1000 resultados para CD40 gene
Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome (HPS) is a genetic disorder characterized by oculocutaneous albinism, bleeding tendency and susceptibility to pulmonary fibrosis. No curative therapy is available. Genetic correction directed to the lungs, bone marrow and/or gastro-intestinal tract might provide alternative forms of treatment for the diseases multi-systemic complications. We demonstrate that lentiviral-mediated gene transfer corrects the expression and function of the HPS1 gene in patient dermal melanocytes, which opens the way to development of gene therapy for HPS.
Wilson's disease (WD), an autosomal recessive disorder of copper transport with a broad range of genotypic and phenotypic characteristics, results from mutations in the ATP7B gene. Herein we report the results of mutation analysis of the ATP7B gene in a group of 118 Wilson disease families (236 chromosomes) prevalently of Italian origin. Using DNA sequencing we identified 83 disease-causing mutations. Eleven were novel, while twenty one already described mutations were identified in new populations in this study. In particular, mutation analysis of 13 families of Romanian origin showed a high prevalence of the p.H1069Q mutation (50%). Detection of new mutations in the ATP7B gene in new populations increases our capability of molecular analysis that is essential for early diagnosis and treatment of WD.
The organization of lin genes and IS6100 was studied in three strains of Sphingomonas paucimobilis (B90A, Sp+, and UT26) which degraded hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) isomers but which had been isolated at different geographical locations. DNA-DNA hybridization data revealed that most of the lin genes in these strains were associated with IS6100, an insertion sequence classified in the IS6 family and initially found in Mycobacterium fortuitum. Eleven, six, and five copies of IS6100 were detected in B90A, Sp+, and UT26, respectively. IS6100 elements in B90A were sequenced from five, one, and one regions of the genomes of B90A, Sp+, and UT26, respectively, and were found to be identical. DNA-DNA hybridization and DNA sequencing of cosmid clones also revealed that S. paucimobilis B90A contains three and two copies of linX and linA, respectively, compared to only one copy of these genes in strains Sp+ and UT26. Although the copy number and the sequence of the remaining genes of the HCH degradative pathway (linB, linC, linD, and linE) were nearly the same in all strains, there were striking differences in the organization of the linA genes as a result of replacement of portions of DNA sequences by IS6100, which gave them a strange mosaic configuration. Spontaneous deletion of linD and linE from B90A and of linA from Sp+ occurred and was associated either with deletion of a copy of IS6100 or changes in IS6100 profiles. The evidence gathered in this study, coupled with the observation that the G+C contents of the linA genes are lower than that of the remaining DNA sequence of S. paucimobilis, strongly suggests that all these strains acquired the linA gene through horizontal gene transfer mediated by IS6100. The association of IS6100 with the rest of the lin genes further suggests that IS6100 played a role in shaping the current lin gene organization.
Heart transplantation is the treatment of choice for many patients with end-stage heart failure. Its success, however, is limited by organ shortage, side effects of immunosuppressive drugs, and chronic rejection. Gene therapy is conceptually appealing for applications in transplantation, as the donor organ is genetically manipulated ex vivo before transplantation. Localised expression of immunomodulatory genes aims to create a state of immune privilege within the graft, which could eliminate the need for systemic immunosuppression. In this review, recent advances in the development of gene therapy in heart transplantation are discussed. Studies in animal models have demonstrated that genetic modification of the donor heart with immunomodulatory genes attenuates ischaemia-reperfusion injury and rejection. Alternatively, bone marrow-derived cells genetically engineered with donor-type major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I or II promote donor-specific hyporesponsiveness. Genetic engineering of naïve T cells or dendritic cells may induce regulatory T cells and regulatory dendritic cells. Despite encouraging results in animal models, however, clinical gene therapy trials in heart transplantation have not yet been started. The best vector and gene to be delivered remain to be identified. Pre-clinical studies in non-human primates are needed. Nonetheless, the potential of gene therapy as an adjunct therapy in transplantation is essentially intact.
The enzyme glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) is important for recycling the chief excitatory neurotransmitter, glutamate, during neurotransmission. Human GDH exists in housekeeping and brain-specific isotypes encoded by the genes GLUD1 and GLUD2, respectively. Here we show that GLUD2 originated by retroposition from GLUD1 in the hominoid ancestor less than 23 million years ago. The amino acid changes responsible for the unique brain-specific properties of the enzyme derived from GLUD2 occurred during a period of positive selection after the duplication event.
