945 resultados para CLUSTER-ANALYSIS


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El aprendizaje automático y la cienciometría son las disciplinas científicas que se tratan en esta tesis. El aprendizaje automático trata sobre la construcción y el estudio de algoritmos que puedan aprender a partir de datos, mientras que la cienciometría se ocupa principalmente del análisis de la ciencia desde una perspectiva cuantitativa. Hoy en día, los avances en el aprendizaje automático proporcionan las herramientas matemáticas y estadísticas para trabajar correctamente con la gran cantidad de datos cienciométricos almacenados en bases de datos bibliográficas. En este contexto, el uso de nuevos métodos de aprendizaje automático en aplicaciones de cienciometría es el foco de atención de esta tesis doctoral. Esta tesis propone nuevas contribuciones en el aprendizaje automático que podrían arrojar luz sobre el área de la cienciometría. Estas contribuciones están divididas en tres partes: Varios modelos supervisados (in)sensibles al coste son aprendidos para predecir el éxito científico de los artículos y los investigadores. Los modelos sensibles al coste no están interesados en maximizar la precisión de clasificación, sino en la minimización del coste total esperado derivado de los errores ocasionados. En este contexto, los editores de revistas científicas podrían disponer de una herramienta capaz de predecir el número de citas de un artículo en el fututo antes de ser publicado, mientras que los comités de promoción podrían predecir el incremento anual del índice h de los investigadores en los primeros años. Estos modelos predictivos podrían allanar el camino hacia nuevos sistemas de evaluación. Varios modelos gráficos probabilísticos son aprendidos para explotar y descubrir nuevas relaciones entre el gran número de índices bibliométricos existentes. En este contexto, la comunidad científica podría medir cómo algunos índices influyen en otros en términos probabilísticos y realizar propagación de la evidencia e inferencia abductiva para responder a preguntas bibliométricas. Además, la comunidad científica podría descubrir qué índices bibliométricos tienen mayor poder predictivo. Este es un problema de regresión multi-respuesta en el que el papel de cada variable, predictiva o respuesta, es desconocido de antemano. Los índices resultantes podrían ser muy útiles para la predicción, es decir, cuando se conocen sus valores, el conocimiento de cualquier valor no proporciona información sobre la predicción de otros índices bibliométricos. Un estudio bibliométrico sobre la investigación española en informática ha sido realizado bajo la cultura de publicar o morir. Este estudio se basa en una metodología de análisis de clusters que caracteriza la actividad en la investigación en términos de productividad, visibilidad, calidad, prestigio y colaboración internacional. Este estudio también analiza los efectos de la colaboración en la productividad y la visibilidad bajo diferentes circunstancias. ABSTRACT Machine learning and scientometrics are the scientific disciplines which are covered in this dissertation. Machine learning deals with the construction and study of algorithms that can learn from data, whereas scientometrics is mainly concerned with the analysis of science from a quantitative perspective. Nowadays, advances in machine learning provide the mathematical and statistical tools for properly working with the vast amount of scientometrics data stored in bibliographic databases. In this context, the use of novel machine learning methods in scientometrics applications is the focus of attention of this dissertation. This dissertation proposes new machine learning contributions which would shed light on the scientometrics area. These contributions are divided in three parts: Several supervised cost-(in)sensitive models are learned to predict the scientific success of articles and researchers. Cost-sensitive models are not interested in maximizing classification accuracy, but in minimizing the expected total cost of the error derived from mistakes in the classification process. In this context, publishers of scientific journals could have a tool capable of predicting the citation count of an article in the future before it is published, whereas promotion committees could predict the annual increase of the h-index of researchers within the first few years. These predictive models would pave the way for new assessment systems. Several probabilistic graphical models are learned to exploit and discover new relationships among the vast number of existing bibliometric indices. In this context, scientific community could measure how some indices influence others in probabilistic terms and perform evidence propagation and abduction inference for answering bibliometric questions. Also, scientific community could uncover which bibliometric indices have a higher predictive power. This is a multi-output regression problem where the role of each variable, predictive or response, is unknown beforehand. The resulting indices could be very useful for prediction purposes, that is, when their index values are known, knowledge of any index value provides no information on the prediction of other bibliometric indices. A scientometric study of the Spanish computer science research is performed under the publish-or-perish culture. This study is based on a cluster analysis methodology which characterizes the research activity in terms of productivity, visibility, quality, prestige and international collaboration. This study also analyzes the effects of collaboration on productivity and visibility under different circumstances.


