958 resultados para Brooklyn Academy of Music.


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The role of invariant water molecules in the activity of plant cysteine protease is ubiquitous in nature. On analysing the 11 different Protein DataBank (PDB) structures of plant thiol proteases, the two invariant water molecules W I and W2 (W220 and W222 in the template 1PPN structure) were observed to form H-bonds with the Ob atom of Asn 175. Extensive energy minimization and molecular dynamics simulation studies up to 2 ns on all the PDB and solvated structures clearly revealed the involvement of the H-bonding association of the two water molecules in fixing the orientation of the asparagine residue of the catalytic triad. From this study, it is suggested that H-bonding of the water molecule at the W1 invariant site better stabilizes the Asn residue at the active site of the catalytic triad.


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A purified preparation of arginine decarboxylase from Cucumis sativus seedlings displayed ornithine decarboxylase activity as well. The two decarboxylase activities associated with the single protein responded differentially to agmatine, putrescine and Pi. While agmatine was inhibitory (50 %) to arginine decarboxylase activity, ornithine decarboxylase activity was stimulated by about 3-fold by the guanido arnine. Agmatine-stimulation of ornithine decarboxylase activity was only observed at higher concentrations of the amine. Inorganic phosphate enhanced arginine decarboxylase activity (2-fold) but ornithine decarboxylase activity was largely uninfluenced. Although both arginine and ornithine decarboxylase activities were inhibited by putrescine, ornithine decarboxylase activity was profoundly curtailed even at 1 mM concentration of the diamine. The enzyme-activated irreversible inhibitor for mammalian ornithine decarboxylase, viz. α-difluoromethyl ornithine, dramatically enhanced arginine decarboxylase activity (3-4 fold), whereas ornithine decarboxylase activity was partially (50%) inhibited by this inhibitor. At substrate level concentrations, the decarboxylation of arginine was not influenced by ornithine and vice-versa. Preliminary evidence for the existence of a specific inhibitor of ornithine decarboxylase activity in the crude extracts of the plant is presented. The above results suggest that these two amino acids could be decarboxylated at two different catalytic sites on a single protein.


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It was shown that tRNA from Azotobacter vinelandii grown in the presence of ammonium chloride lacks ribothymidine while that grown in the absence of the ammonium salt contains this modified nucleoside. [32P]-Labelled tRNA from this organism grown in a medium containing the ammonium salt was digested with RNase T1 and the pseudouridinecontaining tetranucleotide, common to all tRNAs was isolated and analysed for the nucleoside replacing the ribothymidine. It was found to be uridine. Cells previously labelled with [32P]- phosphate in the ammonium salt medium were washed and incubated in the ammonium saltfree medium to test whether ribothymidine would be formed upon removal of the ammoniumions. Methylation of the uridine did not take place.


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Global amphibian decline by chytridiomycosis is a major environmental disaster that has been attributed to either recent fungal spread or environmental change that promotes disease. Here, we present a population genetic comparison of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis isolates from an intensively studied region of frog decline, the Sierra Nevada of California. In support of a novel pathogen, we find low diversity, no amphibian-host specificity, little correlation between fungal genotype and geography, local frog extirpation by a single fungal genotype, and evidence of human-assisted fungus migration. In support of endemism, at a local scale, we find some diverse, recombining populations. Therefore neither epidemic spread nor endemism alone explains this particular amphibian decline. Recombination raises the possibility of resistant sporangia and a mechanism for rapid spread as well as persistence that could greatly complicate global control of the pathogen.


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ON Saturday February 16, 1980 total solar eclipse Occurred for a period of 2-3 min in a belt of 135 km during the eclipse from 14'17 to 17'00 hrs across peninsular India. The city of Bangalore, being just outside this belt, had witnessed 92% eclipse for about 2. 1/2 min at the peak period of 15.44 hr at which time a temperature drop of 2' C and a considerable dimness of the light were experienced. In view of the interest in our laboratory on biochemical adaptation under conditions of environmental stress, we designed an experiment to study the possible changes in enzyme activities during the solar eclipse on February 16, 1980.


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Cibacron Blue F3G-A, a probe used to monitor nucleotide binding domains in enzymes, inhibited sheep liver 5, 10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase competitively with respect to 5-methyltetrahydrofolate and NADPH. The Ki values obtained by kinetic methods and the Kd value for the binding of the dye to the enzyme estimated by protein fluorescence quenching were in the range 0·9-1·2 μM. Another triazine dye, Procion Red HE-3B interacted with the enzyme in an essentially similar manner to that observed with Cibacron Blue F3G-A. These results as well as the interaction of the dye with the enzyme monitored by difference spectroscopy and intrinsic protein fluorescence quenching methods indicated that the dye was probably interacting at the active site of the enzyme by binding at a hydrophobic region.


