1000 resultados para Biopolitical control
Few microorganisms are commercially available for use against white grubs (larvae of Scarabaeidae). Entomopathogenic bacteria, particularly Bacillus popilliae, have been used the longest for white grub suppression. Other bacteria, namely B. thuringiensis and Serratia spp. offer promise for future control. This papes examines two genera of bacteria (Bacillus and Serratia) from the historical and current perspective. Bacillus popilliae, the firs microbial control agent registered in the United States, has a long history of use in suppressing populations of the Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica. However, lack of in vitro production and the slow and sporadic nature of its activity, severely limits its utilization. B. thuringiensis, the most widely used microbial pesticide, has not been used for scarab, control. However, strains with scarab activity have recently been discovered. Scarab larvae have been collected in the United States with signs and symptoms similar to those characteristic of amber disease (caused by Serratia entomophila) in the New Zealand grass grub, Costelytra zealandica. A total of 147 bacteria have been obtained from the digestive tracts of larvae of the Japanese beetle and masked chafers, Cyclocephala spp., as well as from larvae and soil collected in Japan and China. Seventy five of these have been identified as Serratia spp. Most (40) of the remaining bacteria are in the genus Enterobacter. A majority of the bacteria (73) and of the Serratia (38) came from P. japonica.
Mosquitoes are vector of serious human and animal diseases, such as malaria, dengue, yellow fever, among others. The use of biological control agents has provide an environmentally safe and highly specific alternative to the use of chemical insecticides in the control of vector borne diseases. Bacillus thuringiensis and B. sphaericus produce toxic proteins to mosquito larvae. Great progress has been made on the biochemical and molecular characterization of such proteins and the genes encoding them. Nevertheless, the low residuality of these biological insecticides is one of the major drawbacks. This article present some interesting aspects of the mosquito larvae feeding habits and review the attempts that have been made to genetically engineer microorganisms that while are used by mosquito larvae as a food source should express the Bacillus toxin genes in order to improve the residuality and stability in the mosquito breeding ponds.
Integrated control measures against Culex quinquefasciastus have been implemented in a pilot urban area in Recife, Brazil. About 3,000 breeding sites found within the operational area were responsible for very high mosquito densities recorded during the pretrial period. Physical control measures have been applied to cess pits before starting a series of 37 treatments of the other sites with Bacillus sphaericus strain 2362, over 27 months. In spite of the difficulties due to environmental conditions, very significant reductions in preimaginal population of C. quinquefasciatus were achieved and, as a consequence, low adult mosquito densities were maintained for a relatively long period of time. Entomological and environmental data gathered in this pilot project can contribute to design an integrated mosquito control program in Recife city.
In Brazil, the use of biological vector-control methods has been largely confined to experimental research, with little or no application of such techniques by public institutions responsible for implementing control programs. The notable exceptions have been the black fly control program carried out by the Health Secretariat in the State of São Paulo. Since the 1980s, São Paulo's "Superintendência de Controle de Endemias" has been conducting studies on the viability of using Bacillus thuringiensis (H-14) for simuliid control, and the results have been so encouraging that the agency has now incorporated this method into its Simuliid Control Program.
The subject of this conference reflects the scientific community's interest in seeking to understand the complex causal web whose various social, economic, and biological components interact in the production and reproduction of schistosomiasis and its control in relation to community participation. From the onset, the author stresses the impossibility of dealing separately with community participation, as if social components were just one more "weapon" in the arsenal for schistosomiasis control. This study begins with a brief historical review of the 71 years of control activities with this endemic disease, stressing the enormous efforts and huge expenditures in this field vis-à-vis the limited results, despite the extraordinary technological development of specific, classical control inputs such as new treatment drugs and molluscicides. The article then discusses the various strategies used in control programs, emphasizing ideological consistencies and contradictions. Interactions at the macro and micro levels are discussed, as are the determinants and risk factors involved in producing the disease's endemicity. Unequal occupation of space leaves the segregated portion of the population exposed to extremely favorable conditions for transmission of the disease. This raises the issue of how to control an endemic disease which is so closely linked to the way of life imposed on the population. The study challenges the classical control model and suggests an alternative model now undergoing medium-term investigation in the States of Espirito Santo, and Pernambuco, Brazil. The author concludes that we do not need new strategies, but a new control model, contrary to the prevailing classical model in both concept and practice. From the conceptual point of view, the new model mentioned above is different from others in that schistosomiasis control is seen from a social perspective stressing the population's accumulated knowledge in addition to the building of shared knowledge. The model's praxis has the following characteristics: (1) it is integrated with and financed by research agencies and health services; (2) it operates at the local health services level; (3) use of molluscicides has been eliminated; (4) emphasis is given to individual medical treatment and improvement of sanitary conditions.
