticulum, smooth endoplasmic reticulum, and plasma membranes from rat liver or RAW 264.7 macrophages yielded a single protein of approximately 50 kDa recognized by both anti-p60 and anti-OST-48 antibodies, and also exhibited AGE-specific binding. Immunoprecipitated OST-48 from rat rough endoplasmic reticulum fractions exhibited both AGE binding and immunoreactivity to an anti-p60 antibody. Immune IgG raised to recombinant OST-48 and 80K-H inhibited binding of AGE-bovine serum albumin to cell membranes in a dose-dependent manner. Immunostaining and flow cytometry demonstrated the surface expression of OST-48 and 80K-H on numerous cell types and tissues, including mononuclear, endothelial, renal, and brain neuronal and glial cells. We conclude that the AGE receptor components p60 and p90 are identical to OST-48, and 80K-H, respectively, and that they together contribute to the processing of AGEs from extra- and intracellular compartments and in the cellular responses associated with these pathogenic substances.
The 5' noncoding region of poliovirus RNA contains an internal ribosome entry site (IRES) for cap-independent initiation of translation. Utilization of the IRES requires the participation of one or more cellular proteins that mediate events in the translation initiation reaction, but whose biochemical roles have not been defined. In this report, we identify a cellular RNA binding protein isolated from the ribosomal salt wash of uninfected HeLa cells that specifically binds to stem-loop IV, a domain located in the central part of the poliovirus IRES. The protein was isolated by specific RNA affinity chromatography, and 55% of its sequence was determined by automated liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. The sequence obtained matched that of poly(rC) binding protein 2 (PCBP2), previously identified as an RNA binding protein from human cells. PCBP2, as well as a related protein, PCBP1, was over-expressed in Escherichia coli after cloning the cDNAs into an expression plasmid to produce a histidine-tagged fusion protein. Specific interaction between recombinant PCBP2 and poliovirus stem-loop IV was demonstrated by RNA mobility shift analysis. The closely related PCBP1 showed no stable interaction with the RNA. Stem-loop IV RNA containing a three nucleotide insertion that abrogates translation activity and virus viability was unable to bind PCBP2.
Reactive oxygen species are common causes of cellular damages in all aerobic organisms. In Escherichia coli, the oxyR gene product is a positive regulator of the oxyR regulon that is induced in response to H2O2 stress. To identify genes involved in counteracting oxidative stress in plants, we transformed a delta oxyR mutant of E. coli with an Arabidopsis thaliana cDNA library and selected for clones that restored the ability of the delta oxyR mutant to grow in the presence of H2O2. Using this approach, we isolated a cDNA that has strong homology with the annexin super-gene family. The complemented mutant showed higher catalase activity. mRNA expression of the annexin gene in A. thaliana was higher in roots as compared with other organs and was also increased when the plants were exposed to H2O2 stress or salicylic acid. Based on the results presented in this study, we propose a novel physiological role for annexin in counteracting H2O2 stress.
Studies of gene regulation have revealed that several transcriptional regulators can switch between activator and repressor depending upon both the promoter and the cellular context. A relatively simple prokaryotic example is illustrated by the Escherichia coli CytR regulon. In this system, the cAMP receptor protein (CRP) assists the binding of RNA polymerase as well as a specific negative regulator, CytR. Thus, CRP functions either as an activator or as a corepressor. Here we show that, depending on promoter architecture, the CRP/CytR nucleoprotein complex has opposite effects on transcription. When acting from a site close to the DNA target for RNA polymerase, CytR interacts with CRP to repress transcription, whereas an interaction with CRP from appropriately positioned upstream binding sites can result in formation of a huge preinitiation complex and transcriptional activation. Based on recent results about CRP-mediated regulation of transcription initiation and the finding that CRP possesses discrete surface-exposed patches for protein-protein interaction with RNA polymerase and CytR, a molecular model for this dual regulation is discussed.
Short- and long-term ethanol exposures have been shown to alter cellular levels of cAMP, but little is known about the effects of ethanol on cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA). When cAMP levels increase, the catalytic subunit of PKA (C alpha) is released from the regulatory subunit, phosphorylates nearby proteins, and then translocates to the nucleus, where it regulates gene expression. Altered localization of C alpha would have profound effects on multiple cellular functions. Therefore, we investigated whether ethanol alters intracellular localization of C alpha. NG108-15 cells were incubated in the presence or absence of ethanol for as long as 48 h, and localization of PKA subunits was determined by immunocytochemistry. We found that ethanol exposure produced a significant translocation of C alpha from the Golgi area to the nucleus. C alpha remained in the nucleus as long as ethanol was present. There was no effect of ethanol on localization of the type I regulatory subunit of PKA. Ethanol also caused a 43% decrease in the amount of type I regulatory subunit but had no effect on the amount of C alpha as determined by Western blot. These data suggest that ethanol-induced translocation of C alpha to the nucleus may account, in part, for diverse changes in cellular function and gene expression produced by alcohol.