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La presente Tesis está orientada al análisis de la supervisión multidistribuida de tres procesos agroalimentarios: el secado solar, el transporte refrigerado y la fermentación de café, a través de la información obtenida de diferentes dispositivos de adquisición de datos, que incorporan sensores, así como el desarrollo de metodologías de análisis de series temporales, modelos y herramientas de control de procesos para la ayuda a la toma de decisiones en las operaciones de estos entornos. En esta tesis se han utilizado: tarjetas RFID (TemTrip®) con sistema de comunicación por radiofrecuencia y sensor de temperatura; el registrador (i-Button®), con sensor integrado de temperatura y humedad relativa y un tercer prototipo empresarial, módulo de comunicación inalámbrico Nlaza, que integra un sensor de temperatura y humedad relativa Sensirion®. Estos dispositivos se han empleado en la conformación de redes multidistribuidas de sensores para la supervisión de: A) Transportes de producto hortofrutícola realizados en condiciones comerciales reales, que son: dos transportes terrestre de producto de IV gama desde Murcia a Madrid; transporte multimodal (barco-barco) de limones desde Montevideo (Uruguay) a Cartagena (España) y transporte multimodal (barco-camión) desde Montevideo (Uruguay) a Verona (Italia). B) dos fermentaciones de café realizadas en Popayán (Colombia) en un beneficiadero. Estas redes han permitido registrar la dinámica espacio-temporal de temperaturas y humedad relativa de los procesos estudiados. En estos procesos de transporte refrigerado y fermentación la aplicación de herramientas de visualización de datos y análisis de conglomerados, han permitido identificar grupos de sensores que presentan patrones análogos de sus series temporales, caracterizando así zonas con dinámicas similares y significativamente diferentes del resto y permitiendo definir redes de sensores de menor densidad cubriendo las diferentes zonas identificadas. Las metodologías de análisis complejo de las series espacio-temporales (modelos psicrométricos, espacio de fases bidimensional e interpolaciones espaciales) permitieron la cuantificación de la variabilidad del proceso supervisado tanto desde el punto de vista dinámico como espacial así como la identificación de eventos. Constituyendo así herramientas adicionales de ayuda a la toma de decisiones en el control de los procesos. Siendo especialmente novedosa la aplicación de la representación bidimensional de los espacios de fases en el estudio de las series espacio-temporales de variables ambientales en aplicaciones agroalimentarias, aproximación que no se había realizado hasta el momento. En esta tesis también se ha querido mostrar el potencial de un sistema de control basado en el conocimiento experto como es el sistema de lógica difusa. Se han desarrollado en primer lugar, los modelos de estimación del contenido en humedad y las reglas semánticas que dirigen el proceso de control, el mejor modelo se ha seleccionado mediante un ensayo de secado realizado sobre bolas de hidrogel como modelo alimentario y finalmente el modelo se ha validado mediante un ensayo en el que se deshidrataban láminas de zanahoria. Los resultados sugirieron que el sistema de control desarrollado, es capaz de hacer frente a dificultades como las variaciones de temperatura día y noche, consiguiendo un producto con buenas características de calidad comparables a las conseguidas sin aplicar ningún control sobre la operación y disminuyendo así el consumo energético en un 98% con respecto al mismo proceso sin control. La instrumentación y las metodologías de análisis de datos implementadas en esta Tesis se han mostrado suficientemente versátiles y transversales para ser aplicadas a diversos procesos agroalimentarios en los que la temperatura y la humedad relativa sean criterios de control en dichos procesos, teniendo una aplicabilidad directa en el sector industrial ABSTRACT This thesis is focused on the analysis of multi-distributed supervision of three agri-food processes: solar drying, refrigerated transport and coffee fermentation, through the information obtained from different data acquisition devices with incorporated sensors, as well as the development of methodologies for analyzing temporary series, models and tools to control processes in order to help in the decision making in the operations within these environments. For this thesis the following has been used: RFID tags (TemTrip®) with a Radiofrequency ID communication system and a temperature sensor; the recorder (i-Button®), with an integrated temperature and relative humidity and a third corporate prototype, a wireless communication module Nlaza, which has an integrated temperature and relative humidity sensor, Sensirion®. These devices have been used in creating three multi-distributed networks of sensors for monitoring: A) Transport of fruits and vegetables made in real commercial conditions, which are: two land trips of IV range products from Murcia to Madrid; multimodal transport (ship - ship) of lemons from Montevideo (Uruguay) to Cartagena (Spain) and multimodal transport (ship - truck) from Montevideo (Uruguay) to Verona (Italy). B) Two coffee fermentations made in Popayan (Colombia) in a coffee processing plant. These networks have allowed recording the time space dynamics of temperatures and relative humidity of the processed under study. Within these refrigerated transport and fermentation processes, the application of data display and cluster analysis tools have allowed identifying sensor groups showing analogical patterns of their temporary series; thus, featuring areas with similar and significantly different dynamics from the others and enabling the definition of lower density sensor networks covering the different identified areas. The complex analysis methodologies of the time space series (psychrometric models, bi-dimensional phase space and spatial interpolation) allowed quantifying the process variability of the supervised process both from the dynamic and spatial points of view; as well as the identification of events. Thus, building additional tools to aid decision-making on process control brought the innovative application of the bi-dimensional representation of phase spaces in the study of time-space series of environmental variables in agri-food applications, an approach that had not been taken before. This thesis also wanted to show the potential of a control system based on specialized knowledge such as the fuzzy logic system. Firstly, moisture content estimation models and semantic rules directing the control process have been developed, the best model has been selected by an drying assay performed on hydrogel beads as food model; and finally the model has been validated through an assay in which carrot sheets were dehydrated. The results suggested that the control system developed is able to cope with difficulties such as changes in temperature daytime and nighttime, getting a product with good quality features comparable to those features achieved without applying any control over the operation and thus decreasing consumption energy by 98% compared to the same uncontrolled process. Instrumentation and data analysis methodologies implemented in this thesis have proved sufficiently versatile and cross-cutting to apply to several agri-food processes in which the temperature and relative humidity are the control criteria in those processes, having a direct effect on the industry sector.


