960 resultados para Células T


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O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o rendimento da espermatogênese de cutias criadas em cativeiro, por intermédio das razões encontradas entre tipos celulares do epitélio seminífero. Os resultados apontaram que o rendimento da espermatogênese da cutia dos nove aos quatorze meses de idade não chegou a um ponto de estabilização. O coeficiente de eficiência de mitoses espermatogoniais não aumentou com a idade. O rendimento meiótico, o rendimento geral da espermatogênese e o índice de células de Sertoli mostraram variações numéricas em função da idade, entretanto, não detectadas estatisticamente.


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Compounds derived from fungi has been the subject of many studies in order to broaden the knowledge of their bioactive potential. Polysaccharides from Caripia montagnei have been described to possess anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. In this study, glucans extracted from Caripia montagnei mushroom were chemically characterized and their effects evaluated at different doses and intervals of treatment. It was also described their action on colonic injury in the model of colitis induced by 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS), and its action on cells of the human colon carcinoma (HT-29). Compounds extracted of C. montagnei contain high level of carbohydrates (96%), low content of phenolic compounds (1.5%) and low contamination with proteins (2.5%). The (FT-IR) and (NMR) analysis showed that polysaccharides from this species of mushroom are composed of α- and β-glucans. The colonic damage was evaluated by macroscopic, histological, biochemical and immunologic analyses. The results showed a reduction of colonic lesions in all groups treated with the glucans of Caripia montagnei (GCM). GCM significantly reduced the levels of IL-6 (50 and 75 mg/kg, p < 0.05), a major inflammatory cytokine. Biochemical analyses showed that such glucans acted on reducing levels of alkaline phosphatase (75 mg/kg, p < 0.01), nitric oxide (p < 0.001), and myeloperoxidase (p < 0.001). These results were confirmed microscopically by the reduction of cellular infiltration. The increase of catalase activity suggest a protective effect of GCM on colonic tissue, confirming their anti-inflammatory potential. GCM displayed cytostatic activity against HT-29 cells, causing accumulation of cells in G1 phase, blocking the cycle cell progression. Those glucans also showed ability to modulate the adhesion of HT-29 cells to Matrigel® and reduced the oxidative stress. The antiproliferative activity against HT-29 cells displayed by GCM (p <0.001) can be attributed to its cytostatic activity and induction of apoptosis by GCM


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Introdução: A esclerose sistémica (ES) é uma doença reumática rara, onde se verifica uma reacção auto-imune, afectando o tecido conjuntivo. De etiologia desconhecida, esta patologia, dividide-se em dois subtipos: limitada e difusa, tendo como processos característicos e inter-relacionados: a lesão vascular, a reacção autoimune e a fibrose. As células NK modulam as doenças auto-imunes através das suas capacidades citotóxicas e de produção de citocinas. Deste modo procedeu-se ao estudo imunofenotípico e funcional de duas sub-populações de células Natural Killer (NK) (NK CD56dim e NK CD56bright). Métodos: Recorrendo à citometria de fluxo, caracterizamos fenotipicamente as células NK, com base na expressão de CD49e, CD29 e LAIR-1; funcionalmente, com base nas citocinas TNF-α e IFN-γ e citotoxicamente, com base na granzima B e na perforina. Resultados: Os nossos resultados sugerem uma diminuição da percentagem e valor absoluto de células NK totais e suas subpopulações, NK CD56dim e NK CD56bright, em doentes com ES, sobretudo na presença de úlceras digitais (UD) e fibrose pulmonar (FP). Observamos ainda uma diminuição da expressão de CD49e e um aumento da expressão de LAIR-1, nas células NK, em doentes com ES, principalmente nos que não apresentavam UD e FP. Num modo geral observou-se um aumento da frequência de células NK a expressar granzima B e perforina e um aumento da expressão destas duas proteínas. Conclusão: Concluímos que as células NK poderão ter um papel importante na fisiopatologia da ES, pelas alterações fenotípicas e funcionais, podendo, futuramente vir a ser utilizados na monitorização da severidade desta doença.


