985 resultados para Blake (Ship)


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Maritime transport and shipping are impacted negatively by biofouling, which can result in increased fuel consumption. Thus, costs for fouling reduction can be considered an investment to reduce fuel consumption. Anti-fouling measures also reduce the rate of introduction of non-indigenous species (NIS). Further mitigation measures to reduce the transport of NIS within ballast water and sediments impose additional costs. The estimated operational cost of NIS mitigation measures may represent between 1.6% and 4% of the annual operational cost for a ship operating on European seas, with the higher proportional costs in small ships. However, fouling by NIS may affect fuel consumption more than fouling by native species due to differences in species’ life-history traits and their resistance to antifouling coatings and pollution. Therefore, it is possible that the cost of NIS mitigation measures could be smaller than the cost from higher fuel consumption arising from fouling by NIS.


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A new species of lamellibrachiid vestimentiferan, Lamellibrachia anaximandri n. sp., has been found in the Eastern Mediterranean, close to cold seeps of fluid carrying dissolved methane and sources of sulfide in superficial sediments. It occurs at about 1100 to 2100 m depth, on some of the mud volcanoes on the Anaximander Mountains, south of Turkey, on the Mediterranean Ridge, south of Crete, and on the Nile deep-sea fan. In addition, it has been obtained from rotting paper inside a sunken ship, torpedoed in 1915 and lying at 2800 m depth, southeast of Crete. Some frenulate pogonophores also occur on the mud volcanoes (including a species of Siboglinum resembling S. carpinei and tubes of other unidentified genera). The new Lamellibrachia is the first vestimentiferan species to be described from the Mediterranean. It differs from L. luymesi taken from the Gulf of Mexico population in the very weak development of collars on its tube and in having a smaller number of pairs of branchial lamellae in the branchial plume. Sequencing of the COI and the mt16S genes confirms a difference at the species level between the new species and L. luymesi, and a difference between these two species and four described species of Lamellibrachia from the Pacific Ocean. The largest individuals of L. anaximandri n. sp. may be many years old, but there are numerous young individuals at some sites, showing that favourable conditions are available for settlement and early growth. The development of the branchial plume in a series of young stages reveals that the sheath lamellae, which are characteristic of the genus Lamellibrachia, begin to form only after the establishment of several pairs of branchial lamellae. Examination of the adult trophosome by transmission electron microscopy shows Gram-negative bacteria without internal stacked membranes, indicating that the symbionts are most probably sulfide oxidizing.


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Objetivo: Determinar los factores asociados con la presencia de ampollas durante el senderismo. Método: La población de estudio fueron 1155 peregrinos que recibieron asistencia podológica. La información fue obtenida mediante una anamnesis y una exploración podológica. Los factores analizados fueron: edad, sexo, entrenamiento previo, nacionalidad, tipo de calzado, antigüedad del mismo y kilómetros realizados. Resultados: Las ampollas se encontraron en el 71,9 % de los peregrinos y se distribuyeron de manera similar en ambos pies, afectando principalmente el talón (20%) y el quinto dedo (14,6 %). Se encontró asociación con el sexo (p < 0,05). Las deportivas fueron las menos asociadas con ampollas (p = 0,03). No hubo relación significativa con el entrenamiento previo y el uso de calzado nuevo. Conclusiones: La incidencia de ampollas entre los senderistas fue del 80 %, y se asoció con el sexo (mayor en la mujer) y el tipo de calzado.


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The well-known Majorcan journalist and town councillor in Palma Gabriel Fuster Mayans, alias Gafim, fought in the ranks of the national side during the Spanish Civil War when he was only 23. Using unpublished letters to his bride, the author has been able to retrace his role during the landing of the ship under the command of captain Bayo in August 1936, an exceptional witness from a man who became one of the most distinguished public figures in the Balearic capital.


