952 resultados para Casal
We analyzed the most likely cause of 687 bovine tuberculosis (bTB) breakdowns detected in Spain between 2009 and 2011 (i.e., 22% of the total number of breakdowns detected during this period). Seven possible causes were considered: i) residual infection; ii) introduction of infected cattle from other herds; iii) sharing of pastures with infected herds; iv) contiguous spread from infected neighbor herds; v) presence of infected goats in the farm; vi) interaction with wildlife reservoirs and vii) contact with an infected human. For each possible cause a decision tree was developed and key questions were included in each of them. Answers to these key questions lead to different events within each decision tree. In order to assess the likelihood of occurrence of the different events a qualitative risk assessment approach was used. For this purpose, an expert opinion workshop was organized and ordinal values, ranging from 0 to 9 (i.e., null to very high likelihood of occurrence) were assigned. The analysis identified residual infection as the most frequent cause of bTB breakdowns (22.3%; 95%CI: 19.4-25.6), followed by interaction with wildlife reservoirs (13.1%; 95%CI: 10.8-15.8). The introduction of infected cattle, sharing of pastures and contiguous spread from infected neighbour herds were also identified as relevant causes. In 41.6% (95%CI: 38.0-45.4) of the breakdowns the origin of infection remained unknown. Veterinary officers conducting bTB breakdown investigations have to state their opinion about the possible cause of each breakdown. Comparison between the results of our analysis and the opinion from veterinary officers revealed a slight concordance. This slight agreement might reflect a lack of harmonized criteria to assess the most likely cause of bTB breakdowns as well as different perceptions about the importance of the possible causes. This is especially relevant in the case of the role of wildlife reservoirs.
Mycobacterium bovis causes animal tuberculosis (TB) in cattle, humans, and other mammalian species, including pigs. The goal of this study was to experimentally assess the responses of pigs with and without a history of tonsillectomy to oral vaccination with heat-inactivated M. bovis and challenge with a virulent M. bovis field strain, to compare pig and wild boar responses using the same vaccination model as previously used in the Eurasian wild boar (Sus scrofa), to evaluate the use of several enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) and lateral flow tests for in vivo TB diagnosis in pigs, and to verify if these tests are influenced by oral vaccination with inactivated M. bovis. At necropsy, the lesion and culture scores were 20% to 43% higher in the controls than those in the vaccinated pigs. Massive M. bovis growth from thoracic tissue samples was observed in 4 out of 9 controls but in none of the 10 vaccinated pigs. No effect of the presence or absence of tonsils was observed on these scores, suggesting that tonsils are not involved in the protective response to this vaccine in pigs. The serum antibody levels increased significantly only after challenge. At necropsy, the estimated sensitivities of the ELISAs and dual path platform (DPP) assays ranged from 89% to 94%. In the oral mucosa, no differences in gene expression were observed in the control group between the pigs with and without tonsils. In the vaccinated group, the mRNA levels for chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 7 (CCR7), interferon beta (IFN-β), and methylmalonyl coenzyme A mutase (MUT) were higher in pigs with tonsils. Complement component 3 mRNA levels in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) increased with vaccination and decreased after M. bovis challenge. This information is relevant for pig production in regions that are endemic for M. bovis and for TB vaccine research.
Wildlife vaccination is increasingly being considered as an option for tuberculosis control. We combined data from laboratory trials and an ongoing field trial to assess the risk of an oral Mycobacterium bovis BCG vaccine and a prototype heat-inactivated Mycobacterium bovis preparation for Eurasian wild boar (Sus scrofa). We studied adverse reactions, BCG survival, BCG excretion, and bait uptake by nontarget species. No adverse reactions were observed after administration of BCG (n = 27) or inactivated M. bovis (n = 21). BCG was not found at necropsy (175 to 300 days postvaccination [n = 27]). No BCG excretion was detected in fecal samples (n = 162) or in urine or nasal, oral, or fecal swab samples at 258 days postvaccination (n = 29). In the field, we found no evidence of loss of BCG viability in baits collected after 36 h (temperature range, 11°C to 41°C). Camera trapping showed that wild boar (39%) and birds (56%) were the most frequent visitors to bait stations (selective feeders). Wild boar activity patterns were nocturnal, while diurnal activities were recorded for all bird species. We found large proportions of chewed capsules (29%) (likely ingestion of the vaccine) and lost baits (39%) (presumably consumed), and the proportion of chewed capsules showed a positive correlation with the presence of wild boar. Both results suggest proper bait consumption (68%). These results indicate that BCG vaccination in wild boar is safe and that, while bait consumption by other species is possible, this can be minimized by using selective cages and strict timing of bait deployment.
