929 resultados para Capacitação e gestão tecnológica - Setor sucroalcooleiro
Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEG
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Considering the high competitiveness in the industrial chemical sector, demand forecast is a relevant factor for decision-making. There is a need for tools capable of assisting in the analysis and definition of the forecast. In that sense, the objective is to generate the chemical industry forecast using an advanced forecasting model and thus verify the accuracy of the method. Because it is time series with seasonality, the model of seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average - SARIMA generated reliable forecasts and acceding to the problem analyzed, thus enabling, through validation with real data improvements in the management and decision making of supply chain
The automobile industry shows relevance inside the Brazilian industrial scenario since it contributes with the development of a significant chain of supply, distributors, workshops, publicity agencies and insurance companies in the internal market, aside from being one of the five biggest worldwide market. Thereby, the federal government decreed in Dec, 17th 2012 by Law nº 12.715 the Inovar-Auto Program. As the Adjusted Present Value (APV) is highly recommended, although not yet widespread to public politics of tax reduction, this work intends to apply the APV method on the cash flow analysis of an automobile sector's company, which has recently installed in national territory and wants to rely with governmental incentives proposed by Inovar-Auto Program. The developed work evaluates the company's current cash flow stochastically from mathematical modeling of variables such as price, demand and interest rate through probability distributions with the assist of Crystal Ball software, a Microsoft Excel Add-in, generating different scenarios from Monte Carlo Simulation. As results probabilities situations have been evaluated until the end of the Inovar-Auto's conducted period, in 2017. Beside APV others indicator such as Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and payback period were estimated for the investment project. For APV a sampling distribution with only 0.057% of risk, IRR of 29% were obtained and estimated project payback period was 4.13 years
Innovation in the field of Information Technology (IT) have made companies evaluate their processes and activity of its supply chain to conform to this new reality. In the supply chain management, one of the tools that revolutionized the activities was the use of management information systems such as ERP tool. This system allows greater integration of data from multiple areas of the enterprise and beyond, giving more activities to processes and activities. This work aims to analyze the results and impacts of the restructuring of an equipment leasing process in a Brazilian media company and verify that the gains and improvements that were targeted in the initial design of this restructuring have been achieved. Also the risks identified with this change will be studied, the reactions of those involved in this process and the performance of the chain as a whole. To carry out this work was carried out a single case study with data collection in the assessed company and literature related to supply chain and information systems
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB
Considering the high competitiveness in the industrial chemical sector, demand forecast is a relevant factor for decision-making. There is a need for tools capable of assisting in the analysis and definition of the forecast. In that sense, the objective is to generate the chemical industry forecast using an advanced forecasting model and thus verify the accuracy of the method. Because it is time series with seasonality, the model of seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average - SARIMA generated reliable forecasts and acceding to the problem analyzed, thus enabling, through validation with real data improvements in the management and decision making of supply chain
The automobile industry shows relevance inside the Brazilian industrial scenario since it contributes with the development of a significant chain of supply, distributors, workshops, publicity agencies and insurance companies in the internal market, aside from being one of the five biggest worldwide market. Thereby, the federal government decreed in Dec, 17th 2012 by Law nº 12.715 the Inovar-Auto Program. As the Adjusted Present Value (APV) is highly recommended, although not yet widespread to public politics of tax reduction, this work intends to apply the APV method on the cash flow analysis of an automobile sector's company, which has recently installed in national territory and wants to rely with governmental incentives proposed by Inovar-Auto Program. The developed work evaluates the company's current cash flow stochastically from mathematical modeling of variables such as price, demand and interest rate through probability distributions with the assist of Crystal Ball software, a Microsoft Excel Add-in, generating different scenarios from Monte Carlo Simulation. As results probabilities situations have been evaluated until the end of the Inovar-Auto's conducted period, in 2017. Beside APV others indicator such as Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and payback period were estimated for the investment project. For APV a sampling distribution with only 0.057% of risk, IRR of 29% were obtained and estimated project payback period was 4.13 years
Innovation in the field of Information Technology (IT) have made companies evaluate their processes and activity of its supply chain to conform to this new reality. In the supply chain management, one of the tools that revolutionized the activities was the use of management information systems such as ERP tool. This system allows greater integration of data from multiple areas of the enterprise and beyond, giving more activities to processes and activities. This work aims to analyze the results and impacts of the restructuring of an equipment leasing process in a Brazilian media company and verify that the gains and improvements that were targeted in the initial design of this restructuring have been achieved. Also the risks identified with this change will be studied, the reactions of those involved in this process and the performance of the chain as a whole. To carry out this work was carried out a single case study with data collection in the assessed company and literature related to supply chain and information systems
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB
The exceptional advance of information technology and computer application to the mineral sector has allowed the automation of several processes of the mineral value chain. ERP systems (Enterprise Resource Planning) provided the platform for the efficient integration of all support activities of the mineral value chain. Despite all advances gathered with the application of computers, it was not possible to date, to effectively integrate the primary activities of the mineral value chain. The main reason for that are the uncertainties present in the productive process, which are intrinsic to the business, and the difficulty to quantify and qualify the benefits obtained with this integration due to the lack of a clear definition of the key performance indicators (KPIs). This work presents an analysis of the ERP systems application in Brazilian mining, identifies the KPIs of some of the most important Brazilian mining companies, and discusses the importance of mapping and measuring these indicators for the effective. management of the mining business.
