999 resultados para Carme Pinós


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[ES] Este trabajo detalla las diferentes etapas del desarrollo de construcción del prototipo Clever Socket, abarcando desde su análisis, a su diseño e implementación.
Clever Socket es un conjunto hardware y software que facilita el control del encendido y el apagado de los aparatos electrónicos conectados a él a través de redes de comunicación LAN y WAN. Para lograr este propósito, el artefacto se apoya en la placa de desarrollo electrónico Arduino UNO y la placa Arduino WiFi Shield –que posibilita su conexión inalámbrica a la red–.
El dispositivo cuenta con cuatro bases de enchufe controladas a través de relés, que permiten la gestión de hasta cuatro dispositivos electrónicos de manera simultánea.
 En el lado del software se presentan tres componentes:
Un servicio web de bajo nivel destinado a la gestión de la placa Arduino. Permite la comunicación con la placa, la lectura y escritura de sus pines.
 Un servicio web específico del dispositivo Clever Socket. Facilita la comunicación con el prototipo hardware, permitiendo así la gestión de diferentes operaciones que se llevan a cabo sobre los aparatos conectados a sus enchufes.
 Una aplicación web. Actúa como interfaz entre el usuario y el servicio web de Clever Socket, permitiendo la gestión del dispositivo. El diseño de la aplicación es responsive, lo que posibilita su correcta visualización en todo tipo de dispositivos, tanto móviles como de escritorio.


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Treatment of spinal fracture and luxation in small animals Traumatic spinal injuries usually result from a mechanic trauma. Spinal facture and luxations generally occur in the junction between and more mobile parts of the spinal column: close to the skull, thorax and pelvis. Fractures may occur alone or in combination with luxation as fracture/luxation. When the fractures are not stable the best solution is the surgical fixation. Internal and external fixation are the surgical methods for the treatment of vertebral fractures and luxations. The authors report the treatment of 12 cases of thoracic and lumbar vertebral fractures and luxations in small animals using the screws/pins and Polymethylmethacrylate technique. The analysis of results is a contribute I the valutation of surgical technique and complications in the post-surgical period.


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La dissertazione, basandosi su un confronto sistematico dei testi, analizza i rapporti fra i carmina docta di Catullo e le Argonautiche di Apollonio Rodio con particolare attenzione al carme 64. Il lavoro è suddiviso in dieci capitoli più un'introduzione e una conclusione. Nell'introduzione si illustra la metodologia applicata e si discutono alcune questioni teoriche relative all'intertestualità. Nel I capitolo si delinea una storia della critica moderna che mette in evidenza come negli studi catulliani sul carme 64, nel corso dell'ultimo secolo e mezzo, Apollonio tenda ad assumere un ruolo sempre più importante. Nei capitoli II-IX viene fatto uno studio molto approfondito del carme 64. Tale studio analizza il testo catulliano mettendo in luce le somiglianze contenutistiche, strutturali e stilistiche con le Argonautiche. Il X capitolo è invece dedicato agli altri carmina docta. Poiché questi ultimi carmi hanno scarsi punti di contatto con il poema di Apollonio, ci si limita a mettere in evidenza una serie di motivi e tratti comuni. Nella parte conclusiva si espone un quadro sommario dei risultati raggiunti. Il lavoro dimostra in particolare come nel complesso le somiglianze fra Catullo e Apollonio riguardino elementi superficiali o luoghi comuni e come non vi sia alcuna prova certa di una dipendenza diretta di Catullo da Apollonio (nonostante una tale dipendenza sia da ritenersi probabile per ragioni storiche). In contrasto con buona parte della critica più recente, si esprime di conseguenza la convinzione che sia poco opportuno utilizzare le Argonautiche per spiegare il carme 64 o per instaurare un dialogo di natura intertestuale fra Catullo e Apollonio.