Because of their relative simplicity and the barriers to gene flow, islands are ideal systems to study the distribution of biodiversity. However, the knowledge that can be extracted from this peculiar ecosystem regarding epidemiology of economically relevant diseases has not been widely addressed. We used information available in the scientific literature for 10 old world islands or archipelagos and original data on Sicily to gain new insights into the epidemiology of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTC). We explored three nonexclusive working hypotheses on the processes modulating bovine tuberculosis (bTB) herd prevalence in cattle and MTC strain diversity: insularity, hosts and trade. Results suggest that bTB herd prevalence was positively correlated with island size, the presence of wild hosts, and the number of imported cattle, but neither with isolation nor with cattle density. MTC strain diversity was positively related with cattle bTB prevalence, presence of wild hosts and the number of imported cattle, but not with island size, isolation, and cattle density. The three most common spoligotype patterns coincided between Sicily and mainland Italy. However in Sicily, these common patterns showed a clearer dominance than on the Italian mainland, and seven of 19 patterns (37%) found in Sicily had not been reported from continental Italy. Strain patterns were not spatially clustered in Sicily. We were able to infer several aspects of MTC epidemiology and control in islands and thus in fragmented host and pathogen populations. Our results point out the relevance of the intensity of the cattle commercial networks in the epidemiology of MTC, and suggest that eradication will prove more difficult with increasing size of the island and its environmental complexity, mainly in terms of the diversity of suitable domestic and wild MTC hosts.
BACKGROUND Eradication of bovine tuberculosis (bTB) through the application of test-and-cull programs is a declared goal of developed countries in which the disease is still endemic. Here, longitudinal data from more than 1,700 cattle herds tested during a 12 year-period in the eradication program in the region of Madrid, Spain, were analyzed to quantify the within-herd transmission coefficient (β) depending on the herd-type (beef/dairy/bullfighting). In addition, the probability to recover the officially bTB free (OTF) status in infected herds depending on the type of herd and the diagnostic strategy implemented was assessed using Cox proportional hazard models. RESULTS Overall, dairy herds showed higher β (median 4.7) than beef or bullfighting herds (2.3 and 2.2 respectively). Introduction of interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) as an ancillary test produced an apparent increase in the β coefficient regardless of production type, likely due to an increase in diagnostic sensitivity. Time to recover OTF status was also significantly lower in dairy herds, and length of bTB episodes was significantly reduced when the IFN-γ was implemented to manage the outbreak. CONCLUSIONS Our results suggest that bTB spreads more rapidly in dairy herds compared to other herd types, a likely cause being management and demographic-related factors. However, outbreaks in dairy herds can be controlled more rapidly than in typically extensive herd types. Finally, IFN-γ proved its usefulness to rapidly eradicate bTB at a herd-level.