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Fucan is a term used to denominate L-fucose rich sulfated polysaccharides. The fucans have been studied due their pharmacological activities like antithrombotic, antiproliferative and antioxidant. We have extracted three fucan fractions from the brown seaweed Spatoglossum schröederi. These fucans were denominated Fuc B 1, Fuc B 1.5 and Fuc B 2. The chemical analyzes show that the fucans have very similar composition as demonstrated by agarose electrophoresis gel, sugar and sulfate content. The antiproliferative effect was determined by MTT and BrdU methodologies in CHO cells. The inhibition of proliferation effect of the three fractions was about 40%. Therefore this we proceed just with the Fuc B 2 due the higher yield. There is no apoptosis indication using the anexin V/propidium iodide test. We found a cell cycle phase G1 arrest. The western blotting show that the PKC; pFAK; pERK 1/2 are activated when the cells were treated with fucans. The treatement with inhibitor of MAPK PD98059 extinguished the fucan effect. These results indicates that fucan act by the ERK pathway inducing the cell death.


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Cancer is a term used to represent a set of more than 100 diseases, including malignant tumors from different locations. The malignancies are the second leading cause of death in the population, representing approximately 17% of deaths of known cause. Strategies that induce differentiation have had limited success in the treatment of established cancers. In this work, a lectin purified from the marine sponge Cinachyrella apion (CaL) was evaluated due to its hemolytic, cytotoxic and antiproliferative properties, besides the ability to induce cell death via apoptosis in tumor cells. The antiproliferative activity of CaL was tested against cell lines, with the highest inhibition of tumor growth for HeLa, reducing cell growth at a dose dependent manner, with a concentration of 10 μg/mL. The hemolytic activity and toxicity against peripheral blood cells were tested using the concentration of IC50 for both trials and twice the IC50 for analysis in flow cytometry, indicating that CaL is not toxic to these cells. To assess the mechanism of cell death caused by CaL in HeLa cells, we performed flow cytometry and western blotting. The results showed the lectin probably induces cell death by apoptosis activation by pro-apoptotic protein Bax, promoting mitochondrial membrane permeabilization, cell cycle arrest in S phase, with accumulation of cells of approximately 57% in this phase, and acting as both dependent and/or independent of caspases pathway. These results suggest that CaL has the potential to be used as drug treatment against cancer.


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O objetivo neste trabalho foi estimar as correlações entre o California Mastitis Test (CMT), a contagem células somáticas (CCS) e a produção de leite. Foram colhidas 544 amostras de leite de 38 búfalas em lactação nos anos de 2002 e 2003. O manejo de ordenha consistiu em uma ordenha diária, em que os tetos das búfalas eram desinfectados com solução de iodo, secos individualmente com papel toalha e submetidas à ordenha mecânica. O CMT foi realizado imediatamente após higienização dos tetos e as amostras de leite foram enviadas ao laboratório do DHVSP da Unesp/Botucatu, para realização da Contagem de Células Somáticas, em aparelho eletrônico Somacount 300. Foram efetuadas correlações entre Contagem de Células Somáticas, CMT, produção de leite, proteína, gordura e sólidos totais, que foram analisadas pelo SAEG (1997). A média de células somáticas foi de 63.380 células/mL, a produção diária de leite, de 4,07 ± 1,3 kg e a produção ajustada para os 270 dias, de 1214,25 ± 293,54 kg. Não foram encontradas correlações entre produção de leite, contagem de células somáticas e CMT. Para CCS e CMT, a correlação foi positiva e significativa (r = 0,53).