Histone H1, a major structural component of chromatin fiber, is believed to act as a general repressor of transcription. To investigate in vivo the role of this protein in transcription regulation during development of a multicellular organism, we made transgenic tobacco plants that overexpress the gene for Arabidopsis histone H1. In all plants that overexpressed H1 the total H1-to-DNA ratio in chromatin increased 2.3-2.8 times compared with the physiological level. This was accompanied by 50-100% decrease of native tobacco H1. The phenotypic changes in H1-overexpressing plants ranged from mild to severe perturbations in morphological appearance and flowering. No correlation was observed between the extent of phenotypic change and the variation in the amount of overexpressed H1 or the presence or absence of the native tobacco H1. However, the severe phenotypic changes were correlated with early occurrence during plant growth of cells with abnormally heterochromatinized nuclei. Such cells occurred considerably later in plants with milder changes. Surprisingly, the ability of cells with highly heterochromatinized nuclei to fulfill basic physiological functions, including differentiation, was not markedly hampered. The results support the suggestion that chromatin structural changes dependent on H1 stoichiometry and on the profile of major H1 variants have limited regulatory effect on the activity of genes that control basal cellular functions. However, the H1-mediated chromatin changes can be of much greater importance for the regulation of genes involved in control of specific developmental programs.
The recently sequenced genome of the parasitic bacterium Mycoplasma genitalium contains only 468 identified protein-coding genes that have been dubbed a minimal gene complement [Fraser, C.M., Gocayne, J.D., White, O., Adams, M.D., Clayton, R.A., et al. (1995) Science 270, 397-403]. Although the M. genitalium gene complement is indeed the smallest among known cellular life forms, there is no evidence that it is the minimal self-sufficient gene set. To derive such a set, we compared the 468 predicted M. genitalium protein sequences with the 1703 protein sequences encoded by the other completely sequenced small bacterial genome, that of Haemophilus influenzae. M. genitalium and H. influenzae belong to two ancient bacterial lineages, i.e., Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, respectively. Therefore, the genes that are conserved in these two bacteria are almost certainly essential for cellular function. It is this category of genes that is most likely to approximate the minimal gene set. We found that 240 M. genitalium genes have orthologs among the genes of H. influenzae. This collection of genes falls short of comprising the minimal set as some enzymes responsible for intermediate steps in essential pathways are missing. The apparent reason for this is the phenomenon that we call nonorthologous gene displacement when the same function is fulfilled by nonorthologous proteins in two organisms. We identified 22 nonorthologous displacements and supplemented the set of orthologs with the respective M. genitalium genes. After examining the resulting list of 262 genes for possible functional redundancy and for the presence of apparently parasite-specific genes, 6 genes were removed. We suggest that the remaining 256 genes are close to the minimal gene set that is necessary and sufficient to sustain the existence of a modern-type cell. Most of the proteins encoded by the genes from the minimal set have eukaryotic or archaeal homologs but seven key proteins of DNA replication do not. We speculate that the last common ancestor of the three primary kingdoms had an RNA genome. Possibilities are explored to further reduce the minimal set to model a primitive cell that might have existed at a very early stage of life evolution.
Two genetic events contribute to the development of endemic Burkitt lymphoma (BL) infection of B lymphocytes with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and the activation of the protooncogene c-myc through chromosomal translocation. The viral genes EBV nuclear antigen 2 (EBNA2) and latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) are essential for transformation of primary human B cells by EBV in vitro; however, these genes are not expressed in BL cells in vivo. To address the question whether c-myc activation might abrogate the requirement of the EBNA2 and LMP1 function, we have introduced an activated c-myc gene into an EBV-transformed cell line in which EBNA2 was rendered estrogen-dependent through fusion with the hormone binding domain of the estrogen receptor. The c-myc gene was placed under the control of regulatory elements of the immunoglobulin kappa locus composed a matrix attachment region, the intron enhancer, and the 3' enhancer. We show here that transfection of a c-myc expression plasmid followed by selection for high MYC expression is capable of inducing continuous proliferation of these cells in the absence of functional EBNA2 and LMP1. c-myc-induced hormone-independent proliferation was associated with a dramatic change in the growth behavior as well as cell surface marker expression of these cells. The typical lymphoblastoid morphology and phenotype of EBV-transformed cells completely changed into that of BL cells in vivo. We conclude that the phenotype of BL cells reflects the expression pattern of viral and cellular genes rather than its germinal center origin.
