939 resultados para Cansiglio, idrogeologia, carsismo, acquifero, sorgenti, monitoraggio, tracciamento, Livenza, Monte Cavallo


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Motivated by experiments on Josephson junction arrays, and cold atoms in an optical lattice in a synthetic magnetic field, we study the ``fully frustrated'' Bose-Hubbard model with half a magnetic flux quantum per plaquette. We obtain the phase diagram of this model on a two-leg ladder at integer filling via the density matrix renormalization group approach, complemented by Monte Carlo simulations on an effective classical XY model. The ground state at intermediate correlations is consistently shown to be a chiral Mott insulator (CMI) with a gap to all excitations and staggered loop currents which spontaneously break time-reversal symmetry. We characterize the CMI state as a vortex supersolid or an indirect exciton condensate, and discuss various experimental implications.


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A Monte Carlo model of ultrasound modulation of multiply scattered coherent light in a highly scattering media has been carried out for estimating the phase shift experienced by a photon beam on its transit through US insonified region. The phase shift is related to the tissue stiffness, thereby opening an avenue for possible breast tumor detection. When the scattering centers in the tissue medium is exposed to a deterministic forcing with the help of a focused ultrasound (US) beam, due to the fact that US-induced oscillation is almost along particular direction, the direction defined by the transducer axis, the scattering events increase, thereby increasing the phase shift experienced by light that traverses through the medium. The phase shift is found to increase with increase in anisotropy g of the medium. However, as the size of the focused region which is the region of interest (ROI) increases, a large number of scattering events take place within the ROI, the ensemble average of the phase shift (Delta phi) becomes very close to zero. The phase of the individual photon is randomly distributed over 2 pi when the scattered photon path crosses a large number of ultrasound wavelengths in the focused region. This is true at high ultrasound frequency (1 MHz) when mean free path length of photon l(s) is comparable to wavelength of US beam. However, at much lower US frequencies (100 Hz), the wavelength of sound is orders of magnitude larger than l(s), and with a high value of g (g 0.9), there is a distinct measurable phase difference for the photon that traverses through the insonified region. Experiments are carried out for validation of simulation results.


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We present an extensive study of Mott insulator (MI) and superfluid (SF) shells in Bose-Hubbard (BH) models for bosons in optical lattices with harmonic traps. For this we apply the inhomogeneous mean-field theory developed by Sheshadri et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 4075 (1995)]. Our results for the BH model with one type of spinless bosons agree quantitatively with quantum Monte Carlo simulations. Our approach is numerically less intensive than such simulations, so we are able to perform calculations on experimentally realistic, large three-dimensional systems, explore a wide range of parameter values, and make direct contact with a variety of experimental measurements. We also extend our inhomogeneous mean-field theory to study BH models with harmonic traps and (a) two species of bosons or (b) spin-1 bosons. With two species of bosons, we obtain rich phase diagrams with a variety of SF and MI phases and associated shells when we include a quadratic confining potential. For the spin-1 BH model, we show, in a representative case, that the system can display alternating shells of polar SF and MI phases, and we make interesting predictions for experiments in such systems.


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The van der Waals and Platteuw (vdVVP) theory has been successfully used to model the thermodynamics of gas hydrates. However, earlier studies have shown that this could be due to the presence of a large number of adjustable parameters whose values are obtained through regression with experimental data. To test this assertion, we carry out a systematic and rigorous study of the performance of various models of vdWP theory that have been proposed over the years. The hydrate phase equilibrium data used for this study is obtained from Monte Carlo molecular simulations of methane hydrates. The parameters of the vdWP theory are regressed from this equilibrium data and compared with their true values obtained directly from simulations. This comparison reveals that (i) methane-water interactions beyond the first cage and methane-methane interactions make a significant contribution to the partition function and thus cannot be neglected, (ii) the rigorous Monte Carlo integration should be used to evaluate the Langmuir constant instead of the spherical smoothed cell approximation, (iii) the parameter values describing the methane-water interactions cannot be correctly regressed from the equilibrium data using the vdVVP theory in its present form, (iv) the regressed empty hydrate property values closely match their true values irrespective of the level of rigor in the theory, and (v) the flexibility of the water lattice forming the hydrate phase needs to be incorporated in the vdWP theory. Since methane is among the simplest of hydrate forming molecules, the conclusions from this study should also hold true for more complicated hydrate guest molecules.


