965 resultados para Belfast (GB)
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Mode of access: Internet.
A collection of miscellaneous pamphlets on Europe.
Includes index.
Mode of access: Internet.
GB Sketch #26 [of Site Plan]. Black ink and colored pencil sketch on tracing paper, 12 x 24 1/2 inches [from photographic copy by Lance Burgharrdt]
Mode of access: Internet.
Added title page in Irish.
Mode of access: Internet.
38 papers, including the Belfast address.
Phineas Pett, beginnings of English shipbuilding.--Francis Pettit Smith, practical introducer of the screw propeller.--John Harrison, inventor of the marine chronometer.--John Lombe, introducer of the silk industry into England.--William Murdock, his life and inventions.--Frederick Koenig, inventor of the steam-printing machine.--The Walters of the 'Times', invention of the Walter press.--William Clowes, book-printing by steam.--Charles Bianconi, a lesson of self-help in Ireland.--Industry in Ireland, through Connaught and Ulster to Belfast.--Harland, E. J. Ship-building in Belfast.--Astronomers and students in humble life, a new chapter in the 'Pursuit of knowledge under difficulties'.
Mode of access: Internet.
University of Illinois bookplate: "From the library of Conte Antonio Cavagna Sangiuliani di Gualdana Lazelada di Bereguardo purchased 1921".
Mode of access: Internet.
Variability in the test of Globorotalia menardii during the past 8 million years has been investigated at DSDP Site 502A (Caribbean Sea) and DSDP Site 503A (Eastern Equatorial Pacific). Measurements were made of spire height (delta x), maximum diameter (delta y), the tangent angles of the upper and lower peripheral keels (phi 1, phi 2, respectively), the number of chambers in the final whorl, and the area of the silhouette in keel view. Four morphotypes alpha, beta, gamma, and delta were distinguished. Morphotype alpha was found in strata ranging in age from the Late Miocene through the Holocene. It shows a continuous increase in delta x and delta y until the Late Pleistocene. During and after the final closure of the ancient Central American Seaway (between 2.4 Ma and 1.8 Ma) there was a rapid increase in the area of the test in keel view. At the Caribbean Sea site, morphotype beta evolved during the past 0.22 Ma. It is less inflated than alpha and has a more delicate test. In the morphospace of delta x vs. delta y, morphotypes alpha and beta can be distinguished by a separation line delta y = 3.2 * delta x - 160 (delta x and delta y in µm). Plots of morphotype alpha are below that line, those of beta are above it. Morphotype alpha is taken to be Globorotalia menardii menardii Parker, Jones & Brady (1865) and includes G. menardii 'A' Bolli (1970). Morphotype beta is identified as G. menardii cultrata (d'Orbigny). Morphotypes gamma and delta are extinct Upper Miocene to Pliocene forms which evolved from morphotype alpha. They have a narrower phi 1 angle and more chambers (>=7) than morphotype alpha commonly with 5 to 6 chambers (7 in transitional forms). In contemporaneous samples morphotype delta can be distinguished from gamma by a smaller value of phi 1 and 8 or more chambers in the final whorl. Morphotype gamma is taken to be G. limbata (Fornasini, 1902) and includes the junior synonym G. menardii 'B' Bolli (1970). Morphotype delta is G. multicamerata Cushman & Jarvis (1930). With the exception of the Late Pleistocene development of G. menardii cultrataonly in the Caribbean the morphological changes of G. menardii at DSDP Sites 502A and 503A are similar. The development from the ancestral G. menardii menardii of the G. limbata - G. multicamerata lineage during the Pliocene and of G. menardii cultrata during the Late Pleistocene suggests responses at the two sites to a changing palaeoceanography during and after the formation of the Isthmus of Panama.