Gene duplication leads to paralogy, which complicates the de novo assembly of genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) data. The issue of paralogous genes is exacerbated in plants, because they are particularly prone to gene duplication events. Paralogs are normally filtered from GBS data before undertaking population genomics or phylogenetic analyses. However, gene duplication plays an important role in the functional diversification of genes and it can also lead to the formation of postzygotic barriers. Using populations and closely related species of a tropical mountain shrub, we examine 1) the genomic differentiation produced by putative orthologs, and 2) the distribution of recent gene duplication among lineages and geography. We find high differentiation among populations from isolated mountain peaks and species-level differentiation within what is morphologically described as a single species. The inferred distribution of paralogs among populations is congruent with taxonomy and shows that GBS could be used to examine recent gene duplication as a source of genomic differentiation of nonmodel species.
To modulate alloreactivity after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, "suicide" gene-modified donor T cells (GMCs) have been administered with an allogeneic T-cell-depleted marrow graft. We previously demonstrated that such GMCs, generated after CD3 activation, retrovirus-mediated transduction, and G418 selection, had an impaired Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) reactivity, likely to result in an altered control of EBV-induced lymphoproliferative disease. To further characterize the antiviral potential of GMCs, we compared the frequencies of cytomegalovirus (CMV)-specific CD8+ T (CMV-T) cells and EBV-specific CD8+ T (EBV-T) cells within GMCs from CMV- and EBV-double seropositive donors. Unlike anti-EBV responses, the anti-CMV responses were not altered by GMC preparation. During the first days of culture, CMV-T cells exhibited a lower level of CD3-induced apoptosis than did EBV-T cells. In addition, the CMV-T cells escaping initial apoptosis subsequently underwent a higher expansion rate than EBV-T cells. The differential early sensitivity to apoptosis could be in relation to the "recent activation" phenotype of EBV-T cells as evidenced by a higher level of CD69 expression. Furthermore, EBV-T cells were found to have a CD45RA-CD27+CCR7- effector memory phenotype, whereas CMV-T cells had a CD45RA+CD27-CCR7- terminal effector phenotype. Such differences could be contributive, because bulk CD8+CD27- cells had a higher expansion than did bulk CD8+CD27+ cells. Overall, ex vivo T-cell culture differentially affects apoptosis, long-term proliferation, and overall survival of CMV-T and EBV-T cells. Such functional differences need to be taken into account when designing cell and/or gene therapy protocols involving ex vivo T-cell manipulation.
Viruses have evolved strategies to overcome the antiviral effects of the host at different levels. Besides specific defence mechanisms, the host responds to viral infection via the interferon pathway and also by RNA interference (RNAi). However, several viruses have been identified that suppress RNAi. We addressed the question of whether hepatitis C virus (HCV) suppresses RNAi, using cell lines constitutively expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) and inducibly expressing HCV proteins. It was found that short interfering RNA-mediated GFP gene silencing was inhibited when the entire HCV polyprotein was expressed. Further studies showed that HCV structural proteins, and in particular envelope protein 2 (E2), were responsible for this inhibition. Co-precipitation assays demonstrated that E2 bound to Argonaute-2 (Ago-2), a member of the RNA-induced silencing complex, RISC. Thus, HCV E2 that interacts with Ago-2 is able to suppress RNAi.
Telomerase activity, not detectable in somatic cells but frequently activated during carcinogenesis, confers immortality to tumors. Mechanisms governing expression of the catalytic subunit hTERT, the limiting factor for telomerase activity, still remain unclear. We previously proposed a model in which the binding of the transcription factor CTCF to the two first exons of hTERT results in transcriptional inhibition in normal cells. This inhibition is abrogated, however, by methylation of CTCF binding sites in 85% of tumors. Here, we showed that hTERT was unmethylated in testicular and ovarian tumors and in derivative cell lines. We demonstrated that CTCF and its paralogue, BORIS/CTCFL, were both present in the nucleus of the same cancer cells and bound to the first exon of hTERT in vivo. Moreover, exogenous BORIS expression in normal BORIS-negative cells was sufficient to activate hTERT transcription with an increasing number of cell passages. Thus, expression of BORIS was sufficient to allow hTERT transcription in normal cells and to counteract the inhibitory effect of CTCF in testicular and ovarian tumor cells. These results define an important contribution of BORIS to immortalization during tumorigenesis.