O artigo apresenta resultados finais de pesquisa interinstitucional que teve por objetivo analisar a natureza e as consequências de parcerias firmadas entre setores privados e governos municipais paulistas para atendimento da educação infantil e do ensino fundamental. O período correspondeu aos anos de 1996 a 2006, tendo em vista a percepção de que o aumento das responsabilidades dos municípios pela oferta educacional, decorrente da municipalização do ensino fundamental, poderia estimular processos de privatização da educação municipal, por meio do aumento de "parcerias" entre a gestão municipal e o setor privado lucrativo e não lucrativo. O estudo apresenta tendências relacionadas a três modalidades de parcerias: subvenção pública para oferta de vagas em instituições privadas de educação infantil, aquisição de "sistemas" privados de ensino e contratação de assessoria privada para a gestão da educação municipal. As tendências percebidas na análise indicam que as atuais relações entre as esferas públicas e privadas no campo da educação, decorrentes da descentralização havida no setor, representam um movimento em direção a sua privatização.
O objetivo deste trabalho é compreender a etapa de ajuste no contexto da gestão do portfólio de projetos, destacando sua relação com os processos de categorização e balanceamento. A pesquisa realizada tem caráter qualitativo, sendo a abordagem adotada o estudo de caso longitudinal. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida em uma empresa do setor químico brasileiro. As evidências, de várias fontes, foram coletadas através de entrevistas, documentos e dados dos sistemas corporativos. Para a compreensão do portfólio de projetos da empresa foram coletados e analisados dados de mil projetos realizados entre 2001 e 2005. Os resultados indicam que maior atenção é dada à etapa de seleção, negligenciando a etapa de ajuste. A adoção de ferramentas de balanceamento permitiu evidenciar lacunas e fontes de desbalanceamento no portfólio de projetos, promovendo o debate entre os tomadores de decisão no que concerne ao viés introduzido pelos critérios adotados na etapa de seleção e levantando a necessidade de introdução de uma sistemática de ajuste e balanceamento. Observou-se que sem uma adequada categorização dos projetos da empresa seria difícil promover a análise de balanceamento.
A complexidade do desenvolvimento sustentável configura um paradigma em que são necessárias ações efetivas de gestão ambiental que, em última instância, têm relação com a formulação e a implementação de políticas públicas. Para que haja uma efetiva gestão ambiental no âmbito municipal é necessária a participação da sociedade nos processos de gestão. Logo, os conselhos municipais do meio ambiente são peças fundamentais na promoção da gestão ambiental local com vistas a uma melhor qualidade de vida. A literatura enfatiza que a efetividade dessas instâncias está ligada, principalmente, à sua estrutura e funcionamento. Assim sendo, essa pesquisa objetivou a identificação de oportunidades de melhoria na estrutura e no funcionamento do Conselho Municipal de Gestão e Saneamento Ambiental de Santo André (COMUGESAN) como uma contribuição para sua atuação na gestão ambiental. Para tanto, utilizou-se a pesquisa bibliográfica, documental e qualitativa, no ano de 2008, caracterizando-se como estudo de caso exploratório no Município de Santo André, SP. Observou-se que a atuação de Conselhos Municipais do Meio Ambiente na gestão ambiental transcende as ações de tomada de decisão, formulação e implementação das políticas locais, constituindo-se, sobretudo, como espaço educativo e de construção da cidadania. Como oportunidades de melhoria, identificaram-se seis aspectos primordiais a serem fortalecidos em sua atuação: estrutura; composição e representatividade; capacitação; educação em meio ambiente; informação; avaliação constante. Com os resultados obtidos, sugere-se que o COMUGESAN adote atividades de capacitação para aperfeiçoar a representatividade, instituindo cursos de formação de conselheiros e atividades em educação continuada, bem como a realização de diagnósticos internos.