990 resultados para Bullard, Joanna


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Top Row: Melissa Alfaro, Dana Alguire, Jessica Ault, Joanna Bancroft, Lara Bankowski, Sarah Bauer, Andrew Bauman, Samantha Becker, Erin Blazo, Courtney Braddock, Alethea Brancheau, Anna Carr

Row 2: Jennifer Grady, Julie Humphries, Lindsey Jack, Kristin Kirby, Laura Marten, Cathy Fanone, Elizabeth Van Hall, Ewurabena Menyah, Veronica McGraw, Kierste Mundinger, Kortney Stewart, Elizabeth Walkowiak, Erin Wilson

Row 3: Rebekah Chamberlain, Jason T. Chambers, Julie Ciaravino, Amanda Corwin, Sarah Debri, Heidi DenBesten, Harmony Dickerson, Elise Erickson

Row 4: Elissa Erman, Stacey Falconer, Julia Feczko, Sarah Fedewa, Angela Fisher, Lisa Flaskamp-Shaft, Leigh Frinkle, Joy Garrett, Theresa Giachino, Laura Heilig

Row 5: Amy Henderiksma, Aimee Hermes, Ann Johnson, Margaret Calarco, Patricia Coleman-Burns, Jan lee, Ada Sue Hinshaw, Carol Loveland-Cherry, Judy Lynch-Sauer, Joanne Pohl, Carolyn Sampselle, Shelly Jones, Sandra Kelly, Lindsay Klein

Row 6: Krystal Kobasic, Bryan Krehnbrink, Kelly Krueger, Donna Lehnert, Nicole Leith, Rachel Luria, Phuong Ly, Sara Maksym, Ivana Malusev, Jennifer Matousek, sara Genova McCrea, Melissa Meier, Maria Mendoza, Joshua Miller, Jennifer Moran, Amanda Muiter, Danielle Oliverio, Cindy Overholser, Karen Parsons, Kelly Patrick, Amanda Star Phebus, Magdalena Pilarski, Natascha Pocsatko, Alexis Punches, Ella Rakitin, Susan Ramlow

Row 7: Yvette Reed, Bethena Ridley, Lori Riley, Megan Rooney, Rebecca Rubin, Kami Shelton, Renee Sliker, Kristine Snyder, Robyn Sorensen, Deborah Sorgen, Lauren Stringi, Cynthia Thelen

Row 8: Judy Tigay, Giosi Toldeo, Kristie Vanwieren, Kate Warner, Carolyn Washnock, Carla Watts, Sonya Weber, Christine Wiles, Vanessa Williams, Holly Wilson, Jordan Woltersom


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Top Row: Rebecca Adams, Leslie Babich, Katherine Banas, Lori Barnett, Stacey Bednarz, Kelly C Berryman, Adam Brieger, Tina Brown, Kimberly Burleigh, Anne Byrne, Julia Carl, Terra Caswell, Angela Chabot, Molly Colgan, Desiree Conyers, Amy Cook, Melissa Cooley, Ashley Cooper, Morgan Cornell

Row 2: Delphine Cornet, Laura Cortina, Casey Cox, Bradley Crow, Lauren D'Agostino, Katelyn Davis, Kara Dendrinos, Rachael Dunckel, Carolyn Ellis, Kristin Ellis

Row 3: Deonna French, Erin Gasser, Amanda George, Michelle Gilmore, Jacquelene Goyett, LaRonda Gracia, Tera Greenberg, Tracy Guzzardo, Amy Hamlin Tapper, Shawn Hathaway

Row 4: Jennifer Heller, Michele Hetfield, Hilary Heuer, Christen Hicks, unknown, Melissa Jenkins, Terri Jobkar, Jennifer Keller, Karissa Kerg, Katherine Kern

Row 5: Keri Kingma, Amanda Kristofik, Brigid Kutner, Melissa LaDuke, Lorraine Law, Katherine Lawler, Allison Ledtke, Corinne Lee

Row 6: Kerrie Lemerand, Kristen Maki, Smith Margaret, Cynthia Mathew, Thomas Mazzocco, Cara McAlpin

Row 7: Lana McCarthy, Erin McKeever, Nicolyn Meek, Patricia Coleman-Burns, Carol Loveland-Cherry, Judith Lynch-Sauer, Ada Sue Hinshaw, Barbara Guthrie, Marge Calarco, Carolyn Sampeselle, Joanne Pohl, Therese Messing, Rachel Milkowski, Renee Miller

Row 8: Andrea S Miller, Stephanie Mizer, Melissa Morgan, Heather Bidgoli, Elisa Brunetto, Jessica Cleghorn, Jade Curry, Ashley Dorow, Megan Finn, Lisa Gruen, Margaret Kelemen, Andrea Munger, Elizabeth Spencer, Mary Vanderweele, Abigail Vertalka, Jackelyn Ng, Phuong Nguyen, Gracia Nicolaescu

Row 9: Laura Norris, Elizabeth Osborn, Lavinia Pacurar, Carly Palmer, Kristine Parish, Jill Patterson, Mary Pepper, David Perout, Michael Pfeifer, Kristin Phillips, Susanne Pickman, Vanessa Polly, Sabrina Porter, Christina Quillan, Lauren Ramoie, Natasha Rivers, Teresa Roberts, Megan Robertson, Byanqa Robinson

Row 10: Mary Rodzik, Kimberly Sanders, Weber Sasha, Rebecca Scheiblauer, Taylor Schmidt, Jacquelyn Schrot, Tanya Shisler, Daniel Shivel, Sophia Shyu, Michelle Skurulsky, Melissa Smalligan, Erin Sorensen, Allison Spinweber, Lindsay Steiger, Natalya Stokely, Karen Stoneburner, Katherine Stout, Stephanie Swihart, Aaron Taylor

Row 11: Lori Thome, Christopher Thuer, Carolyn Trabka, Kathryn Trommbley, Valerie Tumbleson, Stacey Ventola, Dana Verkade, Caitlyn Vert, Angela Videto, Kari Wanless, Abby Wegener, Stephanie Westphal, Eric Williams, Whitney Zachritz, Amber Zemer, Joanna Zizzo, Chelsea Zussman


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Front Row: Chris White, Fiona Davidson, Hayley Lorenzen, Michelle Horrigan, Aimee Smith, Marita McCahill.

