985 resultados para Bending tests


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This work has used two lightboxes with Philips 500 W MBTF lamps for a comparative trial on the photoyellowing evaluation of untreated wool fabrics under dry and wet conditions. An investigation was made to account for different trends of photoyellowing of the same wool fabric when irradiated by the two lightboxes. The fabric specimens irradiated in one lamp experienced increasing yellowing with irradiation time while specimens from the same wool fabric but irradiated under the other lamp manifested no noticeable color change. These differences are attributed to the susceptibility of wool to small spectral differences between the two MBTF lamps. Furthermore, the color fading results obtained from the commonly used blue wool standard (BWS) references from L1 to L3 show that these reference materials could not effectively reveal changes caused by the spectral differences in two MBTF lamps. These results have important implications for conducting accelerated weathering tests on spectrum-sensitive textile materials, and considerable care should be taken when using BWSs to ensure reliable and consistent irradiation results.


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Testing for the behaviour of visitor arrivals has important implications for policy, for if visitor arrivals are stationary processes then it implies that shocks to visitor arrivals are transitory. However, if visitor arrivals are found to be characterised by a unit root then this implies that shocks to visitor arrivals are permanent. In this paper we provide the first evidence on the unit root hypothesis for visitor arrivals to Australia using a suite of recently developed panel unit root tests. Our main finding is that visitor arrivals to Australia from twenty tourist source markets and from the G7 markets are mean reverting. implying that any shocks will have only a transitory effect. However; visitor arrivals from eight Asian countries are characterised by a unit root. implying that shocks will have a permanent effect on this market.


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The paper examines the stationarity of India’s real exchange rate vis-a` -vis 16 of its major trading partner countries for the period 1960–2000. Application of the conventional ADF unit root test, the Lagrange multiplier (LM) unit root test with one structural break, and the LM unit root test with two structural breaks provides evidence that India’s exchange rate vis-a` -vis 15 out of 16 countries is stationary, implying support for purchasing power parity.


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In this paper, we apply a range of univariate unit root tests including the Lagrangian multiplier (LM) univariate and panel unit root tests to examine PPP for 16 OECD countries. In addition to incorporating structural breaks in the univariate exchange rate series, we also incorporate structural breaks in the panel exchange rate models. Our main finding from univariate tests, with and without structural breaks and panel LM test with one break, is that real exchange rates are not stationary, inconsistent with PPP hypothesis. However, when we incorporate two structural breaks in the univariate LM test, for most countries we find that real exchange rates are stationary. Moreover, we obtain overwhelming support for PPP when we apply panel LM unit root tests with two structural breaks.


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This study applies Granger causality tests within a multivariate error correction framework to examine the relationship between female participation rates, infant mortality rates and fertility rates for Australia using annual data from 1960 to 2000. Decomposition of variance and impulse response functions are also considered. The main findings are twofold. First, in the short run there is unidirectional Granger causality running from the fertility rate to female labour force participation and from the infant mortality rate to female labour force participation while there is neutrality between the fertility rate and infant mortality rate. Second, in the long run both the fertility rate and infant mortality rate Granger cause female labour participation.


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This paper provides evidence on the random walk hypothesis in G7 stock price indices using unit root tests which allow for one and two structural breaks in the trend. Of the seven countries we find, at best, evidence of mean reversion in the stock price index of Japan. Thus, overall, our results support the random walk hypothesis. We also consider the implications of the identified structural breaks for movement in stock prices over time. Our main conclusion from this exercise is that the second break in stock prices has had a detrimental effect on movements in stock prices in the G7 countries.


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This paper employs cointegration and error-correction modelling to test the causal relationship between real income, real investment and tertiary education using data for the People's Republic of China over the period 1952-1999. To proxy tertiary education we use higher education enrolments and higher education graduates in alternative empirical specifications. One of the paper's main findings is that real income, real investment and tertiary education are cointegrated when real investment is the dependent variable, but are not cointegrated when either tertiary education or real income is the dependent variable. We also extend the in-sample analysis to examine the decomposition of variance and impulse response functions.


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The use of then-test (retrospective pre-test) scores has frequently been proposed as a solution to potential confounding of change scores because of response shift, as it is assumed that then-test and post-test responses are provided from the same perspective. However, this assumption has not been formally tested using robust quantitative methods. The aim of this study was to compare the psychometric performance of then-test/post-test with traditional pre-test/post-test data and assessing whether the resulting data structures support the application of the then-test for evaluations of chronic disease self-management interventions.

Study Design and Setting
Pre-test, post-test, and then-test data were collected from 314 participants of self-management courses using the Health Education Impact Questionnaire (heiQ). The derived change scores (pre-test/post-test; then-test/post-test) were examined for their psychometric performance using tests of measurement invariance.

Few questionnaire items were noninvariant across pre-test/post-test, with four items identified and requiring removal to enable an unbiased comparison of factor means. In contrast, 12 items were identified and required removal in then-test/post-test data to avoid biased change score estimates.

Traditional pre-test/post-test data appear to be robust with little indication of response shift. In contrast, the weaker psychometric performance of then-test/post-test data suggests psychometric flaws that may be the result of implicit theory of change, social desirability, and recall bias.


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The contact conditions at the die radius are of primary importance to the wear response for many sheet metal forming processes. In particular, a detailed understanding of the contact pressure at the wearing interface is essential for the application of representative wear tests, the use of wear resistant materials and coatings, the development of suitable wear models, and for the ultimate goal of predicting tool life. However, there is a lack of information concerning the time-dependant nature of the contact pressure response in sheet metal stamping. This work provides a qualitative description of the evolution and distribution of contact pressure at the die radius for a typical channel forming process. Through an analysis of the deformation conditions, contact phenomena and underlying mechanics, it was identified that three distinct phases exist. Significantly, the initial and intermediate stages resulted in severe and localised contact conditions, with contact pressures significantly greater than the blank material yield strength. The final phase corresponds to a larger contact area, with steady and smaller contact pressures. The proposed contact pressure behaviour was compared to other results available in the literature and also discussed with respect to tool wear.


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The aim of this study was to estimate the demand for Fiji’s tourism from its three main source markets—Australia, New Zealand, and the US—using the bounds testing approach to cointegration. Our main finding was that visitor arrivals to Fiji and its key determinants are cointegrated over the 1970–2000 period. We then used the autoregressive distributed lag model to estimate short-run and long-run elasticities and found that income in origin countries, transport costs, and prices were significant determinants of Fiji’s tourism demand. We also found that coups negatively impact visitor arrivals from all markets. In testing for parameter stability, we established that the series were integrated of order one in the presence of a structural break. We then used the Hansen test for parameter stability and found that the parameters of our long-run model are stable over time.


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The saving and investment nexus as postulated by Feldstein and Horioka (FH) (1980) is revisited. The saving investment correlation for China is estimated over the periods 1952-1998 and 1952-1994, the latter culminating in a period of fixed exchange rate regime. Amongst the key results, it is found that saving and investment are correlated for China for both the period of the fixed exchange rate and the entire sample period. With high saving-investment correlation, the results suggest that the Chinese economy is in conformity with the FH hypothesis. This is a valid outcome, for in China capital mobility was fairly restricted over the 1952-1994 period as indicated by the relatively low foreign direct investment.