985 resultados para Biblical Antiquity
The Sangiran dome is the primary stratigraphic window for the Plio-Pleistocene deposits of the Solo basin of Central Jawa. The dome has yielded nearly 80 Homo erectus fossils, around 50 of which have known findspots. With a hornblende 40Ar/39Ar plateau age of 1.66 ± 0.04 mega-annum (Ma) reportedly associated with two fossils [Swisher, C.C., III, Curtis, G. H., Jacob, T., Getty, A. G., Suprijo, A. & Widiasmoro (1994) Science 263, 1118–1121), the dome offers evidence that early Homo dispersed to East Asia during the earliest Pleistocene. Unfortunately, the hornblende pumice was sampled at Jokotingkir Hill, a central locality with complex lithostratigraphic deformation and dubious specimen provenance. To address the antiquity of Sangiran H. erectus more systematically, we investigate the sedimentary framework and hornblende 40Ar/39Ar age for volcanic deposits in the southeast quadrant of the dome. In this sector, Bapang (Kabuh) sediments have their largest exposure, least deformation, and most complete tephrostratigraphy. At five locations, we identify a sequence of sedimentary cycles in which H. erectus fossils are associated with epiclastic pumice. From sampled pumice, eight hornblende separates produced 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages ranging from 1.51 ± 0.08 Ma at the Bapang/Sangiran Formation contact, to 1.02 ± 0.06 Ma, at a point above the hominin-bearing sequence. The chronological sequence of 40Ar/39Ar ages follows stratigraphic order across the southeast quadrant. An intermediate level yielding four nearly complete crania has an age of about 1.25 Ma.
The Ediacaran biota is the earliest diverse community of macroscopic animals and protoctists. Body and trace fossils in the Clemente Formation of northwestern Sonora extend downward the geologic range of Ediacaran forms. Taxa present in the Clemente Formation include cf. Cyclomedusa plana, Sekwia sp., an erniettid (bearing an air mattress-like "pneu" body construction), and the trace fossils Lockeia ichnosp. and Palaeophycus tubularis. The trace fossils confirm the presence of sediment-dwelling animals in this shallow marine community. The body fossils are headless, tailless, and appendageless. Some may be body fossils of animals but others may be fossils of large protoctists. These body and trace fossils, recovered from thinly bedded sandstones and siltstones, occur 75 meters lower in the Sonoran stratigraphic section than a distinctive Clemente Formation oolite. The stratigraphic position of the fossils below this oolite permits long-distance correlation between fossiliferous Proterozoic strata of Mexico and the United States. Correlations utilizing both the Clemente Formation oolite and a trace fossil (Vermiforma antiqua) confirm the antiquity (600 million years or more) of this body fossil-rich community of macroscopic eukaryotes. The recently discovered body fossils are the oldest known remains of the Ediacaran biota.
This dissertation argues that the textual community of fourth or fifth century monastic Egypt read Testament of Isaac as an ascetical regimen in order to transform themselves into children of Isaac. T. Isaac highlights three particular dimensions of Isaac's character from the remembered tradition of Isaac that would have resonated in the Egyptian monastic context of the textual community - Isaac as priestly authority, Isaac as sacrifice, and Isaac as blind ascetic - to create a model for the new self that the textual community aimed to achieve. Two important ascetic practices in T. Isaac that the textual community was to perform were copying and reading T. Isaac. These two practices functioned as technologies of the self that helped the members of the textual community to transform their present subjectivity into a new self modeled on Isaac in T. Isaac.
Poets' thoughts about poetry have long been the subject of much attention. Since Classical Antiquity this has given rise to powerful reflections about literature, influencing texts which would then become part of academic discourse. However, these have also been used to help to explain or exemplify questions the academic discipline of Literary Theory have failed to address properly, since such questions related to the process of creation justifiably give attention to the writers' own experiences of such a process. Nevertheless, although the content of texts in which poets explain their own creation or specify key aspects of the literary process has been taken into account, there has not been any systematic study of the formal aspects of the discourse coming from the creator. The reason lies in the fact that the discourse of the creator takes different and variant directions that complicate its definition and distinction in relation to other kinds of similar texts. The first part, theoretical in nature, has emerged from the study of explicit poetics by numerous authors, as well as from critical bibliography. This seeks to identify common characteristics of these texts. Conversely, the second and third parts aims to find the individuality of Colinas' poetics, which manifests itself fundamentally in its content. Because of this, it is the study of the core parts of Colinas' poetic thinking expressed in the trends of his explicit poetics that will constitute a substantial part of this section of research...
he dragon tree, a peculiar species native to Socotra, southwest Arabia, east Africa, Morocco, Macaronesia, and the Canary islands, possesses an intriguing iconographic history. The first wave of images date from 1470 to 1550, beginning with Martin Schongauer’s 1470 engraving of The Flight into Egypt. These depictions portray the dragon tree in the context of a handful of biblical themes and with apparent symbolic import. After 1550, religious images of the dragon tree vanish abruptly and are replaced by representations of an empirical nature. Dragon tree iconography is notable for the extent to which it did and did not leave an impression on European art. In this paper I examine the inability of dragon tree images to gain the momentum required to propel them into European iconography more permanently, and the forces that may account for the abrupt change from biblical to botanical renderings.