Este trabajo analiza una muestra de sociedades cooperativas gallegas para verificar si es posible inferir diferencias en las conductas financieras de los socios a partir de la cuantía del excedente contable. Con esta finalidad se añade al valor del excedente, el resultado de las variaciones registradas en determinadas partidas contables que incluyen otras rentas residuales. El reparto de dichas rentas revela que los socios no optan generalizadamente por la anticipación completa de las rentas residuales. Se deduce, por tanto, la existencia de empresas que escogen una estrategia de excedente positivo, diferente de la estrategia de excedente nulo planteada por la teoría financiera clásica. En la muestra seleccionada, las diferencias entre ambas estrategias son estadísticamente significativas, lo que abre la puerta, en futuros trabajos, a investigar qué factores pueden explicar la renuncia voluntaria de los socios a la percepción anticipada de todas estas rentas residuales. Tal conducta sólo se evidencia cuando se declara un resultado positivo, de ahí la utilidad del excedente contable en el análisis de la información financiera de la sociedad cooperativa.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no ISPA – Instituto Universitário para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica
Os constrangimentos da atualidade exigem que os dois elementos do casal trabalhem e dividam tarefas e responsabilidades familiares. Portanto, a incompatibilidade entre os domínios do trabalho e da família é uma realidade de grande importância. A difícil articulação destes dois domínios conduz à vivência do fenómeno designado por conflito trabalho-família (CTF). Sendo o CTF um conceito alvo de inúmeras investigações, considerou-se relevante estudá-lo no contexto da educação. Deste modo, o presente estudo tem como objetivo avaliar o tipo de relação existente entre o CTF e determinadas atitudes e emoções sentidas pelos professores. Mais especificamente, pretende-se observar em que medida o CTF diminui o empenhamento afetivo (EA) e a felicidade (FEL) dos professores e proporciona o aumento dos seus níveis de stress. Neste sentido, é pretendida a análise das seguintes hipóteses de investigação: 1) O CTF relaciona-se negativamente com o EA do professor; 2) O CTF relaciona-se negativamente com a FEL do professor; 3) O CTF relaciona-se positivamente com o STRESS do professor. A amostra desta investigação é composta por 102 professores do ensino público e privado que responderam, voluntariamente, ao questionário apresentado no Anexo 1. A análise dos respetivos resultados foi realizada com recurso a correlações e regressões. Na geralidade, os docentes revelaram que o CTF está negativa e significativamente relacionado com o EA e com a FEL e positiva e significativamente relacionado com o STRESS. Foram confirmadas todas as hipóteses previamente formuladas. Os resultados obtidos nesta investigação contribuem para colmatar a falta de estudos sobre a relação entre estes conceitos no contexto da profissão docente. Além disso, a aplicabilidade deste tipo de estudos acaba por ser percebida apenas quando se percecionam os seus efeitos no desenvolvimento e implementação de estratégias que conduzam ao sucesso do equilíbrio na relação trabalho-família.
O romance Cântico Final insta o leitor a refletir sobre o significado da vida num Mundo em que, conforme afirma Elsa (uma das personagens centrais da obra), Deus morrera: “ […] que pena Deus ter morrido! Já o não podemos desafiar…” (147).Porém, ao proclamarem a morte de Deus, quer Elsa, quer Mário, o protagonista, com quem Elsa vive um romance fugaz mas intenso, ficam à mercê da sua condição humana de incompletude e de uma linguagem também humana e como tal reducionista, precária. Ainda que nos momentos de maior intimidade entre si estas personagens prefiram o silêncio ao diálogo, numa tentativa de aproximação e comunhão com um absoluto dessacralizado, a sua demanda de plenitude permanecerá vã. É o que acontece, por exemplo, quando o casal passa férias em Sesimbra, uma vila junto ao mar, com toda a simbologia que os espaços marítimos transportam e evocam. Já a Morte é incontornável, total e definitiva. É devido à inverosimilhança da morte dos seus pais que Mário abandona o espaço rural da sua aldeia e ruma a Lisboa, espaço cosmopolita, de arte e de cultura. Aí, cruza-se com várias personagens que o fazem acreditar no potencial da Arte para captar os pequenos milagres e aparições da vida. Contudo, também a arte, seja a verbal, a pictórica ou a quinestésica, é uma forma de linguagem e daí a sua natureza humana, truncada. Por isso Mário, confrontado com a iminência da sua própria morte, retorna às origens, ao espaço rural que tão bem se enquadra na noção de trialética da espacialidade tal como foi definida por Edward Soja (1999), ou seja espaço macro e micro, subjectivo e imaginado, vivido e experienciado. Ao pintar a capela da Senhora da Noite, erigida no cimo de um monte transbordante de silêncio, Mário assegura, ainda que muito parcialmente, a sua permanência, ao mesmo tempo que o rosto da Senhora da Noite capta, também fruto das tintas de Mário, uma parcela da essência de Elsa. O protagonista responde assim, de um certo ponto de vista, ao apelo de lugar, “pull of place”, como é definido por Lucy Lippard (1997,20) que lhe permite, ainda que ilusoriamente, ultrapassar o sentimento de alienação que mora em si como em todo o sujeito. Circular como a trajetória de Mário, a diegese abre e fecha num mesmo espaço: a aldeia, lugar não de ausência, mas de presença, próxima como está da voz primordial, de que são testemunho as pedras e a montanha secular, símbolos de “união indestrutível dos céus e da terra” (127).