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Antecedentes: las células hematopoyéticas de sangre periférica son un recurso para combatir diversas enfermedades que requieren un trasplante alogénico para su curación. El método internacionalmente aceptado para obtener estas células es la administración de 2 a 24 μg/kg de peso de un factor estimulante de colonias de granulocitos y realizar la aféresis al cuarto, quinto o sexto días de iniciada la estimulación del donador. Objetivo: determinar la dosis adecuada del factor estimulante de colonias de granulocitos y el día óptimo para realizar una sola aféresis. Pacientes y método: se incluyeron 11 donadores que recibieron factor estimulante de colonias de granulocitos en dosis diarias de 8 μg/kg de peso, durante cuatro días, y se realizaron dos aféresis: una en el cuarto y otra en el quinto día de estimulación. Se analizaron retrospectivamente los procedimientos de recolección de células hematopoyéticas de sangre periférica para trasplante alogénico realizados entre febrero del 2003 y mayo del 2005 en el Hospital Universitario Dr. José Eleuterio González de la UANL. Resultados: en 63% de los pacientes, la cantidad de células CD34+ recolectada fue significativamente mayor en el quinto día que en el cuarto (3.10 × 106 vs 2.9 × 106), ya que el volumen plasmático promedio procesado por aféresis fue menor en la primera ocasión que en la segunda (8,800 vs 14,080 mL). Conclusión: una dosis de 8 μg/kg de peso del factor estimulante de colonias de granulocitos es efectiva para favorecer la obtención de células hematopoyéticas periféricas. Una aféresis al quinto día de iniciada la estimulación es suficiente para obtener la cantidad necesaria de células CD34+ que aseguren la recuperación hematológica del paciente trasplantado. Este procedimiento reduce los efectos colaterales del factor y de la aféresis, así como el costo final del trasplante.


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Human multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs), also known as mesenchymal stem cells, have become an important and attractive therapeutic tool since they are easily isolated and cultured, have in vitro expansion potential, substantial plasticity and secrete bioactive molecules that exert trophic effects. The human umbilical cord as a cell source for cell therapy will help to avoid several ethical, political, religious and technical issues. One of the main issues with SC lines from different sources, mainly those of embryonic origin, is the possibility of chromosomal alterations and genomic instability during in vitro expansion. Cells isolated from one umbilical cord exhibited a rare balanced paracentric inversion, likely a cytogenetic constitutional alteration, karyotype: 46,XY,inv(3)(p13p25~26). Important genes related to cancer predisposition and others involved in DNA repair are located in 3p25~26. Titanium is an excellent biomaterial for bone-implant integration; however, the use can result in the generation of particulate debris that can accumulate in the tissues adjacent to the prosthesis, in the local bone marrow, in the lymph nodes, liver and spleen. Subsequently may elicit important biological responses that aren´t well studied. In this work, we have studied the genetic stability of MSC isolated from the umbilical cord vein during in vitro expansion, after the cryopreservation, and under different concentrations and time of exposition to titanium microparticles. Cells were isolated, in vitro expanded, demonstrated capacity for osteogenic, adipogenic and chondrogenic differentiation and were evaluated using flow cytometry, so they met the minimum requirements for characterization as MSCs. The cells were expanded under different concentrations and time of exposition to titanium microparticles. The genetic stability of MSCs was assessed by cytogenetic analysis, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and analysis of micronucleus and other nuclear alterations (CBMN). The cells were able to internalize the titanium microparticles, but MSCs preserve their morphology, differentiation capacity and surface marker expression profiles. Furthermore, there was an increase in the genomic instability after long time of in vitro expansion, and this instability was greater when cells were exposed to high doses of titanium microparticles that induced oxidative stress. It is necessary always assess the risks/ benefits of using titanium in tissue therapy involving MSCs, considering the biosafety of the use of bone regeneration using titanium and MSCs. Even without using titanium, it is important that the therapeutic use of such cells is based on analyzes that ensure quality, security and cellular stability, with the standardization of quality control programs appropriate. In conclusion, it is suggested that cytogenetic analysis, FISH analysis and the micronucleus and other nuclear alterations are carried out in CTMH before implanting in a patient