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La Comunidad de Madrid ha tenido un pasado minero importante que ha dejado su vestigio en el territorio. Actualmente la explotación de minerales no metálicos y de rocas industriales y ornamentales continúa, pero no así la de la minería metálica que en el pasado fue abundante. Hoy en día todas estas minas están abandonadas, dando lugar a zonas degradadas con un elevado riesgo para la seguridad de las personas y de los animales terrestres que habitan por sus inmediaciones, y necesitan ser intervenidas atendiendo, además, a su integración o recuperación ecológica y paisajística en el territorio. El principal propósito de esta tesis es conocer la situación actual que presentan las minas abandonadas de metales y proponer unos modelos de actuación para la rehabilitación e integración de los espacios mineros abandonados de la Comunidad de Madrid, cuya ventaja también estriba en su posible extrapolación a otras aéreas de gestión con una problemática similar. Partiendo de una selección de cincuenta y siete minas de interior metálicas abandonadas, se ha hecho un diagnostico en función de su seguridad (riesgo), interés cultural, arqueológico e histórico y por su afección a espacios protegidos, resultando que en todas, excepto en tres de ellas, es preciso llevar a cabo medidas protectoras y de restauración e integración en el medio ambiente. El conjunto de minas catalogadas de alto riesgo para la seguridad son veintitrés, y sobre ellas se ha realizado un Análisis Clúster, en el que además de los criterios de gestión formulados: seguridad, protección del patrimonio minero-industrial e integración ecológico-paisajística, se han incorporado otros modificadores como distancia a poblaciones, caminos, pistas y vías pecuarias, y accesibilidad. Con los resultados de este análisis se obtienen una clasificación por grupos de las minas en relación con las características intrínsecas de las explotaciones preseleccionadas y la tipología de problemas que presentan, y a partir de ella se plantean soluciones viables que se concretan en la redacción de una serie de anteproyectos tipo. Una de las principales aportaciones es que se trata de un modelo de inventariocaracterización- actuación extrapolable a otros entornos similares con problemáticas parecidas. Las propuestas de actuación que figuran en los anteproyectos tipo se proponen como medidas aplicables en situaciones similares. La tesis además también incorpora una base de datos georreferenciada que permite la localización de las explotaciones mineras abandonadas, el acceso rápido a sus características y a la propuesta de restauración correspondiente. ABSTRACT The Community of Madrid had an important mining past that left its traces in the territory. Currently the explotation of non-metallic minerals and industrial and ornamental rocks continues, but not so much with the metal deposits that were abundant in the past. Today these mines are abandoned, resulting in degraded areas with a high risk to the safety of nearby people and animals that inhabit its vicinity, and they need to be intervened, by tending to their environment integration or ecological and landscape recovery. The main objective of this thesis is to know the current situation of abandoned metal mines and propose an action model for the rehabilitation and integration of abandoned mining areas of the Community of Madrid, whose advantage also is its possible extrapolation to other management areas with similar problems. From a selection of fifty-seven abandoned metal mines, a diagnosis has been made, based on safety (risk), cultural, archaeological and historical interests and how it can be related to protected areas, resulting that all but three of them need measures of protection, restoration and integration to the environment. The set of mines that are classified as a high security risk are twenty-three, and it has been made on them an Cluster Analysis, as in addition to the management formulated criteria, such as safety, protection of mining and industrial heritage and eco-landscape integration, it has been incorporated other modifying variables, such as distance to populations, roads, tracks and livestock paths, and accessibility. With the results of this analysis, a classification of similar groups of mines in relation with the intrinsic characteristics of the preselected mines and typology problems, and from it a set of viable solutions will be specified, being then drafted on a series of proposals. One of the main contributions of this research is that it consists of an inventorycharacterization- action model, which can be extrapolated to other similar environments with similar problems. The action measures that are contained in the proposals are defined as applicable to similar situations. The thesis also incorporates a geo-referenced database that allows finding the location of abandoned mines, thus giving quick access to its features and its corresponding restoration proposal.


