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Nested chromosomal deletions are powerful genetic tools. They are particularly suited for identifying essential genes in development either directly or by screening induced mutations against a deletion. To apply this approach to the functional analysis of mouse chromosome 2, a strategy for the rapid generation of nested deletions with Cre recombinase was developed and tested. A loxP site was targeted to the Notch1 gene on chromosome 2. A targeted line was cotransfected with a second loxP site and a plasmid for transient expression of Cre. Independent random integrations of the second loxP site onto the targeted chromosome in direct repeat orientation created multiple nested deletions. By virtue of targeting in an F1 hybrid embryonic stem cell line, F1(129S1×Cast/Ei), the deletions could be verified and rapidly mapped. Ten deletions fell into seven size classes, with the largest extending six or seven centiMorgans. The cytology of the deletion chromosomes were determined by fluorescent in situ hybridization. Eight deletions were cytologically normal, but the two largest deletions had additional rearrangements. Three deletions, including the largest unrearranged deletion, have been transmitted through the germ line. Several endpoints also have been cloned by plasmid rescue. These experiments illustrate the means to rapidly create and map deletions anywhere in the mouse genome. They also demonstrate an improved method for generating nested deletions in embryonic stem cells.


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The central problem of complex inheritance is to map oligogenes for disease susceptibility, integrating linkage and association over samples that differ in several ways. Combination of evidence over multiple samples with 1,037 families supports loci contributing to asthma susceptibility in the cytokine region on 5q [maximum logarithm of odds (lod) = 2.61 near IL-4], but no evidence for atopy. The principal problems with retrospective collaboration on linkage appear to have been solved, providing far more information than a single study. A multipoint lod table evaluated at commonly agreed reference loci is required for both collaboration and metaanalysis, but variations in ascertainment, pedigree structure, phenotype definition, and marker selection are tolerated. These methods are invariant with statistical methods that increase the power of lods and are applicable to all diseases, motivating collaboration rather than competition. In contrast to linkage, positional cloning by allelic association has yet to be extended to multiple samples, a prerequisite for efficient combination with linkage and the greatest current challenge to genetic epidemiology.


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Mutations in the ATRX gene on the human X chromosome cause X-linked α-thalassemia and mental retardation. XY patients with deletions or mutations in this gene display varying degrees of sex reversal, implicating ATRX in the development of the human testis. To explore further the role of ATRX in mammalian sex differentiation, the homologous gene was cloned and characterized in a marsupial. Surprisingly, active homologues of ATRX were detected on the marsupial Y as well as the X chromosome. The Y-borne copy (ATRY) displays testis-specific expression. This, as well as the sex reversal of ATRX patients, suggests that ATRY is involved in testis development in marsupials and may represent an ancestral testis-determining mechanism that predated the evolution of SRY as the primary mammalian male sex-determining gene. There is no evidence for a Y-borne ATRX homologue in mouse or human, implying that this gene has been lost in eutherians and its role supplanted by the evolution of SRY from SOX3 as the dominant determiner of male differentiation.


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For many agronomically important plant genes, only their position on a genetic map is known. In the absence of an efficient transposon tagging system, such genes have to be isolated by map-based cloning. In bread wheat Triticum aestivum, the genome is hexaploid, has a size of 1.6 × 1010 bp, and contains more than 80% of repetitive sequences. So far, this genome complexity has not allowed chromosome walking and positional cloning. Here, we demonstrate that chromosome walking using bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones is possible in the diploid wheat Triticum monococcum (Am genome). BAC end sequences were mostly repetitive and could not be used for the first walking step. New probes corresponding to rare low-copy sequences were efficiently identified by low-pass DNA sequencing of the BACs. Two walking steps resulted in a physical contig of 450 kb on chromosome 1AmS. Genetic mapping of the probes derived from the BAC contig demonstrated perfect colinearity between the physical map of T. monococcum and the genetic map of bread wheat on chromosome 1AS. The contig genetically spans the Lr10 leaf rust disease resistance locus in bread wheat, with 0.13 centimorgans corresponding to 300 kb between the closest flanking markers. Comparison of the genetic to physical distances has shown large variations within 350 kb of the contig. The physical contig can now be used for the isolation of the orthologous regions in bread wheat. Thus, subgenome chromosome walking in wheat can produce large physical contigs and saturate genomic regions to support positional cloning.


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Because the two sexes share a common gene pool while performing many different biological functions, mutations benefiting one sex may not accumulate due to counter selection in the other sex. In these experiments 99% of a haploid genome of Drosophila melanogaster was constrained to segregate like a male-limited Y chromosome for 41 generations, thereby eliminating potential counter selection in females. The synthetic Y chromosomes rapidly accumulated genetic variation that increased male fitness and decreased female fitness. The survival and fertility of females declined when they were mated to males expressing the synthetic Y chromosomes. These results suggests that opposing selection between the sexes may substantially interfere with sex-specific adaptation. They also demonstrate how intersexual evolutionary conflict can lead to perpetual degeneration of the Y via genetic hitchhiking of deleterious mutations.


