970 resultados para Breathing apparatus.
The Road Rater is a dynamic deflection measuring appa-ratus for flexible base pavements. The basic operating principle of the Road Rater is to impart a dynamic loading and measure the resultant movement of the pavement with velocity sensors. This data, when properly adjusted for temperature by use of a nomograph included in this report, can be used to determine pavement life expectancy and estimate overlay thickness required. Road Rater testing will be conducted in the spring, when pave-ments are in their weakest condition, until seasonal correction factors can be developed. The Road Rater does not have sufficient ram weight to effectively evaluate load carrying capacity of rigid pavements. All rigid pavements react similarly to Road Rater testing and generally deflect from 0.65 to 1.30 mils. Research will be continued to evaluate rigid pavements with the Road Rater, however. The Road Rater has proven to be a reliable, trouble free pavement evaluation machine. The deflection apparatus was originally front-mounted, but was rear-mounted during the winter of 1977-78. Since that time, van handling has greatly improved, and front suspension parts are no longer overstressed due to improper weight distribution. The Road Rater provides a fast, economical, nondestructive test method to evaluate flexible pavements. Road Rater test data can be used to predict pavement life, set priorities for asphaltic concrete resurfacing, and design asphaltic concrete overlays. Temperature and seasonal variations significantly affect Road Rater deflection readings and must be considered. A nomograph included in this report adjusts for temperature, but does not correct for seasonal effect. Road Rater testing will be conducted in the spring until seasonal correction factors can be developed. The Road Rater has not successfully evaluated rigid pavements, but research will continue in this area. 1. Recommendations for continuing Road Rater research, evaluation and application are as follows:A computer program should be established to reduce Road Rater raw data (Range and Sensor reading) to HR-178 Road Rater Dynamic Deflections For Determining Structural Rating Of Flexible Pavements mean deflection (mils) and/or structural rating. This computer printout would be similar to present friction testing printouts, and would greatly reduce Road Rater data reduction manpower needs and costs. 2. Seasonal variation study should continue to develop seasonal correction factors. Seasonal test roads will be studied concurrently with routine testing during 1979 to develop this relationship. All Road Rater testing will be conducted in the spring until the seasonal relationship is established. 3. An asphaltic concrete overlay design method should be established based on Road Rater de-flection readings. The AASHTO Interim Guide for Design of Pavement Structures 1972 will be used as a base document for this study. 4. AASHTO Structural numbers should be compared to Road Rater Structural Ratings during 1979 on asphaltic concrete overlay projects. This analysis will enable us to refine Road Rater evaluation of flexible pavements. Roads will be tested before resurfacing and several months
PURPOSE: In the present study, the impact of the two different fat suppression techniques was investigated for free breathing 3D spiral coronary magnetic resonance angiography (MRA). As the coronary arteries are embedded in epicardial fat and are adjacent to myocardial tissue, magnetization preparation such as T(2)-preparation and fat suppression is essential for coronary discrimination. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fat-signal suppression in three-dimensional (3D) thin- slab coronary MRA based on a spiral k-space data acquisition can either be achieved by signal pre-saturation using a spectrally selective inversion recovery pre-pulse or by spectral-spatial excitation. In the present study, the performance of the two different approaches was studied in healthy subjects. RESULTS: No significant objective or subjective difference was found between the two fat suppression approaches. CONCLUSION: Spectral pre-saturation seems preferred for coronary MRA applications due to the ease of implementation and the shorter cardiac acquisition window.
Objective: To determine the variation in prevalence of temporomandibular disorders (TMD), other side effects, and technical complications during 5 years of sleep apnea treatment with a mandibular advancement device. Materials and Methods: Forty patients diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea received an adjustable appliance at 70% of the maximum protrusion. The protrusion was then progressively increased. TMD (diagnosed according to the Research Diagnostic Criteria for TMD), overjet, overbite, occlusal contacts, subjective side effects, and technical complications were recorded before and a mean of 14, 21, and 58 months after treatment and analyzed by the Wilcoxon test (P Less-than .05). Results: Fifteen patients still used the oral appliance at the 5-year follow-up, and no significant variation in TMD prevalence was observed. Subjective side effects were common, and a significant reduction was found in overjet, overbite, and in the number of occlusal contacts. Furthermore, the patients made a mean of 2.5 unscheduled dental visits per year and a mean of 0.8 appliance repairs/relines per year by a dental technician. The most frequent unscheduled visits were needed during the first year and were a result of acrylic breakage on the lateral telescopic attachment, poor retention, and other adjustments to improve comfort. Conclusions: Five-year oral appliance treatment does not affect TMD prevalence but is associated with permanent occlusal changes in most sleep apnea patients during the first 2 years. Patients seek several unscheduled visits, mainly because of technical complications.