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The iterative two-person Prisoners’ Dilemma game has been generalised to theN-person case. The evolution of cooperation is explored by matching the Tit For Tat (TFT) strategy (Axelrod and Hamilton 1981) against the selfish strategy. Extension of TFT toN-person situations yields a graded set of strategies from the softest TFT, which continues cooperation even if only one of the opponents reciprocates it, to the hardest, which would do so only when all the remaining opponents cooperate. The hardest TFT can go to fixation against the selfish strategy provided it crosses a threshold frequencypc. All the other TFT are invadable by the selfish (D) or the pure defector strategy, while none can invadeD. Yet, provided a thresholdpc is crossed, they can coexist stably withD. AsN, the size of the group increases, the threshold pc also increases, indicating that the evolution of cooperation is more difficult for larger groups. Under certain conditions, only the soft TFT can coexist stably against the selfish strategyD, while the harder ones cannot. An interesting possibility of a complete takeover of the selfish population by successive invasions by harder and harder TFT strategies is also presented.


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A new form of L-histidine L-aspartate monohydrate crystallizes in space group P22 witha = 5.131(1),b = 6.881(1),c= 18.277(2) Å,β= 97.26(1)° and Z = 2. The structure has been solved by the direct methods and refined to anR value of 0.044 for 1377 observed reflections. Both the amino acid molecules in the complex assume the energetically least favourable allowed conformation with the side chains staggered between the α-amino and α-scarboxylate groups. This results in characteristic distortions in some bond angles. The unlike molecules aggregate into alternating double layers with water molecules sandwiched between the two layers in the aspartate double layer. The molecules in each layer are arranged in a head-to-tail fashion. The aggregation pattern in the complex is fundamentally similar to that in other binary complexes involving commonly occurring L amino acids, although the molecules aggregate into single layers in them. The distribution of crystallographic (and local) symmetry elements in the old form of the complex is very different from that in the new form. So is the conformation of half the histidine molecules. Yet, the basic features of molecular aggregation, particularly the nature and the orientation of head-to-tail sequences, remain the same in both the forms. This supports the thesis that the characteristic aggregation patterns observed in crystal structures represent an intrinsic property of amino acid aggregation.


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The ILR Impact Brief series highlights the research and project based work conducted by ILR faculty that is relevant to workplace issues and public policy. Brief #1 highlights the authors' research on employment arbitration, including a survey of the National Academy of Arbitrators.


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The recently introduced generalized pencil of Sudarshan which gives an exact ray picture of wave optics is analysed in some situations of interest to wave optics. A relationship between ray dispersion and statistical inhomogeneity of the field is obtained. A paraxial approximation which preserves the rectilinear propagation character of the generalized pencils is presented. Under this approximation the pencils can be computed directly from the field conditions on a plane, without the necessity to compute the cross-spectral density function in the entire space as an intermediate quantity. The paraxial results are illustrated with examples. The pencils are shown to exhibit an interesting scaling behaviour in the far-zone. This scaling leads to a natural generalization of the Fraunhofer range criterion and of the classical van Cittert-Zernike theorem to planar sources of arbitrary state of coherence. The recently derived results of radiometry with partially coherent sources are shown to be simple consequences of this scaling.


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A rapid quenching technique with a quenching rate of roughly 106°C/sec has been developed to prepare glassy samples of ABO3 type materials. Glasses of potassium lithium niobate have been prepared by this technique. These glasses have been characterized by x-ray diffraction, electron diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry techniques to assess the quality of the obtained glasses.


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The stability characteristics of Alfvén Internal gravity waves for an inviscid, nondissipative, Boussinesq fluid undergoing shear in the presence of a density discontinuity with and without a rigid boundary is studied.


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Oxides of the Y-Ba-Cu-O system are found to show onset of superconductivity in the 100–120 K region.


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New complexes of lanthanide nitrates with 2-N-(6-picolyl)-benzamide of the formulae Ln2[6-pic-BA], [NO3l6 (Ln = Y and La-Yb) have been prepared and characterised by chemical analysis, infrared, molar conductance and electronic spectral data. Molar conductance data along with IR data point to the presence of co-ordinated nitrate groups. IR spectra prove the bidentate co-ordination of the ligand to the metal ion, through the oxygen of the secondary amide and the nitrogen of the heterocyclic ring. Electronic spectral studies in the visible region suggest an eight co-ordinate geometry around the metal ions.