998 resultados para Célula TCD4
The transgenic application of green fluorescent protein (GFP) as fetal cell marker on cattle cloned placenta could provide an exclusive model for studying the morphologic and immunologic maternal-fetal interactions, providing information about its mapping, distinguishing the fetal from maternal cells. This model will have direct application, mainly because these animals present problems during its development. With this model's support, we intend to verify the substances transport between mother and fetus during endocytosis, through the immunolocalization of protein named caveolae. For these, we used 06 cloned bovine and 30 cattle samples of artificial insemination (AI) with 90 days of pregnancy, which had been their development interrupted by humanitarian slaughter of the recipient and recovery of the pregnant uterus. We collected the placentome and the chorion. A part of the samples was cut and fixed, by immersion, on a solution containing 4% of parafomaldehyde or 10% of formaldehyde on a sodium phosphate buffer (PBS), at 0,1 M pH 7.4, Zamboni solution (4% of paraformaldehyde, 15% of picric acid, on sodium phosphate buffer 0,1 M pH 7.4), metacarn (60% of metanol, 30% of chloroform, and 10% glacial acetic acid), for morphologic and immunohistochemistry verification for caveolinas proteins -1 and -2 (CAV -1 and CAV-2). The caveolins -1 were found in fetal and maternal villi, but its strongest staining was observed in the endometrial stroma. The caveolins -2 had positive staining in trophoblast and chorioallantoic membrane, and specifically in giant trophoblastic binucleated cell. Therefore the results were compared between cloned cattle and from AI or natural mating, for assisting on detection of the reason of many placental alterations, embryonic losses, spontaneous abortion, post-natal mortality and large offspring syndrome on laboratory-manipulated animals. The result suggests that the proteins caveolins -1 and -2 (CAV-1 and CAV-2) are part of the caveolae composition and important structures related to the molecule transfer to the fetus, nourish it through endocytosis and pinocytosis.
Neste trabalho, foram determinados experimentalmente o calor especfico, a condutividade trmica, difusividade trmica e densidade de suco de lulo na faixa de contedo de gua entre 0,55 e 0,90 (p/p em base mida) e em temperaturas entre 4 e 78,6 C. A condutividade trmica e o calor especfico foram obtidos utilizando-se o mesmo equipamento - uma célula constituda de dois cilindros concntricos - operando em estado estacionrio e no estacionrio, respectivamente. A difusividade trmica foi obtida atravs do mtodo de Dickerson e a densidade determinada por picnometria. Tanto a temperatura como o contedo de gua apresentaram grande influncia nos dados experimentais das propriedades termofsicas do suco de lulo. Os resultados obtidos foram utilizados na obteno de modelos matemticos para predizer estas propriedades em funo da concentrao e temperatura.
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)
Avaliao laboratorial da cinomose canina: estudo retrospectivo de 25 casos no municpio de Araatuba-SP
Canine Distemper is a contagious, severe and multisystemic disease caused by a virus from Morbillivrus genus. The virus is distributed worldwide and it presents a high lethality rate, affecting mainly dogs. The diagnosis is based on clinical signs associated with hematological fi ndings. The observation of Lentz bodies in erythrocytes and leukocytes is the defi nitive diagnosis for the disease. The aim of this work was to test the hypothesis that the hematological profi le in dogs positive for canine distemper differs according to blood cell type presenting Lentz bodies. For this purpose, 25 dogs positive for the disease were evaluated at the Veterinary Hospital Lus Quintiliano de Oliveira UNESP, Araatuba city. The diagnosis was based on the observation of Lentz bodies in blood smears. Fromthe total, 64% of dogs presented anemia, 16% leucopenia and 12% leukocytosis. Lymphopenia occurred in 76% of dogs. Viral inclusions were observed solely in neutrophils (32%), lymphocytes (28%) and erythrocytes (12%). Concomitant observation occurred in lymphocytes and erythrocytes (4 %), in lymphocytes and neutrophils (12%), in neutrophils and monocytes (4%) and in neutrophils and erythrocytes (4%). In an isolated case Lentz bodies were observed simultaneously in neuthrophils, monocytes and lymphocytes. In conclusion, hematological profi le is not associated with the presence of viral inclusion in a particular cell type.
O melanoma considerado um dos tumores cutneos de maior importncia em ces devido ao seu carter agressivo, capacidade de produzir metstases em estgios precoces e baixa resposta aos tratamentos no cirrgicos. Recentemente, as vacinas de DNA apresentam-se promissoras na teraputica do melanoma canino. O objetivo deste trabalho apresentar uma reviso bibliogrfica sobre o assunto. As vacinas de DNA so baseadas em plasmdeos que contm o gene codificante para o antgeno alvo, expressando-o na célula do hospedeiro e apresentando, assim, vantagens em relao s vacinas tradicionais, como: facilidade de produo, estabilidade trmica, baixo custo e estimulao da resposta imune celular (linfcitos T CD8+). Devido ao sucesso limitado das terapias padres, o estabelecimento de uma vacina de DNA efetiva aumenta a possibilidade de uma terapia promissora para o melanoma canino, podendo trazer novas expectativas aos animais portadores dessa neoplasia.