Results are presented of triaxial testing of three crushed limestones to which either hydrated high-calcium lime, sodium chloride or calcium chloride had been added. Lime was added at rates of 1, 3, 10 and 16 percent, chlorides were added at 0.5 percent rate only. Speciments were compacted using vibratory compaction apparatus and were tested in triaxial compression using lateral pressures from 10 to 100 psi. Triaxial test results indicate that: (1) sodium chloride slightly decreased the angle of internal friction and increased cohesion, (2) calcium chloride slightly increased the angle of internal friction and decreased cohesion, and (3) lime had no appreciable effect on angle of internal friction but increased cohesion, decreased density and increased pore water pressure.
The liquid and plastic limits of a soil are consistency limits that were arbitrarily chosen by Albert Atterberg in 1911. Their determination is by strictly empirical testing procedures. Except for the development of a liquid limit device and subsequent minor refinements the method has remained basically unchanged for over a half century. The empirical determination of an arbitrary limit would seem to be contrary to the very foundations of scientific procedures. However, the tests are relatively simple and the results are generally acceptable and valuable in almost every conceivable use of soil from an engineering standpoint. Such a great volume of information has been collected and compiled by application of these limits to cohesive soils, that it would be impractical and virtually impossible to replace the tests with a more rational testing method. Nevertheless, many believe that the present method is too time consuming and inconsistent. Research was initiated to investigate the development of a rapid and consistent method by relating the limits to soil moisture tension values determined by porous plate and pressure membrane apparatus. With the moisture tension method, hundreds of samples may be run at one time, operator variability is minimal, results are consistent, and a high degree of correlation to present liquid limit tests is possible.
The Road Rater is a dynamic deflection measuring apparatus for flexible base pavements. The Road Rater replaces the Benkelman Beam which was last used by the Iowa DOT in 1977. Road Rater test results correlate reasonably well (correlation coefficient = 0.83) with Benkelman Beam test data. The basic differences between the Road Rater and Benkelman Beam are as follows: 1. The Benkelman Beam uses a static 18,000 lb. load while the Road Rater uses a dynamic 800 to 2,000 lb. loading. 2. The Road Rater tests much faster and more economically than the Benkelman Beam. 3. The Road Rater better simulates a moving truck than the Benkelman Beam. The basic operating principle of the Road Rater is to impart a dynamic loading and measure the resultant movement of the pavement with velocity sensors. This data, when properly adjusted for temperature by use of a nomograph included in this report, can be used to determine pavement life expectancy and estimate overlay thickness required. Road Rater testing will be conducted in the spring, when pavements are in their weakest condition, until seasonal correction factors can be developed. The Road Rater does not have sufficient ram weight to effectively evaluate load carrying capacity of rigid pavements. All rigid pavements react similarly to Road Rater testing and generally deflect from 0.65 to 1.30 mils. Research will be contined to evaluate rigid pavements with the Road Rater, however. The Road Rater has proven to be a reliable, troublefree pavement evaluation machine. The deflection apparatus was originally front-mounted,but was rear-mounted during the winter of 1977-78. Since that time, van handling has greatly improved, and front suspension parts are no longer overstressed due to improper weight distribution.
El auge de las técnicas mecánicas, mediante rotación continua, en la preparación del sistema de conductos radiculares obliga a realizar una serie de reflexiones respecto a las ventajas e inconvenientes de las mismas según los diferentes objetivos que se persiguen en esta fase de la terapéutica. Se describe el sistema de instrumentación HERO 642 comparado con otras marcas y se expone la técnica propugnada por los diseñadores, Vulcain JM y Calas P, junto con las modificaciones propuestas por los autores del artículo. Finalmente, se establecen unas premisas fundamentales para el correcto empleo de la instrumentación rotatoria como técnica habitual en el tratamiento de conductos radiculares, en comparación con otros sistemas.