Vitellogenin genes are expressed specifically in the liver of female oviparous vertebrates under the strict control of estrogen. To explain this tissue-specific expression, we performed a detailed analysis of the Xenopus laevis vitellogenin gene B1 promoter by DNase I footprinting and gel mobility-shift assays. We characterized five binding sites for the ubiquitous factor CTF/NF-I. Two of these sites are close to the TATA-box, whereas the others are located on both sides of the estrogen responsive unit formed by two imperfect estrogen response elements. Moreover two liver-enriched factors, C/EBP and HNF3, were found to interact with multiple closely spaced proximal promoter elements in the first 100 base pairs upstream of the TATA-box. To confirm the physiological significance of this in vitro analysis, in vivo DNase I footprinting experiments were carried out using the ligation-mediated polymerase chain reaction technique. The various cis-elements characterized in vitro as binding sites for known transcription factors and more particularly for liver-enriched transcription factors are efficiently recognized in vivo as well, suggesting that they play an important role in the control of the liver-specific vitellogenin gene B1 expression.
Abstract: Light is a very important environmental cue for plants. In addition to the energy for photosynthesis, it also provides information that is essential for many processes including seed germination, seedlings development, neighbours detection or transition from the vegetative to the reproductive state. Plants evolved different photoreceptors, among which the phytochromes (PHY), which are red/far-red photoreceptors. This family is composed of 5 members in Arabidopsis thaliana, among which phyB plays the major role for detection of red light. Phytochromes are also able to reset the phase of the circadian clock, which is composed of a complicated network of genes able to produce rhythms of about 24 hours, even in constant conditions. SRR1 (Sensitivity to Red light Reduced) is a gene that was shown to act in the phyB pathway as well as in the circadian clock. It was proposed to play a role in the maintenance of rhythms of the core oscillator because of the circadian phenotype of the srr1 mutant in constant light and in constant darkness. In the present study, we present data confirming the role of SRR1 in the core oscillator. Moreover, we show that SRR1 levels are not limiting for circadian rhythms nor for light perception. We show that the protein levels, the sub-cellular localisation or the complex in which SRR1 is found are not regulated in a circadian manner. Orthologues of SRR1 exist in numerous eukaryotes, forming a new gene family. None of the members of this family have been described. Here, we present data suggesting that the mouse orthologue of SRR1 may not be required for oscillation of the circadian clock of mouse cells in culture. The yeast gene (called BER1 for Benomyl REsistant) was studied to understand the biochemical function of this gene family. Based on synthetic genetic screens, a role of Ber1 was inferred in microtubules dynamics, N-terminal acetylation of protein and proteasome biogenesis. The effect of Ber1 on microtubules was confirmed by the observation that the ber1Δ mutant is more resistant to microtubule-depolymerising drugs and microscopic examination of microtubules in ber 1 Δ mutants. Complementation assays of ber1 Δ mutants and srrl mutants failed to reveal any obvious functional conservation of the mouse, yeast and Arabidopsis orthologues. In conclusion, the SRR1 family might encode genes that either plays different roles in different organisms, or have similar biochemical function but are involved in diverse pathway. Résumé: La lumière est un des facteurs abiotiques les plus important pour les plantes. En plus de l'énergie fournie pour la photosynthèse, elle fourni également de l'information nécessaire pour différents processus comme la germination, le développement des jeunes plantules, la détection de plantes avoisinantes ou encore la transition entre le développement végétatif et reproductif. Plusieurs types de photorécepteurs sont apparus chez les plantes au cours de l'évolution, notamment les phytochromes (PHI, qui perçoivent la lumière rouge et rouge lointaine. Cette famille est composé de 5 membres chez Arabidopsis thaliana, parmi lesquels phyB est le principal récepteur pour la lumière rouge. Les phytochromes sont aussi utiles pour la synchronisation entre les cycles jour-nuit dus à la rotation de la terre et l'horloge circadienne. Cette dernière est composée d'un réseau compliqué qui permet la production de rythmes capables de perdurer même en conditions constantes. SRRI (Sensitivity to Red light Reduced) est un gène qui agit dans la voie de signalisation de phyB ainsi que dans l'horloge circadienne. Il a été proposé que SRRI joue un rôle dans la maintenance des rythmes de l'oscillateur principal à cause des phénotypes circadiens du mutant srrl observés en lumière et en obscurité continue. Dans ce travail, nous présentons des données confirmant le rôle de SRR1 dans l'oscillateur principal. Nous montrons que les niveaux d'expression de SRRI ne sont pas limitants pour les rythmes circadiens ou la perception de la lumière. Enfin, nous montrons que le niveau d'accumulation de la protéine, sa localisation subcellulaire ou encore la taille du complexe dans lequel SRRl est trouvé ne sont pas régulés de façon circadiennes. Des orthologues de SRRI existent chez de nombreux eucaryotes, formant une nouvelle famille de gènes. Aucun des membres de cette famille n'a été étudié avant ce travail. Nous présentons des données suggérant que l'orthologue de la souris n'est peut-être pas requis pour les oscillations de l'horloge circadienne de cellules de souris en culture. Le gène de la levure (appelé SERI pour Benomyl REsistant) a été étudié afin de mieux comprendre la fonction biochimique de cette famille de gène. Une analyse par crible synthétique léthal a révélé un rôle de Ber1 dans la dynamique des microtubules, l'acétylation des protéines en N-terminal et la biogenèse du protéasome. L'effet de Ber1 sur les microtubules a été confirmé par l'observation du mutant ber1 en présence de drogue capable de dépolymériser les microtubules. Celui-ci est plus résistant à ces drogues que le type sauvage. Des expériences de complémentation n'ont pas montré de conservation de la fonction entre SRRI et ses homologues de souris ou de levure. En conclusion, la famille SRRI code pour des gènes qui pourraient avoir soit des rôles différents selon les organismes, soit la même fonction biochimique mais qui serait utile pour des voies de signalisation différentes.