A review of the methodology recommended by the World Health Organization for the use of molluscicides for the control of snail vectors of schistosomiasis is presented. Discussion of the principle molluscicides used, their advantages and disadvantages, the techniques and equipment required for their application and evaluation of effect as well as the biological control of snails is included.
We have established an in vitro culture system for adult schistosomes that allows monitoring gene expression for up to more than ten days. Comparing female worms that are paired with those that have been separated, we find distinct differences, clearly documenting an influence of the male in female gene expression. In perfect coincidence with classical observations that were based on histological techniques, we find that the male particularly regulates gene expression in those tissues that are characterized by cell proliferation, e.g. the vitellaria. From these results, we hypothesize that the key target for the inductive signal that is transferred from the male to the female during pairing is the activation of a growth factor that stimulates mitotic proliferation.
Despite opportunities for radiation provided by spatio-temporal isolation, the basic morphological plan of pulmonate snails has remained conservative. In consequence of the resulting dearth of morphological characters and their plasticity, there is a case for using biochemical characters such as exogenous chemicals released by the snails (e.g. amino acids) and their chemoreception niche as taxonomic aids to classify snails of medical importance. As these same chemicals are used by snails to distinguish conspecifics they could also be used as "environmental antibodies" in controlled release formulations (CRF's) designed to remove target snails in a specific, cost-effective and ecologically acceptable manner. The snails, surface-living bacteria, algae and macrophytic plants are considered as co-evolved, interactive modular systems with strong mutualistic elements. Recently, anthropogenic perturbations such as deforestation, and damming of flowing waters, have benefited these modules whereas others such as river canalization, acid deposition, accumulation of pesticide residues and eutrophication have harmed them. Research is needed to elucidate the factors which limit the growth of snails in primitive habitats, uninfluenced by man, as well as in those subject to harmful anthropogenic factors. The understanding thus gained could be applied to develop cost-effective primary health care strategies to reduce or prevent transmission of schistosomiasis and other water related diseases.
In recent years, the strategy for the control of schistosomiasis has placed increased emphasis on the role of health education, public information, and communication. This should, not only bring about specific changes in behavior aiming at disease prevention, but also stimulate participation of the community in health programs. Beyond this, it is desirable that both community members and researchers should seek better life conditions through a transformative social action. The present paper addresses these concerns; first, by critically reviewing some health education programs that were developed in Brazil, and, secondly, by analyzing and suggesting ways to improve this area.
Schistosomiasis control was impossible without effective tools. Synthetic molluscicides developed in the 1950s spearheaded community level control. Snail eradication proved impossible but repeated mollusciciding to manage natural snail populations could eliminate transmission. Escalating costs, logistical complexity, its labour-intensive nature and possible environmental effects caused some concern. The arrival of safe, effective, single-dose drugs in the 1970s offered an apparently better alternative but experience revealed the need for repeated treatments to minimise reinfection in programmes relying on drugs alone. Combining treatment with mollusciciding was more successful, but broke down if mollusciciding was withdrawn to save money. The provision of sanitation and safe water to prevent transmission is too expensive in poor rural areas where schistosomiasis is endemic; rendering ineffective public health education linked to primary health care. In the tropics, moreover, children (the key group in maintaining transmission) will always play in water. Large scale destruction of natural snail habitats remains impossibly expensive (although proper design could render many new man-made habitats unsuitable for snails). Neither biological control agents nor plant molluscicides have proved satisfactory alternatives to synthetic molluscicides. Biologists can develop effective strategies for using synthetic molluscicides in different epidemiological situations if only, like drugs, their price can be reduced.
Attempts to control schistosomiasis have hitherto involved the use of one or more of the following methods, either in isolation or in combination: (1) control of the intermediate host using molluscicides or biological methods; (2) basic sanitation and clean water supply; (3) health education; (4) individual or mass treatment; (5) protection of individuals in such a way as to prevent cercariae from penetrating the skin; (6) vaccine-based strategies against schistosomiasis. None of these methods is capable, on its own, of bringing about effective control of schistosomiasis, except in populations of a very limited size or under very special conditions. Molluscicides, besides expensive and toxic, have only a temporary effect. As for biological control, there is no effective method yet. Basic sanitation and clean water supply combined with health education potentially constitute the most effective approach, but only in the mid-to-long term. Mass treatment reduces morbidity, but does not control transmission. Protection of individuals has proved to be impracticable on a large scale. Vaccine-based strategies against schistosomiasis are still in the experimental stage. Experiments carried out in Brazil in the last 20 years have shown that mass treatment with single doses of oxamniquine or praziquantel can rapidly reduce levels of Shistosoma mansoni infection and morbidity in endemic areas. They have also shown that subsequent transmission and reinfection frequently occur in defined foci or "clusters", due to human contact with water, and in inverse proportion to the number and frequency of treatments carried out. On the basis of these experiments, the author suggests a multidisciplinary strategy for schistosomiasis control.