OBJECTIVES: To assess the long-term outcome, safety, and efficacy of partial cricotracheal resection (PCTR) for subglottic stenosis in a group of children and infants weighing less than 10 kg at the time of the surgery. STUDY DESIGN: Historical cohort study. SETTING: Academic tertiary medical center. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Thirty-six children weighing less than 10 kg at the time of the surgery were compared to a group of 65 children who weighed more than 10 kg. The Kaplan Meier method and Cox regression were carried out to detect differences in decannulation time and rates and to examine the influence of various parameters (i.e., comorbidities, type of surgery, and complications requiring revision surgery) at the time of decannulation. Evaluation of the long-term outcome was based on questionnaires assessing breathing, voice, and swallowing. RESULTS: Decannulation rate was 92 percent (33/36) for the group of children weighing less than 10 kg. No significant differences were found between the two body weight groups with respect to the aforementioned covariates. The median follow-up period was nine years (range, 1-23 yrs). Questionnaire responses revealed completely normal breathing and swallowing in 72 percent and 90 percent of the children, respectively. Seventy-one percent of the patients considered their voice to be rough or weak. CONCLUSION: PCTR in infants and children weighing less than 10 kg is a safe and efficient technique with similar long-term results when compared to results seen in older and heavier children.
Research suggests that respiratory patterns may reflect general dimensions of emotional response. In this study, we investigated the relationships between judgments of affective valence (pleasantness) and arousal and respiratory responses to acoustic stimuli. Sixteen environmental noises and 16 musical fragments of 30 s duration were presented to 31 participants, while respiration, skin conductance level and heart rate were recorded. Judgments of valence and arousal were registered using the 9-point Self-Assessment Manikin. For noises, breathing accelerated and minute ventilation augmented with decreases in pleasantness for low-arousal stimuli and with increases in arousal for positive stimuli. For music, breathing accelerated and minute ventilation augmented with increases both in rated valence and arousal. Skin conductance level increased with arousal ratings for music but not for noises, whereas mean heart rate increased with rated arousal for noises but not for music. Although both noises and music are sound-vibrations, differences in the relationships between affective judgments and physiological responses were found suggesting differences in the processing of the two types of acoustic stimuli. [Authors]
Descriptors: music performance anxiety, respiration, hyperventilation Surveys indicate that high-anxious musicians may suffer from hyperventilation (HV) before or during performance. Reported symptoms include shortness of breath, fast/ deep breathing and thumping heart. However, no study has yet tested if these selfreported symptoms reflect actual cardiorespiratory activity. Themain goal of this study was to determine if MPA is manifested physiologically in specific correlates of cardiorespiratory activity associated with HV.We studied 74 professional music students from Swiss Music Academies. In this study, we compared the most anxious students (highanxious; n 5 20) with the least anxious students (low-anxious; n 5 23) based on their self-reported performance anxiety. We measured cardiorespiratory patterns with the Lifeshirt system, end-tidal CO2 with a capnograph (EtCO2, a good non-invasive estimator of HV), self-perceived physiological activation and affective experience in three situations on different days: baseline, performance without audience, and performance with audience. Comparing measures for the private vs. the public concert, high- compared to low-anxious students showed a significant drop in EtCO2 before the public concert and reported larger increases in anxiety, tension, palpitations and breathing difficulties. In contrast, heart rate, respiratory rate and volume did not differ significantly between groups. The results of this study support the hypothesis thatMPA may be associated with a tendency to hyperventilate and, thus, point to a potential hyperventilation problem in high-anxious music students.
Cet article présente les résultats de la revue systématique: Yang M, Yan Y, Yin X, et al. Chest physiotherapy for pneumonia in adults. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2010, Issue 2. Art. No.: CD006338. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD006338.pub2. PMID: 20166082.
Capsule Boldness defines the extent to which animals are willing to take risks in the presence of a predator. Late, but not early, in the breeding season, Israeli nestling Barn Owls displaying larger black feather spots were more docile, feigned death longer and had a lower breathing rate when handled than smaller-spotted nestlings. Larger-spotted breeding females were less docile if heavy but more more docile if light. The covariation between personality (boldness vs. timid) and melanin-based colouration is therefore conditional on environmental factors.