Islet-brain 1 (IB1) is the human and rat homologue of JIP-1, a scaffold protein interacting with the c-Jun amino-terminal kinase (JNK). IB1 expression is mostly restricted to the endocrine pancreas and to the central nervous system. Herein, we explored the transcriptional mechanism responsible for this preferential islet and neuronal expression of IB1. A 731-bp fragment of the 5' regulatory region of the human MAPK8IP1 gene was isolated from a human BAC library and cloned upstream of a luciferase reporter gene. This construct drove high transcriptional activity in both insulin-secreting and neuron-like cells but not in unrelated cell lines. Sequence analysis of this promoter region revealed the presence of a neuron-restrictive silencer element (NRSE) known to bind repressor zinc finger protein REST. This factor is not expressed in insulin-secreting and neuron-like cells. By mobility shift assay, we confirmed that REST binds to the NRSE present in the IB1 promoter. Once transiently transfected in beta-cell lines, the expression vector encoding REST repressed IB1 transcriptional activity. The introduction of a mutated NRSE in the 5' regulating region of the IB1 gene abolished the repression activity driven by REST in insulin-secreting beta cells and relieved the low transcriptional activity of IB1 observed in unrelated cells. Moreover, transfection in non-beta and nonneuronal cell lines of an expression vector encoding REST lacking its transcriptional repression domain relieved IB1 promoter activity. Last, the REST-mediated repression of IB1 could be abolished by trichostatin A, indicating that deacetylase activity is required to allow REST repression. Taken together, these data establish a critical role for REST in the control of the tissue-specific expression of the human IB1 gene.
The two well-described osteolysis syndromes associated with matrix metalloproteinase-2 deficiency and mutations in the metalloproteinase-2 gene are Torg-Winchester syndrome and nodulosis-arthropathy-osteolysis variant. They are characterized by carpal-tarsal destruction, subcutaneous nodules, and generalized osteoporosis and show autosomal recessive inheritance. Herein, we report two siblings affected with a novel mutation in matrix metalloproteinase 2 gene and discuss their clinical and radiographic findings.
Etant données la complexité et la redondance des réseaux de gènes influençant de nombreux phénotypes, l'étude des rares cas d'un locus unique ayant des effets importants sur de nombreux phénotypes peut fournir des informations cruciales sur l'évolution des traits complexes. Nous avons séquencé le génome de la fourmi de feu Solenopsis invicta pour étudier comment l'expression des gènes détermine les effets majeurs et étendus de deux loci uniques sur le phénotype. Le premier locus concerne la détermination du sexe par le modèle des allèles complémentaires. Ce locus est connu pour déterminer le sexe chez tous les hyménoptères mais n'a été caractérisé que chez les abeilles. Les hétérozygotes pour ce locus se développent en reines diploïdes (ou ouvrières stériles) alors que les homozygotes se développent en mâles diploïdes incapables de produire du sperme et les hémizygotes en mâles haploïdes fertiles. Nous avons comparé l'expression des gènes entre les reines et les deux types de mâles au stade pupe, ainsi que 1 et 11 jours après l'émergence. Nous avons trouvé un changement prononcé de l'expression des gènes chez les mâles diploïdes, passant de très proche de celle des reines au stade pupe à identique aux mâles haploïdes 11 jours après l'émergence. Cela signifie que les mâles diploïdes sont condamnés à être stériles parce que les effets après émergence du locus de détermination du sexe ne per¬mettent pas d'effacer les effets de la ploïdie sur l'expression des gènes pendant le stade pupe, quand la spermatogénèse prend place. Le second locus aux effets majeurs que nous avons étudié est le supergène dit "green beard", qui consiste en 616 gènes couvrant 55% d'un chromosome (13 Mb) et est caractérisé par une absence de recombinaison entre les deux variants du supergène : "Social B" et "Social b" (SB et Sb). Au travers de l'effet "green beard", par lequel les ouvrières avec le supergène Sb discriminent favorablement les reines qui partagent ce supergène de façon perceptible, le génotype des reines fondatrices au niveau de ce supergène détermine l'organisation de la colonie : soit elle contient une seule reine SB/SB, soit plusieurs reines SB/Sb. Nous avons montré que le chromosome Sb a évolué comme le chromosome Y, accumulant probablement des allèles favorables dans des colonies avec plusieurs reines mais défavorables