992 resultados para Bible. N.T. Luke III
Objective: To compare lower incisor dentoalveolar compensation and mandible symphysis morphology among Class I and Class III malocclusion patients with different facial vertical skeletal patterns. Materials and Methods: Lower incisor extrusion and inclination, as well as buccal (LA) and lingual (LP) cortex depth, and mandibular symphysis height (LH) were measured in 107 lateral cephalometric x-rays of adult patients without prior orthodontic treatment. In addition, malocclusion type (Class I or III) and facial vertical skeletal pattern were considered. Through a principal component analysis (PCA) related variables were reduced. Simple regression equation and multivariate analyses of variance were also used. Results: Incisor mandibular plane angle (P < .001) and extrusion (P = .03) values showed significant differences between the sagittal malocclusion groups. Variations in the mandibular plane have a negative correlation with LA (Class I P = .03 and Class III P = .01) and a positive correlation with LH (Class I P = .01 and Class III P = .02) in both groups. Within the Class III group, there was a negative correlation between the mandibular plane and LP (P = .02). PCA showed that the tendency toward a long face causes the symphysis to elongate and narrow. In Class III, alveolar narrowing is also found in normal faces. Conclusions: Vertical facial pattern is a significant factor in mandibular symphysis alveolar morphology and lower incisor positioning, both for Class I and Class III patients. Short-faced Class III patients have a widened alveolar bone. However, for long-faced and normal-faced Class III, natural compensation elongates the symphysis and influences lower incisor position.
In many plant and animal bacterial pathogens, the Type III secretion system (TTSS) that directly translocates effector proteins into the eukaryotic host cells is essential for the development of disease. In all species studied, the transcription of the TTSS and most of its effector substrates is tightly regulated by a succession of consecutively activated regulators. However, the whole genetic programme driven by these regulatory cascades is still unknown, especially in bacterial plant pathogens. Here, we have characterised the programme triggered by HrpG, a host-responsive regulator of the TTSS activation cascade in the plant pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum. We show through genome-wide expression analysis that, in addition to the TTSS, HrpG controls the expression of a previously undescribed TTSS-independent pathway that includes a number of other virulence determinants and genes likely involved in adaptation to life in the host. Functional studies revealed that this second pathway co-ordinates the bacterial production of plant cell wall-degrading enzymes, exopolysaccharide, and the phytohormones ethylene and auxin. We provide experimental evidence that these activities contribute to pathogenicity. We also show that the ethylene produced by R. solanacearum is able to modulate the expression of host genes and can therefore interfere with the signalling of plant defence responses. These results provide a new, integrated view of plant bacterial pathogenicity, where a common regulator activates synchronously upon infection the TTSS, other virulence determinants and a number of adaptive functions, which act co-operatively to cause disease.
OBJECTIVE: To describe the epidemiology, the surgical treatment, the microbiology, the antibiotic prophylaxis and the outcome of patients with the most severe type of open fractures. METHODS: Retrospective chart reviews of patients with Gustilo type III open fracture admitted to an university hospital in Switzerland between January 2007 and December 2011. The patient's and fracture's characteristics, surgery, antibiotic prophylaxis, and microbiology findings at the initial and at the revision surgery were described. RESULTS: Thirty patients were included (83% male, mean age 41 years). More than half of the patients had polytrauma. In all patients, debridement and stabilization surgery (70% using external fixation) were performed at admission. Soft tissue reconstruction was performed in 87% and in 23% immediate bone graft was performed. Antibiotic prophylaxis were given in all patients for a median duration of 9 days (60% received amoxicillin/clavulanic acid). Positive bacterial culture was found in 53% of the patients at initial surgery and in 88% at revision surgery. At initial and revision surgery, 47% and 88% of the pathogens were amoxicillin/clavulanic acid-resistant. Treatment outcome was favorable in 24 of 30 patients (80%) and in six cases (20%) an amputation had to be performed. None of the patients had chronic bone infection. CONCLUSIONS: Positive cultures were found often in open fractures. Amoxicillin/clavulanic acid which is often mentioned in many guidelines as prophylaxis in open fractures does not cover the most common isolated organisms. The combination of surgery and antibiotic prophylaxis leads to good outcome in Gustilo type III fracture.