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Hemizygous interstitial deletions in human chromosome 22q11 are associated with velocardiofacial syndrome and DiGeorge syndrome and lead to multiple congenital abnormalities, including cardiovascular defects. The gene(s) responsible for these disorders is thought to reside in a 1.5-Mb region of 22q11 in which 27 genes have been identified. We have used Cre-mediated recombination of LoxP sites in embryonic stem cells and mice to generate a 550-kb deletion encompassing 16 of these genes in the corresponding region on mouse chromosome 16. Mice heterozygous for this deletion are normal and do not exhibit cardiovascular abnormalities. Because mice with a larger deletion on mouse chromosome 16 do have heart defects, the results allow us to exclude these 16 genes as being solely, or in combination among themselves, responsible for the cardiovascular abnormalities in velocardiofacial/DiGeorge syndrome. We also generated mice with a duplication of the 16 genes that may help dissect the genetic basis of “cat eye” and derivative 22 syndromes that are characterized by extra copies of portions of 22q11, including these 16 genes. We also describe a strategy for selecting cell lines with defined chromosomal rearrangements. The method is based on reconstitution of a dominant selection marker after Cre-mediated recombination of LoxP sites. Therefore it should be widely applicable to many cell lines.


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We have used a combination of computerized database mining and experimental expression analyses to identify a gene that is preferentially expressed in normal male and female reproductive tissues, prostate, testis, fallopian tube, uterus, and placenta, as well as in prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and uterine cancer. This gene is located on the human X chromosome, and it is homologous to a family of genes encoding GAGE-like proteins. GAGE proteins are expressed in a variety of tumors and in testis. We designate the novel gene PAGE-1 because the expression pattern in the Cancer Genome Anatomy Project libraries indicates that it is predominantly expressed in normal and neoplastic prostate. Further database analysis indicates the presence of other genes with high homology to PAGE-1, which were found in cDNA libraries derived from testis, pooled libraries (with testis), and in a germ cell tumor library. The expression of PAGE-1 in normal and malignant prostate, testicular, and uterine tissues makes it a possible target for the diagnosis and possibly for the vaccine-based therapy of neoplasms of prostate, testis, and uterus.


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A class of tandemly repeated DNA sequences (TR-1) of 350-bp unit length was isolated from the knob DNA of chromosome 9 of Zea mays L. Comparative fluorescence in situ hybridization revealed that TR-1 elements are also present in cytologically detectable knobs on other maize chromosomes in different proportions relative to the previously described 180-bp repeats. At least one knob on chromosome 4 is composed predominantly of the TR-1 repeat. In addition, several small clusters of the TR-1 and 180-bp repeats have been found in different chromosomes, some not located in obvious knob heterochromatin. Variation in restriction fragment fingerprints and copy number of the TR-1 elements was found among maize lines and among maize chromosomes. TR-1 tandem arrays up to 70 kilobases in length can be interspersed with stretches of 180-bp tandem repeat arrays. DNA sequence analysis and restriction mapping of one particular stretch of tandemly arranged TR-1 units indicate that these elements may be organized in the form of fold-back DNA segments. The TR-1 repeat shares two short segments of homology with the 180-bp repeat. The longest of these segments (31 bp; 64% identity) corresponds to the conserved region among 180-bp repeats. The polymorphism and complex structure of knob DNA suggest that, similar to the fold-back DNA-containing giant transposons in Drosophila, maize knob DNA may have some properties of transposable elements.


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Fourier-transform IR (FT-IR) spectra of pelleted exfoliated cervical cells from patients with cervical cancer or dysplasia differ from those from normal women. To study the origin of these spectral changes, we obtained the FT-IR spectra of individual cervical cells from normal, dysplastic, and malignant cervical samples. Ninety five percent of normal superficial and intermediate cells displayed two distinct spectral patterns designated A and B, and 5% displayed an intermediate pattern, suggesting extensive structural heterogeneity among these cells. Parabasal and endocervical cells showed pattern B spectra. The spectra of malignant, dysplastic, and other abnormal cells also were characterized. Analysis of FT-IR spectra of over 2,000 individual cells from 10 normal females, 7 females with dysplasia, and 5 females with squamous cell carcinoma revealed that the spectra of normal-appearing intermediate and superficial cells of the cervix from women with either dysplasia or cancer differed from those of normal women. Chemometric and classical spectroscopic analysis showed a continuum of changes paralleling the transition from normalcy to malignancy. These findings suggest that (i) the structural changes underlying the spectroscopic changes are involved in or are a product of cervical carcinogenesis and (ii) the neoplastic process may be more extensive than currently recognized with morphological criteria. This approach may be useful for the structural study of neoplasia and also may be of help in the diagnosis or classification of cervical disorders.


