994 resultados para Castro Ruz, Juanita, , 1933 -
Durante el Maximato, período azotado por la crisis económica mundial, el Gobierno del Estado se encontraba orgulloso por el notable control que ejercía sobre las masas campesinas que veían cubiertas sus necesidades en forma parcial, al estar aglutinadas en una organización agraria ideada por un sistema paternalista y populista
Dissertação de mest. em Gestão e Conservação da Natureza, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Univ. do Algarve, 2006
Dissertação de mest. em Estudos Marinhos e Costeiros Ramo Gestão Costeira, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Univ. do Algarve, 2002
Se señala la pertinencia, cultural e histórica de las letras costarricenses, y el escaso conocimiento en el entorno europeo. A partir del análisis de la traducción al alemán de la novela Los Peor, de Fernando Contreras, se estudian dos aspectos: la localidad esencial en la discursividad literaria del texto original, y las operaciones respectivas que desde ese mismo punto de vista se ejerce en la traducción. Se comenta como rasgo destacado el efecto de extrañamiento que emite la obra, favorable como expectativa estética en el lector europeo; ello propicia interés literario, traductológico y editorial.Reference i s made to the cultural and historical relevance of Costa Rican literature and the fact that it is not well known in Europe. With the analysis of the German translation of Los Peor by Fernando Contreras, two aspects are addressed: the essential place of the literary discourse of the original text and the respective operations which take place from that same perspective in the translation. One outstanding feature mentioned is the effect of estrangement that this novel conveys; this is considered positive by the European reader and promotes interest from the perspective of literature, translation and publishers.
O Museu do Território, descentralizado e polinucleado, sediado no Museu Maria da Fontinha, compreende 50 núcleos, de diversificados patrimónios: geológico (Geoparque de Arouca), arqueológico (castros, dólmens ou orcas) religioso (mosteiros, igrejas e ermidas), histórico, gastronómico, paisagístico, artístico, musical e do "saber fazer". Pretende-se a preservação de identidades, memórias, patrimónios, tangíveis e intangíveis, garantindo a auto-estima das populações abrangidas, buscando sempre um desenvolvimento, um ambiente e um turismo sustentáveis, para acréscimo da melhoria económica e social. Respeitar-se-ão sempre os princípios da museologia. O presente trabalho/dissertação descreve com algum pormenor a transformação da Casa-Museu Maria da Fontinha, com 26 anos de existência, em Museu Maria da Fontinha. O Museu abrange territórios de 28 freguesias dos Municípios de Arouca, Castro Daire, São Pedro do Sul e Vila Nova de Paiva. ABSTRACT: The Museum of the Territory, decentralized and polynucleated, based in the Museum of Maria da Fontinha, includes 50 centres of diverse heritages: geological (Geoparque of Arouca), archaeological (castors, dolmens or orcas), religious (monasteries, churches and hermitages), history, food, landscape, artistic, musical and know-how. It wishes the protection of identities, memories and tangible and intangible heritages, and thus ensuring the self-esteem of the populations concerned, proceeding with the development, the environment and the sustainable tourism, to achieve better economic and social improvement, always respecting the museology principles. The principales of museology will always be respected. The present work thesis describes in detail the transformation of CasaMuseu Maria da Fontinha, with its 26 years of existence, into Museu Maria da Fontinha. The Museum covers areas of 28 parishes of the Arouca, Castro Daire, São Pedro do Sul and Vila Nova de Paiva Municipalities.
This flyer promotes a book presentation of "Cuba: From Economic Take-off to Collapse under Castro" by co-authors Jorge Salazar-Carrillo and Andro Nodarse-Leon.The book reviews Cuba's economic success pre-Castro, and concludes the Fidel Castro's revolution has been an economic disaster for Cuba. This event was Cosponsored by the Kimberly Green Latin American and Caribbean Center at FIU and will be held on December 15,2015 at Books & Books in Coral Gables, FL.
¿Puede leerse la obra de un estructuralista como Claude LéviStrauss a partir del posestructuralismo de Gilles Deleuze? ¿Cuánto le debe el primero, y su formulación del estructuralismo, al pensamiento amerindio? No sólo en datos, sino en la propia formulación teórica. Estas son algunas de las preguntas capitales que se hace Eduardo Viveiros de Castro en el primero de sus libros traducidos al español, denominado Metafísicas Caníbales, un libro que reelabora y desarrolla artículos anteriormente publicados por el autor. Etnólogo y amazonista brasileño, su influencia teórica se ha acentuado al proponer el concepto de perspectivismo amazónico.
Cada año que pasa desde que se le concediera el premio Nobel en 2009 a Elinor Ostrom por su trabajo en la gobernanza de los bienes comunes sus análisis cobran importancia y más notoriedad. El mundo que nos rodea está cambiando de forma rápida y constante, creando nuevos retos a nivel mundial. Los resultados de las investigaciones de Elinor Ostrom (1933-2012) han levantado expectativas sobre mecanismos alternativos para movernos hacia un entorno político, social, económico y natural renovado y más sostenible. En este trabajo se explora la perspectiva de esta pensadora respecto a cuestiones como la sostenibilidad de los recursos naturales, la organización social o la iniciativa individual dejando a un lado la dicotomía estado-mercado.
In this study we analyze the feeding ecology and trophic relationships of some of the main fish species (Soleidae, Moronidae, Mullidae, Sparidae, Mugilidae, and Batrachoididae) of the lower Estuary of the Guadiana River and the Castro Marim e Vila Real de Santo Antonio Salt Marsh. We examined the stomachs of 1415 fish caught monthly between September 2000 and August 2001. Feeding indices and coefficients were determined and used along with the results of multivariate analysis to develop diagrams of trophic interactions (food webs). Results show that these species are largely opportunistic predators. The most important prey items are amphipods, gobies (Gobiidae), shrimps (Palaemon serratus and Crangon crangon), and polychaete worms. The lower Estuary and associated salt marshes are important nurseries and feeding grounds for the species studied. In this area, it is therefore important to monitor the effects of changes in river runoff, nutrient input, and temperature that result from construction of the Alqueva Dam upstream. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We studied the ichthyofauna of the Castro Marim salt marsh based on monthly sampling surveys at five sites between September 2000 and August 2001. Sampling took place at night during rising neap tides using a 40-m long beach seine. We sampled a total of 7955 fish specimens (37 995.7 g), comprising 34 species and 17 families. The occurrence of most species was occasional, with Pomatoschistus microps (51.9%) and Atherina spp. (10.3%) being the most abundant species, accounting for 62.2% of the total fish captured. Biomass was dominated by the marine species Liza ramado (15.9%), Mullus surmuletus (13.5%), and Liza aurata (13.4%). Temperature and salinity showed a seasonal pattern, with minimums during the winter months and maximums during the summer months. In contrast, river flow peaked in winter and was lowest during summer. This pattern in river flow appears to be correlated with variations in the fish assemblages, which present two distinct compositions during the two periods. A few species characterise the winter fish assemblage, with dominance by residents and the presence of freshwater species, while the summer assemblage is characterised by the presence of many marine visitors that use the salt marsh in their first months/years of life. Temporal variations in total abundance and biomass reflect fluctuations in the dominant species. Resident species presented the highest abundance values, while marine adventitious species and marine species that use the salt marsh as a nursery ground contributed most to community species richness. Castro Marim salt marsh constitutes an important ecosystem for fishes, providing habitat for many species, especially juveniles, which find conditions within the salt marsh suitable for their development. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.