Over the last years, in a context of international tax competition, international and regional institutions such as the G20, the OECD, and the European Union are redefining what is acceptable in terms of corporate fiscal policy. Certain Swiss preferential tax treatments are considered by the above-mentioned institutions as harmful tax practices. As a consequence, the Swiss government has planned a third corporate tax reform (CTR III). The objective of this reform is to ensure international acceptability of the corporate tax system without prejudicing local public finances and Swiss corporate tax attractiveness. Therefore, we can posit that the CTR III is an internationalized object influenced by both regulation trends and tax competition framework. The main purpose of this paper is to provide elements of answer on how the currently discussed CTR III is influenced by the international environment, by focusing on its content as well as the reactions and positions of local stakeholders. With the help of internationalization literature, two distinct internationalization processes have been identified through the propositions of compliance measures with internationally-defined standards and competitiveness-enhancing measures. With regard to the configuration of local actors, the degree of conflict seems to be rather high. The current content of the reform is supported by the business community and right-wing parties and rejected by the unions and the Socialist Party.
BACKGROUND: The management of unresectable metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) is a comprehensive treatment strategy involving several lines of therapy, maintenance, salvage surgery, and treatment-free intervals. Besides chemotherapy (fluoropyrimidine, oxaliplatin, irinotecan), molecular-targeted agents such as anti-angiogenic agents (bevacizumab, aflibercept, regorafenib) and anti-epidermal growth factor receptor agents (cetuximab, panitumumab) have become available. Ultimately, given the increasing cost of new active compounds, new strategy trials are needed to define the optimal use and the best sequencing of these agents. Such new clinical trials require alternative endpoints that can capture the effect of several treatment lines and be measured earlier than overall survival to help shorten the duration and reduce the size and cost of trials. METHODS/DESIGN: STRATEGIC-1 is an international, open-label, randomized, multicenter phase III trial designed to determine an optimally personalized treatment sequence of the available treatment modalities in patients with unresectable RAS wild-type mCRC. Two standard treatment strategies are compared: first-line FOLFIRI-cetuximab, followed by oxaliplatin-based second-line chemotherapy with bevacizumab (Arm A) vs. first-line OPTIMOX-bevacizumab, followed by irinotecan-based second-line chemotherapy with bevacizumab, and by an anti-epidermal growth factor receptor monoclonal antibody with or without irinotecan as third-line treatment (Arm B). The primary endpoint is duration of disease control. A total of 500 patients will be randomized in a 1:1 ratio to one of the two treatment strategies. DISCUSSION: The STRATEGIC-1 trial is designed to give global information on the therapeutic sequences in patients with unresectable RAS wild-type mCRC that in turn is likely to have a significant impact on the management of this patient population. The trial is open for inclusion since August 2013. TRIAL REGISTRATION: STRATEGIC-1 is registered at Clinicaltrials.gov: NCT01910610, 23 July, 2013. STRATEGIC-1 is registered at EudraCT-No.: 2013-001928-19, 25 April, 2013.
Borges decía que son clásicos aquellos libros que uno conoce antes de haberlos leído. Quizás en este sentido (sin duda en muchos otros) podemos afirmar que Figuras III, de Gérard Genette ,es un clásico. Se trata, sin embargo, de un libro de lectura lenta y, en ocasiones, confusa que quizás sea necesario resumir y sistematizar. El propósito de esta reseña, claro está, no es sustituir la lectura individual del mismo, sino , en todo caso, como si de una guía de viajes se tratase, introducir y animar a su lectura.