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Esta investigación se centra en determinar los grupos estratégicos (GE) de la industria bancaria venezolana y su influencia sobre el desempeño en el sector, así como su relación con la cobertura y la exclusión geográfica, durante el período 2008-2010. El test M de Box demostró que hubo inestabilidad financiera durante este lapso de tiempo, por ello se evaluó el comportamiento de los GE en cada año de estudio. La muestra se constituyó para el año 2008 por 58 entidades financieras, en el año 2009 por 52 entidades bancarias y para el período 2010 por sólo 39 instituciones. Antes de la aplicación del análisis cluster a las variables de alcance de la estrategia y recursos comprometidos, se realizó un análisis de componentes principales para determinar la relación entre estas variables y detectar valores atípicos; mientras que para distinguir las estrategias que caracterizaron a los grupos se siguió el procedimiento de uso común propuesto por Amel y Rhoades (1988), y se reforzó con la realización de las pruebas de contraste de medias o medianas ANOVA, Scheffé, Kruskal-Wallis y U de Mann-Whitney. Se empleó el paquete estadístico SPSS (versión 15.0) y el software de sistema de información geográfica Arcgis (versión 9.2) para lograr el objetivo propuesto. Los resultados indican que: 1) Al aplicar un procedimiento estadístico es posible detectar gradaciones en la implementación o evasión de las estrategias o del compromiso de recursos por parte de los GE, 2) En momentos de inestabilidad financiera los bancos cambian de estrategia y por tanto de GE, con el fin de obtener un buen desempeño, o al menos sobrevivir, 3) Sólo hubo evidencia parcial de la validez predictiva de los grupos estratégicos, 4) Al menos en Venezuela, los GE bancarios tienden a adoptar una estrategia de cobertura geográfica acorde con su estrategia financiera y, además que, los GE difieren en el nivel de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial en la lucha contra la exclusión financiera geográfica. ABSTRACT This research focuses on identifying strategic groups (SG) of the Venezuelan banking industry and its influence on the performance in the sector and its relationship with geographical coverage and exclusion, during the period 2008-2010. Box M test showed that there was financial instability during this period, so the behavior of SG in each year of study was evaluated. The sample was established for 2008 by 58 financial institutions, in 2009 by 52 banks and for the period 2010 to only 39 institutions. Before applying the cluster analysis variables scope of the strategy and committed resources, principal component analysis was performed to determine the relationship between these variables and outliers; while distinguishing strategies that characterized the group proposed by Amel and Rhoades (1988) commonly used procedure was followed and reinforced by the performance of tests contrast mean or median ANOVA, Scheffé, Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney. SPSS (version 15.0) and software Arcgis geographic information system (version 9.2) was used to achieve the objective. The results indicate that: 1) By applying a statistical procedure can detect gradations in implementation or avoidance strategies or resource commitment by SG, 2) In times of financial instability banks change their strategy and therefore SG, in order to get a good performance, or at least survive, 3) There was only partial evidence for the predictive validity of strategic groups, 4) At least in Venezuela, banking SG tend to adopt a strategy of geographical coverage according to their financial strategy and also that the SG differ in the level of corporate social responsibility in the fight against financial exclusion Geographic.