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Chitosan is a natural polymer, biodegradable, nontoxic, high molecular weight derived from marine animals, insects and microorganisms. Oligomers of glucosamine (GlcN) and N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) have interesting biological activities, including antitumor effects, antimicrobial activity, antioxidant and others. The alternative proposed by this work was to study the viability of producing chitooligosaccharides using a crude enzymes extract produced by the fungus Metarhizium anisopliae. Hydrolysis of chitosan was carried out at different times, from 10 to 60 minutes to produce chitooligosaccharides with detection and quantification performed by High Performace Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The evaluation of cytotoxicity of chitosan oligomers was carried out in tumor cells (HepG2 and HeLa) and non-tumor (3T3). The cells were treated for 72 hours with the oligomers and cell viability investigated using the method of MTT. The production of chitosan oligomers was higher for 10 minutes of hydrolysis, with pentamers concentration of 0.15 mg/mL, but the hexamers, the molecules showing greater interest in biological properties, were observed only with 30 minutes of hydrolysis with a concentration of 0.004 mg/mL. A study to evaluate the biological activities of COS including cytotoxicity in tumor and normal cells and various tests in vitro antioxidant activity of pure chitosan oligomers and the mixture of oligomers produced by the crude enzyme was performed. Moreover, the compound with the highest cytotoxicity among the oligomers was pure glucosamine, with IC50 values of 0.30; 0.49; 0.44 mg/mL for HepG2 cells, HeLa and 3T3, respectively. Superoxide anion scavenging was the mainly antioxidant activity showed by the COS and oligomers. This activity was also depending on the oligomer composition in the chitosan hydrolysates. The oligomers produced by hydrolysis for 20 minutes was analyzed for the ability to inhibit tumor cells showing inhibition of proliferation only in HeLa cells, did not show any effect in HepG2 cells and fibroblast cells (3T3)


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Human mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) are powerful sources for cell therapy in regenerative medicine. The long time cultivation can result in replicative senescence or can be related to the emergence of chromosomal alterations responsible for the acquisition of tumorigenesis features in vitro. In this study, for the first time, the expression profile of MSC with a paracentric chromosomal inversion (MSC/inv) was compared to normal karyotype (MSC/n) in early and late passages. Furthermore, we compared the transcriptome of each MSC in early passages with late passages. MSC used in this study were obtained from the umbilical vein of three donors, two MSC/n and one MSC/inv. After their cryopreservation, they have been expanded in vitro until reached senescence. Total RNA was extracted using the RNeasy mini kit (Qiagen) and marked with the GeneChip ® 3 IVT Express Kit (Affymetrix Inc.). Subsequently, the fragmented aRNA was hybridized on the microarranjo Affymetrix Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 arrays (Affymetrix Inc.). The statistical analysis of differential gene expression was performed between groups MSC by the Partek Genomic Suite software, version 6.4 (Partek Inc.). Was considered statistically significant differences in expression to p-value Bonferroni correction ˂.01. Only signals with fold change ˃ 3.0 were included in the list of differentially expressed. Differences in gene expression data obtained from microarrays were confirmed by Real Time RT-PCR. For the interpretation of biological expression data were used: IPA (Ingenuity Systems) for analysis enrichment functions, the STRING 9.0 for construction of network interactions; Cytoscape 2.8 to the network visualization and analysis bottlenecks with the aid of the GraphPad Prism 5.0 software. BiNGO Cytoscape pluggin was used to access overrepresentation of Gene Ontology categories in Biological Networks. The comparison between senescent and young at each group of MSC has shown that there is a difference in the expression parttern, being higher in the senescent MSC/inv group. The results also showed difference in expression profiles between the MSC/inv versus MSC/n, being greater when they are senescent. New networks were identified for genes related to the response of two of MSC over cultivation time. Were also identified genes that can coordinate functional categories over represented at networks, such as CXCL12, SFRP1, xvi EGF, SPP1, MMP1 e THBS1. The biological interpretation of these data suggests that the population of MSC/inv has different constitutional characteristics, related to their potential for differentiation, proliferation and response to stimuli, responsible for a distinct process of replicative senescence in MSC/inv compared to MSC/n. The genes identified in this study are candidates for biomarkers of cellular senescence in MSC, but their functional relevance in this process should be evaluated in additional in vitro and/or in vivo assays