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La fissazione esterna ha subito una forte evoluzione nel corso degli anni, passando dall’essere una tecnica utilizzata esclusivamente nella stabilizzazione delle fratture, fino a diventare una risorsa importante in ortopedia ricostruttiva per il trattamento di molte patologie ossee e dei tessuti molli. Il prototipo di fissatore esterno monolaterale articolato Kore (Citieffe S.r.l.), oggetto di questo studio, consente di effettuare correzione di deformità angolari e piccoli allungamenti su ossa lunghe. Il lavoro sperimentale si è concentrato sul testare le prestazioni meccaniche del dispositivo e della sua componentistica, con l'obiettivo di mettere in evidenza eventuali problemi. I risultati sono stati confrontati con quelli ottenuti in prove realizzate precedentemente in azienda, e con quelli ricavati su dispositivi concorrenti da altri autori. Sono state svolte una prova di compressione assiale statica, una prova a fatica di compressione assiale, una prova a flessione a quattro punti ed una prova di regolazione dinamometrica sul meccanismo di attuazione del dispositivo. E’ stata poi progettata una configurazione per studiare le principali caratteristiche dei morsetti. Nel caso del morsetto a compensazione si è verificata l'effettiva capacità di scorrimento del morsetto, mentre nel morsetto a traliccio, dotato di un meccanismo di snodo, ne viene accertata la tenuta. Al termine dei test, in base ai risultati raccolti dalle prove meccaniche e dalle prove svolte su osso artificiale, sono state fatte valutazioni riguardanti alcune modifiche da apportare al prototipo. Per quanto riguarda il dispositivo dovrà essere ridotta la dimensione del corpo centrale, al fine di avere un dispositivo più duttile, leggero e vicino al corpo. Questa modifica inoltre limiterà l'influenza della flessione delle pins sul comportamento meccanico del fissatore, migliorandone le prestazioni. Relativamente al morsetto a traliccio dovrà essere ridotta la lunghezza dello snodo, per limitare lo sforzo sulla vite di serraggio del meccanismo. Nel morsetto a compensazione dovrà essere modificato il profilo, per garantire un migliore scorrimento.


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Proximal humerus fractures (pHF) are common. In this retrospective study intra-operative and postoperative data and complications of patients stabilized with conventional semirigid techniques (pins, n=30; helix wire, n=19) or a novel semirigid technique, the intramedullary claw (IMC, n=82) were compared. The type and frequency of postoperative complications differed between the groups (p<0.001). The IMC is a novel semirigid technique to stabilize pHF and seems to result in fewer complications than pins or helix wire. The frequency and relevance of a loss of repositioning in patients after IMC implantation need to be elucidated in long-term studies.


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OBJECTIVE: Lateral ridge augmentations are traditionally performed using autogenous bone grafts to support membranes for guided bone regeneration (GBR). The bone-harvesting procedure, however, is accompanied by considerable patient morbidity. AIM: The aim of the present study was to test whether or not resorbable membranes and bone substitutes will lead to successful horizontal ridge augmentation allowing implant installation under standard conditions. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Twelve patients in need of implant therapy participated in this study. They revealed bone deficits in the areas intended for implant placement. Soft tissue flaps were carefully raised and blocks or particles of deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM) (Bio-Oss) were placed in the defect area. A collagenous membrane (Bio-Gide) was applied to cover the DBBM and was fixed to the surrounding bone using poly-lactic acid pins. The flaps were sutured to allow for healing by primary intention. RESULTS: All sites in the 12 patients healed uneventfully. No flap dehiscences and no exposures of membranes were observed. Nine to 10 months following augmentation surgery, flaps were raised in order to visualize the outcomes of the augmentation. An integration of the DBBM particles into the newly formed bone was consistently observed. Merely on the surface of the new bone, some pieces of the grafting material were only partly integrated into bone. However, these were not encapsulated by connective tissue but rather anchored into the newly regenerated bone. In all of the cases, but one, the bone volume following regeneration was adequate to place implants in a prosthetically ideal position and according to the standard protocol with complete bone coverage of the surface intended for osseointegration. Before the regenerative procedure, the average crestal bone width was 3.2 mm and to 6.9 mm at the time of implant placement. This difference was statistically significant (P<0.05, Wilcoxon's matched pairs signed-rank test). CONCLUSION: After a healing period of 9-10 months, the combination of DBBM and a collagen membrane is an effective treatment option for horizontal bone augmentation before implant placement.