En el present treball s’ha avaluat el potencial dels nemàtodes entomopatògens per a controlar la plaga de R. ferrugineus. Per fer-ho, s’ha determinat la susceptibilitat d’aquesta a 4 espècies diferents de nemàtodes: Steinernema carpocasae (soca B14, IDEBIO, BIOVERD), Steinernema feltiae (soca D114), Steinernema sp. (D122) i Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (soca DG46). D’altra banda, s’ha determinat la predació de Steinernema carpocapsae per part de l’àcar Centroupeda almerodai (Acari: Acaridae) per comprovar si aquest pot influir negativament en l’efectivitat de S. carpocapsae com agent de control biològic. S’ha vist que el morrut de les palmeres és molt susceptible als nemàtodes entomopatògens en especial una soca comercial (S. carpocapsae), la qual produeix mortalitats del 91,67%. Hi ha evidències de que l’àcar C. almerodai depreda les formes infectives de S. carpocapsae encara que no és suficient important com perquè es vegi compromès l’efectivitat com a bioinsecticida. L’ús de nemàtodes entomopatògens com a control biològic és una alternativa viable als mètodes químics de eficàcia similar però menys respectuosos amb el medi ambient.
Despite the success of control programmes, schistosomiasis is still a serious public health problem in the world. More than 70 countries where 200 million individuals are evaluated to be infected of a total 600 million at risk. Though there have been important local success in the control of transmission, globally the infection has increased. Economic constrains in developing countries, environmental changes associated with migration and water resources development have been blocking the progress. The main objective of schistosomiasis control is to achieve reduction of disease due to schistosomiasis. We discussed the control measures like: health education, diagnosis and chemotherapy, safe water supplies, sanitation and snail control. We emphasized the need to give priority to school-age children and the importance of integrating the measures of control into locally available systems of health care. The control of schistosomiasis is directly related to the capacity of the preventive health services of an endemic country. The strategy of control requires long-term commitment from the international to the local level.
After three decades' efforts, schistosomiasis japonica were controlled in one-third (4/12) of endemic provinces and 68.2 (259/380) of endemic counties throughout the country. The remaining 121 endemic counties are located primarily in the lake and mountainous regions. The epidemiological and ecological features of the lake and mountainous areas are different from the other endemic areas. The major schistosomiasis control efforts in China can be characterized as follows: (1) Application of centralized leadership and management, since schistosomiasis control is a task not only of the Ministry of Public Health, but also of all local governments in the endemic areas; (2) Integration of actions taken by various departments or bureaus, such as agriculture, water conservation and public health; (3) Promotion of mass participation; (4) Organization of strong professional teams; (5) Raising sufficient funds. Strategies on schistosomiasis control applied in different areas are divided into three levels: (1) In the areas where the schistosomiasis has been successfully controlled, surveillance must be maintained and immediate action should be taken where new infections occur and/or vector snails are found, so that control can be reestablished quickly; (2) In the areas where schistosomiasis has been partially controlled, any residents and/or live-stock infected should be examined and treated promptly with due care, and environment modifying and/or mollusciding must be used to eliminate the remaining snails; (3) In the areas where transmission has not been controlled, the main strategy is to control morbidity. Mass or selective chemotherapy with praziquental should be applied to both infected persosns and the live-stock, and environment modification for the snail-ridden areas should be taken but should be coordinated with agriculture where possible. Advance cases must be treated; and epidemics of Katayama fever prevented; water supply and sanitation shoud be improved and health education emphasized. Annual mass or selective chemotherapy with praziquental both reduces the prevalence rate and decreases the intensity of the infection for inhabitants and live-stock. As a consequence of the therapy a low prevalence rate can be obtained in a short time. The length of such arrangement period can be decided in accordance with the prevalence of the infection before the drug program is begun. Therefore,a maintenance phase is urgently needed. As China's ecomony expands and people's living standard rises, schistosomiasis will be controlled more effectively and successfully.
The successful implementation of a Primary Health Care System (PHC) in any country depends primarily on the ability to adapt its concepts and principles to the country's culture and development stage. Thus, the PHC system should reflect a balanced interaction between available resources, such as health manpower capabilities, and the nature and magnitude of the health problems. In addition, PHC should be viewed as the inlet to a multi-level pyramidal health system which caters to both community and individual needs in a balanced way. The adage that Ministries of Health should "work with and for the people" in health development, is especially true in the area of PHC, and hence, the health policy should aim to integrate health services in community development and involve people in its planning, implementation and evaluation.