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The adenylate uridylate-rich elements (AREs) mediate the rapid turnover of mRNAs encoding proteins that regulate cellular growth and body response to exogenous agents such as microbes, inflammatory and environmental stimuli. However, the full repertoire of ARE-containing mRNAs is unknown. Here, we explore the distribution of AREs in human mRNA sequences. Computational derivation of a 13-bp ARE pattern was performed using multiple expectation maximization for motif elicitations (MEME) and consensus analyses. This pattern was statistically validated for the specificity towards the 3′-untranslated region and not coding region. The computationally derived ARE pattern is the basis of a database which contains non-redundant full-length ARE-mRNAs. The ARE-mRNA database (ARED; http://rc.kfshrc.edu.sa/ared) reveals that ARE-mRNAs encode a wide repertoire of functionally diverse proteins that belong to different biological processes and are important in several disease states. Cluster analysis was performed using the ARE sequences to demonstrate potential relationships between the type and number of ARE motifs, and the functional characteristics of the proteins.


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We have systematically characterized gene expression patterns in 49 adult and embryonic mouse tissues by using cDNA microarrays with 18,816 mouse cDNAs. Cluster analysis defined sets of genes that were expressed ubiquitously or in similar groups of tissues such as digestive organs and muscle. Clustering of expression profiles was observed in embryonic brain, postnatal cerebellum, and adult olfactory bulb, reflecting similarities in neurogenesis and remodeling. Finally, clustering genes coding for known enzymes into 78 metabolic pathways revealed a surprising coordination of expression within each pathway among different tissues. On the other hand, a more detailed examination of glycolysis revealed tissue-specific differences in profiles of key regulatory enzymes. Thus, by surveying global gene expression by using microarrays with a large number of elements, we provide insights into the commonality and diversity of pathways responsible for the development and maintenance of the mammalian body plan.


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The transcriptional response to epidermal growth factor (EGF) was examined in a cultured cell model of adhesion. Gene expression was monitored in human embryonic kidney cells (HEK293) after attachment of cells to the extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins, laminin, and fibronectin, by using complementary DNA micorarrays printed with 1,718 individual human genes. Cluster analysis revealed that the influence of EGF on gene expression, either positive or negative, was largely independent of ECM composition. However, clusters of EGF-regulated genes were identified that were diagnostic of the type of ECM proteins to which cells were attached. In these clusters, attachment of cells to a laminin or fibronectin substrata specifically modified the direction of gene expression changes in response to EGF stimulation. For example, in HEK293 cells attached to fibronectin, EGF stimulated an increase in the expression of some genes; however, genes in the same group were nonresponsive or even suppressed in cells attached to laminin. Many of the genes regulated by EGF and ECM proteins in this manner are involved in ECM and cytoskeletal architecture, protein synthesis, and cell cycle control, indicating that cell responses to EGF stimulation can be dramatically affected by ECM composition.


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We have analyzed the developmental molecular programs of the mouse hippocampus, a cortical structure critical for learning and memory, by means of large-scale DNA microarray techniques. Of 11,000 genes and expressed sequence tags examined, 1,926 showed dynamic changes during hippocampal development from embryonic day 16 to postnatal day 30. Gene-cluster analysis was used to group these genes into 16 distinct clusters with striking patterns that appear to correlate with major developmental hallmarks and cellular events. These include genes involved in neuronal proliferation, differentiation, and synapse formation. A complete list of the transcriptional changes has been compiled into a comprehensive gene profile database (http://BrainGenomics.Princeton.edu), which should prove valuable in advancing our understanding of the molecular and genetic programs underlying both the development and the functions of the mammalian brain.