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We reconsider standard uniaxial fatigue test data obtained from handbooks. Many S-N curve fits to such data represent the median life and exclude load-dependent variance in life. Presently available approaches for incorporating probabilistic aspects explicitly within the S-N curves have some shortcomings, which we discuss. We propose a new linear S-N fit with a prespecified failure probability, load-dependent variance, and reasonable behavior at extreme loads. We fit our parameters using maximum likelihood, show the reasonableness of the fit using Q-Q plots, and obtain standard error estimates via Monte Carlo simulations. The proposed fitting method may be used for obtaining S-N curves from the same data as already available, with the same mathematical form, but in cases in which the failure probability is smaller, say, 10 % instead of 50 %, and in which the fitted line is not parallel to the 50 % (median) line.


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Many problems of state estimation in structural dynamics permit a partitioning of system states into nonlinear and conditionally linear substructures. This enables a part of the problem to be solved exactly, using the Kalman filter, and the remainder using Monte Carlo simulations. The present study develops an algorithm that combines sequential importance sampling based particle filtering with Kalman filtering to a fairly general form of process equations and demonstrates the application of a substructuring scheme to problems of hidden state estimation in structures with local nonlinearities, response sensitivity model updating in nonlinear systems, and characterization of residual displacements in instrumented inelastic structures. The paper also theoretically demonstrates that the sampling variance associated with the substructuring scheme used does not exceed the sampling variance corresponding to the Monte Carlo filtering without substructuring. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Density distribution, fluid structure and solvation forces for fluids confined in Janus slit-shaped pores are investigated using grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations. By varying the degree of asymmetry between the two smooth surfaces that make up the slit pores, a wide variety of adsorption situations are observed. The presence of one moderately attractive surface in the asymmetric pore is sufficient to disrupt the formation of frozen phases observed in the symmetric case. In the extreme case of asymmetry in which one wall is repulsive, the pore fluid can consist of a frozen contact layer at the attractive surface for smaller surface separations (H) or a frozen contact layer with liquid-like and gas-like regions as the pore width is increased. The superposition approximation, wherein the solvation pressure and number density in the asymmetric pores can be obtained from the results on symmetric pores, is found to be accurate for H > 4 sigma(ff), where sigma(ff) is the Lennard-Jones fluid diameter and within 10% accuracy for smaller surface separations. Our study has implications in controlling stick slip and overcoming static friction `stiction' in micro and nanofluidic devices.


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We demonstrate quantitative optical property and elastic property imaging from ultrasound assisted optical tomography data. The measurements, which are modulation depth M and phase phi of the speckle pattern, are shown to be sensitively dependent on these properties of the object in the insonified focal region of the ultrasound (US) transducer. We demonstrate that Young's modulus (E) can be recovered from the resonance observed in M versus omega (the US frequency) plots and optical absorption (mu(a)) and scattering (mu(s)) coefficients from the measured differential phase changes. All experimental observations are verified also using Monte Carlo simulations. (c) 2012 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). DOI: 10.1117/1.JBO.17.10.101507]


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A combination of ab initio and classical Monte Carlo simulations is used to investigate the effects of functional groups on methane binding. Using Moller-Plesset (MP2) calculations, we obtain the binding energies for benzene functionalized with NH2, OH, CH3, COOH, and H2PO3 and identify the methane binding sites. In all cases, the preferred binding sites are located above the benzene plane in the vicinity of the benzene carbon atom attached to the functional group. Functional groups enhance methane binding relative to benzene (-6.39 kJ/mol), with the largest enhancement observed for H2PO3 (-8.37 kJ/mol) followed by COOH and CH3 (-7.77 kJ/mol). Adsorption isotherms are obtained for edge-functionalized bilayer graphene nanoribbons using grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations with a five-site methane model. Adsorbed excess and heats of adsorption for pressures up to 40 bar and 298 K are obtained with functional group concentrations ranging from 3.125 to 6.25 mol 96 for graphene edges functionalized with OH, NH2, and COOH. The functional groups are found to act as preferred adsorption sites, and in the case of COOH the local methane density in the vicinity of the functional group is found to exceed that of bare graphene. The largest enhancement of 44.5% in the methane excess adsorbed is observed for COOH-functionalized nanoribbons when compared to H terminated ribbons. The corresponding enhancements for OH- and NH2-functionalized ribbons are 10.5% and 3.7%, respectively. The excess adsorption across functional groups reflects the trends observed in the binding energies from MP2 calculations. Our study reveals that specific site functionalization can have a significant effect on the local adsorption characteristics and can be used as a design strategy to tailor materials with enhanced methane storage capacity.