OBJECTIVE: To compare the effects of two different 2-week-long training modalities [continuous at the intensity eliciting the maximal fat oxidation (Fatmax ) versus high-intensity interval training (HIIT)] in men with class II and III obesity. METHODS: Nineteen men with obesity (BMI ≥ 35 kg(.) m(-2) ) were assigned to Fatmax group (GFatmax ) or to HIIT group (GHIIT ). Both groups performed eight cycling sessions matched for mechanical work. Aerobic fitness and fat oxidation rates (FORs) during exercise were assessed prior and following the training. Blood samples were drawn to determine hormones and plasma metabolites levels. Insulin resistance was assessed by the homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA2-IR). RESULTS: Aerobic fitness and FORs during exercise were significantly increased in both groups after training (P ≤ 0.001). HOMA2-IR was significantly reduced only for GFatmax (P ≤ 0.001). Resting non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and insulin decreased significantly only in GFatmax (P ≤ 0.002). CONCLUSIONS: Two weeks of HIIT and Fatmax training are effective for the improvement of aerobic fitness and FORs during exercise in these classes of obesity. The decreased levels of resting NEFA only in GFatmax may be involved in the decreased insulin resistance only in this group.
Egiptòlegs, biòlegs, radiòlegs i patòlegs intervenen en un estudi genètic per reconstruir el gran enigma de com va morir el faraó i quin dels seus fills el va substituir
Este trabalho tem por objetivo fazer uma revisão da anatomia e das principais doenças do III par craniano, demonstrando-as através de estudos por imagem, com ênfase em ressonância magnética. Os métodos de imagem são peça fundamental na avaliação de pacientes com suspeita de lesão do nervo oculomotor, uma vez que o quadro clínico é freqüentemente inespecífico e a gama de doenças que podem acometê-lo é bastante ampla. Realizamos também breve levantamento da literatura.
OBJETIVO: Utilizar a cintilografia óssea facial para identificar o crescimento esquelético mandibular, através do metabolismo ósseo condilar de indivíduos com crescimento craniofacial equilibrado, e compará-lo à atividade condilar daqueles com crescimento mandibular excessivo. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Quarenta e sete indivíduos, de ambos os sexos, entre 18 e 28 anos de idade, foram divididos em grupo controle - classe I (n = 13) - e grupo caso - classe III (n = 34). As imagens foram obtidas duas horas após injeção intravenosa de 200 µCi/kg de 99mTc-MDP. Foram realizadas incidências laterais do crânio e posterior da coluna lombar e a taxa de contagem foi determinada pela obtenção da média de contagem dos côndilos e da quarta vértebra lombar utilizando 300.000 contagens. RESULTADOS: Não foram encontradas captações condilares assimétricas em ambos os grupos, e apesar da ausência de significância estatística, os valores médios de captação condilar foram maiores no grupo caso. CONCLUSÃO: A média de captação aumentada indicou maior metabolismo ósseo condilar nos indivíduos classe III, sugerindo um provável crescimento mandibular residual. Mais estudos estão sendo realizados para aumentar esta amostragem.
The purpose of this work is to evaluate the possible impact of the so-called “crisis of the 3rd century” in the area between Tarraco (Tarragona) and Saguntum (Sagunt), currently corresponding to the southern limit of Catalonia and the north of Valencia, which during the Roman era made up the southernmost part of the conventus Tarraconensis. The processes of change experienced in rural settlements and cities between the Severan dynasty and the beginning of the tetrarchy are analyzed, and the importance of the city-country relationship is examined to explain these changes. The extent of the Frankish invasion during of the Gallic period, initially substantiated by sources and now by archaeological evidence, is discussed. The study of coin hoards (treasures and deposits) from the second half of the 3rd century, found in abundance in this area, is a very interesting aspect of this topic. In addition, a quantitative approach is used to study the population changes experienced as a result of the rural settlement of this area during the 3rd century, between the High and the Low Empires.
TFIIB-related factor 2 (Brf2) is a member of the family of TFIIB-like core transcription factors. Brf2 recruits RNA polymerase (Pol) III to type III gene-external promoters, including the U6 spliceosomal RNA and selenocysteine tRNA genes. Found only in vertebrates, Brf2 has been linked to tumorigenesis but the underlying mechanisms remain elusive. We have solved crystal structures of a human Brf2-TBP complex bound to natural promoters, obtaining a detailed view of the molecular interactions occurring at Brf2-dependent Pol III promoters and highlighting the general structural and functional conservation of human Pol II and Pol III pre-initiation complexes. Surprisingly, our structural and functional studies unravel a Brf2 redox-sensing module capable of specifically regulating Pol III transcriptional output in living cells. Furthermore, we establish Brf2 as a central redox-sensing transcription factor involved in the oxidative stress pathway and provide a mechanistic model for Brf2 genetic activation in lung and breast cancer.