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OBJECTIVES: Implementation of an experimental model to compare cartilage MR imaging by means of histological analyses. MATERIAL AND METHODS: MRI was obtained from 4 patients expecting total knee replacement at 1.5 and/or 3T prior surgery. The timeframe between pre-op MRI and knee replacement was within two days. Resected cartilage-bone samples were tagged with Ethi((R))-pins to reproduce the histological cutting course. Pre-operative scanning at 1.5T included following parameters for fast low angle shot (FLASH: TR/TE/FA=33ms/6ms/30 degrees , BW=110kHz, 120mmx120mm FOV, 256x256 matrix, 0.65mm slice-thickness) and double echo steady state (DESS: TR/TE/FA=23.7ms/6.9ms/40 degrees , BW=130kHz, 120x120mm FOV, 256x256 matrix, 0.65mm slice-thickness). At 3T, scan parameters were: FLASH (TR/TE/FA=12.2ms/5.1ms/10 degrees , BW=130kHz, 170x170mm FOV, 320x320, 0.5mm slice-thickness) and DESS (TR/TE/FA=15.6ms/4.5ms/25 degrees , BW=200kHz, 135mmx150mm FOV, 288x320matrix, 0.5mm slice-thickness). Imaging of the specimens was done the same day at 1.5T. MRI (Noyes) and histological (Mankin) score scales were correlated using the paired t-test. Sensitivity and specificity for the detection of different grades of cartilage degeneration were assessed. Inter-reader and intra-reader reliability was determined using Kappa analysis. RESULTS: Low correlation (sensitivity, specificity) was found for both sequences in normal to mild Mankin grades. Only moderate to severe changes were diagnosed with higher significance and specificity. The use of higher field-strengths was advantageous for both protocols with sensitivity values ranging from 13.6% to 93.3% (FLASH) and 20.5% to 96.2% (DESS). Kappa values ranged from 0.488 to 0.944. CONCLUSIONS: Correlating MR images with continuous histological slices was feasible by using three-dimensional imaging, multi-planar-reformat and marker pins. The capability of diagnosing early cartilage changes with high accuracy could not be proven for both FLASH and DESS.


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Werkzeugbauer stellen anspruchsvolle Spritzgießwerkzeuge als Einzelanfertigung oder in kleiner Stückzahl her. Dabei unterliegen sie einem hohen Zeit- und Kostendruck durch die Forderung der Kunden nach einer kurzen Time-to-Market und der Konkurrenz aus Niedriglohnländern. Eine Innovation des Werkzeugbaus zur Reduzierung von Zeit und Kosten ist die Integration von zusätzlichen Funktionen in bestehende Komponenten. Am Institut für Laser- und Anlagensystemtechnik der TU Hamburg-Harburg wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit Werkzeugbau Siegfried Hofmann und Concept Laser ein Druckluftauswerfersystem für Spritzgießwerkzeuge entwickelt. Dieses System kann klassische Auswerferstifte vollständig ersetzen. Die Integration von Druckluftauswerfern in laseradditiv gefertigte Werkzeugeinsätze mit konturnaher Kühlung erfolgt kostenneutral, da sich die Fertigungszeit des Einsatzes durch das zusätzliche System nicht verlängert und eine Druckluftsteuerung bereits in Spritzgießmaschinen vorhanden ist. Zusätzlich entfällt durch das Druckluftauswerfersystem das komplette mechanische Auswerferpaket. Durch diese Einsparungen reduzieren sich Zeit und Kosten für das Werkzeug.


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STUDY DESIGN Technical note and case series. OBJECTIVE To introduce an innovative minimal-invasive surgical procedure reducing surgery time and blood loss in management of U-shaped sacrum fractures. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND Despite their seldom appearance, U-shaped fractures can cause severe neurological deficits and surgical management difficulties. According to the nature of the injury normally occurring in multi-injured patients after a fall from height, a jump, or road traffic accident, U-shaped fractures create a spinopelvic dissociation and hence are highly unstable. In the past, time-consuming open procedures like large posterior constructs or shortening osteotomies with or without decompression were the method of choice, sacrificing spinal mobility. Insufficient restoration of sacrococcygeal angle and pelvic incidence with conventional techniques may have adverse long-term effects in these patients. METHODS In a consecutive series of 3 patients, percutaneous reduction of the fracture with Schanz pins inserted in either the pedicles of L5 or the S1 body and the posterior superior iliac crest was achieved. The Schanz pins act as lever, allowing a good manipulation of the fracture. The reduction is secured by a temporary external fixator to permit optimal restoration of pelvic incidence and sacral kyphosis. Insertion of 2 transsacral screws allow fixation of the restored spinopelvic alignment. RESULTS Anatomic alignment of the sacrum was possible in each case. Surgery time ranged from 90 to 155 minutes and the blood loss was <50 mL in all 3 cases. Two patients had very good results in the long term regarding maintenance of pelvic incidence and sacrococcygeal angle. One patient with previous cauda equina decompression had loss of correction after 6 months. CONCLUSIONS Percutaneous reduction and transsacral screw fixation offers a less invasive method for treating U-shaped fractures. This can be advantageous in treatment of patients with multiple injuries.