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Local protein structure prediction efforts have consistently failed to exceed approximately 70% accuracy. We characterize the degeneracy of the mapping from local sequence to local structure responsible for this failure by investigating the extent to which similar sequence segments found in different proteins adopt similar three-dimensional structures. Sequence segments 3-15 residues in length from 154 different protein families are partitioned into neighborhoods containing segments with similar sequences using cluster analysis. The consistency of the sequence-to-structure mapping is assessed by comparing the local structures adopted by sequence segments in the same neighborhood in proteins of known structure. In the 154 families, 45% and 28% of the positions occur in neighborhoods in which one and two local structures predominate, respectively. The sequence patterns that characterize the neighborhoods in the first class probably include virtually all of the short sequence motifs in proteins that consistently occur in a particular local structure. These patterns, many of which occur in transitions between secondary structural elements, are an interesting combination of previously studied and novel motifs. The identification of sequence patterns that consistently occur in one or a small number of local structures in proteins should contribute to the prediction of protein structure from sequence.


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The regions surrounding the catalytic amino acids previously identified in a few "retaining" O-glycosyl hydrolases (EC 3.2.1) have been analyzed by hydrophobic cluster analysis and have been used to define sequence motifs. These motifs have been found in more than 150 glycosyl hydrolase sequences representing at least eight established protein families that act on a large variety of substrates. This allows the localization and the precise role of the catalytic residues (nucleophile and acid catalyst) to be predicted for each of these enzymes, including several lysosomal glycosidases. An identical arrangement of the catalytic nucleophile was also found for S-glycosyl hydrolases (myrosinases; EC for which the acid catalyst is lacking. A (beta/alpha)8 barrel structure has been reported for two of the eight families of proteins that have been grouped. It is suggested that the six other families also share this fold at their catalytic domain. These enzymes illustrate how evolutionary events led to a wide diversification of substrate specificity with a similar disposition of identical catalytic residues onto the same ancestral (beta/alpha)8 barrel structure.


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In mammals, gonadal function is controlled by a hypothalamic signal generator that directs the pulsatile release of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and the consequent pulsatile secretion of luteinizing hormone. In female rhesus monkeys, the electrophysiological correlates of GnRH pulse generator activity are abrupt, rhythmic increases in hypothalamic multiunit activity (MUA volleys), which represent the simultaneous increase in firing rate of individual neurons. MUA volleys are arrested by estradiol, either spontaneously at midcycle or after the administration of the steroid. Multiunit recordings, however, provide only a measure of total neuronal activity, leaving the behavior of the individual cells obscure. This study was conducted to determine the mode of action of estradiol at the level of single neurons associated with the GnRH pulse generator. Twenty-three such single units were identified by cluster analysis of multiunit recordings obtained from a total of six electrodes implanted in the mediobasal hypothalamus of three ovariectomized rhesus monkeys, and their activity was monitored before and after estradiol administration. The bursting of all 23 units was arrested within 4 h of estradiol administration although their baseline activity was maintained. The bursts of most units reappeared at the same time as the MUA volleys, the recovery of some was delayed, and one remained inhibited for the duration of the study (43 days). The results indicate that estradiol does not desynchronize the bursting of single units associated with the GnRH pulse generator but that it inhibits this phenomenon. The site and mechanism of action of estradiol in this regard remain to be determined.


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A leishmaniose visceral é uma zoonose de grande importância para a saúde pública, com ampla distribuição geográfica e epidemiologia complexa. Apesar de diversas estratégias de controle, a doença continua se expandindo, tendo o cão como principal reservatório. Levando em consideração que análises espaciais são úteis para compreender melhor a dinâmica da doença, avaliar fatores de risco e complementar os programas de prevenção e controle, o presente estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar a distribuição da leishmaniose visceral canina e relacionar sua dinâmica com características ou feições espaciais no município de Panorama (SP). A partir de dados secundários coletados em um inquérito sorológico entre agosto de 2012 e janeiro de 2013, 986 cães foram classificados como positivos e negativos de acordo com o protocolo oficial do Ministério da Saúde. Posteriormente uma análise espacial foi conduzida, compreendendo desde a visualização dos dados até a elaboração de um mapa de risco relativo, passando por análises de cluster global (função K) e local (varredura espacial). Para avaliar uma possível relação entre o cluster detectado com a vegetação na área de estudo, calculou-se o Índice de Vegetação por Diferença Normalizada (NDVI). A prevalência da doença encontrada na população de cães estudada foi de 20,3% (200/986). A visualização espacial demonstrou que tanto animais positivos quanto negativos estavam distribuídos por toda a área de estudo. O mapa de intensidade dos animais positivos apontou duas localidades de possíveis clusters, quando comparado ao mapa de intensidade dos animais negativos. As análises de cluster confirmaram a presença de um aglomerado e um cluster foi detectado na região central do município, com um risco relativo de 2,63 (p=0,01). A variação espacial do risco relativo na área de estudo foi mapeada e também identificou a mesma região como área significativa de alto risco (p<0,05). Não foram observadas diferenças no padrão de vegetação comparando as áreas interna e externa ao cluster. Sendo assim, novos estudos devem ser realizados com o intuito de compreender outros fatores de risco que possam ter levado à ocorrência do cluster descrito. A prevalência, a localização do cluster espacial e o mapa de risco relativo fornecem subsídios para direcionamento de esforços do Setor de Vigilância Epidemiológica de Panorama para áreas de alto risco, o que pode poupar recursos e aperfeiçoar o controle da leishmaniose visceral no município.