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to compare posttreatment seizure severity in a phase III clinical trial of eslicarbazepine acetate (ESL) as adjunctive treatment of refractory partial-onset seizures. METHODS: The Seizure Severity Questionnaire (SSQ) was administered at baseline and posttreatment. The SSQ total score (TS) and component scores (frequency and helpfulness of warning signs before seizures [BS]; severity and bothersomeness of ictal movement and altered consciousness during seizures [DS]; cognitive, emotional, and physical aspects of postictal recovery after seizures [AS]; and overall severity and bothersomeness [SB]) were calculated for the per-protocol population. Analysis of covariance, adjusted for baseline scores, estimated differences in posttreatment least square means between treatment arms. RESULTS: Out of 547 per-protocol patients, 441 had valid SSQ TS both at baseline and posttreatment. Mean posttreatment TS for ESL 1200mg/day was significantly lower than that for placebo (2.68 vs 3.20, p<0.001), exceeding the minimal clinically important difference (MCID: 0.48). Mean DS, AS, and SB were also significantly lower with ESL 1200mg/day; differences in AS and SB exceeded the MCIDs. The TS, DS, AS, and SB were lower for ESL 800mg/day than for placebo; only SB was significant (p=0.013). For both ESL arms combined versus placebo, mean scores differed significantly for TS (p=0.006), DS (p=0.031), and SB (p=0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Therapeutic ESL doses led to clinically meaningful, dose-dependent reductions in seizure severity, as measured by SSQ scores. CLASSIFICATION OF EVIDENCE: This study presents Class I evidence that adjunctive ESL (800 and 1200mg/day) led to clinically meaningful, dose-dependent seizure severity reductions, measured by the SSQ.
Background Dopamine is believed to be a key neurotransmitter in the development of attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Several recent studies point to an association of the dopamine D4 receptor (DRD4) gene and this condition. More specifically, the 7 repeat variant of a variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) polymorphism in exon III of this gene is suggested to bear a higher risk for ADHD. In the present study, we investigated the role of this polymorphism in the modulation of neurophysiological correlates of response inhibition (Go/Nogo task) in a healthy, high-functioning sample. Results Homozygous 7 repeat carriers showed a tendency for more accurate behavior in the Go/Nogo task compared to homozygous 4 repeat carriers. Moreover, 7 repeat carriers presented an increased nogo-related theta band response together with a reduced go-related beta decrease. Conclusions These data point to improved cognitive functions and prefrontal control in the 7 repeat carriers, probably due to the D4 receptor's modulatory role in prefrontal areas. The results are discussed with respect to previous behavioral data on this polymorphism and animal studies on the impact of the D4 receptor on cognitive functions.
OBJETIVO: Analisar a eficiência da angioplastia primária infra-inguinal como método de salvamento de membros em pacientes portadores de lesões tróficas por isquemia crítica. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram analisados 36 pacientes submetidos a angioplastias primárias sem stent. Todos os pacientes apresentavam isquemia crítica com lesão trófica - grau III, categoria 5 de Rutherford -, sendo 17 lesões na artéria femoral superficial, 16 na artéria poplítea e 51 em artérias da perna, totalizando 84 angioplastias. Foram analisadas também as prevalências em relação a sexo, membro afetado, idade e principais comorbidades, sendo tecidas considerações técnicas sobre os procedimentos, assim como os materiais utilizados. RESULTADOS: Considerou-se sucesso quando a lesão trófica que motivou a angioplastia cicatrizou, ou o nível de amputação limitou-se a artelhos ou ao antepé, sem ter havido necessidade de procedimento cirúrgico de reconstituição do fluxo sanguíneo (bypass), independentemente de tempo, drogas associadas e números de desbridamentos realizados. CONCLUSÃO: As angioplastias no segmento femoropoplíteo e infrapoplíteo são procedimentos de elevado sucesso técnico, baixa morbidade e mortalidade, constituindo-se procedimento eficaz em pacientes com isquemia crítica de membro inferior.