966 resultados para Calendar, Egyptian.
A Decade of Light and Shadow Opinion The World During the 1990s Weaknesses and Strengths of International Participation Changing Macroeconomic Challenges Performance in the Social Sector The Structure and Performance of Goods Producing Sectors Infrastructure Privatizations Recent titles Calendar
Regional Overview Opinion. The Growth Cycle in the Region and Challenges to Competitiveness The External Sector Oil Bills of Some Central American Countries Have Doubled since 2002 New Trend in Latin America is to Issue Sovereign External Debt in Local Currencies Macroeconomic Policy Internal Performance Economic Growth Fuels Better Job Creation in Latin America and the Caribbean Statistical Appendix Recent Titles Calendar of Events
Ambitious goals to develop information societies by 2010 Recession in the United States could reduce remittances to Latin America ECLAC at 60: Contributions to the development of Latin America and the Caribbean and the challenges ahead. Op-ed by ECLAC's Executive Secretary, José Luis Machinea Highlights. Budgeting in Latin America and the Caribbean. By Ricardo Martner The Fair goes to the plaza: "Experiences in social innovation," Porto Alegre 2007 Recent publications Calendar of events
International Trade from the Region Continues to Grow in 2006-2007 China and India: New Opportunities for Latin American Exports Op-ed by ECLAC's Executive Secretary, José Luis Machinea: ECLAC Urges Deepening of Regional Integration Highlights. Five Ways to Improve Poverty Programmes from a Social Capital Approach Indicators Women and Employment: Reform of the Health Sector in Argentina Recent Titles Calendar
Regional Overview Op- ed, José Luis Machinea: The Region in a Growth Phase: the Challenges to Economic Policy The External Sector Macroeconomic Policy Internal Performance Dramatic Hurrican Season in the Caribbean Statistical Appendix Recent titles Calendar
Special Issue on the Preliminary Overview of the Economies of Latin America and the Caribbean 2006 Regional overview "Cautious optimism" sums up growth in Latin America and the Caribbean today. Column by ECLAC's Executive Secretary, José Luis Machinea The international environment and external sector Macroeconomic policy Domestic performance Region consolidates gains in fiscal accounts Statistical appendix Recent titles Calendar
Explosive Rise in Remittances from Latin America Emigrants to their Families To Grow Old in Latin America and Caribbean Opinion by José Luis Machinea Highlights: Rural Poverty, a Persistent Issue Indicators Urban Residential Segregation Perpetuates Inequiality Recent Titles Calendar
Worrisome Decline in Labour Conditions Being Young in Ibero-America Op- ed, by José Luis Machinea:For a Social Cohesion Pact Highlights; Carbon Markets: An Opportunity for Latin America and the Caribbean Indicators Economic Lag Causes Social Decline in Haiti Recent Titles Calendar
Special issue about the Preliminary Overview of the Economies of Latin America and the Caribbean 2007 Regional Panorama Opinion by ECLAC's Executive Secretary, José Luis Machinea. Taking Advantage of the Favourable Scenario to Consolidate Economic Growth Macroeconomic Policy Domestic Performance External Sector Macroeconomic Management Should Make the Most of Growth Statistical Appendix Recent Titles Calendar of events
The new face of the region's citiesIndigenous and afro-american people live in poverty Opinion: Development financing in the new international contextHighlights: The impact of economic reforms in Latin America and the Caribbean Indicators The demographic opportunity Recent titles Calendar
Latin America and the Caribbean Will Grow 4.3% this Year How to Ensure Social Policies are Both Efficient and Effective Opinion: Hopeful Economic Scenario in Latin America and the Caribbean, by José Luis Machinea Highlights: High Youth Unemployment Creates Uncertainty Among Youth, by Jurgen Weller Indicators Teenage Pregnancies more Frequent Among Poor Girls Recent Titles Calendar
Economic Growth in Latin America and the Caribbean Will Be Negative in 2002 Regional Repercussions of the Argentine Crisis Op-ed: Half a Lost Decade, by José Antonio Ocampo, Executive Secretary of ECLAC Highlights: Investing in Sustainable Development Indicators Women's Participation in State Reform Recent titles and calendar of events
Ups and downs of the Brazilian economy Surprises in structural reform index Opinion: Does foreign direct investment contribute to economic growth? Highlights: The debate over Chile's Water Code Indicators Community management improves rural education Recent titles Calendar
Special Issue Social Panorama of Latin America 2002-2003 Op Ed by Alicia Bárcena, ECLAC's Deputy Executive Secretary: Struggling Against Hunger and Poverty Hunger Declines in Latin America and the Caribbean Fome Zero: Anti-Hunger Drive in Brazil The Invisibility of Women's Poverty Social Spending Rises and Becomes Better Focused In Latin America Labor Regulations Are Not Followed Statistical Appendix Recent Titles Calendar
Foreign Direct Investment Rose 44% in 2004 Integration In South America's Natural Gas Industry Opinion by José Luis Machinea: Foreign Direct Investment in Latin America: the Need to Sustain the Past Year's Recovery and Achieve Greater Benefits Highlights: Development Banks and Financing for Productive Development Indicators Poverty and Precarious Housing in Latin American Cities Recent Titles Calendar