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A literatura acadêmica sobre o comportamento do investidor financeiro é bastante escassa. A pesquisa sobre o processo de decisão, em geral, aborda tradeoffs na aquisição de produtos e pouco se discute o processo de decisão de investimento. Esta tese pretende contribuir para a redução deste gap ao discutir fatores determinantes para a tomada de decisão do investidor pessoal em produtos financeiros. A decisão de investimento é complexa, envolve, entre outros, o tradeoff entre renunciar o consumo presente pela possibilidade de maior bem estar no futuro. Adicionalmente, em muitas situações, existe possibilidade real de perda dos recursos financeiros investidos. Para investigar os percursos desta decisão foram realizadas entrevistas em profundidade com executivos ligados ao setor de fundos de investimento e ao de distribuição de produtos de investimento dos maiores bancos brasileiros atuantes no segmento de varejo. Os conhecimentos recolhidos e a revisão de literatura efetuada subsidiaram a elaboração do questionário de pesquisa aplicado em plataforma web junto a potenciais investidores. Os atributos rentabilidade, possibilidade de perda (proxy de risco), liquidez, taxa de administração e recomendação do gerente foram identificados como os mais relevantes para a decisão do investidor. Para construção dos estímulos e decomposição da utilidade da decisão foi utilizada a técnica conjoint based choice (CBC) que simula uma decisão real. Os resultados apontaram ser a recomendação do gerente o atributo mais importante para a formação da preferência por uma alternativa de investimento, resultado que, por si só, indica que fatores não racionais exercem influência na decisão. Estudou-se, então, o impacto da aversão ao risco e do estilo cognitivo do investidor. Os resultados denotam que os mais avessos e os mais intuitivos são mais suscetíveis à recomendação do gerente, mas que seus efeitos são independentes entre si. As evidências sugerem que os mais intuitivos utilizam o gerente para alcançar conforto cognitivo na decisão e que os mais avessos para mitigar a sensação de risco associada ao produto. Uma análise de cluster indicou ser possível segmentar a amostra em dois grupos, um mais propenso à recomendação do gerente e outro aos atributos do produto. A recomendação do gerente mostrou ser o atributo mais forte na distinção dos grupos. Os resultados indicam que uma segmentação de mercado baseada na propensão à recomendação do gerente pode ser efetiva para direcionar a construção de uma estratégia de relacionamento que busque incrementar os resultados de longo prazo.