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The ocean is a hub of noise. Bioacoustic noise, noise from precipitation and wind, and noise from oceanic shelf slides and other geologic processes have occurred consistently as marine species have evolved over time. However, with the discovery of oceanic oil and gas reserves, submarine systems, ship propulsion and the emergence of global trade, anthropogenic sources of sound have added significant quantities of sound to the oceanic system. Shipping has been found to be the largest input of low-frequency anthropogenic noise and Humpback Whales (Megaptera novaengliae), known to be the most vocal marine species, have an auditory sensitivity that falls within the range of frequencies emitted by shipping vessels. As Humpback Whales are heavily dependent on vocalizations, for reasons relatively unconfirmed, a better understanding of why they sing and how their communication is being impacted by vessel noise is critical. Evaluating existing literature both on Humpback behavior and communication, the mechanics of their communication, sound emissions from modern ships, oceanic sound transmission, and studies regarding Humpback's exposure to other sources of low-frequency anthropogenic noise, it is clear that more research is needed to draw any causational conclusions between vessel noise and detrimental impacts on Humpback Whales. With a projected increase in global consumption and vessel traffic, there is an urgent need for further research exploring shipping noise impacts and behavioural alterations of Humpbacks. Existing research has shown changes in Humpback communication when exposed to low-frequency sonar noise, however few studies have been conducted on their communication when in close proximity to shipping vessels. In order for the impacts to be properly assessed, preliminary understanding of humpback communication, their auditory thresholds and more studies between vessel noise exposure and Humpback Whale behavior must be conducted.


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Hazardous shipyard wastewater is a worldwide problem, arising from ship repair. In this study an experimental programme was undertaken to establish the suitability of dolomite and dolomitic sorbent materials to remove contaminants from wastewater arising from a commercial shipyard. Experimental data indicate that dolomite and dolomitic sorbents have the ability to significantly reduce the COD concentration of the shipyard effluent (98% reduction). The data gained from trials at a shipyard indicated that the dolomite treatment process could be undertaken in a 8000 L pilot scale reaction vessel. Analysis of the wastewater using ICP-MS during the pilot trial indicated that the dolomite significantly reduced the concentrations of metallic impurities. The concentration of Sn ions, which is indicative of organo-tin complexes commonly found in shipyard wastewater, was reduced by 80% from its initial concentration in the pilot trial. The mechanism for the removal process using dolomite has been ascribed to a metal complexation/sorption process.


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Hull fouling is thought to have been the vector of introduction for many algal species. We studied ships arriving at a Mediterranean harbour to clarify the present role of commercial cargo shipping in algal introductions. A total of 31 macroalgal taxa were identified from 22 sampled hulls. The majority of records (58%) were of species with a known cosmopolitan geographical distribution. Due to a prevalence of cosmopolitan species and a high turnover of fouling communities, species composition of assemblages did not appear to be influenced by the area of origin, length of ship or age of coating. In the light of the present results, hull fouling on standard trading commercial vessels does not seem to pose a significant risk for new macroalgal species introductions. However, a high proportion of non-cosmopolitan species found on a ship with non-toxic coating may modify this assessment, especially in the light of the increasing use of such coatings and the potential future changes in shipping routes.


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Maerl is a general term used for loose-lying subtidal beds of nodular coralline red algae. Maerl beds support high associated invertebrate and algal biodiversity, and are subject to European and UK conservation legislation. Previous investigations have shown European maerl to be ecologically fragile due to growth rates of approximately I mm per year. However, these very slow growth rates have hampered attempts to determine the key ecological requirements and sensitivity characteristics of living maerl. In this study, photosynthetic capacity determined by pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorometry was used as a diagnostic of stress caused by various environmental conditions. Maerl species were exposed to a range of temperatures, salinities and light levels and to burial, fragmentation, desiccation and heavy metal treatment. Maerl was not as susceptible as previously assumed to extremes of salinity, temperature and heavy metal pollution, but burial, especially in fine or anoxic sediments, was lethal or caused significant stress. These data indicate that the main anthropogenic hazard for live maerl and the rich communities that depend on them is smothering by fine sediment, such as that produced by trawling or maerl extraction, from sewage discharges or shellfish and fish farm waste, and sedimentation resulting from disruption to tidal flow. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Heating 2,5-di-O-methanesulfonyl-1,4:3,6-dianhydro-D-sorbitol (1) in a range of solvents led to the formation of a gel state at low concentrations. 1 was found to gel aromatics, alcohols and water. The structure of 1 in the solid state was solved by single crystal X-ray crystallography; no strong hydrogen bonds or associated solvents were found in the crystal. Electron micrographs revealed the morphology of the gels to be predominantly rod-like. The ethanol alcogel was used to template silica by sol-gel transcription.


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Rh-2(cod)(2)(mu(2)-dppm)(mu(2)-Cl)]BF4 (1) rearranges under carbon monoxide to give [Rh-3(mu(2)-dppm)(2)-(mu(2)-CO)(3)(K-1-CO)(3)]BF4 (2). Complex 2 has been structurally characterized by single crystal X-ray crystallography. The hydroformylation activities of 1 and 2 were compared for substrates styrene and 1-hexene and the activity of 2 found to be unexpectedly high.