Este trabajo realiza un recorrido por las principales lesiones deportivas por sobrecarga de las extremidades inferiores desde el punto de vista biomecánico. Al mismo tiempo, repasa los principales paradigmas biomecánicos en podología y la aplicación de las teorías biomecánicas emergentes en el estudio de estas lesiones. Con la legislación actual, los estudios biomecánicos clínicos de la marcha deben de realizarse en centros sanitarios y los únicos profesionales sanitarios que pueden realizarlos son los podólogos y los médicos (porque ambas tienen la capacidad de diagnosticar), quedando reservado para los licenciados en educación física, los estudios que se realizan en el terreno de juego o en la pista con la finalidad exclusiva de mejorar el rendimiento deportivo, pero nunca con finalidad de tratar una patología por sobrecarga.
Trammel net size selectivity was studied for the most important metiers in four southern European areas: the Cantabrian Sea (Atlantic, Basque Country, Spain), the Algarve (Atlantic, southern Portugal), the Gulf of Cadiz (Atlantic, Spain) and the Cyclades Islands (Mediterranean, Aegean Sea, Greece). These metiers were: cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) and soles (Solea senegalensis, Microchirus azevia, Synaptura lusitanica) in the Algarve and the Gulf of Cadiz, sole (Solea solea) in the Cantabrian Sea and mixed fin-fish in the Cyclades. In each area, experimental trammel nets of six different types (combinations of two large outer panel mesh sizes and three small inner panel meshes) were constructed. Fishing trials were carried out on a seasonal basis (four seasons in the Cantabrian Sea, Algarve and Cyclades and two seasons in the Gulf of Cadiz) with chartered commercial fishing vessels. Overall, size selectivity was estimated for 17 out of 28 species for which sufficient data were available. Trammel nets generally caught a wide size range of the most important species, with length frequency distributions that were skewed to the right and/or bi-modal. In many cases the length frequency distributions of the different nets were highly overlapped. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test also showed that the large outer panel meshes generally had no effect in terms of size selectivity, while the opposite was true for the small inner panel ones. Six different selectivity models (normal scale, normal location, gamma, log-normal, bi-modal and gamma semi-Wileman) were fitted to data for the most abundant species in the four areas. For fish, the bi-modal model provided the best fits for the majority of the data sets, with the uni-modal models giving poor fits in most cases. For Sepia officinalis, where trammelling or pocketing was the method of capture in 100% of the cases, the logistic model fitted by maximum likelihood was judged to be more appropriate for describing the size selective properties of the trammel nets. Our results, which are among the first ones on trammel net selectivity in European waters, will be useful for evaluating the impacts of competing gear for the socio-economically important small-scale static gear fisheries. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.