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Much of the research on visual hallucinations (VHs) has been conducted in the context of eye disease and neurodegenerative conditions, but little is known about these phenomena in psychiatric and nonclinical populations. The purpose of this article is to bring together current knowledge regarding VHs in the psychosis phenotype and contrast this data with the literature drawn from neurodegenerative disorders and eye disease. The evidence challenges the traditional views that VHs are atypical or uncommon in psychosis. The weighted mean for VHs is 27% in schizophrenia, 15% in affective psychosis, and 7.3% in the general community. VHs are linked to a more severe psychopathological profile and less favorable outcome in psychosis and neurodegenerative conditions. VHs typically co-occur with auditory hallucinations, suggesting a common etiological cause. VHs in psychosis are also remarkably complex, negative in content, and are interpreted to have personal relevance. The cognitive mechanisms of VHs in psychosis have rarely been investigated, but existing studies point to source-monitoring deficits and distortions in top-down mechanisms, although evidence for visual processing deficits, which feature strongly in the organic literature, is lacking. Brain imaging studies point to the activation of visual cortex during hallucinations on a background of structural and connectivity changes within wider brain networks. The relationship between VHs in psychosis, eye disease, and neurodegeneration remains unclear, although the pattern of similarities and differences described in this review suggests that comparative studies may have potentially important clinical and theoretical implications.


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Textiles fund in Bern-Engehalbinsel are dated to the late La Tène period and show similar qualities and pattern. Their function was garments, probably a tunic hold by pins.


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OBJECTIVE To compare biomechanical stiffness of cadaveric canine cervical spine constructs stabilized with bicortical stainless steel pins and polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), monocortical stainless steel screws with PMMA, or monocortical titanium screws with PMMA. STUDY DESIGN Biomechanical cadaver study. ANIMALS Eighteen canine cervical vertebral columns (C2-C7) were collected from skeletally mature dogs (weighing 22-32 kg). METHODS Specimens were radiographed and examined by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. Stiffness of the unaltered C4-C5 intervertebral motion unit was measured in extension, flexion and lateral bending using non-destructive 4-point bend testing. Specimens were then stabilized by (1) bicortical stainless steel pins/PMMA, (2) monocortical stainless steel screws/PMMA, or (3) monocortical titanium screws/PMMA. Mechanical testing was repeated and stiffness data from unaltered specimens and the 3 treatment groups were compared. RESULTS All 3 surgical methods significantly increased stiffness of the C4-C5 motion unit compared with the unaltered specimen (P < .001 for all treatments), but stiffness was not significantly different among the 3 fixation groups (P = .578). CONCLUSIONS In this model, monocortical screw fixation (with stainless steel or titanium screws) was biomechanically equivalent to bicortical fixation.


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OBJECTIVE To compare the accuracy of radiography and computed tomography (CT) in predicting implant position in relation to the vertebral canal in the cervical and thoracolumbar vertebral column. STUDY DESIGN In vitro imaging and anatomic study. ANIMALS Medium-sized canine cadaver vertebral columns (n=12). METHODS Steinmann pins were inserted into cervical and thoracolumbar vertebrae based on established landmarks but without predetermination of vertebral canal violation. Radiographs and CT images were obtained and evaluated by 6 individuals. A random subset of pins was evaluated for ability to distinguish left from right pins on radiographs. The ability to correctly identify vertebral canal penetration for all pins was assessed both on radiographs and CT. Spines were then anatomically prepared and visual examination of pin penetration into the canal served as the gold standard. RESULTS Left/right accuracy was 93.1%. Overall sensitivity of radiographs and CT to detect vertebral canal penetration by an implant were significantly different and estimated as 50.7% and 93.4%, respectively (P<.0001). Sensitivity was significantly higher for complete versus partial penetration and for radiologists compared with nonradiologists for both imaging modalities. Overall specificity of radiographs and CT to detect vertebral canal penetration was 82.9% and 86.4%, respectively (P=.049). CONCLUSIONS CT was superior to radiographic assessment and is the recommended imaging modality to assess penetration into the vertebral canal. CLINICAL RELEVANCE CT is significantly more accurate in identifying vertebral canal violation by Steinmann pins and should be performed postoperatively to assess implant position.