976 resultados para Cation symmetry
The basic photosynthetic unit containing the reaction centre and the light-harvesting I complex (RC-LHI) of the purple non-sulphur bacterium Rhodospirillum rubrum was purified and reconstituted into two-dimensional (2D) membrane crystals. Transmission electron microscopy using conventional techniques and cryoelectron microscopy of the purified single particles and of 2D crystals yielded a projection of the RC-LHI complex at a resolution of at least 1.6 nm. In this projection the LHI ring appears to have a square symmetry and packs in a square crystal lattice. The square geometry of the LHI ring was observed also in images of single isolated particles of the RC-LHI complex. However, although the LHI units are packed identically within the crystal lattice, a new rotational analysis developed here showed that the reaction centres take up one of four possible orientations within the ring. This fourfold disorder supports our interpretation of a square ring symmetry and suggests that a hitherto undetected component may be present within the photosynthetic unit.
Exact formulas for the effective eigenvalue characterizing the initial decay of intensity correlation functions are given in terms of stationary moments of the intensity. Spontaneous emission noise and nonwhite pump noise are considered. Our results are discussed in connection with earlier calculations, simulations, and experimental results for single-mode dye lasers, two-mode inhomogeneously broadened lasers, and two-mode dye ring lasers. The effective eigenvalue is seen to depend sensitively on noise characteristics and symmetry properties of the system. In particular, the effective eigenvalue associated with cross correlations of two-mode lasers is seen to vanish in the absence of pump noise as a consequence of detailed balance. In the presence of pump noise, the vanishing of this eigenvalue requires equal pump parameters for the two modes and statistical independence of spontaneous emission noise acting on each mode.
We consider the two Higgs doublet model extension of the standard model in the limit where all physical scalar particles are very heavy, too heavy, in fact, to be experimentally produced in forthcoming experiments. The symmetry-breaking sector can thus be described by an effective chiral Lagrangian. We obtain the values of the coefficients of the O(p4) operators relevant to the oblique corrections and investigate to what extent some nondecoupling effects may remain at low energies. A comparison with recent CERN LEP data shows that this model is indistinguishable from the standard model with one doublet and with a heavy Higgs boson, unless the scalar mass splittings are large.
We study the Becchi-Rouet-Stora-Tyutin (BRST) structure of a self-interacting antisymmetric tensor gauge field, which has an on-shell null-vector gauge transformation. The Batalin-Vilkovisky covariant general formalism is briefly reviewed, and the issue of on-shell nilpotency of the BRST transformation is elucidated. We establish the connection between the covariant and the canonical BRST formalisms for our particular theory. Finally, we point out the similarities and differences with Wittens string field theory.
The propagator of a relativistic spinning particle is calculated using the Becchi-Rouet-Stora-Tyutin-(BRST)-invariant path-integral formalism of Fradkin and Vilkovisky. The spinless case is considered as an introduction to the formalism.
Diffeomorphism-induced symmetry transformations and time evolution are distinct operations in generally covariant theories formulated in phase space. Time is not frozen. Diffeomorphism invariants are consequently not necessarily constants of the motion. Time-dependent invariants arise through the choice of an intrinsic time, or equivalently through the imposition of time-dependent gauge fixation conditions. One example of such a time-dependent gauge fixing is the Komar-Bergmann use of Weyl curvature scalars in general relativity. An analogous gauge fixing is also imposed for the relativistic free particle and the resulting complete set time-dependent invariants for this exactly solvable model are displayed. In contrast with the free particle case, we show that gauge invariants that are simultaneously constants of motion cannot exist in general relativity. They vary with intrinsic time.