Several alloys have been used for prosthodontics restorations in the last years. These alloys have a number of metals that include gold, palladium, silver, nickel, cobalt, chromium and titanium and they are used in oral cavity undergo several corrosion. Corrosion can lead to poor esthetics, compromise of physical properties, or increased biological irritation. The objective of this study was evaluated corrosion resistance of two alloys Ni-Cr and Ni-Cr-Ti in three types of mouthwashes with different active ingredients: 0.5g/l cetylpyridinium chloride + 0.05% sodium fluoride, 0.05% sodium fluoride + 0.03% triclosan (with fluor) and 0.12% chlorohexidine digluconate. The potentiodynamic curves were performed by means of an EG&G PAR 283 potentiostat/galvanostat. The counter electrode was a platinum wire and reference electrode was an Ag/AgCl, KCl saturated. Before each experiment, working electrodes were mechanically polished with 600 and 1200 grade papers, rinsed with distilled water and dried in air. All experiments were carried out at 37.0oC in conventional three-compartment double wall glass cell containing mouthwashes. The microstructures of two alloys were observed in optical microscopy. Analysis of curves showed that Ni-Cr alloy was less reactive in the presence of 0.12% chlorohexidine digluconate while Ni-Cr-Ti alloy was more sensitive for others two types of mouthwashes (0.5g/l cetylpyridinium chloride + 0.05% sodium fluoride and 0.05% sodium fluoride + 0.03% triclosan). This occurred probably due presence of titanium in this alloy. Microstructural analysis reveals the presence of dendritic and eutectic microstructures for NiCr and Ni-Cr-Ti, respectively.
Recent orthodontic bonding materials have aimed to reduce the working time of the clinician, by simplifying the acid etching procedure by applying self-etching primer adhesive systems. However, the adhesion quality of these materials still demands investigation. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate the bond strengths of three different adhesive systems. A hundred and eighty bovine lower incisors were cut and embebbed in acrylic resin matrices, in which orthodontic brackets were bonded with Transbond XT (2n = 60), Transbond XT Self Etching Primer (2n = 60) e Tyrian (2n = 60). For each composite, bond strength tests were executed immediately (n = 30) and 24 hours (n = 30) after the bonding, in the assay machine Versat 2000 (Pantec), by applying 500 Kgf of load at 1mm/min of velocity. Transbond XT, Transbond XT Self Etching Primer and Tyrian presented, respectively, average values of bond strength of 7.43, 7.09 and 3.41 MPa at the time immediately, and 7.42, 8.81 and 5.35 MPa at 24 hours after the bonding, where differences were statistically significant at 5% between Tyrian and Transbond groups at both observation times. It was concluded that Tyrian was the material that presented significant lower bond strength with regard to Transbond groups that were similar.
O tratamento endodntico de fundamental importncia para abolir a infeco nos dentes com necrose pulpar. O sucesso desse tratamento depende: da eliminao eficiente da infeco no sistema de canais radiculares (SCR) e do correto selamento pela obturao dos canais radiculares. Devido complexidade anatmica do SCR, certas reas podem ser inacessveis ao preparo biomecnico (PBM), portanto, o emprego de uma medicao intracanal potencializa a reduo dos microrganismos (MO) e seus produtos txicos no SCR. Mesmo com o avano tcnico e cientfico da Endodontia, h MO que ainda sobrevivem ao PBM, sendo os principais responsveis pela manuteno infeco endodntica. Assim, novos tratamentos devem ser pesquisados. Com o advento dos aparelhos de laser e LED, surgiram alternativas de tratamentos na rea da sade, como a terapia fotodinmica (TFD), que um conjunto de procedimentos fsicos, qumicos e biolgicos, que ocorrem aps a administrao de um agente fotossensibilizador (FS) ativado por meio de uma luz visvel de comprimento de onda especfico (laser ou LED) para destruir a célula-alvo, ou auxiliar no combate das infeces. Na Endodontia, foram demonstrados em estudos in vitro e in vivo que o emprego da TFD atua como um coadjuvante e potencializa a desinfeco do SCR, alm de ser de fcil aplicao e no promover resistncia microbiana. O objetivo da presente reviso apresentar o estado atual da terapia fotodinmica em Endodontia.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)
Ps-graduao em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)
Ps-graduao em Cincia Animal - FMVA