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Este trabalho apresenta resultados geoquímicos multielementares de sedimentos de corrente no estado de São Paulo, obtidos através do projeto institucional do Serviço Geológico do Brasil denominado \"Levantamento Geoquímico de Baixa Densidade no Brasil\". Dados analíticos de 1422 amostras de sedimento de corrente obtidos por ICP-MS (Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry), para 32 elementos químicos (Al, Ba, Be, Ca, Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Fe, Ga, Hf, K, La, Mg, Mn, Mo, Nb, Ni, P, Pb, Rb, Sc, Sn, Sr, Th, Ti, U, V, Y, Zn e Zr), foram processadas e abordadas através da análise estatística uni e multivariada. Os resultados do tratamento dos dados através de técnicas estatísticas univariadas forneceram os valores de background geoquímico (teor de fundo) dos 32 elementos para todo estado de São Paulo. A análise georreferenciada das distribuições geoquímicas unielementares evidenciaram a compartimentação geológica da área. As duas principais províncias geológicas do estado de São Paulo, Bacia do Paraná e Complexo Cristalino, se destacam claramente na maioria das distribuições geoquímicas. Unidades geológicas de maior expressão, como a Formação Serra Geral e o Grupo Bauru também foram claramente destacadas. Outras feições geoquímicas indicaram possíveis áreas contaminadas e unidades geológicas não cartografadas. Os resultados da aplicação de métodos estatísticos multivariados aos dados geoquímicos com 24 variáveis (Al, Ba, Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Fe, Ga, La, Mn, Nb, Ni, Pb, Rb, Sc, Sr, Th, Ti, U, V, Y, Zn e Zr) permitiram definir as principais assinaturas e associações geoquímicas existentes em todo estado de São Paulo e correlacioná-las aos principais domínios litológicos. A análise de agrupamentos em modo Q forneceu oito grupos de amostras geoquimicamente correlacionáveis, que georreferenciadas reproduziram os principais compartimentos geológicos do estado: Complexo Cristalino, Grupos Itararé e Passa Dois, Formação Serra Geral e Grupos Bauru e Caiuá. A análise discriminante multigrupos comprovou, estatisticamente, a classificação dos grupos formados pela análise de agrupamentos e forneceu as principais variáveis discriminantes: Fe, Co, Sc, V e Cu. A análise de componentes principais, abordada em conjunto com a análise fatorial pelo método de rotação varimax, forneceram os principais fatores multivariados e suas respectivas associações elementares. O georreferenciamento dos valores de escores fatoriais multivariados delimitaram as áreas onde as associações elementares ocorrem e forneceram mapas multivariados para todo o estado. Por fim, conclui-se que os métodos estatísticos aplicados são indispensáveis no tratamento, apresentação e interpretação de dados geoquímicos. Ademais, com base em uma visão integrada dos resultados obtidos, este trabalho recomenda: (1) a execução dos levantamentos geoquímicos de baixa densidade em todo país em caráter de prioridade, pois são altamente eficazes na definição de backgrounds regionais e delimitação de províncias geoquímicas com interesse metalogenético e ambiental; (2) a execução do mapeamento geológico contínuo em escala adequada (maiores que 1:100.000) em áreas que apontam para possíveis existências de unidades não cartografadas nos mapas geológicos atuais.


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It is well established that long-term changes in synaptic structure and function are mediated by rapid activity-dependent gene transcription and new protein synthesis. A growing body of evidence supports the involvement of the microRNA (miRNA) pathway in these processes. We have used the Drosophila neuromuscular junction (NMJ) as a model synapse to characterize activity-regulated miRNAs and their important mRNA targets. Here, we have identified five neuronal miRNAs (miRs-1, -8, -289, -314, and -958) that are significantly downregulated in response to neuronal activity. Furthermore we have discovered that neuronal misexpression of three of these miRNAs (miR-8, -289, and -958) is capable of suppressing new synaptic growth in response to activity suggesting that these miRNAs control the translation of biologically relevant target mRNAs. Putative targets of the activity-regulated miRNAs-8 and -289 are significantly enriched in clusters mapping to functional processes including axon development, pathfinding, and axon growth. We demonstrate that activity-regulated miR-8 regulates the 3'UTR of wingless, a presynaptic regulatory protein involved in the process of activity-dependent axon terminal growth. Additionally, we show that the 3'UTR of the protein tyrosine phosophatase leukocyte antengen related (lar), a protein required for axon guidance and synaptic growth, is regulated by activity-regulated miRNAs-8, -289, and -958 in vitro. Both wg and lar were identified as relevant putative targets for co-regulation based through our functional cluster analysis. One putative target of miR-289 is the Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CamKII). While CamKII is not predicted as a target for co-regulation by multiple activity-regulated miRNAs we identified it as an especially pertinent target for analysis in our system for two reasons. First, CamKII has an extremely well characterized role in postsynaptic plasticity, but its presynaptic role is less well characterized and bears further analysis. Second, local translation of CamKII mRNA is regulated in part by the miRNA pathway in an activity-dependent manner in dendrites. We find that the CamKII 3'UTR is regulated by miR-289 in-vitro and this regulation is alleviated by mutating the `seed region' of the miR-289 binding site within the CamKII 3'UTR. Furthermore, we demonstrate a requirement for local translation of CamKII in motoneurons in the process of activity-regulated axon terminal growth.