The use of organic-mineral fertilizer produced by the manufacturing industry of lysine and threonine amino acids can improve the fertility of tropical soils. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of different doses of the organic-mineral fertilizer named Ajifer L-14 on chemical properties and on the response with increased production of a forage on a Red Latosol in the northwestern region of São Paulo State, Brazil. A randomized block design was used with seven treatments and four replications. The treatments consisted of: T1- control (without application of Ajifer L-14); T2- control (natural vegetation); T3- mineral fertilization according to crop requirements and soil analysis (application of 1.35 kg plot-1 of urea, 2.20 single superphosphate, and 0.51 KCl, corresponding to 60 of N, 40 P2O5 and 30 kg ha-1 of K2O); T4- fertilization with Ajifer L-14 according to the recommendation resulting from the soil chemical analysis (40 L plot-1, corresponding to 60 kg ha-1 N); T5- fertilization with Ajifer L-14, at a rate of 150 % of the recommended values (60 L plot-1, corresponding to 90 kg ha-1 N); T6- fertilization with Ajifer L-14 at a rate of 50 % of the recommended values (20 L plot-1, corresponding to 30 kg ha-1 N); T7- fertilization with Ajifer L-14 at a rate of 125 % of the recommended values (50 L plot-1, corresponding to 75 kg ha-1 N); T8- fertilization with Ajifer L-14 at a rate of 75 % of the recommended values (30 L plot-1, corresponding to 45 kg ha-1 N). The following soil chemical properties were evaluated (layers 0.0-0.1 and 0.1-0.2 m): P, organic matter, pH, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, cation exchange capacity, potential acidity, and base saturation. The application of this organic-mineral fertilizer does not influence the soil chemical properties. Regression analysis indicated a polynomial relationship between the application rates of organic-mineral fertilizer and the production of dry matter and crude protein of Bracharia Brizantha.
We present a numerical method for generating vortex rings in Bose-Einstein condensates confined in axially symmetric traps. The vortex ring is generated using the line-source approximation for the vorticity, i.e., the curl of the superfluid velocity field is different from zero only on a circumference of a given radius located on a plane perpendicular to the symmetry axis and coaxial with it. The particle density is obtained by solving a modified Gross-Pitaevskii equation that incorporates the effect of the velocity field. We discuss the appearance of density profiles, the vortex core structure, and the vortex nucleation energy, i.e., the energy difference between vortical and ground-state configurations. This is used to present a qualitative description of the vortex dynamics.
Acoustic emission avalanche distributions are studied in different alloy systems that exhibit a phase transition from a bcc to a close-packed structure. After a small number of thermal cycles through the transition, the distributions become critically stable (exhibit power-law behavior) and can be characterized by an exponent alpha. The values of alpha can be classified into universality classes, which depend exclusively on the symmetry of the resulting close-packed structure.
We study the response of Turing stripe patterns to a simple spatiotemporal forcing. This forcing has the form of a traveling wave and is spatially resonant with the characteristic Turing wavelength. Experiments conducted with the photosensitive chlorine dioxide-iodine-malonic acid reaction reveal a striking symmetry-breaking phenomenon of the intrinsic striped patterns giving rise to hexagonal lattices for intermediate values of the forcing velocity. The phenomenon is understood in the framework of the corresponding amplitude equations, which unveils a complex scenario of dynamical behaviors.
The impact of agro-industrial organic wastes in the environment can be reduced when used in agriculture. From the standpoint of soil fertility, residue applications can increase the organic matter content and provide nutrients for plants. This study evaluated the effect of biological sludge from gelatin industry on the chemical properties of two Ultisols (loamy sand and sandy clay) and an Oxisol (clay). The experiment lasted 120 days and was carried out in laboratory in a completely randomized design with factorial arrangement, combining the three soils and six biological sludge rates (0, 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500 m³ ha-1), with three replications. Biological sludge rates of up to 500 m³ ha-1 decreased soil acidity and increased the effective cation exchange capacity (CEC) and N, Ca, Mg, and P availability, without exceeding the tolerance limit for Na. The increase in exchangeable base content, greater than the effective CEC, indicates that the major part of cations added by the sludge remains in solution and can be lost by leaching.
We study dynamics of domain walls in pattern forming systems that are externally forced by a moving space-periodic modulation close to 2:1 spatial resonance. The motion of the forcing induces nongradient dynamics, while the wave number mismatch breaks explicitly the chiral symmetry of the domain walls. The combination of both effects yields an imperfect nonequilibrium Ising-Bloch bifurcation, where all kinks (including the Ising-like one) drift. Kink velocities and interactions are studied within the generic amplitude equation. For nonzero mismatch, a transition to traveling bound kink-antikink pairs and chaotic wave trains occurs.
Following a model based on the SU(8) symmetry that treats heavy pseudoscalars and heavy vector mesons on an equal footing, as required by heavy quark symmetry, we study the interaction of baryons and mesons in coupled channels within an unitary approach that generates dynamically poles in the scattering T-matrix. We concentrate in the exotic channels with negative charm quantum number for which there is the experimental claim of one state.