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5′-End fragments of two genes encoding plastid-localized acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase; EC of wheat (Triticum aestivum) were cloned and sequenced. The sequences of the two genes, Acc-1,1 and Acc-1,2, are 89% identical. Their exon sequences are 98% identical. The amino acid sequence of the biotin carboxylase domain encoded by Acc-1,1 and Acc-1,2 is 93% identical with the maize plastid ACCase but only 80–84% identical with the cytosolic ACCases from other plants and from wheat. Four overlapping fragments of cDNA covering the entire coding region were cloned by PCR and sequenced. The wheat plastid ACCase ORF contains 2,311 amino acids with a predicted molecular mass of 255 kDa. A putative transit peptide is present at the N terminus. Comparison of the genomic and cDNA sequences revealed introns at conserved sites found in the genes of other plant multifunctional ACCases, including two introns absent from the wheat cytosolic ACCase genes. Transcription start sites of the plastid ACCase genes were estimated from the longest cDNA clones obtained by 5′-RACE (rapid amplification of cDNA ends). The untranslated leader sequence encoded by the Acc-1 genes is at least 130–170 nucleotides long and is interrupted by an intron. Southern analysis indicates the presence of only one copy of the gene in each ancestral chromosome set. The gene maps near the telomere on the short arm of chromosomes 2A, 2B, and 2D. Identification of three different cDNAs, two corresponding to genes Acc-1,1 and Acc-1,2, indicates that all three genes are transcriptionally active.


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EBV-encoded nuclear antigen-1 (EBNA-1) binding to a cis-acting viral DNA element, oriP, enables plasmids to persist in dividing human cells as multicopy episomes that attach to chromosomes during mitosis. In investigating the significance of EBNA-1 binding to mitotic chromosomes, we identified the basic domains of EBNA-1 within amino acids 1–89 and 323–386 as critical for chromosome binding. In contrast, the EBNA-1 C terminus (amino acids 379–641), which includes the nuclear localization signal and DNA-binding domain, does not associate with mitotic chromosomes or retain oriP plasmid DNA in dividing cell nuclei, but does enable the accumulation of replicated oriP-containing plasmid DNA in transient replication assays. The importance of chromosome association in episome maintenance was evaluated by replacing EBNA-1 amino acids 1–378 with cell proteins that have similar chromosome binding characteristics. High-mobility group-I amino acids 1–90 or histone H1–2 could substitute for EBNA-1 amino acids 1–378 in mediating more efficient accumulation of replicated oriP plasmid, association with mitotic chromosomes, nuclear retention, and long-term episome persistence. These data strongly support the hypothesis that mitotic chromosome association is a critical factor for episome maintenance. The replacement of 60% of EBNA-1 with cell protein is a significant step toward eliminating the need for noncellular protein sequences in the maintenance of episomal DNA in human cells.


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Chromosome 7q22 has been the focus of many cytogenetic and molecular studies aimed at delineating regions commonly deleted in myeloid leukemias and myelodysplastic syndromes. We have compared a gene-dense, GC-rich sub-region of 7q22 with the orthologous region on mouse chromosome 5. A physical map of 640 kb of genomic DNA from mouse chromosome 5 was derived from a series of overlapping bacterial artificial chromosomes. A 296 kb segment from the physical map, spanning Ache to Tfr2, was compared with 267 kb of human sequence. We identified a conserved linkage of 12 genes including an open reading frame flanked by Ache and Asr2, a novel cation-chloride cotransporter interacting protein Cip1, Ephb4, Zan and Perq1. While some of these genes have been previously described, in each case we present new data derived from our comparative sequence analysis. Adjacent unfinished sequence data from the mouse contains an orthologous block of 10 additional genes including three novel cDNA sequences that we subsequently mapped to human 7q22. Methods for displaying comparative genomic information, including unfinished sequence data, are becoming increasingly important. We supplement our printed comparative analysis with a new, Web-based program called Laj (local alignments with java). Laj provides interactive access to archived pairwise sequence alignments via the WWW. It displays synchronized views of a dot-plot, a percent identity plot, a nucleotide-level local alignment and a variety of relevant annotations. Our mouse–human comparison can be viewed at http://web.uvic.ca/~bioweb/laj.html. Laj is available at http://bio.cse.psu.edu/, along with online documentation and additional examples of annotated genomic regions.