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Given the increasing cost of designing and building new highway pavements, reliability analysis has become vital to ensure that a given pavement performs as expected in the field. Recognizing the importance of failure analysis to safety, reliability, performance, and economy, back analysis has been employed in various engineering applications to evaluate the inherent uncertainties of the design and analysis. The probabilistic back analysis method formulated on Bayes' theorem and solved using the Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation method with a Metropolis-Hastings algorithm has proved to be highly efficient to address this issue. It is also quite flexible and is applicable to any type of prior information. In this paper, this method has been used to back-analyze the parameters that influence the pavement life and to consider the uncertainty of the mechanistic-empirical pavement design model. The load-induced pavement structural responses (e.g., stresses, strains, and deflections) used to predict the pavement life are estimated using the response surface methodology model developed based on the results of linear elastic analysis. The failure criteria adopted for the analysis were based on the factor of safety (FOS), and the study was carried out for different sample sizes and jumping distributions to estimate the most robust posterior statistics. From the posterior statistics of the case considered, it was observed that after approximately 150 million standard axle load repetitions, the mean values of the pavement properties decrease as expected, with a significant decrease in the values of the elastic moduli of the expected layers. An analysis of the posterior statistics indicated that the parameters that contribute significantly to the pavement failure were the moduli of the base and surface layer, which is consistent with the findings from other studies. After the back analysis, the base modulus parameters show a significant decrease of 15.8% and the surface layer modulus a decrease of 3.12% in the mean value. The usefulness of the back analysis methodology is further highlighted by estimating the design parameters for specified values of the factor of safety. The analysis revealed that for the pavement section considered, a reliability of 89% and 94% can be achieved by adopting FOS values of 1.5 and 2, respectively. The methodology proposed can therefore be effectively used to identify the parameters that are critical to pavement failure in the design of pavements for specified levels of reliability. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)TE.1943-5436.0000455. (C) 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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The study extends the first order reliability method (FORM) and inverse FORM to update reliability models for existing, statically loaded structures based on measured responses. Solutions based on Bayes' theorem, Markov chain Monte Carlo simulations, and inverse reliability analysis are developed. The case of linear systems with Gaussian uncertainties and linear performance functions is shown to be exactly solvable. FORM and inverse reliability based methods are subsequently developed to deal with more general problems. The proposed procedures are implemented by combining Matlab based reliability modules with finite element models residing on the Abaqus software. Numerical illustrations on linear and nonlinear frames are presented. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In multiuser communication on the uplink, all subscribed users may not be active simultaneously. This leads to sparsity in the activity pattern in the users' transmissions, which can be exploited in the multiuser MIMO receiver at the base station (BS). Because of no transmissions from inactive users, joint detection at the BS has to consider an augmented signal set that includes zero. In this paper, we propose a receiver that exploits this inactivity-induced sparsity and considers the zero-augmented signal set. The proposed receiver is based on Markov Chain Monte Carlo techniques. Near-optimal performance and increased system capacity (in terms of number of users in the system) are demonstrated. For example, a multiuser MIMO system with N = 32 receive antennas at the BS and an user activity factor of 0.2 supports 51 uplink users meeting a QoS of 10(-3) coded bit error rate.


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We present an analytical effective theory for the magnetic phase diagram for zigzag-edge terminated honeycomb nanoribbons described by a Hubbard model with an interaction parameter U. We show that the edge magnetic moment varies as ln U and uncover its dependence on the width W of the ribbon. The physics of this owes its origin to the sensory-organ-like response of the nanoribbons, demonstrating that considerations beyond the usual Stoner-Landau theory are necessary to understand the magnetism of these systems. A first-order magnetic transition from an antiparallel orientation of the moments on opposite edges to a parallel orientation occurs upon doping with holes or electrons. The critical doping for this transition is shown to depend inversely on the width of the ribbon. Using variational Monte Carlo calculations, we show that magnetism is robust to fluctuations. Additionally, we show that the magnetic phase diagram is generic to zigzag-edge terminated nanostructures such as nanodots. Furthermore, we perform first-principles modeling to show how such magnetic transitions can be realized in substituted graphene nanoribbons. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.87.085412


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In this paper, we study duty cycling and power management in a network of energy harvesting sensor (EHS) nodes. We consider a one-hop network, where K EHS nodes send data to a destination over a wireless fading channel. The goal is to find the optimum duty cycling and power scheduling across the nodes that maximizes the average sum data rate, subject to energy neutrality at each node. We adopt a two-stage approach to simplify the problem. In the inner stage, we solve the problem of optimal duty cycling of the nodes, subject to the short-term power constraint set by the outer stage. The outer stage sets the short-term power constraints on the inner stage to maximize the long-term expected sum data rate, subject to long-term energy neutrality at each node. Albeit suboptimal, our solutions turn out to have a surprisingly simple form: the duty cycle allotted to each node by the inner stage is simply the fractional allotted power of that node relative to the total allotted power. The sum power allotted is a clipped version of the sum harvested power across all the nodes. The average sum throughput thus ultimately depends only on the sum harvested power and its statistics. We illustrate the performance improvement offered by the proposed solution compared to other naive schemes via Monte-Carlo simulations.