The IncP alpha promiscuous plasmid (R18, R68, RK2, RP1 and RP4) comprises 60,099 bp of nucleotide sequence, encoding at least 74 genes. About 40 kb of the genome, designated the IncP core and including all essential replication and transfer functions, can be aligned with equivalent sequences in the IncP beta plasmid R751. The compiled IncP alpha sequence revealed several previously unidentified reading frames that are potential genes. IncP alpha plasmids carry genetic information very efficiently: the coding sequences of the genes are closely packed but rarely overlap, and occupy almost 86% of the genome's nucleotide sequence. All of the 74 genes should be expressed, although there is as yet experimental evidence for expression of only 60 of them. Six examples of tandem-in-frame initiation sites specifying two gene products each are known. Two overlapping gene arrangements occupy different reading frames of the same region. Intergenic regions include most of the 25 promoters; transcripts are usually polycistronic. Translation of most of the open reading frames seems to be initiated independently, each from its own ribosomal binding and initiation site, although, a few cases of coupled translation have been reported. The most frequently used initiation codon is AUG but translation for a few open reading frames begins at GUG or UUG. The most common stop-codon is UGA followed by UAA and then UAG. Regulatory circuits are complex and largely dependent on two components of the central control operon. KorA and KorB are transcriptional repressors controlling at least seven operons. KorA and KorB act synergistically in several cases by recognizing and binding to conserved nucleotide sequences. Twelve KorB binding sites were found around the IncP alpha sequence and these are conserved in R751 (IncP beta) with respect to both sequence and location. Replication of IncP alpha plasmids requires oriV and the plasmid-encoded initiator protein TrfA in combination with the host-encoded replication machinery. Conjugative plasmid transfer depends on two separate regions occupying about half of the genome. The primary segregational stability system designated Par/Mrs consists of a putative site-specific recombinase, a possible partitioning apparatus and a post-segregational lethality mechanism, all encoded in two divergent operons. Proteins related to the products of F sop and P1 par partitioning genes are separately encoded in the central control operon.
Purpose of the study: Basic life support (BLS) and automated externaldefibrillation (AED) represent important skills to be acquired duringpregraduate medical training. Since 3 years, our medical school hasintroduced a BLS-AED course (with certification) for all second yearmedical students. Few reports about quality and persistence over timeof BLS-AED learning are available to date in the medical literature.Comprehensive evaluation of students' acquired skills was performedat the end of the 2008 academic year, 6 month after certification.Materials and methods: The students (N = 142) were evaluated duringa 9 minutes «objective structured clinical examination» (OSCE) station.Out of a standardized scenario, they had to recognize a cardiac arrestsituation and start a resuscitation process. Their performance wererecorded on a PC using an Ambuman(TM) mannequin and the AmbuCPR software kit(TM) during a minimum of 8 cycles (30 compressions:2 ventilations each). BLS parameters were systematically checked. Nostudent-rater interactions were allowed during the whole evaluation.Results: Response of the victim was checked by 99% of the students(N = 140), 96% (N = 136) called for an ambulance and/or an AED. Openthe airway and check breathing were done by 96% (N = 137), 92% (N =132) gave 2 rescue breaths. Pulse was checked by 95% (N=135), 100%(N = 142) begun chest compression, 96% (N = 136) within 1 minute.Chest compression rate was 101 ± 18 per minute (mean ± SD), depthcompression 43 ± 8 mm, 97% (N = 138) respected a compressionventilationratio of 30:2.Conclusions: Quality of BLS skills acquisition is maintained during a6-month period after a BLS-AED certification. Main targets of 2005 AHAguidelines were well respected. This analysis represents one of thelargest evaluations of specific BLS teaching efficiency reported. Furtherfollow-up is needed to control the persistence of these skills during alonger time period and noteworthy at the end of the pregraduatemedical curriculum.
Pancreatic acinar cells of euthermic, hibernating and arousing individuals of the hazel dormouse Muscardinus avellanarius (Gliridae) have been observed at the electron-microscopic level and analysed by means of ultrastructural morphometry and immunocytochemistry in order to investigate possible fine structural changes of cellular components during periods of strikingly different degrees of metabolic activity. During hibernation, the cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) flatten assuming a parallel pattern, the Golgi apparatus is extremely reduced and the mitochondria contain many electron-dense particles. The cell nuclei appear irregularly shaped, with deep indentations containing small zymogen granules. They also contain abundant coiled bodies and unusual constituents, such as amorphous bodies and dense granular bodies. Large numbers of zymogen granules occur in all animals. However, the acinar lumina are open and filled with zymogen only in euthermic animals, whereas, in hibernating and arousing individuals, they appear to be closed. Morphometrical analyses indicate that, in pancreatic acinar cells, nuclei and zymogen granules significantly decrease in size from euthermia to hibernation, probably reflecting a drastic decrease of metabolic activities, mainly protein synthesis and processing. In all the studied animals, immunocytochemistry with specific antibodies has revealed an increasing gradient in alpha-amylase content along the RER-Golgi-zymogen granule pathway, reflecting the protein concentration along the secretory pathway. Moreover, during deep hibernation, significantly larger amounts of alpha-amylase accumulate in RER and zymogen granules in comparison to the other seasonal phases analysed. Upon arousal, all cytoplasmic and nuclear constituents restore their euthermic aspect and all morphometrical and immunocytochemical parameters exhibit the euthermic values, thereby indicating a rapid resumption of metabolic activities.