Cells infected with herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) undergo productive or latent infection without exhibiting features characteristic of apoptosis. In this report, we show that HSV-1 induces apoptosis but has evolved a function that blocks apoptosis induced by infection as well as by other means. Specifically, (i) Vero cells infected with a HSV-1 mutant deleted in the regulatory gene alpha 4 (that encodes repressor and transactivating functions), but not those infected with wild-type HSV-1(F), exhibit cytoplasmic blebbing, chromatin condensation, and fragmented DNA detected as a ladder in agarose gels or by labeling free DNA ends with terminal transferase; (ii) Vero cells infected with wild-type HSV-1(F) or cells expressing the alpha 4 gene and infected with the alpha 4- virus did not exhibit apoptosis; (iii) fragmentation of cellular DNA was observed in Vero cells that were mock-infected or infected with the alpha 4- virus and maintained at 39.5 degrees C, but not in cells infected with wild-type virus and maintained at the same temperature. Wild-type strains of HSV-1 with limited extrahuman passages, such as HSV-1 (F), carry a temperature-sensitive lesion in the alpha 4 gene and at 39.5 degrees C only alpha genes are expressed. These results indicate that the product of the alpha 4 gene is able to suppress apoptosis induced by the virus as well by other means.
Pediatric alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma is characterized by a chromosomal translocation that fuses parts of the PAX3 and FKHR genes. PAX3 codes for a transcriptional regulator that controls developmental programs, and FKHR codes for a forkhead-winged helix protein, also a likely transcription factor. The PAX3-FKHR fusion product retains the DNA binding domains of the PAX3 protein and the putative activator domain of the FKHR protein. The PAX3-FKHR protein has been shown to function as a transcriptional activator. Using the RCAS retroviral vector, we have introduced the PAX3-FKHR gene into chicken embryo fibroblasts. Expression of the PAX3-FKHR protein in these cells leads to transformation: the cells become enlarged, grow tightly packed and in multiple layers, and acquire the ability for anchorage-independent growth. This cellular transformation in vitro will facilitate studies on the mechanism of PAX3-FKHR-induced oncogenesis.
The exact role of the pfmdr1 gene in the emergence of drug resistance in the malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum remains controversial. pfmdr1 is a member of the ATP binding cassette (ABC) superfamily of transporters that includes the mammalian P-glycoprotein family. We have introduced wild-type and mutant variants of the pfmdr1 gene in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and have analyzed the effect of pfmdr1 expression on cellular resistance to quinoline-containing antimalarial drugs. Yeast transformants expressing either wild-type or a mutant variant of mouse P-glycoprotein were also analyzed. Dose-response studies showed that expression of wild-type pfmdr1 causes cellular resistance to quinine, quinacrine, mefloquine, and halofantrine in yeast cells. Using quinacrine as substrate, we observed that increased resistance to this drug in pfmdr1 transformants was associated with decreased cellular accumulation and a concomitant increase in drug release from preloaded cells. The introduction of amino acid polymorphisms in TM11 of Pgh-1 (pfmdr1 product) associated with drug resistance in certain field isolates of P. falciparum abolished the capacity of this protein to confer drug resistance. Thus, these findings suggest that Pgh-1 may act as a drug transporter in a manner similar to mammalian P-glycoprotein and that sequence variants associated with drug-resistance pfmdr1 alleles behave as loss of function mutations.
The Zn(Scys)4 unit is present in numerous proteins, where it assumes structural, regulatory, or catalytic roles. The same coordination is found naturally around iron in rubredoxins, several structures of which have been refined at resolutions of, or near to, 1 A. The fold of the small protein rubredoxin around its metal ion is an excellent model for many zinc finger proteins. Zn-substituted rubredoxin and its Fe-containing counterpart were both obtained as the products of the expression in Escherichia coli of the rubredoxin-encoding gene from Clostridium pasteurianum. The structures of both proteins have been refined with an anisotropic model at atomic resolution (1.1 A, R = 8.3% for Fe-rubredoxin, and 1.2 A, R = 9.6% for Zn-rubredoxin) and are very similar. The most significant differences are increased lengths of the M-S bonds in Zn-rubredoxin (average length, 2.345 A) as compared with Fe-rubredoxin (average length, 2.262 A). An increase of the CA-CB-SG-M dihedral angles involving Cys-6 and Cys-39, the first cysteines of each of the Cys-Xaa-Xaa-Cys metal binding motifs, has been observed. Another consequence of the replacement of iron by zinc is that the region around residues 36-46 undergoes larger displacements than the remainder of the polypeptide chain. Despite these changes, the main features of the FeS4 site, namely a local 2-fold symmetry and the characteristic network of N-H...S hydrogen bonds, are conserved in the ZnS4 site. The Zn-substituted rubredoxin provides the first precise structure of a Zn(Scys)4 unit in a protein. The nearly identical fold of rubredoxin around iron or zinc suggests that at least in some of the sites where the metal has mainly a structural role-e.g., zinc fingers-the choice of the relevant metal may be directed by its cellular availability and mobilization processes rather than by its chemical nature.