Back Row: Autumn Collins, LaShawnda Crowe, Tarnisha Thompson, Julie Scherer, Robyn Read, JoAnna Collias, Erica Badran-Grycan.

Not Pictured: Kathy Richards.


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I. George Crabbe to Samuel Taylor Coleridge.--II. Robert Southey to Percy Bysshe Shelley.--III. John Keats to Edward, lord Lytton.--IV. Frederick Tennyson to Arthur Hugh Clough.--V. Charles Kingsley to James Thomson.--VI. William Morris to Robert Buchanan.--VII. Robert Bridges and contemporary poets.--VIII. Joanna Baillie to Jean Ingelow.--IX. Christina G. Rossetti to Katharine Tynan.--X. Humour: George Crabbe to Edmund B.V. Christian.--XI. Sacred poets of the nineteenth century: James Montgomery to Anna Laetitia Waring.--XII. Edward Hayes Plumtre to Selwyn Image.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Plates accompanied by guard sheets with descriptive letterpress.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Metformin, a biguanide derivative, has been used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes for nearly 50 years. It acts as an insulin-sensitising agent, lowering fasting plasma insulin concentrations by inducing greater peripheral uptake of glucose, as well as decreasing hepatic glucose output. In 1998, the United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study reported that, in overweight patients with type 2 diabetes, treatment with metformin compared with diet alone resulted in statistically significant absolute risk reductions (ARRs) in all-cause mortality (ARR, 7%), diabetes-related deaths (ARR, 5%), any diabetes-related endpoint (ARR, 10%), and macrovascular disease (myocardial infarction, sudden death, angina, stroke, peripheral vascular disease).1 This was achieved without hypoglycaemia or weight gain. As a result, metformin is now regarded as the oral hypoglycaemic agent of choice in the treatment of overweight people with type 2 diabetes.


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In species with low levels of dispersal the chance of closely related individuals breeding may be a potential problem; sex-biased dispersal is a mechanism that may decrease the possibility of cosanguineous mating. Fragmentation of the habitat in which a species lives may affect mechanisms such as sex-biased dispersal, which may in turn exacerbate more direct effects of fragmentation such as decreasing population size that may lead to inbreeding depression. Relatedness statistics calculated using microsatellite DNA data showed that rainforest fragmentation has had an effect on the patterns of dispersal in the prickly forest skink (Gnypetoscincus queenslandiae), a rainforest endemic of the Wet Tropics of north eastern Australia. A lower level of relatedness was found in fragments compared to continuous forest sites due to a significantly lower level of pairwise relatedness between males in rainforest fragments. The pattern of genetic relatedness between sexes indicates the presence of male-biased dispersal in this species, with a stronger pattern detected in populations in rainforest fragments. Male prickly forest skinks may have to move further in fragmented habitat in order to find mates or suitable habitat logs.


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In this study, we examined patterns of leg muscle recruitment and co-activation, and the relationship between muscle recruitment and cadence, in highly trained cyclists. Electromyographic (EMG) activity of the tibialis anterior, tibialis posterior, peroneus longus, gastrocnemius lateralis and soleus was recorded using intramuscular electrodes, at individual preferred cadence, 57.5, 77.5 and 92.5 rev.min(-1). The influence of electrode type and location on recorded EMG was also investigated using surface and dual intramuscular recordings. Muscle recruitment patterns varied from those previously reported, but there was little variation in muscle recruitment between these highly trained cyclists. The tibialis posterior, peroneus longus and soleus were recruited in a single, short burst of activity during the downstroke. The tibialis anterior and gastrocnemius lateralis were recruited in a biphasic and alternating manner. Contrary to existing hypotheses, our results indicate little co-activation between the tibialis posterior and peroneus longus. Peak EMG amplitude increased linearly with cadence and did not decrease at individual preferred cadence. There was little variation in patterns of muscle recruitment or co-activation with changes in cadence. Intramuscular electrode location had little influence on recorded EMG. There were significant differences between surface and intramuscular recordings from the tibialis anterior and gastrocnemius lateralis, which may explain differences between our findings and those of previous studies.


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Acuity for elbow joint position sense (JPS) is reduced when head position is modified. Movement of the head is associated with biomechanical changes in the neck and shoulder musculoskeletal system, which may explain changes in elbow JPS. The present study aimed to determine whether elbow JPS is also influenced by illusory changes in head position. Simultaneous vibration of sternocleidomastoid (SCM) and the contralateral splenius was applied to 14 healthy adult human subjects. Muscle vibration or passive head rotation was introduced between presentation and reproduction of a target elbow position. Ten out of 14 subjects reported illusions consistent with lengthening of the vibrated muscles. In these 10 subjects, absolute error for elbow JPS increased with left SCM/right splenius vibration but not with right SCM/left splenius vibration. Absolute error also increased with right rotation, with a trend for increased error with left rotation. These results demonstrated that both actual and illusory changes in head position are associated with diminished acuity for elbow JPS, suggesting that the influence of head position on upper limb JPS depends, at least partially, on perceived head position.