Estudiamos las evidencias de la ocupación tardoantigua y altomedieval en el entorno de la ciudad de Eio-Iyyu (El Tolmo de Minateda, Hellín, Albacete). Mediante el reconocimiento superficial del terreno y la revisión de los materiales arqueológicos se propone la caracterización del poblamiento entre los ss. VII d.C. y IX d.C. El análisis ofrece una ocupación densa en la que empiezan a reconocerse espacios campesinos agregados que podría corresponder a aldeas campesinas.
En las últimas décadas, la Arqueología de investigación realizada desde el Área de Arqueología de la Universidad de Alicante ha realizado considerables aportaciones en el ámbito transversal de la Arqueología, desde el convencimiento de que esta disciplina no debe estar atada a ningún periodo histórico concreto. Así, se ha propuesto una nueva visión urbanística de los primeros tiempos de la cultura ibérica y de su relación con la fenicia; se han identificado y estudiado ciudades romanas hasta ahora desconocidas y se han desarrollado modelos del cambio cultural que desde la tardía Antigüedad lleva al Medievo.
La mayoría de los investigadores considera que las primeras expresiones publicitarias se remontan a la Antigüedad; otros creen desproporcionada esta visión tan larga. Un tercer grupo lo integran aquéllos que adoptan criterios eclécticos. En este trabajo el objetivo ha sido, por una parte, reflexionar sobre por qué la historia de la publicidad cuenta en España con tan escasos estudios; y, por otra, ha sido mostrar las diferentes y más representativas propuestas cronológicas, partiendo de una clasificación propia que ordena la Historia publicitaria en dos modelos: generalista y restrictivo.
Roman seals associated with collyria (Latin expression for eye drops /washes and lotions for eye maintenance) provide valuable information about eye care in the antiquity. These small, usually stone-made pieces bore engravings with the names of eye doctors and also the collyria used to treat an eye disease. The collyria seals have been found all over the Roman empire and Celtic territories in particular and were usually associated with military camps. In Hispania (Iberian Peninsula), only three collyria seals have been found. These findings speak about eye care in this ancient Roman province as well as about of the life of the time. This article takes a look at the utility and social significance of the collyria seals and seeks to give an insight in the ophthalmological practice of in the Roman Empire.
Jerónimo Quijano fue uno de los ilustres arquitectos destacados del Renacimiento pleno en España. Su obra, la iglesia de Santiago en Orihuela -Alicante- posee una Capilla Mayor renacentista, de carácter funerario, de planta central y adosada a una nave gótica. Destaca su bóveda superior de 4 pares de arcos entrecruzados y revirados. Al ser dobles se reduce la superficie central de plementería y se gana en resistencia. Es de complicada geometría esférica y cuadrada a la vez: bóveda pseudo-vaída (esférica solo hasta los arcos exteriores) y plementería lateral adaptándose a la planta cuadrada. Supone la fusión de la antigüedad clásica con la tradición hispanomusulmana. Como referencia, se estudia sucintamente la Capilla Benavides en Baeza - Jaén-, obra de Andrés de Vandelvira e incluida en el tratado de arquitectura de su hijo Alonso, la cual plantea un gran espacio cuadrado cubierto por una bóveda vaída y reforzada por 4 arcos entrecruzados.
This paper notebook contains abstracts of sermons attended between January 12, 1745/6 and November 15, 1747 in Kingston, Massachusetts, presumably by William Sever. The notebook lists the minister by last name, the location ("King." for Kingston), the date the sermon was delivered, the biblical passage used, and one-to-two-page entries on the sermon containing numbered notes and a section titled "Improvements and Applications." From the front of the volume, the pages contain entries for sermons attended between January 12 1745/6 through November 30, 1746, and there are no entries for June-September 1746. Sermon entries for December 7, 1746 to November 15, 1747 are written tête-bêche from the other end of the volume, and there are no entries for February-July 1747. Almost all of the sermons were delivered by Rev. William Rand, but there are sporadic sermons by additional ministers, who based on the last name are presumed to be John Angier (1701-1787; Harvard AB 1720), Ebenezer Gay (1696-1787; Harvard AB 1714), Nathaniel Eells (1678-1750; Harvard AB 1699), Josiah Torrey (1720-1783; Harvard AB 1741) and Daniel Shute (1722-1802; Harvard AB 1743).
Four documents with suggested questions in the hand of Andrews Norton, Dexter Lecturer on Biblical Literature from 1813 to 1830. One of the documents is signed by Norton and addressed to President Kirkland.
Small notebook containing notes kept by John Winthrop on sermons he attended between September 1, 1728 and October 19, 1729, while he was an undergraduate at Harvard College. The volume contains one-to-two page entries on specific sermons and provides the biblical text and related doctrines, questions, and conclusions. The inside back cover contains a handwritten index of the minister who gave the sermon, most often Nathaniel Appleton.
The small volume holds the notebook of Tristram Gilman interleaved on unlined pages in a printed engagement calendar. The original leather cover accompanies the notebook, but is no longer attached. The inside covers of the original leather binding are filled with scribbled words and notes. The volume holds a variety of handwritten notes including account information, transcriptions of biblical passages and related observations, travel information, community news, weather, and astronomy. The volumes does not follow a chronological order, and instead seems to have been repurposed at various times.
A legal commonplace book by kept by Henry Wells of Worcester, Mass. Focuses on such topics as libel of a man to his wife, common recovery in writs and deeds, pleadings, trover, damages and costs, imprisonment, leases, mortgages, covenants, and ejectment. Also contains a number of miscellaneous entries touching on abridgements of law texts, minutes of court proceedings, kings of England, and biblical quotes. Five-page index located at the end of the work.