We quantified the ecosystem effects of small-scale gears operating in southern European waters (Portugal, Spain, Greece), based on a widely accepted ecosystem measure and indicator, the trophic level (TL). We used data from experimental fishing trials during 1997 to 2000. We studied a wide range of gear types and sizes: (1) gill nets of 8 mesh sizes, ranging from 44 to 80 mm; (2) trammel nets of 9 inner panel mesh sizes, ranging from 40 to 140 mm; and (3) longlines of 8 hook sizes, ranging from Nos. 15 (small) to 5 (large). We used the number of species caught per TL class for constructing trophic signatures (i.e. cumulative TL distributions), and estimated the TL at 25, 50 and 75% cumulative frequency (TL25, TL50, TL75) and the slopes using the logistic function. We also estimated the mean weighted TL of the catches (TLW). Our analyses showed that the TL characteristics of longlines varied much more than those of gill and trammel nets. The longlines of large hooks (Nos. 10, 9, 7, 5) were very TL selective, and their trophic signatures had very steep slopes, the highest mean TL50 values, very narrow mean TL25 to TL75 ranges and mean TLW > 4. In addition, the mean number of TL classes exploited was smaller and the mean TL50 and TLW were larger for the longlines of small hooks (Nos. 15, 13, 12, 11) in Greek than in Portuguese waters. Trammel and gill nets caught more TL classes, and the mean slopes of their trophic signatures were significantly smaller than those of longlines as a group. In addition, the mean number of TL classes exploited, the mean TL50 and the TLW of gill nets were significantly smaller than those of trammel nets. We attribute the differences between longlines of small hooks to bait type, and the differences between all gear types to their characteristic species and size-selectivity patterns. Finally, we showed how the slope and the TL50 Of the trophic signatures can be used to characterise different gears along the ecologically 'unsustainable-sustainable' continuum.
Este documento tiene como objetivo describir las implicaciones para la salud con el uso de medicamentos biosimilares en comparación con los medicamentos biológicos en Colombia. Así mismo, describir el contexto normativo acerca del uso de medicamentos biosimilares, las recomendaciones y lineamientos sobre seguridad y efectividad del uso de medicamentos Biosimilares y Biológicos, partiendo de sus diferencias biomoleculares. Para esto, se desarrolló una revisión documental electrónica y manual de la literatura en bases de datos, revistas y libros limitada a términos MeSH. La selección de los artículos incluyo documentos completos publicados en revistas indexadas de los últimos 10 años, en español e inglés; la información recolectada se organizó para la construcción del presente documento. Concluyendo, se encontró que las patentes de muchos medicamentos biológicos han vencido o están próximas a caducar y varios biosimilares están desarrollándose y comercializándose incluso en países sin regulaciones estrictas. Los biosimilares nunca podrán ser iguales al original por su complejidad molecular, por ello debemos integrarlos a los sistemas de farmacovigilancia mejorando trazabilidad e identificando su origen mientras se establecen denominaciones comunes distinguibles. La evidencia actual sugiere que la regulación de medicamentos biosimilares debe ser evaluada y armonizada en todo el mundo.
Los eventos adversos (EA) están presentes en todos los niveles de atención en salud y deben ser evaluados de manera integral, tanto en los servicios hospitalarios como en el entorno de la Atención Primaria en Salud (APS). Los EA que se presentan en los servicios hospitalarios, son diferentes a los que se presentan en los servicios de Atención Primaria en Salud (APS) y por ello se debe dar un abordaje diferenciado. La seguridad del paciente debe ser una prioridad para todos los sistemas de salud. Desde esta perspectiva se deben identificar cuáles son las herramientas más adecuadas para el reporte, análisis, intervenciones y acciones de mejora, con las que deben contar los programas de seguridad del paciente y la apropiación de conceptos de gestión de riesgo, facilita la identificación y el manejo institucional de situaciones que ponen en peligro la integridad y la vida de los pacientes.
La política del comparendo ambiental como herramienta pedagógica para el adecuado manejo de los residuos sólidos, pretende responsabilizar a la ciudadanía sobre el aseo del espacio público, en tanto la gestión por sí sola del Estado o las empresas privadas no ha logrado alcanzar este objetivo. El presente trabajo busca analizar, en el marco del servicio público domiciliario de aseo, la gestión del comparendo ambiental en el espacio público de la UPZ 97 Chicó Lago del 2014 al 2016, haciendo énfasis en las relaciones de los actores desde una perspectiva de gobernanza. De esa manera nos aproximamos a la noción de la ciudadanía frente al comparendo ambiental, para determinar cómo la política incluye su participación en la gestión del aseo en el espacio público.