dans des colonies avec une seule reine (cf. gènes sexuellement antagonistes), ainsi que des transposons et des séquences répéti¬tives. Nous avons également montré que le polymorphisme du supergène cause de grandes différences d'expression chez les ouvrières et particulièrement les reines mais pas chez les mâles. Pour comprendre comment le polymorphisme du supergène chez les reines peut affecter l'organisation de la colonie, nous avons comparé l'expression entre les génotypes SB/SB et SB/Sb chez des reines vierges (1 et 11 jours) et des reines matures. Nous avons montré que les reines SB/SB sur-régulent des gènes impliqués dans la reproduction, expli-quant pourquoi elle grandissent plus rapidement et peuvent fonder des colonies de façon indépendante, tandis que les reines SB/Sb (qui ne peuvent fonder une nouvelle colonie) sur-régulent des gènes de signalement chimique qui affectent l'organisation des colonies par l'effet "green beard". - Given the complexity and redundancy of the gene networks that underlie many pheno- types, the study of rare cases of a single locus having major effects on many phenotypes can give powerful insights into the evolution of complex traits. We sequenced the genome of Solenopsis invicta fire ants to study how gene expression mediates the widespread major effects of two single loci on phenotype. The first is the complementary sex-determining locus, which is known to exist in most Hymenoptera despite being characterized only for honeybees. Heterozygotes at this locus become diploid queens (or sterile workers), homozy¬gotes become aspermic diploid males, and hemizygotes become fertile haploid males. We compared gene expression between queens and both types of males in pupae and 1 and 11 days after eclosion. We found a pronounced shift in gene expression in diploid males, from being nearly identical to queens as pupae to identical to haploid males 11 days after eclosion. This means that diploid males are condemned to sterility because the overriding effects of the sex locus after eclosion cannot undo the ploidy effects on expression during the pupal stage, when spermatogenesis must be completed. The second locus with major ef¬fects that we studied was the so-called "green beard" supergene, which consists of 616 genes encompassing 55% of one chromosome (13 Mb), without recombination between the two variants "Social B" and "Social b" (SB and Sb) supergene. Through the green beard effect, i.e. workers with the Sb supergene discriminating in favor of queens who perceptibly share this supergene, the founding queen's genotype at the supergene determines colony organi¬zation: either headed by a single SB/SB queen or many SB/Sb queens. We show that the Sb chromosome evolved like a Y-chromosome, probably accumulating alleles beneficial in multi-queen colonies but disadvantageous in single-queen colonies (cf. sexually antagonistic genes), as well as transposons and repetitive sequences. We also show that the polymor¬phism of the supergene causes widespread expression differences in workers and especially queens but not in males. To understand how the polymorphism at the supergene in queen can transform colony organization, we compared the expression between SB/SB and SB/Sb virgin queens (1 and 11 days) and mother queens. We show that SB/SB queens up-regulate genes involved in reproduction, explaining why they mature faster and can found colonies independently, while SB/Sb queens (which cannot found colonies) up-regulate chemical signaling genes that can transform colonies through the green beard effect.
Cell-free translation of total RNA isolated from vaccinia virus-infected cells late in infection results in a complex mixture of polypeptides. A monospecific antibody directed against one of the major structural proteins of the virus particle immunoprecipitated a single polypeptide with a molecular weight of 11,000 (11K) from this mixture. Immunoprecipitation was therefore used to identify the structural polypeptide among the in vitro translation products of RNA purified by hybridization selection to restriction fragments of the vaccinia virus genome. This allowed us to map the mRNA coding for the 11K polypeptide to the extreme left-hand end of the HindIII E fragment. Detailed transcriptional mapping of this region of the genome by nuclease S1 analysis revealed the presence of a late RNA transcribed from the rightward-reading strand. Its 5' end mapped at ca. 130 base pairs to the left of the HindIII site at the junction between the HindIII F and E fragments. The map position of this RNA coincided precisely with the map position of the late message coding for the 11K polypeptide.